Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

RTCW/ET Movies incl. Fall Cup 3/4

Published in RtCW Movies

We have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added.All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

Wir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

Image Image
RtCW Moments - Week 3+4 The Last RtCW Movie 2
Image Image
ET: Ratte-The Mini Movie ET: baq - forever low 2

Quelle: crossfire.nu

SP-Maps Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness

Published in RtCW Maps

Yo$hik released a new SP Mission Pack for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness. It`s a 7 map mission pack, the following maps are included: manor2_1 - manor2_7

Yo$hik veröffentlicht ein neues SP-Missionspaket für Return to Castle Wolfenstein Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness. Es ist eine 7-Map Mission mit folgenden Maps: manor2_1 - manor2_7

Image Image Image

Quelle: wolffiles.de

Author Yo$hik Date 02.12.2012 Filesize 206 MB Download 1239

Movie Kris of Win 2013

Published in RtCW Movies

Movie Kris of win 2013 by krissey - Two, almost three years have passed since my last fragmovie. Time has come to release a new one! Return to castle wolfenstein, mostly oldschool style.
Hope you enjoy!

Movie Kris of win 2013 by krissey - Zwei, fast drei Jahre sind vergangen seit meinem letzten Fragmovie. Die Zeit ist gekommen, für ein neues Movie-Release! Return to Castle Wolfenstein Stil aus alter Schule.
Wünsche dir viel Spaß!

Author krissey Date 04.03.2013 Filesize 458 MB Download 245


Evo-Wolf-MP 2013

Published in RtCW Mods

Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, bringing RTCW Multiplayer up to date ! - Mod by =KT= SuperRetardo.

What's evo-wolf-mp do?
- Better Graphics (Bloom lighting, lens flares)
- Fixed Graphics (Bad bug in 1.41b, left maps looking like junk)
- No more "Too Many Shaders" Error Bug
- HTTP Downloads - If the server is setup for it, just like ET (only be supported)
- Replacement GUID system. Since PB no longer supports RTCW.
- A couple of other bug fixes.
- Fully 100% 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b compatible including ALL Mods.

MP3 and OpenAL support removed. Sounded like crap with server-side mods. Just install vcredist_x86.exe first.  It's a Run-time file from Microsoft. Then copy and paste the WolfMPGPL.exe file to your RTCW directory.



Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, Bringe deinen RTCW-Multiplayer auf den neusten Stand ! - Mod von =KT= SuperRetardo.

Was bewirkt Evo-Wolf-MP?
- Bessere Grafik (Bloom-Beleuchtung, Streuung der Fackeln)
- Bereinigte Grafik-Fehler in 1.41b, behebt schlecht aussehende Maps)
- Nie mehr die "Too Many Shaders" Fehlermeldung
- HTTP-Download - wenn der Server entsprechend eingestellt ist, wie bei ET (nur mit Support).
- Austausch des GUID-Systems. Da RTCW den PB nicht mehr unterstützt.
- Ein paar andere Fehlerbeseitigungen.
- 100% kompatibel zu 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b inkl. aller Mods.

Link: evo-wolf-mp

Author =KT=SuperRetardo Date 25.02.2013 Filesize 4,984 MB Download 367

Dignitas nimmt den europäischen Thron ein

Published in RtCW Scene
Die Prognosen standen auf Sieg für das ehemalige Team idle, jetzt bekannt als Team Dignitas. Die Prognosen trafen ein, ein weiterer Sieg in Folge, zeroPoint! war ohne butchji nicht einmal im Stande den Sieg zu schnuppern, leider. Es hat für sie nur für den zweiten Platz, nach der 0:4 Niederlage, gereicht. Bei der shgOpen Lan in Dänemark wird die Revange auf einer LAN folgen, doch wieder ohne Butchji.

Team Dignitas

Wir gratulieren allen Clans, die es auf das Siegertreppchen geschafft haben. 
Quelle:   The New RtCW2-Prison

Warleauge is back! RTCW Season XVII

Published in RtCW Scene

Für alle RtCW-Veteranen gibt es schöne Neuigkeiten. Die Warleagues startet eine neue RTCW-Ligarunde!! Es ist die 17. Runde in der Warleagues.

Gespielt wird auf RtCW 1.41b - 6on6 OSP und 6on6 Shrub.

Mappool: Base, Beach, Frostbite, Ice, Village, WL UFO
Die Regeln basieren grundsätzlich auf den (alten) bekannten WL-Regeln, eine detailliertere Regelsetzung wird später auf der WL-Website herausgegeben.
Anmeldung: Start ist Donnerstag der 29. Mai 12:00 CET bis Freitag den 6. Juni 12:00 CET. Weitere Informationen bezüglich des Anfangsdatums der Spiele wird auf der WL-Website herausgegeben.

Link: Warleagues-Homepage

Unser Apell geht an alle noch bestehenden RtCW-Clans! Meldet euch mit eurem 6er-Team an und nutzt diese womöglich allerletzte Chance, um noch einmal in der RtCW-Liga abzurocken!

Finaly it is time to bring RtCW back home to Warleagues! Season 17! will consist of 6v6 for osp and 6v6 shrub.

Rules: Rules are basically based on the old rule sets, a more detailed rule set will be published on our website later.
Base, Beach, Frostbite, Ice, Village, WL UFO
Match servers:
All official games must be played on servers that stream to pbbans.
Signups will open on Thursday 29th of May at 12:00 CET. And closed on Friday 6th of June at 12:00 CET. Further information regarding the start date of the RtCW season will be published on our website, so stay tuned.

Quelle: warleagues.com
In diesem Sinne - HF & GL

Movie Ubik 2013

Published in RtCW Movies

UBIK RTCW MOVIE from the Anniversary Cup 2012-2013 by bloxzin - This was originally going to have a lot more effort put into it but moving overseas so had to finish asap.
This also messed up not being able to get brandon's demos (our teams only low pinger haha).
Sooo don't expect frags of week kind of stuff but instead sloppy delayed action that is border line clean enough. Footage v birdz, radd, stable and n0.
We are all from either aus or nz so not known around here but all enjoyed being involved in the cup, even though we were the only team not to get a stream I think!!!! haha. we that bad???? Also crossfire most committed team award haha!! we done like monday mornings 1-3am sometimes. Also played all matches on usa servers!! even when we had an aus server some teams bitched soo hard about the lag that we put up with normally....you know who you are.

Thanks to biggz our captain, always arranging times and doing work. And warwitch for bringing the game sooo much life back.


Author bloxzin Date 28.03.2013 Filesize 438 MB Download 274

RtCW Server List

Published in RtCW Misc


Image Fietser of WolfMP has constructed an active RtCW 1.0 and 1.4 masterlist with the most important gameserver.

Image Fietser von WolfMP hat eine aktive RtCW 1.0 und 1.4 Masterliste, mit den wichtigsten Gameservern, erstellt.

>>> rtcwserverlist.wolfmp.com <<<

Quelle: WolfMP

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #6

Published in RtCW Movies

Image RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #6 by Playaaa - Here's the video you all have been waiting for. I hope you guys like it. I was gonna make it even better but lost motivation a bit yesterday.

Starring: Belgium Homie, Netherlands Mirage, Netherlands Playa, Netherlands Local, United Kingdom Crumbs, Germany Fro, Poland h2o, United Kingdom DtS, Netherlands Juncie, Germany souX, New Zealand bloxzin, United Kingdom MerlinatoR

Thx to Netherlands Bully for advising me this song choice and big ups to my fellow shoutcasters United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands voice.

Image RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #6 von Playaaa - Hier ist das Video auf das ihr alle gewartet habt. Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. Ich wollte es noch besser machen, aber ich verlor gestern ein wenig die Motivation.

Download HD

Quelle: crossfire.nu

RTCW CF Draftcup II

Published in RtCW Scene
Image Introduction: Because of the upfloating interest in the game thanks to the stream provided in the RTCW 3v3 ODC #5 by ZeD & Malmen a few weeks ago, I thought i'd be a good time to announce another RTCW 6v6 Crossfire Draftcup. I'm aiming to get 8 teams to play in a double elimination bracket.

Motivation: So why should you bother signing up? Cause RtCW is still one of the best games ever created. If you still want to try RtCW out, now might be your last chance. If you are an ETplayer, don't worry. There are still plenty RtCW players who can carry you. The only thing that you have to do is click that download button. You can generate a fully working CD-Key by using the ETKeygen inside. Last but not least, there will be a great livestream & shoutcast for the most exciting matches!

Date: Sunday 15 April 2012
Format: 6v6
Map pool: Beach, Village, Ice, Frostbite, Base
Signup: Reply in this news post as following:

Map Schedule:
Note: Decider map will be chosen by elimination (each team eliminates a remaining map)

  • WB Round 1: Beach + Ice
  • WB Round 2 / LB Round 1: Village + Frostbite
  • LB Round 2: Base + Ice
  • LB Round 3: Frostbite + Beach
  • WB Final: free choice
  • LB Final: free choice
  • Grand Final: free choice

Cup Schedule:
Note: all times are in CEST

  • 15:45 - All players should be on #rtcw-draftcup
  • 16:00 - Captains will each pick one at a time untill they have a team with 6 players
  • 16:30 - 17:30 WB Round 1
  • 17:30 - 18:30 WB Round 2 & LB Round 1
  • 18:30 - 19:30 WB Final & LB Round 2
  • 19:30 - 20:30 LB Round 3
  • 20:30 - 21:30 LB Final
  • 21:30 - 22:30 Grand Final

Quelle: crossfire.nu






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