Big Movietime! - Part 5

Published in RtCW Movies

Big Movie-Update die Fünfte ist da! Nach etwas längerer Pause, präsentieren wir euch wieder mal ein paar schöne RtCW-Retromovies. 16 Stück an der Zahl, haben damit wieder einen Platz zum downloaden gefunden. 

Diese "Wiederbelebung" der Gesamten alten und neueren RtCW-Movies ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von:

Planet-Videos | RtCW4ever | Wolfenstein-City

(SY) RtCW Movie

30 DZM Tirckjump

Campers Delight
X-Mas Cup 2003
Euro Cup X
GP QuakeCon 2003
Homies Trickjump
Remember Der Soldat
Image Image Image Image


Swiftys Trickjump

The Best Shots...

Homiejump 2

Zum Download wie immer auf "Bild" klicken.Viel Spass ! 

PS: Es geht weiter... 

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #7

Published in RtCW Movies

RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #7 by Crumbs - Play-Offs featuring: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #7 von Crumbs - Play-Offs Hauptrollen: crumbs, Kevin, Clown, abort, Kris, Sipperi, MerlinatoR and DtS.

Author Crumbs Date 03.03.2013 Filesize 96,15 MB Download 176

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #6

Published in RtCW Movies

Image RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #6 by Playaaa - Here's the video you all have been waiting for. I hope you guys like it. I was gonna make it even better but lost motivation a bit yesterday.

Starring: Belgium Homie, Netherlands Mirage, Netherlands Playa, Netherlands Local, United Kingdom Crumbs, Germany Fro, Poland h2o, United Kingdom DtS, Netherlands Juncie, Germany souX, New Zealand bloxzin, United Kingdom MerlinatoR

Thx to Netherlands Bully for advising me this song choice and big ups to my fellow shoutcasters United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands voice.

Image RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #6 von Playaaa - Hier ist das Video auf das ihr alle gewartet habt. Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. Ich wollte es noch besser machen, aber ich verlor gestern ein wenig die Motivation.

Download HD


Big Movietime! - Part 4

Published in RtCW Movies

Big Movie Update die Vierte! 12 weitere Retro-RtCW-Movies haben wieder einen Platz zum downloaden gefunden.

Diese "Wiederbelebung" der Gesamten alten und neueren RtCW-Movies ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von:

Planet-Videos | RtCW4ever | Wolfenstein-City


All 1000 Years
Legend 5

Welcome to the



Image Image Image
Pub Life v3
Summer of Cis
The Rage
Ticket to Hell


VEM - The Movie

Zum Download wie immer auf "Bild" klicken.

Großen Dank auch an Planet-Video Admin "Bruder Talon"

Viel Spass !

Reminiscence - RtCW movie

Published in RtCW Movies

Reminiscence - a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie - Made by Bully.
Bully, one of the very well known and great RtCW players says goodbye to the Community with a last Movie. The Movie shows great frags and sad moments (the emptiness)

Starring (in order of appearance)
Fro, Sipperi, Sirkka, Jam, Bully, Kris, Mirage

Quote: I still had a decent amount of footage lying around from people that had previously sent it to me with the purpose of turning it into a movie. Due to personal reasons I've not had the time nor motivation to do this. However the thought of making this movie never slipped my mind. It's way overdue but it's finally here. RtCW has been a big part of my life, so I wished to give it one last farewell.

It's been a pleasure RtCW.



Author Bully Date 05.01.2020 Filesize 2,79 GB Download 204

Completing ALL RtCW Trickjump Maps

Published in RtCW Movies

Homie presents his huge trickjump movie and plays on ALL trickjumpmaps in chronological order!
Good movie with over 8 hours of playtime for just watch or learn ;-)

Completing all RTCW Trickjump maps with some nice drum & bass on the background from dj's of my hometown :-)!

Trickjump maps played (100 in total), in order of release date:
00:03 - dzm_trickjump
02:19 - {AM}trickjump_2
05:18 - tj3_final
09:52 - mp_kolotrickjump
12:26 - brickjump_final
17:28 - pp_brickjump
20:33 - usf_jump
24:21 - experimental
25:37 - tj5
27:05 - strayjump1
32:20 - usf_jump2
40:14 - strayjump2
46:40 - testjump1a
48:17 - test_r01
52:50 - viojump1_exp4
57:17 - tj_combat_1beta
1:00:33 - tj_xp3_funpak
1:05:08 - homiejump1
1:12:12 - strayjump3
1:19:33 - nctrickjump
1:24:30 - strayjump4
1:30:14 - strayjump5
1:38:05 - tj_combat_2beta3
1:44:08 - homiejump2
1:51:32 - strayjump_rld
1:59:31 - trickmaster1_beta2
2:03:32 - trickmaster2_beta1
2:10:17 - forsakenjump2
2:14:11 - rg_jumptown
2:19:39 - fanxjump1
2:23:05 - monojump
2:27:01 - forsakenjump3_test
2:31:59 - mp_godyjump
2:36:26 - jump-city
2:40:54 - jump-duell
2:44:27 - xp3_city
2:48:39 - ezjumpz1
2:55:31 - ezjumpz2
3:02:05 - ezjumpz3
3:08:07 - $25,000
3:09:10 - $100,000
3:09:54 - $50,000
3:10:40 - animaljump_test
3:11:32 - hkjumpz_beta1
3:16:25 - avp-jump_b
3:21:23 - slickmaster1_beta1
3:33:00 - xjump_beta3
3:40:05 - zero_k
3:50:50 - xp3_testmap19
3:55:29 - winnijump1
4:00:08 - tj_dingo
4:02:55 - tj_dingo2
4:08:20 - homiejump3_beta
4:15:51 - winnijump2
4:20:40 - zerojumps1_b1
4:21:55 - tomikjumpik
4:24:00 - winnijump3
4:29:42 - tomikjumpik2
4:31:55 - tomikjumpik3
4:33:58 - winnijump4
4:40:50 - lego_jumps
4:43:35 - applejump1
4:45:42 - Torrejumps_beta1
4:50:26 - tj_dingo3
4:58:18 - tj_dingo4
5:01:03 - tj_dingo5
5:06:00 - tj_dingo6
5:12:36 - AOD_JumP
5:16:36 - tj_dingo7
5:21:45 - WinniJump5
5:25:23 - AOD_JumP2
5:29:06 - CricleJumpBeta2
5:41:54 - airmaXXXjumps
5:45:05 - BrokenDreamsRTCW
5:47:23 - clockwork_orange
5:48:25 - tj_dingo8
5:52:48 - din_beta
5:56:33 - wroom101
5:58:37 - random_FMJ
5:59:16 - ocean_t18
6:02:03 - tj_dingo9
6:06:14 - rtcw_1000jumpEX
6:21:54 - rtcw_trickjump1
6:30:08 - rtcw_trickjump2
6:39:04 - funmap_beta8
6:56:53 - winniglassjumps
7:02:07 - vertigo_beta8
7:03:15 - ZenoFunJumps
7:06:15 - jumpenstein
7:08:25 - tmf_beta1
7:14:56 - rtcw_fall_beta8
7:16:28 - piyo-FunJumps_rtcw_beta2
7:26:27 - flzjumps_beta
7:28:24 - rtcw_trickjump3_v2
8:02:29 - rtcw_trickjump4_v3
8:14:11 - rtcw_trickjump5
8:23:53 - rtcw_stretchjump
8:24:57 - rtcw_dzm_beta1
8:25:21 - tj_dingo10
8:33:40 - tj_dingo11

Maps not played because they are similar/duplicates to the ones above, or just unplayable:
rtcw_trickjump3_mirrored, tj_dingo6r, rtcw_trickjump5_EX, rtcw_1000jumpDH, rtcw_1000jumpEZ, cc_trickjump2/1, dzm_distancejump, Depot-Roof, tomikejumps (testroom), rtcw_testjump_beta2, nihjump3

Played on following trickjump servers: - Trickjump (1.4 shrub tj server by cassette) - AoD TJ (1.0 server with some tj mod with higher speed settings)


KT Clan Movie Nr. 25

Published in RtCW Movies
Das =KT= Movie Nr 25. von Catsponge ist endlich da.

Wie in den bisherigen 24 Movies, bringt uns der neue 25. Teil, wieder reichlich Luck und Badluck Szenen im gewohnten KT-Stil mit sich.

Auf dem =KT=Gameserver steht statt ProAim, das FunPur-Erlebnis  im Vordergrund und es wird wie immer mit den Tricks und Rafinessen der Bani-Modifikation auf den schönsten RtCW Custom-Maps gespielt.


Quelle: =KT=Clan

Author =KT=Catsponge Date 31.03.2009 Download 192


Published in RtCW Movies

Homie release his new RtCW-Movie - Strafeaholic - with nice ingame jumping scenes.

The Idea: For some years now, I have been toying with the idea to make an RTCW movie with trickjump actions ingame that leads to winning docruns and some nice frags. A month ago I fell in love with the Juno Reactor track "Mona Lisa Overdrive" and I imagined this soundtrack would fit very well with this type of movie. Last week i began putting some parts in on certain audio parts I had in mind and this week the movie was finalized.

Content: Demos consist of 3v3 up to 6v6 competition play on OSP, ranging from 2012-2017. They are included in the download file, for those who want to check it out. Some random scrims, some onedaycups and some from the latest RTCW cups when United States of America WarWitch returned to cast. Some of these plays were already in some older clips i made, but most of it is new.

Nearly all DOCRUNS in the movie (including the intro sneak walljump on beach) result in finishing the round, except for:
- Jumping south on ice while there is an airstrike exploding, there was not enough time left to finish the run.
- When parcher nades while jumping south and i fall to my death because i didn't hit the slopy ice part right cause of the boost.

Settings: I recently bought a 21:9 monitor and i thought it would be a good idea to test out its max resolution (3440x1440) combined with RTCW. I know almost nobody will have this type of monitor and it will result in black bars, but I mainly made this for myself anyways.

I included the hud (teamoverlay, time on clock, health and weaponinfo) because I think it's important to have some context with these types of play. I know the "player1 killed player2 with mp40" text is really small, but i didn't bother to try and fix it, because it's not so important.

Movie Info: Length: 04:46, Filesize: 1.68 GB, Resolution: 3440x1440 (21:9), Framerate: 60, Encoder: x264, Container: avi

Enjoy the movie :)!

Full UHD movie ONLY via download (1,68 GB!)



Author Homie Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 1,68 GB Download 187

Competitive History - RtCW Movie

Published in RtCW Movies

RTCW - Competitive History - QuakeCon 2003 - Made by Homie

Since March 2015, I have been collecting and archiving RTCW demos and shoutcasts of the oldschool competitive scene (2002-2007). I also have been recording and uploading these on my youtube channel over the last 4,5 years. My final goal was and is to make some sort of ultimate "RTCW Competitive History movie" for RTCW its 20th birthday. In 2016-2017 I was already working on some clips of various tournaments but I never got to actually finish anything.

The main issue I faced was that finding frags and recording in RTCW is very tedious and time consuming. I didn't want to continue until I found some way to speed up this process. In early 2018, with the help of Kimi, Crumbs and MAN-AT-ARMS, I managed to create one ultimate RTCW movie mod and a small Python module that can scan for frags in my entire demo archive at once. Kimi also modified the LibTech 3 code of Hannes that allows me to cut certain frags from demos, which saves me a huge amount of time to record. Without these people, this movie would have never seen the light of day.

I decided to invest my time on one tournament at a time, instead of creating the full history movie at once. QuakeCon 2003 was the first on my list. I started working on it from February 2018, taking a lot of breaks to avoid making something generic without any inspiration and taking the path of least resistance. I got hugely inspired by -Max- his work on the Ultraviolet Volume series. I wanted to do something similar like this for a very long time. This was the most challenging video project I ever did, and while it is not perfect, I'm very happy with the final output. I hope to create and release more videos of this series next year. I also want to thank MerlinatoR, bully, -Max-, Kris, Twister and superboyy for helping me with this project.

Enjoy watching!


Author Homie Date 09.02.2020 Filesize 2,11 GB Download 255

Godverdomme Panzerfaust

Published in RtCW Movies
Die Moviemacher "Bruder Talon & Bewohner", auch sehr bekannt für die Moviehighlights: RtCW4ever, The Affray, Vitamin P, Encore und weitere, präsentieren uns ihr neustes RtCW-Meisterwerk. 
Image Godverdomme Panzerfaust - so der Name des Titels, ist ein 25 minütiges Panzerfaust-Feuerwerk, eingefangen mit den schönsten PF-Momenten aus der gesamten RtCW-Szene.
Das Movie zeigt zusammengefasst über 30 verschiedene Clans, mit ihren fast insgesamt 70 beeindruckenden PF-Frags!
Sehr schöne Effekte und passende Musik runden dieses Movie ab, zu einem weiteren Highlight der Extraklasse. Ein echtes Muss also für jeden RtCW/ET-Liebhaber und alle die Splash-Szenen lieben.
Einen Haken an der Sache gibt es leider dennoch: Es ist wirklich das letzte RtCW-Movie was wir von den beiden jetzt zu sehen bekomen, denn auch Bruder Talon wird, wie zuvor auch schon sein Bruder Bewohner es tat, sich jetzt in den Ruhestand begeben.
Zitat Bruder Talon:
"Ursprünglich wollte ich nur etwas ausprobieren, dann einen Trailer machen, schließlich ein Movie, daraufhin eine Kollektion.
Bewohners Mithilfe machte es möglich, dass ich nun endlich - fast ein Jahr nach Projektbeginn - dieses Panzerfaust-Video veröffentlichen kann. Ansonsten hätte ich die 25 Minuten umfassende Kollektion von 66 Szenen euren Enkeln präsentieren können.
Demos von mehr als einem Dutzend RtCWler habe ich verwenden können, darunter Spieler wie Conker, Reznap, Silentdeath, Seskapil, d0dy und viele andere. Alles Gamer, die in der Wolfenstein-Szene gut bekannt sind.

Mit diesem Video möchte ich mich bei allen für die vielen Jahre RtCW bedanken und mich in den Ruhestand verabschieden. Viel Spaß beim Schauen und alles Gute!
Bruder Talon"
Wir sagen noch abschliessend: Danke Bewohner und danke Br.Talon, für die vielen geilen RtCW-Movies in all den Jahren ! 
Quelle: planet-movies

Author Bewohner/Br.Talon Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 632 MB Download 1873

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