RtCW Misc News

Omni-bot 0.86 RtCW + ET released!

Published in ET Mods

Omni-bot 0.86 for Enemy Territory and Return to Castle Wolfenstein have been released.

This is the latest release of the omnibot mod for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein".

0.86 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Change Log:
=== BOT ===
Added function MapGoal.SetEntity
Added Wp.SetWaypointFlag parameter can be a regular expression
Added WatchForEntityCategory can be used to detect landmines
Added gm script can have UTF-8 BOM
Added version number is printed to console when Omni-bot is initialized
Improved bots join game faster after server starts if maxbots>0
Improved players info is in the Server table already in OnMapLoad
Changed draw_goalroutes doesn't draw disabled routes
Changed new waypoint has prone flag if the player is proned
Fixed soldier with mobile mg42 does not shoot heavy vehicles
Fixed goals with same names were swapped in NoQuarter
Fixed waypoint_setname of closed waypoint
Fixed command goal_save prints error if file can't be opened
Fixed SetGoalRole printed error message if role was persistent and goal did not exist
Removed path planners navmesh, floodfill, recast

=== MOD ===
Improved command /entitylist prints type names instead of numbers
Fixed goal entities of multiple MG42s at the same position (on baserace map)
Fixed function GetEntityOwner returned dead player after gold was dropped and taken by another player

=== GOALS ===
Fixed covertops don't steal uniform when carrying objective
Fixed PLANT goal was always delayed 35 seconds even if defused
Fixed medic don't deliver medkits to player who is mounting tank
Fixed rendering of Stance property
Fixed medic sometimes did not give medkits to revived player
Fixed BUILD goal created by user could not be saved
Fixed roaming bots were going to position of MOUNT goal
Changed MinPlayersForMortar is number of players for one mortar (2*MinPlayersForMortar players are needed for 2 mortars)
Changed MinPlayersForMobileMG is number of players required for one mobile mg42
Changed cover spot priority from 2.0 to 0.81
Changed medic don't team-kill player at mg42
Changed medic can revive nearby player when going to cappoint
Changed only one medic or fieldops delivers supplies to a player
Changed soldier with mortar asks for ammo less often
Changed resetxp is enabled in all mods except etmain, but it must be enabled in shrubbot.cfg

=== SCRIPTS ===
Changed all bots disconnect if maxbots is 0
Optimized Util.ProcessMovers

=== WEAPONS ===
Changed bots get more ammo packs from ammo cabinets

=== COMMANDS ===
Improved cleargoalflags removes ammo, health, crouch and prone

Source: omni-bot.invisionzone.com | wolffiles.de | enemyterritory-stuff.net


OMNI BOT RTCW - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 9.32 MB Download 1124


OMNI BOT ET - ALL OS Version:0.86
Author omnibot Date 01.05.2018 Filesize 29.99 MB Download 3366

Infected Mod (A13)

Published in ET Mods

Micha! released a new version on his ET mod "Infected" - Infected Mod is a survival gameplay mod. It changes Allies to Humans/Swat and Axis to Infected/Zombies.

Micha! veröffentlicht eine neue Version von seinem ET-Mod "Infected" - Infected Mod ist ein Überlebens Gameplaymod, diese Mod verwandelt die Alliierten in Menschen und macht Achsenmächte zu Zombies.

* Humans: You need to survive till the timelimit is over !
-> Get ammo on kills
* Infected: Kill all humans to win the round (starts with 1 player)
-> Kill a human to infect him

Some features:
- Random Map vote
- "Infect a random player" vote
- Removes Mg42 and objectives out of maps
- Heartbeat sound on lower healthpoints
- World sounds for better atmosphere
- Player punishment for "spec -> human team" to avoid dead (empty weapons on respawn).
- Get ammo for kills (infected players get another throwing knife, humans get bullets)
- Thirdperson mode ( /tp 1 or /tp 2)
- More shrubbot commands
- Infected Team has special spawnpoints on some maps
- Edited mapscripts
- Tripmines
- Water breath bar

Server: 2.55, 2.6b, et300

server: windows, linux
client: windows, linux


Author Micha! Date 01.05.2013 Filesize 21,11 MB Download 396

X-Labs - Goldrush

Published in ET Mods

A new mod for ET has found his way to life - X-Labs.

Mod Discription Goldrush:
- All teams use carabine weapon
- Instagib mod - one shot kills you!
- If enemy dies he loses a goldbar
- Collect the gold and redeem this on the (any) flag
- More gold makes you sluggish / slow - but gives more points!
- Team with the most points wins

Tip for more points (requires teamplay)
A team player - called the cow - remains hidden in the background of the map (near a flag). His team collects gold and bring it to him, with selfkill. The cow collects all the gold on (and waiting for more from the team). Near the end of rounds, his team push the cow to the flag (because the cow is very slow with so much gold!).
So points in the six-digit are possible!

Eine neue Mod für ET hat seinen Weg ins Leben gefunden - X-Labs.

Mod Beschreibung Goldrush:
- Alle Teams benutzen die Karabiner Waffe
- Instagib Mod - ein einziger Schusstreffer ist tötlich
- Wenn ein Feind stirbt verliert er einen Goldbarren
- Sammele das Gold auf und löse es an einer (beliebigen) Flagge ein
- Mehr Gold macht dich träger/langsamer - aber es gibt mehr Punkte!
- Das Team mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt

Tip für mehr Punkte (benötigt Teamplay)
Ein Team Spieler - genannt die Kuh - bleibt im Hintergrund auf der Map versteckt (nähe einer Flagge). Sein Team sammelt das Gold und bringt es ihm, mit Selbstkill. Die Kuh sammelt das Gold (und wartet auf mehr Gold vom Team). Kurz vor dem Rundenende, schubst sein Team die Kuh zur Flagge (weil die Kuh zu langsam ist mit so viel Gold!)
Punkte im sechsstelligen Bereich sind so möglich!

Supported Maps / unterstützte Maps
Goldrush, Railgun, Battery, Fueldump, Oasis, Radar, tc_base, et_beach, mp_sub_rc1


Author X-Labs Date 22.05.2013 Filesize 10,37 MB Download 336

ET:Revaluation v1

Published in ET Mods
The first final of ET:Revaluation is now officially released to the public. It's more than a skinpack to make the game more realistic, it comes along with a lot of fixes and weights only 5 MB.

For all changes and fixes with an short explanation visit the website of this mod.

Die erste Final von ET:Revaluation (=Aufwertung) wurde nun offiziell veröffentlicht. Es ist mehr als ein Skinpack das das Spiel realistischer macht, es beinhaltet in seiner geringen größe von nur 5 MB auch viele Fixe.
Besuchen Sie die Webseite dieses Mods um sich alle Änderungen und Fixe mit einer kurzen englischen Erklärung ansehen zu können.

Download & Info:

--> ET:Revaluation v1
--> ET:Revaluation Website


  • Specific Weaponskins
  • Changes for more realism and an better look
  • Fixes for stock ET and custom maps
  • 5 MB filesize

Quelle:   Wolfmap.de

Author Berzerkr (GER) Date 08.12.2010 Filesize 5,016 MB Download 190

Jaymod 2.1.6

Published in ET Mods

Jaymod 2.1.6 ist released. Wie immer handelt es sich eine Version in Beta Qualität.

Verbesserte Funktionen:

  • verbesserte Omnibot 0.66 unterstützung
  • Automatische Netztwerk erkennung
  • Klassen beschränkungen
  • fight, goomba und back-stab sounds
  • Luft Anzeige für Spieler unter Wasser
  • Speedometer, neue Geschwindigkeitsanzeige

Wie immer wird nicht garantiert das die version Bug frei ist.

Zum download gehts hier

Für mehr Informationen schaut euch hier die Bugsfixes an.

silEnT Mod 0.8.2 released

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.2.

    Version 0.8.2
    Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills.
    Added: enemy team objective carry indicator (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/3165-objective-captured-visual-screen-indicator/). Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD.
    Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly.
    Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly.
    Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators.
    Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class.
    Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer.
    Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command.
    Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly.
    Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more then 2 in total.
    Fixed: UI crash in menu (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-242-client-game-crashes-in-menu/)
    Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it.
    Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-248-possible-bug-g-muterename/)
    Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved.
    Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds.
    Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-252-g-classweapons-not-fully-working/)
    Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo.
    Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/tracker/issue-244-cant-switch-to-primary-when-having-two-smgs/)
    Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members.
    Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused.
    Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class.
    Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list.

> full changelog

Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.

Source: wolffiles.de | MyGamingTalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.2
Author TheSilencerPL Date 16.05.2014 Filesize 966 B Download 300

Soundpaket |D6F| Janine

Published in ET Mods

|D6F| präsentiert sein neues 50 MB schweres Weapon/War Soundspack 1.0.

Die Waffensounds hören sich realistisch an und wirken nicht blechern, wie sonst so oft. Desweiteren bietet das Soundpack neue Fahrzeug- und Panzer(fahr)geräusche. Auch neue Explosionsgeräsche aller Art, Schritte, Türen, Maschinen, Radios, Vögel, Wind und sämtliche andere Geräusche sind überarbeitet worden.
Kurz gesagt: Dieses Soundpack ändert so ziemlich alles an Geräuschen die es in ET überhaupt gibt!

Zwecks weiterer Informationen besuche einfach die |D6F|Website www.d6f.de.ms

Nach Absprache mit Janine, können wir euch jetzt auch eine kleinere Version (38 MB) des Weapon/War Soundspack anbieten. Danke an |D6F| Janine. 

Quelle: Wolfmap.de

D6F WEAPON/WAR SOUNDS 1.0 Version:1.0
Author |D6F| Janine Date 07.08.2007 Filesize 51,79 MB Download 396

Australian Allied Flag Skin (NQ1.2.9)

Published in ET Mods

Australian Allied Flag Skin (Developed for NQ1.2.9) - This skin will change ALL Allied/USA flags in game to the Australian Flag! Made by |*BS*|Jemstar.
Including: Chat, Command Post, Construction Crates, Win Flag and Spawn Flag.

Australischer Alliierten-Flaggen-Skin (Entwickelt für NQ1.2.9) - Diese Modifizierung ändert ALLE Alliierten / USA-Flaggen im Spiel! Erstellt von |*BS*|Jemstar.
Inklusive: Chat, Kommando-Posten, Konstruktionskisten, Sieger- und Spawn-Flagge.

Image Image Image


Quelle: RtCWfiles.com

WolfAdmin 1.0.1 released

Published in ET Mods

A Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server enhancement

WolfAdmin is a Lua module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers created by Timo 'Timothy' Smit. It is an enhancement of the existing game, mod and shrubbot functionalities, providing you with extra tools to administrate your server. Among the features are advanced logging of player data and a new set of commands your administrators may use.

Another thing which WolfAdmin provides is a new set of custom voting options which can be called from a new vote menu. Finally the module also provides some features which were originally implemented by popular mods such as NoQuarter, ETPub and ETPro. These features include player greetings, warn history and spree records.

The development of the module started in 2015, although first tests date from 2014. This module has been created to help servers survive, even when there are not that many administrators or even players online.
This is a growing issue in the Wolfenstein community and thus one of the future plans is to incorporate features that will be particularly useful for servers with low player amounts, such as variable map rotation and server configuration. Of course suggestions are welcome, feel free to contact me by email or post ideas in the bug tracker.

WolfAdmin Features

[Commands] Greetings are cut off
[Database] Awards for each map shouldn't include bots
[General] Implement safety checks
[General] Show revive messages to team and add possibility to disable
[General] Add revive spree on center screen by achievements
[Commands] Rule not displayed when using !rules [shortcut]
[General] Evener doesn't announce and suddenly move a player
[General] Remove greetings prefix when displaying in CP
[Database] Add extra column for clean alias
[General] Do not display greetings for bots

Link: timosmit.com/wolfadmin
Source: etpro.de | dark-alchemy.com

>> Downloads: timosmit.com/wolfadmin/download

New 1.7 Update is coming Bug Fixes and New Maps one of which is the old QWTF map Blitzkrieg. The game has been in a hiatus for a while and we are looking to add some new maps make some changes, fixes, updates and slowly try and breathe a new life into the last pure fortress game out there.

Sometime soon we will post a change-log on all the fixes and changes that have been made to ETF and with some nice pictures of the new maps which we have 3/4 left atm that are a work in progress on getting finished but I can add a awesome map from the old QWTF days that was always wanted but never ported to ETF will be included in the release hopefully!


We might not release all the maps with 1.7 see what happens and how ETF unfolds and timeframe in which we want to release it hopefully if all is good more of the maps will follow in a 1.8 release (yea yea waited on 1.7 for years talk of a 1.8 :p) but if that happened ETF would have to perk up and a dev team to take ETF forward and one day in the future move it onto a engine that true fortress deserves with some nice shiny graphics, new features and no hats cause with bunny-hopping they’d just fall off!

ETF (Enemy Territory Fortress) is a free modification for the popular free game Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. This mod is actually a direct port of the once very popular Quake 3 Fortress mod in it’s prime version of 2.3 during the gaming days of Quake 3 Arena.

This game is totally free with no obligations or unwanted programs on your computer. Most modern day computers and laptops can run this game without any issues and the gameplay is very fast. The ETF mod was released in January 2005 and it’s final version of 1.6 was released in 2006.

A 1.7 update is currently in the works,release date is Christmas 2014. There are 10 classes to choose from to complete your objective of mostly “Capture the flag” (CTF) with the goal of taking the enemy flag and bringing it to your capture point, although there are reverse and one flag games modes also. There are offensive and defensive characters to choose from and this only makes the game more exciting.

Link: enemyterritoryfortress.com
Source: etpro.de !

RtCW Misc Charts

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ioRtCW Wolf Patch 1.42b released

After a year of development, I've decided it's time for a re...

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RtCW Master list is back!

Great news! The Return to Castle Wolfenstein Master list is ...






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