ET Scene News

Merry Xmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever
your d3Xter

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus released!

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is the eleventh instalment of the Wolfenstein series and a sequel to the 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order, developed by MachineGames and published by Bethesda Softworks. The games uses Id Software's newest game engine id Tech 6. The game was released on October 27, 2017 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. And will release in 2018 for the Nintendo Switch.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus  - Story

After the events of the first game, the Kreisau Circle retrieves the critically injured William "B.J." Blazkowicz (Brian Bloom) from Deathshead's fortress before destroying it with a nuclear cannon. Blazkowicz falls into a 5-month long coma and has some of his organs removed to facilitate his survival. As Blazkowicz fades in and out during his coma aboard the Eva's Hammer (a Nazi U-boat commandeered by the Kreisau Circle), it is revealed that Anya, Blazkowicz' love interest, is pregnant with twins. The U-boat is attacked by Frau Engel, a sadistic Nazi commander who despises Blazkowicz for disfiguring her and killing her lover, Bubi, in the events of the previous game. Blazkowicz, disoriented and handicapped, fights his way to Anya and Set Roth, and the three proceed to the main deck. Soon after, however, Caroline and Wyatt/Fergus (whoever survived the events of The New Order) are captured by Engel and her forces. Desperate to save his friends, Blazkowicz devises a plan to get himself captured and taken to Engel's airship, the Ausmerzer, which is suspending the U-boat above water. There, Frau Engel mocks and beats him, Caroline, and Fergus/Wyatt. She then tries to get her overweight, abused daughter Sigrun to decapitate Caroline, but the former refuses. Frau Engel hits and belittles Sigrun before killing Caroline herself. After Engel taunts Blazkowicz with Caroline's severed head, Sigrun has a change of heart and tackles Frau Engel, allowing Fergus/Wyatt to break free and Blazkowicz to use Caroline's bulletproof armor to regain his strength. While Frau Engel escapes, Blazkowicz disconnects the U-boat from the Ausmerzer and flees back to the Eva's Hammer with Caroline's body...

...more Storyinfo on


    CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1400/AMD FX-8350/Intel Core i5-3570/Intel Core i7-3770 or better
    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB/NVIDIA GTX 770 4GB or better
    RAM: 8 GB
    OS: Win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-Bit versions)
    Storage: 55GB
    Additional Requirements: Steam account and broadband internet connection for activation and installation
    AMD GPU drivers no longer support Windows 8.1

    CPU: AMD FX-9370/Intel Core i7-4770 or better
    GPU: AMD Radeon RX 470 4GB/NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB or better
    RAM: 16 GB
    OS: Win7, 8.1, or 10 64-Bit
    Storage: 55GB
    Additional Requirements: Steam account and broadband internet connection for activation and installation
    AMD GPU drivers no longer support Windows 8.1


Uncapped Framerate
We at MachineGames are huge PC players, and all of id Software’s games have very strong PC DNA. So it’s important for us to make sure the PC version of the game is as solid as any console version. That’s why we built the game on idTech 6, which also allows for uncapped framerate – one of the features we’re most excited about.
Aspect Ratios
With such a wide range of tastes in aspect ratios among PC gamers, it was important for us to ensure compatibility with as many as possible. Here are a few of the big ones, but it’s by no means all of them.
 4:3,     16:9,     16:10,     21:9 (ultra widescreen)

Full keyboard and mouse rebinding options


Official Wolfenstein: The New Order website now online. > is multilingual without German. Because of censorship, get the Germans a separate website. > and

Die offizielle Wolfenstein: The New Order Webseite ist jetzt online.
> ist mehrsprachig ohne deutsch. Dank der Zensur, bekommen die Deutschen "wieder einmal" eine Extrawurst und eine seperate Webseite. > und


Wolfenstein TNO: It Would be fun to make an Enemy Territory-Style Multiplayer Game

By Katie Williams Wolfenstein: The New Order's creative director Jens Matthies has divulged a number of tidbits on a Reddit AMA, revealing that an Enemy Territory-style multiplayer game would be fun to develop as a possible sequel - but that developer MachineGames would "never" work on both a single-player and multiplayer campaigns at the same time.

"I think it would be a lot of fun to make an Enemy Territory style multiplayer game," said Matthies, responding to a Reddit user's question about the direction a sequel might take. "But MachineGames will never make both at the same time. We find that the best possible results come from having the whole team focused on a singular experience for the duration of the project."

Matthies also mentioned that a single playthrough of The New Order - which was famously revealed early on in its life to not include any multiplayer component - will end up "close to 20 hours," with further incentive to replay the campaign to explore an alternate timeline. Additionally, he reports that The New Order will run with "minimal visual disparity at 60fps/1080p on all platforms."

He also said that he hopes that creators of the original Wolfenstein 3D John Carmack and John Romero would be proud of the series' new turn, saying, "This game is our love letter to id Software and the shooters we grew up with, so I hope they'll like it. I don't think they will be expecting such a developed story line though ;)"

"We've worked extremely hard to make sure the id guys wouldn't feel like their trust in us was misplaced."

Wolfenstein: The New Order will launch globally on May 20 for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, though recently, it was revealed that gamers in Germany and Austria would be playing an altered version due to laws banning Nazi imagery. If you're curious for our impressions, read what we thought of Wolfenstein: The New Order's first hour.

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Nachfolger mit Multiplayer-Fokus?

Das Entwicklerstudio Machine Games kann sich einen »Mehrspieler-Titel im Stile von Enemy Territory« als Nachfolger zu Wolfenstein: The New Order vorstellen. Derzeit möchte man sich aber erst einmal auf dessen Release fokussieren.

Einen Mehrspieler-Modus werden Käufer des am 20. Mai 2014 für den PC, die PlayStation 4, die Xbox One, die PlayStation 3 und die Xbox 360 erscheinenden Shooters Wolfenstein: The New Order im Spiel vergeblich suchen: Das Entwicklerteam entschied sich bewusst dazu, zugunsten der Qualität der Einzelspieler-Kampagne auf einen solchen zu verzichten.

Bei einem möglichen Nachfolger muss das aber nicht mehr zwangsläufig so sein, wie Jens Matthies vom zuständigen Entwicklerstudio MachineGames kürzlich auf andeutete. Auf die Frage eines Fans ließ der Creative-Director wissen, dass er liebend gerne ein Sequel zu Wolfenstein: The New Order entwickeln würde - und zwar mit einem Mehrspieler-Fokus:

»Ich würde liebend gerne ein Sequel machen. Ich denke, dass es sehr viel Spaß machen würde, ein Multiplayer-Spiel im Stile von Enemy Territory zu machen.«

Allerdings, so Matthies weiter, sei MachineGames einfach nicht in der Lage dazu, zwei solcher Projekte gleichzeitig anzugehen. Man habe festgestellt, dass man dann die besten Ergebnisse erziele, wenn man sich während eines Projekts nur auf eine einzelne Spielerfahrung fokussiere.
Möglicherweise nehmen Matthies und sein Team als nächstes Projekt also einen reinen Mehrspieler-Titel in Angriff.


Source: |

TexMod Skin Pack

Published in Wolfenstein Mods

Image Wolfenstein 2009 skin pack by War_Crimes - This is a texmod skin pack for wolfenstein 2009. Right first off to use this you will need texmod tool. And the tutorial for this tool is here ->

What I´ve changed is the german uniforms so that they are all weapons so they look more like the ones from Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Also the skins I´ve modded are all high resolution now so the little bits on them e.g. belt buckles, medals, and title cuff's can be seen more clearly. Em you might find the game will start up a little longer because it is loading the skins.

Image Wolfenstein 2009 Skinpack von War_Crimes  - Dies ist eine Texmod Skinpack für Wolfenstein 2009.
Um dieses Skinpack zu verwenden, brauchst du zuerst das Texmod-Werkzeug. Die Anleitung für dieses Werkzeug findest du hier ->

Änderungen: Die deutschen Uniformen und alle Waffen sehen jetzt eher aus wie im Original von Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Auch die Skins haben jetzt High Resolution Qualität und kleine Details wie z.B. Schnallen, Medallien und Manschetten sind besser hervorgehoben. Oh und nicht wundern daß das Spiel etwas länger läd, das liegt an den Skins.


Quelle: RtCWfiles

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever

The Wolf Team Anniversary

Published in ET Scene

On 10.11.2016, the Wolfteam turned 3 years old. This is what Thunder, Founder of The Wolfteam, had to say about the past 3 years:

"The WolfTeam was created on November 10th, 2013. As far as I remember, Mateos and Acqu were the first to join me on the idea of the creation of a helpful forum for modders and mappers of the game Wolfenstein Enemy-Territory. Since then, the community has grown and is still growing. Actually, it has become bigger than I ever hoped for. We are now, as I write this, up to 69 site members.

We have fun helping each other and even if you aren't the best in English we do our best to help you. We had a bit of a bumpy start, with website attacks and Clans that thought we would be a new rival Clan that would bring other Clans down. However, slowly but surely, people started to finally understand that we are not a Clan, that we're actually just a community, dedicated  to bringing out new maps and mods for them to play.

Today, several Clan leaders and members of different parties have joined in and are creating, supporting or commenting on the stuff that we do for Wolf ET. We've always kept to the rules, "Real life comes first" and "There is nothing you HAVE to do". We are a free community where everybody can join, as long as they behave.

This year we have joined forces with ET:Legacy, to keep Wolf ET fresh and somewhat better looking in the hopes of bringing back some of the old players and maybe some new ones to the game too. As long as I see that there is activity and nice people helping each other I will keep this site going."

Wolf ET Forever!!

Best Regards, Thunder

Source: | |

Wolfpro 0.1 Beta

Published in Wolfenstein Mods
Wie schon einst RtCW und ET, bekommt nun auch Wolfenstein seinen ProMod. Hannes, der schon ein Promod für ET: Quake Wars entwickelte, überrascht jetzt die Community mit WolfPro, in der Version Beta 0.1.
Der Download beinhaltet zwei Wolfpro-Varianten - Eine Exe-Datei (für Installation) und eine Folder-Datei (zum kopieren). Eine Changelog ist auch dabei.

Tipp: Wolfenstein flüssiger als RtCW/ET/Q3
  • schalte "Threaded Optimization" im Nvidia/ATI Treiber ein
  • downloade WolfPro
  • lade WolfPro
  • gib die folgenden Befehle in die Konsole ein:
com_unlock_maxFPS 125
com_unlock_timingMethod 0
com_unlock_safetyMargin 0.1
com_unlock_avgFrames 4
com_unlockFPS 1 
Es ist zwar schwer zu glauben aber es funktioniert wirklich. Mit Hilfe dieser Einstellungen gibt keine springende FPS oder Sekundenlags mehr und es fühlt sich an wie die Q3-Engine!

20 Years Wolfenstein 3D

Published in Game News

Image Image The one and only, Wolfenstein 3D, pioneer of first-person shooters, celebrates its 20th birthday this month.
Thus Bethesda has provided us a browser version of the game, so people who have never played it can have a taste. And on the other hand, real old-schoolers can reminisce their lost youth and cry a little bit.
Have a nice war, mr. Blazkowicz!

Link for all countries (unless Germany):

Image Das einzig wahre und echte Wolfenstein 3D, der Pionier des First-Person-Shooters, feiert nun seinen 20. Geburtstag in diesem Monat.
Auf diese Art hat Bethesda uns nun eine Browserversion des Spiels geliefert, so daß Leute, die es nie gespielt haben, einen Eindruck bekommen und alte Hasen sich in Erinnerungen begeben können.
Habe einen netten Krieg, mr. Blazkowicz!

Link für Deutschland:

Quelle: Wolffiles

Im Wolfenstein: The New Order Gamewatch Video erklärt Sebastian Stange Moderator Michael Obermeier mit mehr als 8 Minuten Gameplay, warum sich Old-School-Shooter-Fans auf Wolfenstein freuen dürfen.







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