Ein Enemy Territory Fragmovie über den bekannten ET-Clan Saevus mit ihrem ersten Line-up. Regie und Bearbeitung von c-drik.
It's a Enemy Territory frags movie about the well known ET clan Saevus featuring their first line-up. Directed and edited by c-drik.
Everything is synchronized with the music (frags, cams, some moves...) to give a good flow to the movie.
Certains members have less parts than others because they never record demos.
I found this movie saved on a DVD, it's unfinished that's why there's no intro (black screen the first 36 sec.) and you will see some colored screens sometimes. I could not finish it because I lost everythings in a HDD crashed, hopefully I have rendered and saved this version.
PS: If you wanna see my first fragmovie, search for "Lamattitude" (RTCW movie)
Source: crossfire.nu
337 MB