ET Misc News

Canyon Depths Final

Published in ET Maps

 This is a new and improved realease of the famous Axis-attack map, created by Yatta, Canyon Depths Final.

A large, mysterious and heavily-armed Allied outpost has been spotted in North Africa. Rumors say there's something here the Allies want to keep secret at any cost. Unfortunately for them, Axis forces are already aware of the outpost's existence and are determined to launch their attack.
However, the German Panzer Division, sent to assault the outpost, gets caught in a vicious sand storm just before their attack, sparing only a single, supplyless Jagdpanther. There's now no other option for the Axis Assault Troops who are left, there's no way back, attack is the only option, as they fight to re-supply and fuel their last remaining tank, all the way to the bitter end.

Thanks to
Yatta would like to thank the following people:
Aimbrosia, Happykillmore, Zacky, Blord, Alex and Blackbyte for all their encouragement. The ETF community & GoC clan for testing - special thanks to Nosi and RazorSword.
The CFB and ROP clans for their tests of the crippled, early versions. The ET mappers community at the forums and Chrucker for his ET scripting reference/tutorial website.
Please send any feedback regarding the map to itekimasu[at]

Source: | Yatta

Author Yatta Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 29,68 MB Download 321

Movie DefragArea (Update)

Published in ET Movies
DeFragArea from quaky shows the trickjumper xeoxis on costum and original maps. Im afraid to say you that this was the last project from quaky. May it is the reason why it becomes so good, as goodby present. The jumps are mixed with new and old one. Than a nice cut with adapted effects and a nice background music.
DeFragArea von quaky zeigt xeoxis beim Trickjumpen auf Custom und Original Maps. Leider ist das quaky's letztes Projekt gewesen, vielleicht es auch deswegen so gut geworden. Sozusagen als Abschiedsgeschenk an die ET-Community. Die Jumps sind nicht gerade bekannt, obwohl das Video schon von 2009 ist! Gezeigt werden auch alte aber immer noch wunderschön anzuschauende Jumps. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch stimmige Schnitte und Effekte mit passende im Hintergrund laufende Musik.
UPDATE: Now on YouTube

Author quaky Date 27.03.2011 Filesize 289 MB Download 449


Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: |

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 184

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

TwT New Year Announcement

Published in ET Misc

A little late, but better late than never.
So, 2015 has really been a great year for TWT with map releases and more members and site members joined. Also a bunch of models released too.
We have cleaned up our download section and I think our site is working good atm.

If you are a newly-started mapper to this amazing game we suggest you make yourself an account at our website as we can guarantee that you will get all the help we can give you.
Bad English is no excuse for not asking for help, for most of us here English is not our first language and we too make errors from time to time.

Our hopes for this year are that even more mappers, modders and gamers join our website and join in the discussions regarding new maps, mods etc., because player-feedback is everything.
And again, Thewolfteam is no Clan, so if you are in a Clan or Gaming Community you can still be there without any conflicts in any way. We are just a comunity of dedicated Wolfenstein Enemy Territory lovers who like to make maps and mods for this old, but amazing game.

This game still stands alone in the gaming world and no other game comes close to it.
I think we can safely say that it's the game with the most custom-made maps and mods ever.
And if you haven't tried it then you should!

We also want to encourage Clan Leaders to join us and share news with us in the proper forum. News will also be promoted from those forums to the website main page.
So what will 2016 bring?
Well, what we can say so far is that there is atleast 6-7 maps already under construction, some of which are very nearly ready to be released.
This year we will finalise all of our map projects as fast as we can and then be able to concentrate our work on model requests and mapping prefabs.

Here are some of the prefabs we think will be made this year:
-Steal Objective Prefabs-
In these archives there will be an objective to take and a delivery spot included too, which you will be able to place at different locations in your map. With a following script to simply paste into your own mapscript.
-Blow up Prefabs-
This will also be stuff that can be placed in your map with the following scripts to paste into your own mapscripts. Both Axis and Alied versions will be created, so you choose what you prefer.
-Constructible Prefabs-
With regards to these, we will always make 2 versions, one Allied and one Axis
This might include bridges, engines, waterpumps etc…
-House Prefabs-
These will be houses made either caulked or with the texturing following ET.
-Terrain Prefabs-
These will be terrains with alphablendings following the maps for you to customise in the way you like.

Also work more on our website tutorials in order to help you out in the best way we can.
We also realise that we need more map scripting tutorials, a step by step guide so people really do understand what they're  reading.
So be sure to check back this year and it's always good to read a bit of feedback from you in our website guestbook.

Happy new year and all best wishes to everybody!

Source: |

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

No Name ET 1on1 Tournament

Published in ET Scene

We cordially invite all players to participate in the tournament.
Participants will measure up to each other on the map Valhalla Station TE
in one-on-one.
The exact method of elimination will be announced when the entries are completed.

To sign up for the tournament enter your nickname from the game on this post.
Entries will last until Friday, October 17, 2014 y.
The fun will begin on Saturday, October 18, 2014 y. 23:00.

The tournament will not take place if you do not report at least 8 volunteers.
(translate by google)

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich graczy do wzięcia udziału w turnieju.
Uczestnicy będą mierzyć się ze sobą na mapie Valhalla Station TE
w pojedynkach jeden na jednego.
Dokładny sposób eliminacji ogłosimy gdy zakończą się zapisy.

Żeby zapisać się do turnieju wpisz swój nick z gry pod tym postem.
Zapisy potrwają do piątku 17. października 2014 r.
Zabawę rozpoczniemy w sobotę 18. października 2014 r. o godzinie 23:00.

Turniej nie odbędzie się, jeśli nie zgłosi się co najmniej 8 chętnych.

Link and more infos:

N!tmod 2.3 has been released!

Published in ET Mods

After almost 3 years of development, N!tmod 2.3 is finally ready for public use.
One of the major changes in this version is the built-in anticheat, NxAC 1.0.

A few things have changed since N!tmod 2.2, and some of your old server config files might need some adjustments to run with 2.3.
Don't forget to check the Setup tutorial and the NxAC Setup tutorial if you get any problems during the installation/update.

N!tmod 2.3 FINAL Changelog >> HERE

Source: |

N!TMOD 2.3 FINAL Version:2.3
Author N!trox Date 29.03.2015 Filesize 5.89 MB Download 189

Dark Alchemy celebrates 9th year

Published in ET Misc

After 9 years the heart of Dark Alchemy is still beating.

Old-Owl managed to do a great job.
We want to thank him and all others who helped (and is helping) to make Dark Alchemy a succes.

We are sure Old-Owl will continue doing the job as great as he always did.

Thank you for everything

We will celebrate our 9 years on 3rd of august.
The place to be for a suprise: Dark Alchemy A1 -

Source: |

No Goldrush Night - part 2

Published in ET Scene

Hello dear players! Prime Squadron No Goldrush night is back!

When? Sunday, 28th of September, starting at 18:00 GMT+1
Where? PS1 -

This uncommon nightly event is coming back at our server, after the summer break!
You didn't participate the first time and do you want to know know more about this event?
Here's what the No Goldrush Night is all about.
Just like last time, we are asking your help selecting the maps. You can suggest some fresh new maps or some very old but forgotten maps, which are out of the rotation since long time.
A couple of nice new gameplay modes will be added to the event, aside from the normal gameplay (attack/defence) mode.

New gameplay modes:
    Last Man Standing mode
    Gungame mode
    ET Pro Stopwatch mode
    Panzer only map.

We are planning to set up a 8-map rotation, so you are free to suggest maps for every mode or just for one.
Don't miss the chance to play one of your favourite maps!


ET Misc Charts

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