ET:QW Scene News

Point Xmas Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is a new Christmas-themed map created by SSF Sage.

The map comes with 3 version!!! It comes packed with 3 in-game versions; Regular, a totally new wave based "Team Deathmatch" objective mode and Last Man Standing.

            1] Steal the Red Flags.
            2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House.
            3] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the             Central House.
            ***Bonus: Collect stars
            1] Steal the Blue Flags.
            2] Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Central House.
            3] Set up a Command Post inside the Central House.
            ***Bonus: Collect stars
            1] Steal the Red Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point.
            1] Steal the Blue Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point.

point.bsp / LMS version
            1] Survive!

Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder.



POINT XMAS Version:beta 1
Author SSF Sage Date 14.12.2016 Filesize 9,131 MB Download 232

Trenches v1.2

Published in ET Maps

This is the latest version of "Trenches", created by Thunder and Macchute of The Wolf Team Modding & Mapping Community. Trenches is primarily a map made for use in ETNam Mod, but is readily usable in standard Wolf ET too.

Storyline: After breaching the infamous China Beach defences, the Allied forces have made their way through the jungle and located the enemy's defensive trenches. They must now find and destroy the sewer entrance, located in this area, in order to further their advance into Enemy Territory.

Changelog 1.1 to 1.2
- Fixed caulked surface
- "Dirty-fixed" a tga in shader that is jpg in Wolf ET source
- Fixed missing sandbags texture
- Moved templespawn into the temple with 2 exits
- Rocks added to cover Allied bunkerspawn
- Forward spawn is now in the different huts
- Forward spawn is default Axis, but needs to be hit first
- Added spawnpoints so now there is 32 spawn for both teams (for 64slots servers)
- Flying leaves should be taken care of, I hope
- "Flying" tree fixed
- Tunnel fixed so you don't get stuck
- Clipped the map all over so it shouldn't be possible to get outside
- Clipped the sewer opening so you can't get through it
- Added intermission sound wav

Source: |

TRENCHES Version:1.2
Author Thunder and Macchute Date 13.03.2016 Filesize 6,114 MB Download 220

War Missile Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first beta release of the "Wolf: ET" map, "War Missile", created by ETc|gouki, Nico$ and ETc|#.Jay.#

The Axis Forces have begun to manufacture the deadliest V2 missiles ever created. They are producing these mega weapons at a heavily-guarded secret factory and the first of these new V2 missiles is ready to be launched against the Allied attackers in Europe.
Allied HQ has discovered the secret location of the V2 factory and despatched one of their elite Commando Units to destroy the factory, before the first of these missiles can be launched against them.

Allied Objectives
**Capture the forward flag and defend it.
**Destroy the factory generator.
**Repair the Allied Command Post and defend it.
**Destroy the Axis Command Post.
**Destroy the main generator, thus preventing the V2 missile from being launched.
** Steal the keycard.

- Command map fixed. Added the "cmarker" at the place where the objective has to be, in order to end the map.
- Fixed the direction icons to keycard.
- Improved the map "fps", detailed again, a lot. Added hint brushes.
- Created a new way to the first Allied spawn, i hope it's a little bit easier now. Let's see.
- Filled the map with stuff, e.g., plants, boxes... still decent.

Source: |


WAR MISSILE Version:Beta 1
Author ETc|gouki, Nico$ and ETc|#.Jay.# Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 7,61 MB Download 290

UJE Factory b2

Published in ET Maps

Enemy Territory map - UJE Factory Beta 2 made by [UJE] Niek

Axis forces are planning an assasination on the Allied General in his Factory. They have to get inside the guarded factory to get the special dagger to assasinate The General in his bedroom.
To get to the factory they have to steal the tank first to gain acces to the Factory.Then they have to steal a key to open the gates to the dagger and The Generals bedroom.
The allied forces have to stop the Axis and prevent assasination of the General.

Axis objective
*Blow the damaged garage side wall to access the tank!
*Escort the tank through the Town to secure advance spawns!
*Blow the Sewer Door Side Entrance and the Stair Well Door Side Entrance to progress!
*Capture the Old Village spawn for 7 seconds!
*Build the North and South Assault Ramps, the Neutral Command post, and blow the Trench Side Wall!
*Blow the Main Factory Door to access the Key and Dagger and capture the forward tower spawn!
*Steal the Gate key to open the Gates that guard the Dagger to unlock them!
*Steal the Dagger and run it to the General to assasinate him!

Allied objective
*Prevent the Axis from blowing the damaged garage side wall!
*Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank and snare or damage it to prevent their progress!
*Prevent the Axis from gaining access to the Sewer Door Side Entrance and the Stair Well Door Side Entrance!
*Capture or prevent the Axis from capturing the Old Village!
*Prevent the construction/destroy the North and South Assault Ramps, build the Neutral Command post, and prevent the blowing of the Trench Side Wall!
*Prevent the Axis from blowing the Main Factory Door and gaining access to the key and Dagger!
*Primary Objective: Defend the Gate Key and prevent the Axis from using it to unlock the Dagger to assasinate the General!
*Primary Objective: Defend the Dagger and prevent the assasination of the General!

Source: | Niek via FB

FACTORY (UJE) Version:beta 2
Author [UJE] Niek Date 15.03.2017 Filesize 31.89 MB Download 338

Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

This is another fantastic map for the Wolfenstein Community to enjoy, created by WuTangH.

It's the summer of 1940, in a European forest village, situated in the famous Schwarzwald forest. The Axis Forces are operating a secret weapons facility at this location, where they are developing the next generation of V Rockets.
The Allied troops must take control of the village, steal a Jagdpanther tank and use it to secure the tunnel route through the mountains. Once that objective is completed the Allies must then assault the Axis V Rocket factory and completely destroy it.

Source: |


Author WuTangH Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 19,86 MB Download 529

Raid Final

Published in ET Maps

This is the final version of  Magic's Allied-attack map, "Raid".

The Axis forces have hidden a stash of gold in a nearby library, located in a beautiful Italian village. The Allies must steal a truck and fight their way through the village to the library. Once there, they must raid the library vault, steal the gold crate, put it on the truck and make their escape.

Source: |

RAID Version:Final
Author Magic Date 01.05.2016 Filesize 26,86 MB Download 340

Kerkyra Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This the first official release of the map, "Kerkyra", created by -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping.

In the year 1941 a group Italian archaeologists found a buried stash of ancient writings. One of the documents mentioned a lost mythology. It stated if an army chief used three charmed artifacts, his fighters would become invincible.
These artifacts were the unstoppable Achilles' Sword, the impenetrable King's Crown and the Emperor's Chalice that gives drinkers bulls strength.
Another legend tells about an Empress bragging about similar items. The archaeologists believe the items are same and their secret unknown. A group of Axis soldiers is sent to inspect the Empress' old Palace at The island of Corfu.

        1] Escort the SdKfz 234
        2] Breach the Palace Gates
        3] Steal the Emperor's Chalice
        4] Steal the Achilles' Sword
        5] Steal the King's Crown
        6] Escape with the SdKfz 234
        7] *Side Objective: Destroy the Tunnel Door
        8] *Side Objective: Establish a Command Post to gain Spawn
        1] Stop them from escorting the Vehicle
        2] Defend the Palace Gates from being breached
        3] Stop them from stealing the Emperor's Chalice
        4] Stop them from stealing the Achilles' Sword
        5] Stop them from stealing the the King's Crown
        6] Stop them from escaping with the Vehicle
        7] *Side Objective: Keep the Tunnel Door intact
        8] *Side Objective: Prevent Axis from establishing a Command Post Spawn

Source: |


KERKYRA Version:beta 1
Author Sage and Pegazus Date 02.01.2017 Filesize 19.58 MB Download 374

Mountain Pass beta 4

Published in ET Maps

ET Map Mountain Pass Beta 4 created by Devils Right Hand

The Axis forces have hidden an enormous stash of gold and priceless artwork in old, abandoned mines, somewhere in the mountains.
The Allies have been unable to locate this stash, however, Allied HQ has received intel that secret documents, pertaining to the whereabouts of this stash, are located in a nearby mountain village.
The Allied squad must locate and infiltrate this village, steal the top secret documents, steal a truck and make their escape back to Allied HQ.

SplashDamage - Devils Right Hand

Source: |


Author Devils Right Hand Date 25.11.2017 Filesize 49.44 MB Download 596

Transmitter Spring

Published in ET Maps

Tardis has created a nice spring version of the map Transmitter.

Story of Transmitter Spring:
Civilians manipulated by the Volksempfänger's propaganda program are resisting the allied forces.
To break the resistance, Allies have to overtake a local Transmitter, which is amplifying the master-signal from Berlin for local receivers.
They have to manipulate the transmission-frequency by installing a radio Modification Kit on the Transmitter.
The Allies also have to rotate the Antenna towards their pirate sender.

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter."
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from rearranging the Antenna towards their pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Grate Door from the Allies."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Hut from the Allies."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Serpentine Barricade from allied sabotage attempts."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter-Station inside the Castle complex."
3 "Primary Objective:**Rearrange the Antenna towards our pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Grate Door. Keep the attack rolling!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Hut from the Axis. Keep the attack rolling!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Serpentine Barricade to secure the Forward Hut."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

Objective's Not listed - Allied
Constuct The Cave Ladder
Destroy The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Destroy The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Objective's Not listed - Axis
Prevent the Allies from building The Cave Ladder
Defend the The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Defend the The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |

Author Tardis Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 23, 324 MB Download 297

Würzburg Radar Phx Beta 3

Published in ET Maps

This is a new and improved version of Würzburg radar, created by Pheonix.

Storyline: The Allies must break into the Würzburg radar base and steal the Axis secret code book in order to analyse and eventually disrupt all Axis transmissions in that area.

Changes from the Original Wurzburg Radar:
- Changed Weather Conditions
- Changed Primary Objective (removed radar parts, added secret documents)
- Added Bunker Door (for documents' room)
- Added Truck Race
- Added New Axis's spawn points in the abandoned villa

- Special thanks to Splash Damage for having released the source code of the original maps
- 2Bit and Avoc for the Breakout2 skybox
- Rayban for the new foliage models prefab

Source: |


Author pheonix Date 22.03.2016 Filesize 5,848 MB Download 302






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