#kAmi.ET released his custom map Eichsfeld
Map Description:
The Allies must take the Entrance Area and then attack the Controls in the Control Room. The Axis must hold the Entrance Area as long as possible then mount a last ditch effort to defend the Eichsfeld Controls.
Default timelimit: 12 minutes, Axis spawn (defense): 30 seconds, Allied spawn (offense): 20 seconds
Description Allied:
Destroy the Eichsfeld Controls in the Platform garrison. Beware of attacks through the Courtyard Wall or the Main blast Door.
Description Axis:
Protect the Eichsfeld Controls in the Platform garrison. Infiltrate the position: Either from the Main blast Door or through the Courtyard Wall and attack them.
Source: danger-gaming.de | wolffiles.de
EICHSFELD Version:1.0 #kAmi.ET 15.06.2015 11,03 MB 290 |