RtCW Map News

RtCW SP Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

RtCW Single player Addon Hell Mappack 1 + 2

The Mission:
Alied spies have reported that the Germans have set up a lab near an underground tunnel. They are taking coffins out of the tunnel and experimenting on the zombies inside the coffins. The German Armed Forces are also taking various treasures from the tunnel.
Your orders are to infiltrate the lab and stop the Axis at all costs. They cannot be allowed to continue disturbing the dead from their sleep. Be careful, Allied spies also report that some lopers are at the lab.

Source: wolffiles.de | gamebanana.com | moddb.com/ronboy


HELL MAPPACK (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 17.02.2010 Filesize 10,17 MB Download 977

HELL MAPPACK 2 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Ron and Mike Smith Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 12.1 MB Download 695

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