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UJE Rotterdam Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap - UJE Rotterdam Sniper - made by [UJE] Niek

This is an adjusted version of the objective map Rotterdam.

Always wanted to snipe in the harbours of Rotterdam? This is you're chance.
Both sides are filled with lot's of sniperspots. So take a look and have fun sniping.
Rotterdam sniper is a No Crossing map so you can lean back and relax and enjoy the view.

Source: ujeclan.com | ujeclan via FB

Author [UJE]Niek Date 24.01.2016 Filesize 20,55 MB Download 240

UJE Halloween b3

Published in ET Maps

ET Map UJE Halloween beta 3 made by [UJE] Niek

The theme is set to halloween
Axis have invaded a ghosttown and they have hidden some halloween parts in the ghosthouse.
Allies have to get the halloween parts and escort them with the truck to theire base
There are lot's of ghosts in this town so....
Beware and don't get killed by some traps and ghosts and spiders
Have lot's of fun.

Axis objective:

*Defend the ghosthouse gate
*Build the baricade
*Fix commandpost
*Hold the flagspawn
*Defend the halloween parts
*stop the truck

Allied objective:

*Build the commandpost for closer spawn
*Destroy the ghosthouse gate
*Steal the halloween parts
*Escort the truck

Source: ujeclan.com | Niek via FB

HALLOWEEN (UJE) Version:beta 3
Author [UJE] Niek Date 31.10.2016 Filesize 27.4 MB Download 333

[UJE] Clan Open Sniper War

Published in ET Scene

 [UJE] Clan presents a Open Sniper War for everybody, at 05th of April on UJE-Server: - password on our Homepage. Have fun!

Der [UJE] Clan präsentiert einen Open Sniper-War für jedermann, am 5. April auf dem UJE-Server: - Passwort ist auf unserer Homepage. Viel Spaß!

Quelle: ujeclan.com

UJE Mountain Attack b2

Published in ET Maps

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack beta 2 is an allies objective map made by [UJE]Niek - The war is in its Early days and Axis forces have occupied a small French village, where they are Building a new Radar System, the Wurzburg Radar.

Allied Forces have to sneak into the village and escape with the Radar Parts. This will be a lethal battle where only the Strongest will Survive.

Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance of the radar building
*Destroy steal the radarpart and bring it to the truck
*Escort the truck
*Build the commandpost to get a new spawn

Image [UJE] Mountain Attack Beta 2 ist eine Alliierten Objectiv-Map, erstellt von [UJE]Niek - Der Krieg ist in seinen frühen Tagen und die Achsenmächte haben ein kleines französisches Dorf besetzt, wo sie ein neues Radar-System bauen, das Würzburg Radar.

Die Alliierten müssen sich ins Dorf schleichen und mit den Radar-Bauteilen entkommen. Dies wird eine letale Schlacht, wo nur die Stärksten überleben werden.

Image Image Image


Quelle: ujeclan.com

UJE Paris b1

Published in ET Maps

[UJE] Niek releases his new handsome Enemy Territory map - UJE-Paris beta 1.

The Axis forces are invading Paris this time. They are on their way passing the Seine into the center of Paris where they want to destroy the Eiffel Tower.
France will be fallen if they succeed. The Allied forces need to stop them at all costs


Axis Objective
* Escort both Tanks into Paris
* Destroy 2 Tank barriers
* Destroy the Eiffel Tower
* Build the commandpost

Allied Objective
* Stop the Tanks
* Build the commandpost

Special thanks to Fabi for the scripting adjustments and thanks to everyone that keeps the game alive.
And thanks for whoever made the models ,they rock.

Source: ujeclan.com | Niek via FB

PARIS (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 04.04.2018 Filesize 31.89 MB Download 950

UJE Snowy Sniper b3

Published in ET Maps

New Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper beta 3 made by [UJE] Niek - It's winter again ,cold weeks with snow ,it's the best time to sniper a bit that's why this map is set in a snowy atmosphere. It's a crossable map but most entrances of the houses are safe.
Hope you have fun in this map and have some nice holidays with you're family.

Neue Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper Beta 3 erstellt von [UJE] Niek - Es ist wieder Winter, kalte Wochen mit Schnee, die beste Zeit um ein wenig zu snipern, weshalb diese Map eine verschneite Atmosphäre hat. Es ist eine überkreutzbare Map, aber die meisten Eingänge der Häuser sind sicher.
Wünsche euch viel Spaß auf dieser Map, und habt ein paar erholsame Feiertage mit euren Familien.


Quelle: Thx to [UJE] Niek via Shoutbox | ujeclan.com

SNOWY SNIPER B3 (UJE) Version:beta 3
Author [UJE] Niek Date 29.12.2012 Filesize 10,08 MB Download 281

UJE The Lab beta 5

Published in ET Maps

UJE The Lab beta 5 map made by [UJE]Niek

Intel found a secret base in the French Alps , Allies have to destroy the Rocket stationed there then they have to gain acces to the Secret base and search some trainparts to fix the train and escape.

Allied objective
* Destroy the Rocket
* Destroy the Entrance to the Base
* Take the Trainparts and bring them to the Train
* Escape with the train

Axis objective
* Prevent the Allies from destroying the Rocket
* Prevent the Allies from blowing the Entrance to the Base
* Prevent the Allies taking the parts to the Train
* Prevent the Allies from escaping with the train

Source: ujeclan.com

THE LAB (UJE) Version:beta 5
Author [UJE] Niek Date 20.04.2015 Filesize 18,898 MB Download 342

[UJE] Parking Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE_parking_sniper made by  [UJE] Niek - 2 Parking places in the middle of the city. Both are opponents of eachother so.. Let the best side win ! It's a no crossing map so have alot of fun :)

Snipermap UJE_parking_sniper erstellt von  [UJE] Niek - 2 Parkplätze mitten in der Stadt. Beide gegenüberliegende Seiten sind Gegner, so lasse die beste Seite gewinnen! Es ist ein nicht überquerbare Map. Viel Spaß :)

Author (UJE) Niek Date 04.03.2013 Filesize 12,04 MB Download 281

[UJE] Mall Beta 6

Published in ET Maps

New Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map UJE Mall Beta 6 made by [UJE] Niek.

In the city of UJE are some very important documents hidden by some Allied troops , Axis are trying to get those documents back.
They invaded the UJE Mall with a tank to blow up the solid door of the building where the documents are hidden. It will not be easy because the Allied forced know they are coming and they are trying to prevent this with all the sources they have.

Axis objective:
*Escort the tank
*Blow up 2 baricades
*Fix commandpost
*Fix generator to close the gate
*Blow up the safe
*steal the secret documents
*Transmit the documents

Allied objective:
*stop the axis tank
*Build baricades
*Defend the generator
*Build commandpost
*Prevent the axis from stealing the secret documents

Source: ujeclan.com | thx to [UJE] Niek via FB

MALL (UJE) Version:beta 6
Author [UJE] Niek Date 19.11.2015 Filesize 27,32 MB Download 295

UJE Skull Sniper b1

Published in ET Maps

Enemy Territory Snipermap UJE skull sniper beta 1 made by  [UJE] Niek

Again a kind of spooky map.
It's a dark arena setting ,where it's possible to cross ...
The gates will open every 2 minutes so non crossers will have a good time too , i hope.....
It's not easy to cross you first have to find the way.

* Alot of funny and scary sounds in it
* Gate scripting made by Sage (Thanks for that)
* Beast inside

Source: ujeclan.com

SKULL SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 07.05.2016 Filesize 26,51 MB Download 221






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