

ET: Mod KMOD+ v0.5.7 released

Published in ET Mods
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Image KMOD+ v0.5.7 which was built on top of clutch152. kmod aims to bring complete admin support for Return to castle wolfenstien: Enemy Territory and mainly for ETpro mod.
Image Die KMOD+ v0.5.7, welche von clutch152 errichtet wurde, erbringt eine vollständige Adminunterstützung für Enenmy Eerritory (hauptsächlich für ETPro).
main features:
- TZAC support
- Complete shrubbot support
- Comes with a set of most used admin commands
- Ability to write your own commands and share them easily (Drag & Drop)
- Killing Spree’s / Multi-Kills
- Banners
- Player Inactivity
- And lots more.
Installation notes:
Extract the kmod+.zip into your etpro directory, and add "kmod+.lua” to the lua_modules cvar. Make sure the fs_homepath and fs_basepath cvar’s are set correctly to the ET directory. Please report bugs back to http://kmod.bugs3.com > changelog <
And don’t forget to share your custom made commands with us.

ET: Mod ETJump 2.0.0

Published in ET Mods
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Image Image What is ETJump? - ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

Image Was ist ETJump? - ETJump ist eine Trickjump Modifikation für Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Es bassiert auf ETmain, beinhaltet Fehlerkorrekturen und eine Menge andere Features um dir das perfekte Trickjump-Erlebnis zu geben.

Key features:
Built-in shrubbot -like admin system. The admin system uses client side usernames & passwords instead of punkbuster guids.

-A fully working portal gun! The portal gun is in a beta state at the moment
-Save & load. You can save your position and load it.
-Custom mapscript support
-Ghost players. No more blocking / killing.
-New entities for maps.
-Plenty of other things!

Mod is under development by Zero & Feengur. More infos on: etjump.com


Quelle: etpro.de | wolffiles

ET: Silent Mod 0.5.1

Published in ET Mods
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Image ImageThe Team from mygamingtalk.com released ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.1.

ImageDas Team von mygamingtalk.com veröffentlicht ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.1.

New features / Neue Funktionen

Added: !hstats, command will display the hitregions players are hitting.
Added: g_medics flag 512, adrenaline takes only half charge.
Added: g_adrendmgreduction, admins can control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit.
Added: themed Draws (time, fps, timer, speedometer), K/D/S display and lagometer. New cvar for this: cg_themedDraws Image : 0-use the old style, 1- themed style
Added: new flag to g_friendlyFireOpts: 32. Only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it.
Added: g_realbody, possibility for server admins to set up smaller body hitboxes
Fixed: !userlist command was not working if noone was online on the server.
Fixed: In certain cases same player was displayed multiple times on the userlist output.
Fixed: SP_team_WOLF_objective: exceeded MAX_MULTI_SPAWNTARGETS (16), fix from flms of ETPub
Fixed: !showbans didn't always display bans properly when the banned player didn't have PB GUID. Also, silEnT ID is now included in the list.
Fixed: Warmup was not dislayed to players before the warmup countdown started.
Fixed: Proned players moving when others were standing on their backs.
Fixed: vid_restart crash
Fixed: Temp Ban System didn't handle silEnT GUIDs
Fixed: Passed nextmap vote will now correctly go into intermission when map voting is enabled.
Fixed: maps not listed in the vote menu when game type is mapvoting or TDM
Fixed: not themed fireteam menus
Fixed: additional space behind location in fireteam window



Quelle: mygamingtalk | wolffiles

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