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Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS

Published in ET Mods

Image New ET Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS by EgaL - HD and restylt Chargeimages and Commandmaps for Enemy Territory. Now you can see the path's a lot better.

Image Neuer ET Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS von EgaL - Auf alt und HD getrimmte Mapimages im Ladebildschirm und Commandmaps für Enemy Territorry. Wege sind trotz der Veränderung heraus gearbeitet und besser sichtbar.

- 25 Chargeimages and 24 Commandmaps

>> put it in your ETMAIN!!

MAPS: Adlernest, Battery, Braundorf B4, Bremen B2, Cean 2, ET Beach invasion, ET Ice, Fueldump, Goldrush, Karsiah TE, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Reactor Final, sp_devilvery, Supply, Supplydepot 2, SW Battery, SW Goldrush, SW Oasis, TC Base, Transmitter, Venice, Warbelle + Unknown map Image in the Loadingscreen

!!!Back 2 Roots!!! and play Wolfenstein and visist Wolfenstein4ever.de


Quelle: Big thx to EgaL@Wolfenstein4ever

ETJump 2.3.0 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.3.0 is out!

After a long wait the "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" mod, ETJump, version 2.3.0 is finally ready, thanks to Aciz and Ryven.
ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

Full changelog: forum.etjump.com/etjump-2-3-0

Source: wolffiles.de | etjump.com

ETJUMP 2.3.0 Version:2.3.0
Author Aciz and Ryven Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 7.74 MB Download 368

Dark Mule Skins - Weapons & Soundpack

Published in ET Mods

New Enemy Territory - Dark Mule Skins, Weapons & Soundpack

What does the Dark Mule Pack contain?

    Head models have been modified, (smaller than standard and changed the texture of the hair, e.g.,  Axis hairstyles shaved heads up)
    New models Backpack added
    Added complete Backpack equipment
    Added new belt models,  (belts with additional equipment, now longer for each class)
    Fully and partially altered textures, (this includes face, uniform and weapons textures - dominated camouflage pattern)
    Helmet models are now lower
    Sounds of weapons and environments are changed by more than 90%
    Chat sounds have been added and some partially altered
    Package requires the command + set com_hunkmegs 128
    Package contains a "read me" text file with installallation instructions and how to troubleshoot any problems -
    it is preferable to read this guide because only then will the package work properly

Dark Mule website

Source:  wolffiles.de | Rehhhh via Splatterladder

Author Dark Mule Team Date 01.02.2015 Filesize 26,35 MB Download 469

ETJump 2.0.6 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.0.6 is ready!

ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero.

    Fixed !listmaps listing all maps whether they're on the server or not.
    Added @name@ tagging in chat. (Replaces the @tag@ with matching names)
    Added a message key for trigger_flagonly_multiple
    The entity prints the message when an objective is capture. Adding [n] in the message prints the name of the player that captured the objective.
    Added etj_drawConnectionIssues. Disables the "Connection interrupted" text and image.
    This is mainly for people with constantly high pings (e.g. from Australia)
    Added spawnflag 512 for trigger_multiple
    Multiple players are able to trigger the same trigger_multiple at the same time
    Multiple bugfixes
    Players can no longer callvote map <current map>
    /callvote map mapname matches partial map names
    token collection mode:
    Admins can define locations for easy, medium and hard tokens that can be collected by players. Once you've collected all of them, the total time it took to collect them is printed.
    Improved /records
    Added highlighting for @tags@
    etj_noclipScale now supports decimal values and is limited to values between 1-20
    Fixed fireteam savelimit
    Removed nonading
    Weapons are now correctly removed on start timer

Source: etjump.com | etpro.de


ETJUMP 2.0.6 Version:2.0.6
Author Zero Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 6.6 MB Download 203

ET:Revaluation Venomtroopers

Published in ET Mods
I always liked the look of the Venom Troopers in RtCW, so I decided to create a skinpack as hommage to RtCW and the countless hours of fun I had with this game in singleplayer and multiplayer.

  • Four versions for serveradmins (animated/solid & NQ animated/solid)
  • Compatible with ETpro, ETpub, Jaymod and No Quarter
  • Gasmask with filter and transparent glasses
  • Fitting accoutrement
  • Very good to differ without class symbols
  • No ranks on the helmets (like in RtCW)
  • Replaced the MP40 with the Venom (not in the NQ versions)
  • If a covert takes an enemy uniform, the dead body wears a fitting uniform

Download Skinpack

Quelle: wolfmap

Silent Mod 0.6.3 released

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk.com releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.6.3. - Fixed Incompatibility with ET Legacy binaries introduced in 0.6.2.

ImageDas Team von mygamingtalk.com veröffentlicht ET-Mod silEnT 0.6.3. - Repariert die Inkompatibilität der ET Legacy-Binärdateien von Version 0.6.2.


Quelle: mygamingtalk

Enemy Territory timerun mod

Published in ET Mods
Image What is it?
ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod. The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.

How does it work?
ETrun has 3 different physics:
    * Vanilla (VET)    * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)    * Advanced Physics (AP)

It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.
Image Was ist das?
ETrun ist eine Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Timerun Mod. Das Ziel eines Timeruns ist es, eine Map, vom Start bis zum Ende, so schnell wie möglich zu erreichen.

Wie funktioniert es?
ETrun hat 3 verschiedene Physik:
     * Vanilla (VET)     * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3)     * Advanced Physics (AP)

Es basiert überwigend auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Spielern. Ihr Ziel ist es, die besten Zeiten wie möglich zu erreichen und mit Freunden zu konkurrieren.

Links and Map Downloads
Timeruns community site: timeruns.net


The ETrun wiki
Official game servers: timeruns.net/servers/

Quelle: etpro.de

Infected Mod (A13)

Published in ET Mods

Micha! released a new version on his ET mod "Infected" - Infected Mod is a survival gameplay mod. It changes Allies to Humans/Swat and Axis to Infected/Zombies.

Micha! veröffentlicht eine neue Version von seinem ET-Mod "Infected" - Infected Mod ist ein Überlebens Gameplaymod, diese Mod verwandelt die Alliierten in Menschen und macht Achsenmächte zu Zombies.

* Humans: You need to survive till the timelimit is over !
-> Get ammo on kills
* Infected: Kill all humans to win the round (starts with 1 player)
-> Kill a human to infect him

Some features:
- Random Map vote
- "Infect a random player" vote
- Removes Mg42 and objectives out of maps
- Heartbeat sound on lower healthpoints
- World sounds for better atmosphere
- Player punishment for "spec -> human team" to avoid dead (empty weapons on respawn).
- Get ammo for kills (infected players get another throwing knife, humans get bullets)
- Thirdperson mode ( /tp 1 or /tp 2)
- More shrubbot commands
- Infected Team has special spawnpoints on some maps
- Edited mapscripts
- Tripmines
- Water breath bar

Server: 2.55, 2.6b, et300

server: windows, linux
client: windows, linux


Author Micha! Date 01.05.2013 Filesize 21,11 MB Download 410


Published in ET Mods

Dieses Soundpack von =TBK=(Zain) beinhaltet 70 extra Sounds, die garantiert für Spass auf euren Server sorgen werden. Es sind nur Funsounds die mit dem Vsay Menü aufgerufen werden.

Entpacke die .zip Datei und lade die .pk3 auf dein Gameserver und in dein Downloadordner hoch. Nun starte den Server neu und die Sounds sind aktiv.
Zum Deinstallieren einfach die .pk3 löschen und den Server neustarten.

Link: =TBK=

Quelle: RtCW Files

Author =TKB=(ZAIN) Date 18.06.2008 Filesize 6,9 Mb Download 454

Wintertheme Mod

Published in ET Mods
Der Minimod "Wintertheme" von ailmanki kann als Gegenstück zum European Style bezeichnet werden. Wie man auf en Screenshots sehen kann, werden hier die Maps in ein verschneites Szenario gesetzt. Leider wird Würzburg Radar nicht unterstützt.


--> ET » Minimods » Wintertheme
Supported Maps:
  • Seawall Battery
  • Goldrush
  • Siwa Oasis
  • Baserace

Quelle:  Wolfmap.de






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