ET Misc News

Alanbrooke v1

Published in ET Maps

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Alanbrooke v1

This a new Axis-attack map for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory", created by Loffy. The overall tactical military aim for the Axis Troops is to steal the Allied top secret documents, (Alan Brooke's diaries), in order to transmit this secret information to their headquarters, via a nearby communication radio.

Axis Map Objectives:
- Primary Objective: Steal/defend the documents (Alan Brooke's secret diaries) and transmit at/protect the radio.
- Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Water Wall.
- Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Central Wall
- Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Side Route in the centre
- Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the second Side Route to the Radio
- Secondary Objective: Get control over the important Command Post

Loffy has very kindly included his ".map" file in this download, with no copyright pertaining to his release. All mappers, new and experienced, are free to use it as they wish.
Botfiles for the new map are also included in this download.

Source: |

ALANBROOKE Version:1.0
Author Loffy Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 12,285 MB Download 356

Safe Spot Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

ETNam map - Safe Spot Beta 2 This is a new Allied-attack map, created by Thunder for ETNam.

Storyline: An Allied squad are trapped behind enemy lines in the Vietnamese jungle. In order to escape, they must fight their way through the jungle, from flag to flag, capturing and holding each flag for 3 minutes. Once they have done this, for all four capture flags, they will then gain access to the helicopter compound where they will have to overcome all Vietcong forces, enabling their escape to safety.

Original download from

Source: |

SAFE SPOT Version:Beta 2
Author Thunder Date 15.04.2015 Filesize 40,795 MB Download 202

Blackmoon Raid Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first "beta" release of "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" map, "Blackmoon Raid", created by WuTangH.

The Allied squad must escort their tank to the Axis Depot, through the heavily-defended town, in order to reach and destroy the Axis power generator located there. The Axis squad must do all in their power to stop them.
Botfiles, created by Mateos, included in the map download file.

Source: -|D|-Ray on |

Author WuTangH and -|D|-Ray Date 05.02.2018 Filesize 27.7 MB Download 336

Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

This is another fantastic map for the Wolfenstein Community to enjoy, created by WuTangH.

It's the summer of 1940, in a European forest village, situated in the famous Schwarzwald forest. The Axis Forces are operating a secret weapons facility at this location, where they are developing the next generation of V Rockets.
The Allied troops must take control of the village, steal a Jagdpanther tank and use it to secure the tunnel route through the mountains. Once that objective is completed the Allies must then assault the Axis V Rocket factory and completely destroy it.

Source: |


Author WuTangH Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 19,86 MB Download 517

1944 Norwind 2.1

Published in ET Maps

1944 Norwind 2.1 is the latest release of this Axis-attack map by Mateos.


The Allies have hidden a stash of gold in a truckyard depot in town. The Axis forces are fully aware of this and are launching a surprise attack on the Allied stronghold in order to steal the gold and escape with it by truck. They will escort their Jagdpanther, destroying all obstacles in their path, until they reach the truckyard depot. Once there, they will use the Jagdpanther to destroy the main gate.

They must then over-power all Allied forces, get the gold on to the truck and fight their way past two truck barriers to make their escape to safety.

Mateos would like to thank dFx, KeMoN, ailmanki, Rebel, acQu and Thunder for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Source: | Splashdamage - Mateos

1944 NORDWIND Version:2.1
Author Mateos Date 21.04.2014 Filesize 13,527 MB Download 302

1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2

Published in ET Maps

Mateos release his ET map 1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2 (Original 1944 Huertgen map by +KOMMANDO+) - Well, this is not like my previous Nordwind 2 a total remake, but just a big bug fix and features addition release, as you can see by reading the changelog below. I like this map, like few others from the 1944 series, but I’m not going to do this for all ^^’ I played Antwerp a while ago, I feel it deserves something to balance the Sniper Fest of the second part of the map, plus usual 1944 spawn issues, but maybe something in the future but not now.

1944: Huertgen Forest was thickly wooded, cut by steep defiles and trails. The Axis built deep, artillery-proof bunkers, surrounded by fighting positions.

AXIS - The Allies are attempting to steal valuable supplies from the Axis Truckyard, stop them at all costs!
ALLIES - The Axis Truckyard contains valuable supplies. We must secure them to claim victory in the Forest!

Mateos veröffentlicht seine ET-Map 1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2 (Die Original 1944 Huertgen Map ist von +KOMMANDO+)

1944: Der Hürtgenwald ist dicht bewaldet und mit steilen Schluchten und Pfaden durchzogen. Die Achsenmächte haben tiefe, bombensichere Bunker gebaut, umgeben mit Kampfpositionen.

ACHSENMÄCHTE - Die Alliierten versuchen die wertvolle LKW-Lieferung aus dem LKW-Hof zu stehlen, stoppe Sie um jeden Preis!
ALLIIERTE - Der Achsenmächte LKW enthält eine wertvolle Lieferung, wir müssen sie sichern, um Anspruch auf einen Sieg zu erheben!

Image Image Image

Quelle: THX to Mateos via Shoutbox!


Thud in the Sand b1

Published in ET Maps

Thud in the Sand beta 1 - This is a new ET Allied-attack map created by WuTangH. The map environment is situated in a small Egyptian-styled town and ends up in underground Axis bunkers.

Allied Objectives
Primary: Steal the Dynamite and deliver it to the truck.
Primary: Escort the truck and destroy the city gate.
Primary: Destroy the tunnels gate to gain access into underground bunkers.
Primary: Use the button in the control cabin to move the rockets out of safe.
Primary: Steal the Captains key from his table and deliver it to the safe to open it.
Primary: Steal the case, moneypack 1 and moneypack 2 and deliver them to the green truck in the rich part of city.
Secondary: Destroy the hovel wall to gain one more access point that leads to the dynamite.

Source: | WuTangH

THUD IN THE SAND Version:beta 1
Author WuTangH Date 15.04.2016 Filesize 23 MB Download 208

Chateau Final

Published in ET Maps
Neue ET-Map: Chateau ist eigentlich eine sehr beliebte Map vom guten alten RtCW. Eine Map bei der es auf Teamplay und Taktik geht. Allerdings ist die Map "Spam" anfällig, d.h. das es mit vielen Spielern nervig werden kann wegen dauer Arty's oder Nadespams. Trotz allem, eine schöne Map die auch Spass macht.
Die Achsen haben Chateau übernommen und benutzen es nun als Basis. Tief innerhalb der Bibliothek sind geheime Dokumente. Die Alliierten müssen jene Dokumente stehlen und sie so bald wie möglich übertragen!

Allied Objectives:

  • Komme in's Chateau
  • Hole die Dokumente
  • Übertrage die Dokumente
  • Hole die Flagge bei der großen Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Axis Objective:

  • Verteidige Chateau
  • Verteidige die Dokumente
  • Verhindere das übertragen
  • Halte die große Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Maper: RiFFLeR

Quelle: wolfmap

Author RiFFLeR Date 09.10.2007 Filesize 10 MB Download 507

Teuthonia Final

Published in ET Maps

ET Map Teuthonia Final released by Teuthis.

=== New Map Features ===
-  A second bank entrance has now been created
- There are more obstacles to provide cover at both axis spawns
- There's a new tunnel system
- A new balcony near axis the spawn to allow sniping (but just a bit)
- Texture and script errors have been fixed
- Lots of new models added too
"I do not plan to come up with another version as I wanna close this chapter in order to move on with some new map projects. Nevertheless, I appreciate feedback, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter." - Teuthis

=== Special thanks ===
- Thunder (TWT) for the great models
- Mateos (TWT) and TomTom for help with script problems
- Micha (TWT) for the waypoints
- the Clans of Dark Alchemy and WF-Gaming for testing the Beta version.

=== TWT News ===
In order to keep Wolf-ET alive, the Community requires new mappers. TheWolfTeam (TWT) is in the process of coming up with an initiative to attract interested newcomers to the art of mapping. As many websites for mappers are now dead we will try to revive the Mapping Community by providing tons of tutorials, awesome models and ready to use prefabs.
Most importantly , experienced personnel to help with everything related to making maps, (e.g., scripting, brushwork, everything). Long story, short version. Those people who are interested should sign up at TWT and start learning how to make their very own awesome, new maps. Your Wolfenstein Community needs you.

Source: | |

TEUTHONIA Version:Final 1.2
Author Teuthis Date 01.09.2014 Filesize 8,695 MB Download 270


Published in ET Maps

Pilsner - the refreshing map

Pilsner is a simple and small deathmatch map without any objectives created by -)A(-WuTang** and -)A(-isl|an|der

Do you like fragging? Enjoy hiding behind the walls and trees? Looking for a good spot on a tower? You will find all of these things on the Pilsner map. And now... take a beer and play!

Source: | | -)A(-WuTang**

Author -)A(-WuTang and -)A(-isl|an| Date 02.10.2014 Filesize 3.08 MB Download 306

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