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=F|A=FALL GAME DAY September

Published in ET Scene

For Europeans, September is the month of taking off bikini’s and swimsuits and starting to turn over your closet in search of your favorite sweater.

For Russians, 6. September is when Leningrad finally became Saint Petersburg again.
For Allies, 6. September is the day when Ypres finally came back into their hands.

Not for us!
In =F|A=, September is the time for yet another wonderful game-day where panzerwars, sniperwars and crazygravity are only the pretext for an all-round day full of joy and whether or not.


Feel free to come and steal some apples from our paradise!

Your hosts for this month
DJ aka GDR DJ, Ang3l, Antichrist, Kat0n, BORR*ACHO, Quovadis, Jhnonny/Shinobi, D..X, Redbaird, Platonic War and Von Rantala.
Under supervision of Maximo Decimo, Nani* and Ann!b@l<br< a="">>

Special thanks to Mr.Karizmatic for providing this month’s poster and to Chameleon for help

Source: Fearless-Assassins | wolffiles.de

Enemy Territory Competition

Published in ET Scene

Welcome to the Enemy Territory Competition!

Please support the ETC Cup! Add the Banner to your Clanpage

Date & Time: when the Teams are available, Sign-ups: NOW
Note: We accept the Sign ups after three Members are part of a team

Short way is allowed unless both teams agree not to use it.
Every player has to record demos; if you can't give your demos when asked for, your clan will be disqualified.
At least one player from each team must idle on IRC#etc-cup during the cup and he should be recognizable (with his name used on tourney.cc).
Only admins are allowed as spectators, players must use ETTV [gamestv.org].
TZAC is forced, your team will be disqualified if you don't play with TZAC. Check if everyone has TZAC before the match starts.
Banned(CB/ESL) and tagged players on CF are not allowed to compete.
A player can't play for different teams.
If there is a tie, a decider is picked by cointoss.

ETPro 3.2.6
The latest available global config should be used Download [gth-clan.de]
TZAC Server addon TZAC [tz-ac.com]

For the final, which will be played on ETTV [gamestv.org], both teams pick a map from the mappool. Decider is picked by elimination.

Datum und Zeit: wenn genügend Teams verfügbar sind, Sign-ups: JETZT
Anmerkung: wir akzeptieren die Anmeldung, nachdem 3 Member in einem Team sind

Seite ist erlaubt, es sei denn beide Teams sind nicht einverstanden
Jeder Spieler muss Demos aufnehmen, wenn er dieses nicht tut und danach gefragt wird, kann sein Team disqualifiziert werden.
Mindestens ein Spieler aus jedem Team muss auf # etc-Cup verfügbar sein und er sollte erkennbar sein (mit seinem Namen, den er auf tourney.cc verwendet).
Spectators sind nicht erlaubt. Benutzt ETTV [gamestv.org]
TCAC ist erforderlich. Sollte ein Team ohne TZAC Antreten, wird es disqualifiziert.
Auf CB oder ESL gabannte Spieler dürfen hier nicht antreten.
Ein Spieler darf nicht für ein anderes Team Spielen
Wenn es einen Gleichstand gibt, wird eine dritte Map nach Cointoss und Mapelimitation gespielt.

ETPro 3.2.6
Die letzte Version der Global Config Download [gth-clan.de]
TZAC Server addon TZAC [tz-ac.com]

Für das Finale, das per ETTV [gamestv.org] gespielt werden, nehmen sich beide Teams eine Map aus dem Mappool. Entscheider Map wird durch Eliminierung ermittelt.

Date et heure : quand les équipes sont disponibles, Enregistrement : MAINTENANT
Note : Nous acceptons les adhésions ( modifications ) après que trois membres aient rejoint une équipe

On permet les " raccourcis " à moins que les deux équipes acceptent de ne pas l'employer.
Chaque joueur doit enregistrer des démos ; si vous ne pouvez pas donner vos démos quand demandé, votre clan sera disqualifié.
Au moins un joueur de chaque équipe doit être connecté à IRC #etc-cup pendant chaque match et il devra être reconnaissable (son nom étant employé sur tourney.cc).
Les arbitres sont bien sur autorisés pendant les matchs mais les spectateurs doivent utiliser ETTV [gamestv.org] pour suivre les rencontres.
TZAC est obligatoire pour tous ( anti-cheat ), votre équipe sera éliminée si vous ne jouez pas avec TZAC. Vérifiez si chacun a TZAC avant que le match commence.
On ne permet pas aux joueurs interdits (CB/ESL) et étiquetés sur des CF de participer.
Un joueur ne peut pas jouer pour différentes équipes.
S'il y a un litige, un vote peut être demandé par les deux équipes, toute décision finale et impartiale reviendra aux arbitres ( rejouer un match par exemple ).
Bon match !

ETPro 3.2.6
Les dernières config globales sont disponibles au téléchargement sur Download [gth-clan.de]
Télécharger TZAC depuis le serveur de TZAC TZAC [tz-ac.com]

Pour la finale, qui sera jouée sur ETTV [gamestv.org], sélection des maps par les deux équipes dans le mappool. Le map décisive est sélectionnée par élimination par les deux équipes.

- adlernest
- supply
- frostbite
- tounine_b2
- library_b3
- braundorf_b4
- erdenberg_b3
- sp_delivery_te

1st Matchweek: frostbite <> braundorf_b4
2st Matchweek: adlernest <> tounine_b2
3st Matchweek: supply <> erdenberg_b3
4st Matchweek: library_b3 <> sp_delivery_te

Link: etc-cup.tourney
Quelle: gTh-clan

Team Muppet ETNam Booze Night

Published in ET Scene

Team Muppet Vietnam BoozeNight - We would like to invite you for its Booze event on the 15th of September, starting at 19:00 GMT+0 till you're to wasted to continue. Bring your alcoholic beverages and your best aim to enjoy an unforgettable night. And feel free to join us at our teamspeak3 server during the event for the extra experience!!


For further questions/information visit our website and join us in the chat.We are looking forward to see you there.

Source: wolffiles.de | Team-Muppet

*WF*Clan Special Event

Published in ET Scene

The *WF*Clan invites all players to their NQ 123 Mod, (NQ Revmod), test event. The action started this weekend and will carry on to include next weekend too.

So grab your MP40/Thompson and join in the frag fun as the *WF*Clan test out the excellent new features of the NQ 123 Mod.

IP: - this week end | IP:!27977 - test new nq 123 features this week

NQ Revmod info >> wf-gaming.net/nqrevmod

Source - wolffiles.de | wf-gaming.net

Intake Gaming Cup

Published in ET Scene

Hello and welcome to our FIRST Cup Series! as by request from quite a few people, we have a new cup.
This series is by s1LENT mod, and will be nothing else.

Date: Saturday/Sunday 3rd/4th, August
Time: First match start 13:00 EST, teams check in at 12:30 @ #intake-gaming
Participants: 16 teams
Format: 6on6, double elimination brackets
Mod: s1lent

- Supply
- Sp_delivery_te
- Frostbite
- Et_beach
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Braundorf_b4
- Et_ice
- Erdenberg_t3
- Adlernest

Before you are able to sign up, you need to go through the following steps:

1. Make an account on intake-gaming.com
2. Create a forum post (with team name) HERE
3. Post players country, name & silent guide

Sign up here!

Remember - all players need to be registered and added to your team on this website.

Source: wolffiles.de

-)A(- Trickjump Evening

Published in ET Scene


Trickjump Evening on A4

 We would like to invite all the players to our Trickjump Evening.

 Following JustKidding's idea we will meet on our A4 Trickjump Server and have some fun :)

 Visit A4:
 on Saturday 6th September at 19:00 CET

 If you don't know how to trickjump - don't worry! We will help you ;)

 You can discuss about the event and tell us about your presence on forum here

Source: dark-alchemy.com


Dark Alchemy 8th birthday!

Published in ET Scene

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy celebrates its 8th birthday.
After all those years we still can manage a beautiful server with a nice atmosphere.
Players feel welcome and the objective play is highly present.

We invite all players to come and join at our part on A1.
This saturday A1 will be a party server where everyone gets suprised.
So, join us and see what is happening.

The place to be:

Source: dark-alchemy.com | wolffiles.de

TeamMuppet Domination

Published in ET Scene

Hey guys heres the announcement of our next event: TeamMuppet Domination !!!

Event will take place Saturday the 26th July (this weekend) at a time of 19:00 GMT

Server IP is

Domination mod is where u have to collect the ball and score into ur apponant they will be deffending !! (Demo by MrMuppet)

Link: teammuppet.eu/teammuppet-domination-event

Source: wolffiles.de | teammuppet.eu

=F|A= Halloween Birthday Bash

Published in ET Scene

We all know Halloween, trick-or-treat and grab some candy, pumpkins scary little kids. This year we celebrate Halloween even more special, together with the amazing 6th b-day of our FA-community!

We decided for this special occasion we host an Fearless Assassins HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY BASH like you've never seen before.

This is what awaits u in the horror of Fun !?
- Halloween maps
- Crazy gravity
- panzer-, rifle- and sniperwars

Date: 25-26th October 2014
Time: Time: 12.00 (noon) to at least 7.00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0)
Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com:27960

Teamspeak 3 server:
Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak
Server IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Don't miss it, or no candy for you!

Sources : fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de

ET Lan Event - Return to Krefeld Battleground

Published in ET Scene

Dear Wolfenstein: ET Community,
Many people have been messaging us lately, asking if the LAN event will happen. The community want us to make it happen and we are willing to host it for you. After the last newspost we did not get the response we'd hoped for, resulting in our long silence.
After having another internal conversation, we decided to try and make the event happen, for you, for us and for all those unforgettable moments, the offline events of this beautiful game. We have to pay the location in exactly one month, that being said, this is the final deadline!

We need exactly ten 6on6 teams and twelve 3on3 teams to make the event happen. If we can surprise ourselves and make it, the event will happen from November 2nd 2018 to November 4th 2018. We need the teams signed up and paid by August 30th 2018! Every 6on6 team pays 390€ (65€ per player) and every 3on3 team pays 105€ (35€ per player). We still have the location booked and would love to host the event and the needed seeding tournament.

The prize pool the teams are competing for will be 3160€!

We have reset the recruitment post, to give you all the chances to form or/and find teams. See >HERE<

You don't have a full team? No problem. Sign up for the event and you will be assigned to a team by the event organisers.

Greetings from Chosen, Ekto and stRay

Many thanks to:
Moe, for his donation of 550€ to the prize pool.
The three winning teams of the "ETernal Damage Cup", for their donation of 450€ to the prize pool.

Source: crossfire.nu | wolffiles.de






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