ET Misc News

Axis Attack Map Door

Published in ET Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Map title: Door
Filename: door.pk3 (about 6 Mb)

This is a custom map for approximately 12 vs. 12 players.

The Axis are attacking, to dynamite a door and to steal some gold. The Allied Forces are defending the door and the gold. Who will win? Only time will tell.

Note: I also made this map as a so called prefab, for other, beginner mappers to use as a base. Therefore, the .map-file is included. (It is inside door.pk3.) Have fun, Loffy


Author Loffy Date 12.07.2013 Filesize 6,247 MB Download 213

ES Ziggurath Sniper Night b2

Published in ET Maps

Map ES Ziggurath Sniper Night (beta 2) by |ES|LorenZ - This is my first map, made for fun. Many thanks to |ES|Hardstyler and |ES|Grand-Dad for their help.

Map ES Ziggurath Sniper Night (beta 2) von |ES|LorenZ - Dies ist meine erste Map, erstellt um Spass zu haben. Vielen Dank an | ES | Hardstyler und | ES | Grand-Dad für ihre Hilfe.

Author |ES|LorenZ Date 08.03.2013 Filesize 14,17 MB Download 219

Chateau Final

Published in ET Maps
Neue ET-Map: Chateau ist eigentlich eine sehr beliebte Map vom guten alten RtCW. Eine Map bei der es auf Teamplay und Taktik geht. Allerdings ist die Map "Spam" anfällig, d.h. das es mit vielen Spielern nervig werden kann wegen dauer Arty's oder Nadespams. Trotz allem, eine schöne Map die auch Spass macht.
Die Achsen haben Chateau übernommen und benutzen es nun als Basis. Tief innerhalb der Bibliothek sind geheime Dokumente. Die Alliierten müssen jene Dokumente stehlen und sie so bald wie möglich übertragen!

Allied Objectives:

  • Komme in's Chateau
  • Hole die Dokumente
  • Übertrage die Dokumente
  • Hole die Flagge bei der großen Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Axis Objective:

  • Verteidige Chateau
  • Verteidige die Dokumente
  • Verhindere das übertragen
  • Halte die große Treppe
  • Baue den Command Post

Maper: RiFFLeR

Quelle: wolfmap

Author RiFFLeR Date 09.10.2007 Filesize 10 MB Download 508

ET Dark PHX Final

Published in ET Maps

This is the Final update from Pheonix of their excellent map, ET Dark PHX.

The Allied troops must steal a Jadgpanther tank and fight their way through the long dark road that leads to Wolfenstein. The Allies will use their stolen tank to blast open an access route that will take them to the tomb of the war god, Heinrich, who the Axis forces are determined to resurrect in order to change the course of the war.

Once the access route to Heinrich's tomb is opened, the Allies must plant and detonate dynamite inside the underground tomb in order to rid the world of the threat of Heinrich once and for all. The Axis forces will do all in their power to prevent this from happening.


ET DARK PHX Version:Final
Author Pheonix Date 18.09.2016 Filesize 11.64 MB Download 304

1944 Norwind 2.1

Published in ET Maps

1944 Norwind 2.1 is the latest release of this Axis-attack map by Mateos.


The Allies have hidden a stash of gold in a truckyard depot in town. The Axis forces are fully aware of this and are launching a surprise attack on the Allied stronghold in order to steal the gold and escape with it by truck. They will escort their Jagdpanther, destroying all obstacles in their path, until they reach the truckyard depot. Once there, they will use the Jagdpanther to destroy the main gate.

They must then over-power all Allied forces, get the gold on to the truck and fight their way past two truck barriers to make their escape to safety.

Mateos would like to thank dFx, KeMoN, ailmanki, Rebel, acQu and Thunder for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Source: | Splashdamage - Mateos

1944 NORDWIND Version:2.1
Author Mateos Date 21.04.2014 Filesize 13,527 MB Download 303

Thud in the Sand b2

Published in ET Maps

ET Map - Thud in the Sand beta 2 - This is a Enemy Territory Allied-attack map created by WuTangH. The map environment is situated in a small Egyptian-styled town and ends up in underground Axis bunkers.

Allied Objectives
Primary: Steal the Dynamite and deliver it to the truck.
Primary: Escort the truck and destroy the city gate.
Primary: Destroy the tunnels gate to gain access into underground bunkers.
Primary: Use the button in the control cabin to move the rockets out of safe.
Primary: Steal the Captains key from his table and deliver it to the safe to open it.
Primary: Steal the case, moneypack 1 and moneypack 2 and deliver them to the green truck in the rich part of city.
Secondary: Destroy the hovel wall to gain one more access point that leads to the dynamite.

Changelog b2:
- Another bunker enterance.
- Chevy (green) Truck moved to the new bunker exit on the other side of mountain.
- A little performance fix, but it's still quite bad.
- Fixed shaders bug of water & sky textures that bugged textures on other maps in map-rotations.
- Fixed objective deliver points, so you can't capture the Key and other objectives at Truck anymore.
- Another floors on buldings, roofs, plus many more brushwork.
- Changed spawntimes to balance map a little.
- Stones at waterfall are not models anymore, but brushes.
- Tunnel terrain is not so flat anymore.
- 2nd allied spawn is devided on two positions (under one spawnpoint)
- Added objective cameras in limbo menu.
- Added pipeline holders so they look more real.
- All cables are non-solid now and will not block jumping players in tunnels anymore.
- Configstrings - all soundscripts are called just s[number], that's all I could do about it.
- Brushes, entities, textures, and scripts cleanup.
- Truck barrier has new design.
- Added missing sound when The Key is dropped, or delivered to the Safe.
- 1024x1024 command map

Source: | WuTangH

THUD IN THE SAND Version:beta 2
Author WuTangH Date 18.11.2016 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 259

Safe Spot Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

ETNam map - Safe Spot Beta 2 This is a new Allied-attack map, created by Thunder for ETNam.

Storyline: An Allied squad are trapped behind enemy lines in the Vietnamese jungle. In order to escape, they must fight their way through the jungle, from flag to flag, capturing and holding each flag for 3 minutes. Once they have done this, for all four capture flags, they will then gain access to the helicopter compound where they will have to overcome all Vietcong forces, enabling their escape to safety.

Original download from

Source: |

SAFE SPOT Version:Beta 2
Author Thunder Date 15.04.2015 Filesize 40,795 MB Download 202

UrbanTerritory 44 (Beta1)

Published in ET Maps

UrbanTerritory 44 (Beta1) - Idea and original map created in 2003 by arobeuze. Rebuild in 2016 by StoerFaktoR and Fabi

This is the first public beta version and some bugs and errors may still exist.
If you find bugs or you have ideas to making better this map you can contact us on
Briefing: The Axis have to destroy the Safe, steal the Combat Maps and bring them to the Truck!
Note: Waypoints for Omnibot0.85 are included... They are not perfect and not finished atm but the bots should know what they have to do ;)

[*]Adding more details on streets and buildings
[*]better optimization of the map..??
[*]completing waypoints...
[*]Some other nice ideas???


URBAN TERRITORY 44 Version:beta1
Author StoerFaktoR and Fabi Date 30.07.2016 Filesize 16,056 MB Download 324

UJE Mountain Attack b2

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack beta 2 is an allies objective map made by [UJE]Niek - The war is in its Early days and Axis forces have occupied a small French village, where they are Building a new Radar System, the Wurzburg Radar.

Allied Forces have to sneak into the village and escape with the Radar Parts. This will be a lethal battle where only the Strongest will Survive.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance of the radar building
*Destroy steal the radarpart and bring it to the truck
*Escort the truck
*Build the commandpost to get a new spawn

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack Beta 2 ist eine Alliierten Objectiv-Map, erstellt von [UJE]Niek - Der Krieg ist in seinen frühen Tagen und die Achsenmächte haben ein kleines französisches Dorf besetzt, wo sie ein neues Radar-System bauen, das Würzburg Radar.

Die Alliierten müssen sich ins Dorf schleichen und mit den Radar-Bauteilen entkommen. Dies wird eine letale Schlacht, wo nur die Stärksten überleben werden.

Image Image Image



Transmitter Spring

Published in ET Maps

Tardis has created a nice spring version of the map Transmitter.

Story of Transmitter Spring:
Civilians manipulated by the Volksempfänger's propaganda program are resisting the allied forces.
To break the resistance, Allies have to overtake a local Transmitter, which is amplifying the master-signal from Berlin for local receivers.
They have to manipulate the transmission-frequency by installing a radio Modification Kit on the Transmitter.
The Allies also have to rotate the Antenna towards their pirate sender.

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter."
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from rearranging the Antenna towards their pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Grate Door from the Allies."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Hut from the Allies."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Serpentine Barricade from allied sabotage attempts."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter-Station inside the Castle complex."
3 "Primary Objective:**Rearrange the Antenna towards our pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Grate Door. Keep the attack rolling!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Hut from the Axis. Keep the attack rolling!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Serpentine Barricade to secure the Forward Hut."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

Objective's Not listed - Allied
Constuct The Cave Ladder
Destroy The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Destroy The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Objective's Not listed - Axis
Prevent the Allies from building The Cave Ladder
Defend the The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Defend the The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |

Author Tardis Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 23, 324 MB Download 294

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