Wolfenstein Misc News

Soundpaket |D6F| Janine

Published in ET Mods

|D6F| präsentiert sein neues 50 MB schweres Weapon/War Soundspack 1.0.

Die Waffensounds hören sich realistisch an und wirken nicht blechern, wie sonst so oft. Desweiteren bietet das Soundpack neue Fahrzeug- und Panzer(fahr)geräusche. Auch neue Explosionsgeräsche aller Art, Schritte, Türen, Maschinen, Radios, Vögel, Wind und sämtliche andere Geräusche sind überarbeitet worden.
Kurz gesagt: Dieses Soundpack ändert so ziemlich alles an Geräuschen die es in ET überhaupt gibt!

Zwecks weiterer Informationen besuche einfach die |D6F|Website www.d6f.de.ms

Nach Absprache mit Janine, können wir euch jetzt auch eine kleinere Version (38 MB) des Weapon/War Soundspack anbieten. Danke an |D6F| Janine. 

Quelle: Wolfmap.de

D6F WEAPON/WAR SOUNDS 1.0 Version:1.0
Author |D6F| Janine Date 07.08.2007 Filesize 51,79 MB Download 398

Enemy Territory timerun mod

Published in ET Mods
Image What is it?
ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod. The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.

How does it work?
ETrun has 3 different physics:
    * Vanilla (VET)    * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)    * Advanced Physics (AP)

It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.
Image Was ist das?
ETrun ist eine Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Timerun Mod. Das Ziel eines Timeruns ist es, eine Map, vom Start bis zum Ende, so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Wie funktioniert es?
ETrun hat 3 verschiedene Physik:
     * Vanilla (VET)     * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)     * Advanced Physics (AP)

Es basiert überwigend auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Spielern. Ihr Ziel ist es, die besten Zeiten wie möglich zu erreichen und mit Freunden zu konkurrieren.

Links and Map Downloads
Timeruns community site: timeruns.net


The ETrun wiki
Official game servers: timeruns.net/servers/

Quelle: etpro.de

ET silEnT mod version 0.9.0 is out!

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk released ET-Mod silEnT 0.9.0.

Change log 0.9.0:
Added: Server customizable menu that is opened in addition to the silEnT mod menu.
Added: Possibility for admins to modify the loading screen of their server. As opposed to modifying the loading screen of every server.
Added: New client command mem_report. This command prints diagnostics of the client memory pooling.
Added: New client cvars: cg_numPopups, cg_popupStayTime and cg_popupFadeTime for controlling popup behaviour.
Added: Server checks the setup and refuses to start if problems are found. This includes checks that official menus are not modified.
Added: New option g_forceLimboHealth 2, which matches the ETPro gib damage (125).The option 1 remains as the original ETPub gib health (150).
Added: Rate setting is incresed automatically step by step if fragmented snapshots are received from the server. This improves the playability and removes the need to force this setting to players.
Added: Server extension modules. With this technology, server functionality can be expanded to various tasks without bloating the qagame library or forcing every admin to use same extension.
Added: Statistics module. This module collects various game play data into a relational database. Current choices are SQLit3 and PostgreSQL.
Added: Censor module. This module can be configured to censor names and chat with real regular expressions.
Added: new fun wars: !knifewar, !stenwar, !riflenadewar, !rifleshootwar, !pistolwar (added g_headshot bitmask value 4 to control instagib of headshot for pistolwar).
Added: New server cvar: g_incognitoCountryFlag to control the country flag displayed for the incognito admin.
Added: If g_dmg is set server side, body hitsounds have different volumes depending of the damage. This can be disabled by the players.
Added: Forcing some cvars is now restricted. These include the client side hitsound selection and theme.
Added: Player screenshots. Now admins can take player screenshots which works same as PB screenshots. 2.6b clients supported. Screenshot will have Server name, IP, Player Name, silEnT GUID, PB GUID and Player IP in it.

>>> full change log

Source: mygamingtalk.com

SILENT MOD Version:0.9.0
Author TheSilencerPL Date 19.11.2015 Filesize 12.91 MB Download 476

Omni-Bot ET 0.83 Released

Published in ET Mods

Omni-Bot 0.83 for Enemy Territory has been released.

We are pleased to announce the latest version of Omni-bot for ET has been released. Palota has been very busy this past year fixing bugs, adding features, and adding support for newer mods. The waypoint team has also been busy adding support for new maps and improving on existing waypoints.

Das Omnibot Team verkündet die Freigabe von Omnibot 0.83 für Enemy Territory als Linux und Windows Version inkl Waypoints. Diese neue Version umschließt Bugfixes, neue Features und diverse Optimierungen.

Release Highlights

    ETBlight and Bastard mods are supported
    Fixed memory leak caused by GameMonkey threads
    Fixed crash in AddBot if bot is kicked in ClientUserinfoChanged
    Added cvar omnibot_logsize (maximal file size in KB), -1 will disable logs, 0 will overwrite file every match
Source: omni-bot.com | wolffiles.de

OMNI BOT - WINDOWS Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 19.99 MB Download 1545

OMNI BOT - LINUX Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 20,47 MB Download 400


Published in ET Mods

Dieses Soundpack von =TBK=(Zain) beinhaltet 70 extra Sounds, die garantiert für Spass auf euren Server sorgen werden. Es sind nur Funsounds die mit dem Vsay Menü aufgerufen werden.

Entpacke die .zip Datei und lade die .pk3 auf dein Gameserver und in dein Downloadordner hoch. Nun starte den Server neu und die Sounds sind aktiv.
Zum Deinstallieren einfach die .pk3 löschen und den Server neustarten.

Link: =TBK=

Quelle: RtCW Files

Author =TKB=(ZAIN) Date 18.06.2008 Filesize 6,9 Mb Download 443

Silent Mod 0.6.0

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.6.0. - There is again a lot of changes, improvements and repairs (Fixes).

Das Team von mygamingtalk.com veröffentlicht ET-Mod silEnT 0.6.0. - Es gibt wieder eine Menge Änderungen, Verbesserungen und Reparaturen (Fixe).

Quelle: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD 0.6.0 Version:0.6.0
Author TheSilencerPL Date 17.10.2012 Filesize 6,299 MB Download 414

Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6

Published in ET Mods

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6
This is the updated version of my HD Pack for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. There are now two files in the download, however, the larger file is not downloaded by the players joining the server, only the small 14MB file is downloaded directly. - Wolf Enstein

Mod Installation for Server-Admins:
Put the '.pk3' files into the 'etmain' folder only and the small file will be downloaded by players joining your server. They'll have to go to Wolffiles.de in order to download and use the main HD texture pack.

To uninstall this mod just delete the file.

Installation for Players:
Put the '.pk3' files into your 'etmain' folder. If it's also in the 'etmain' folder of a gameserver you join you will see the HD-textures, weapons and uniforms in-game.

Source: forum.splatterladder | wolffiles.de

Author Wolf Enstein Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 667 MB Download 827

Jaffa Mod 1.0

Published in ET Mods

Enemy Territory: Jaffa Mod

Die Macher des Jaffa-Mods wurden durch Stargate inspiriert. Der auf Wolfenstein 2.60 bassierente Mod, ist was für Fans von Stargate oder für Leute die mal etwas neues testen bzw. sehen möchten. Und nein es ist wirklich kein Skinpack, diese Modifikation hat unserer Information nach auch eigene Maps. 

Hier ein par Grundsätzliche Sachen zum Mod:

Neue Spieler Klasse - Jaffa

• Seperates rank System


rank 0 -Jaffa Adept

        Schwacher Jaffa mit Fast nix


rank 1 -Jaffa

        regeneration wie ein Medic


        Rostiger Helm


rank 2 -Jaffa Warrior

        Geringe Energieverlust bei Waffengebrauch


        Metall Helm



rank 3 -Serpent Guard

        jaffa Helm - Gegen Headshots immun, kann aber unterdessen nicht rennen


        Silber Helm


rank 4 -First Prime

        Mehr Lebensenergie


      Gold Helm

new weapons - Stab Waffe, Zat'n'ktel

          – wechsel mods (bei rechten Mausklick)


          – zat has stun, lethal and vanishing effect - like in series


          – Die Stab Waffe kann auch als stumpfe Waffe verwendet werden (kein Backstabe)


          – Kann von allen benutzt werden

new awards


Best Jaffa

      - wie "best Field op" oder "best Medic" etc.



Oppresion Guru

      - Für die meisten betäubungen



Jaffa Without Honor

      - für die meisten Backstabes bei den Jaffa



Gay Medic

    - ein richtig schlechter Medic bekommt diesen Arward

primary und secondary Waffen können gedroppt werden (RtCW 1.0)

Die Klassen haben verschiedene accessories (Helm...) bei verschiedenen Klassen Skills (.level file für jede Klassen in der .pk3

JAFFA MOD Version:1.0
Author Paul_88 Date 09.01.2008 Filesize 7,71 MB Download 333


silEnT mod 0.8.1

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.1.

Added: Flag 32 to g_disableComplaints to disable complaints completely.
Added: ETPro style g_proneDelay.
Added: Custom, admin defined, votes.
Added: 3rd UI theme that resembles the original ET look.
Added: MorphOS support.
Improved: engineer work progress bar (construct/arm/disarm) and covert ops progress bar (mines spotting, uniform stealing) - added background to display the amount of work to do.
Fixed: Some text bugs related to g_recognition cvar.
Fixed: ETTV clients were kicked for not having silEnT GUIDs.
Fixed: Admin log was missing some data with g_logOption 16384. Also, new format with admin log when using this option.
Fixed: Client exploit affecting various mods which caused the server to stall until the engine watchdog triggered.
Fixed: The shrubbot.cfg configuration file is cleaned automatically from expired bans and warnings on each map start. Instead of waiting for it to be written as a result of an admin command.
Fixed: Memory leak with subnet bans.
Fixed: Axis covertop couldn't select pistols through weapon banks.
Fixed: UI; tooltip text color theming.
Fixed: Improvised Demolition not showing up in final map stats.
Fixed: mines spotting progress bar not always displayed.

Source: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.1
Author TheSilencerPL Date 21.11.2013 Filesize 6,798 MB Download 233

WolfAdmin 1.0.1 released

Published in ET Mods

A Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server enhancement

WolfAdmin is a Lua module for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory servers created by Timo 'Timothy' Smit. It is an enhancement of the existing game, mod and shrubbot functionalities, providing you with extra tools to administrate your server. Among the features are advanced logging of player data and a new set of commands your administrators may use.

Another thing which WolfAdmin provides is a new set of custom voting options which can be called from a new vote menu. Finally the module also provides some features which were originally implemented by popular mods such as NoQuarter, ETPub and ETPro. These features include player greetings, warn history and spree records.

The development of the module started in 2015, although first tests date from 2014. This module has been created to help servers survive, even when there are not that many administrators or even players online.
This is a growing issue in the Wolfenstein community and thus one of the future plans is to incorporate features that will be particularly useful for servers with low player amounts, such as variable map rotation and server configuration. Of course suggestions are welcome, feel free to contact me by email or post ideas in the bug tracker.

WolfAdmin Features

[Commands] Greetings are cut off
[Database] Awards for each map shouldn't include bots
[General] Implement safety checks
[General] Show revive messages to team and add possibility to disable
[General] Add revive spree on center screen by achievements
[Commands] Rule not displayed when using !rules [shortcut]
[General] Evener doesn't announce and suddenly move a player
[General] Remove greetings prefix when displaying in CP
[Database] Add extra column for clean alias
[General] Do not display greetings for bots

Link: timosmit.com/wolfadmin
Source: etpro.de | dark-alchemy.com

>> Downloads: timosmit.com/wolfadmin/download

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