RtCW Map Adlernest (Beta 3) converted by Homie, original (ET-Map) by Dersaidin - Axis strategic base / supply base located high in a mountainous region of Germany.
RtCW Map Adlernest (Beta 3) konvertiert von Homie, original (ET-Map) von Dersaidin - Strategisches Basislager der Achsenmächte / Lager liegt hoch in einer gebirgigen Region von Deutschland.
Beta 3 changes/Änderungen:
- changed spawntime for allies to 25 (from 30 original)
- removed "pipe door controls" and just put a side door there named "pipe side door"
- changed "courtyard door controls" in "door controls" (and both doors will now open when you blow this as allies)
- fixed bug: if you plant dynamite at documents as axis / allies you get message "dynamite planted at hitler documents
- improved target_locations
- made map a bit brighter at basement & courtyard
- made a new pic for the main blast doors (at limbo menu)
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Quelle: Homie via ICQ | homie.tk