Can You Row This? - Jump Movies by Th0sy
Can You Row This? - Enemy Territory Jump Movies by Th0sy
ET Jump Movies | Can You Row This? NoDown and Can You Row This? Airwaves_B1.
Two nice trickjump movies in excellent quality with relaxed music. Both Movies created by Th0sy, Jumps from Skepty.
Source: crossfire.nu
CAN YOU ROW THIS? - NODOWN Th0sy and Skepty 16.03.2015 109 MB 175 |
CAN YOU ROW THIS? - AIRWAVES B1 Th0sy and Skepty 16.03.2015 158.16 MB 174 |
ETJump 2.0.4 released!
What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.
ETJump 2.0.4 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.
Fixed a bug that caused vote_limit to be ignored.
Support for timeruns
Fixed some database bugs
Added slick detector
Added alternative scoreboard
Added another alternative scoreboard
Fixed a bug that caused axis engineers to spawn with rifle nades when noexplosives was active.
cg_viewplayerportals value 2: you only see other players' portals when you're speccing them
Added target_scale_velocity
lower_limit: if velocity is under lower_limit, nothing will be activated
upper_limit: if velocity is over upper_limit, nothing will be activated
if either limit is 0, it will be ignored
1: only horizontal velocity
2: only vertical velocity
Example usage of target_activate_if_velocity
Added target_activate_if_velocity
scale: multiplier that velocity will be scaled with
Example usage of target_scale_velocity
Added random map mode (g_randomMapMode where the server automatically changes map every X minutes (defined in g_randomMapModeInterval).
Voting for the mode can be toggled with vote_randomMapMode cvar.
Fixed a rare bug that crashed the server on random map vote.
Added player_logJumpCoordinates for mapping purposes. As the cvar name says, logs the jump coordinates every time you jump. (or fall)
Fixed a bug that teleported players to random locations on load after map change.
Added player_drawMessageTime cvar for logging time when the chat message was sent. Setting the cvar to 1 will print [hour:minute] ETPlayer: hello, world! and setting the cvar to 2 will print [hour:minute:second] ETPlayer: hello, world!
Slick detector now detects slickly slopes aswell.
Source: etjump.com | Zero
ETJUMP 2.0.4 Version:2.0.4 Zero 31.03.2015 1.01 KB 218 |
Completing ALL RtCW Trickjump Maps
Homie presents his huge trickjump movie and plays on ALL trickjumpmaps in chronological order!
Good movie with over 8 hours of playtime for just watch or learn ;-)
Completing all RTCW Trickjump maps with some nice drum & bass on the background from dj's of my hometown :-)!
Trickjump maps played (100 in total), in order of release date:
00:03 - dzm_trickjump
02:19 - {AM}trickjump_2
05:18 - tj3_final
09:52 - mp_kolotrickjump
12:26 - brickjump_final
17:28 - pp_brickjump
20:33 - usf_jump
24:21 - experimental
25:37 - tj5
27:05 - strayjump1
32:20 - usf_jump2
40:14 - strayjump2
46:40 - testjump1a
48:17 - test_r01
52:50 - viojump1_exp4
57:17 - tj_combat_1beta
1:00:33 - tj_xp3_funpak
1:05:08 - homiejump1
1:12:12 - strayjump3
1:19:33 - nctrickjump
1:24:30 - strayjump4
1:30:14 - strayjump5
1:38:05 - tj_combat_2beta3
1:44:08 - homiejump2
1:51:32 - strayjump_rld
1:59:31 - trickmaster1_beta2
2:03:32 - trickmaster2_beta1
2:10:17 - forsakenjump2
2:14:11 - rg_jumptown
2:19:39 - fanxjump1
2:23:05 - monojump
2:27:01 - forsakenjump3_test
2:31:59 - mp_godyjump
2:36:26 - jump-city
2:40:54 - jump-duell
2:44:27 - xp3_city
2:48:39 - ezjumpz1
2:55:31 - ezjumpz2
3:02:05 - ezjumpz3
3:08:07 - $25,000
3:09:10 - $100,000
3:09:54 - $50,000
3:10:40 - animaljump_test
3:11:32 - hkjumpz_beta1
3:16:25 - avp-jump_b
3:21:23 - slickmaster1_beta1
3:33:00 - xjump_beta3
3:40:05 - zero_k
3:50:50 - xp3_testmap19
3:55:29 - winnijump1
4:00:08 - tj_dingo
4:02:55 - tj_dingo2
4:08:20 - homiejump3_beta
4:15:51 - winnijump2
4:20:40 - zerojumps1_b1
4:21:55 - tomikjumpik
4:24:00 - winnijump3
4:29:42 - tomikjumpik2
4:31:55 - tomikjumpik3
4:33:58 - winnijump4
4:40:50 - lego_jumps
4:43:35 - applejump1
4:45:42 - Torrejumps_beta1
4:50:26 - tj_dingo3
4:58:18 - tj_dingo4
5:01:03 - tj_dingo5
5:06:00 - tj_dingo6
5:12:36 - AOD_JumP
5:16:36 - tj_dingo7
5:21:45 - WinniJump5
5:25:23 - AOD_JumP2
5:29:06 - CricleJumpBeta2
5:41:54 - airmaXXXjumps
5:45:05 - BrokenDreamsRTCW
5:47:23 - clockwork_orange
5:48:25 - tj_dingo8
5:52:48 - din_beta
5:56:33 - wroom101
5:58:37 - random_FMJ
5:59:16 - ocean_t18
6:02:03 - tj_dingo9
6:06:14 - rtcw_1000jumpEX
6:21:54 - rtcw_trickjump1
6:30:08 - rtcw_trickjump2
6:39:04 - funmap_beta8
6:56:53 - winniglassjumps
7:02:07 - vertigo_beta8
7:03:15 - ZenoFunJumps
7:06:15 - jumpenstein
7:08:25 - tmf_beta1
7:14:56 - rtcw_fall_beta8
7:16:28 - piyo-FunJumps_rtcw_beta2
7:26:27 - flzjumps_beta
7:28:24 - rtcw_trickjump3_v2
8:02:29 - rtcw_trickjump4_v3
8:14:11 - rtcw_trickjump5
8:23:53 - rtcw_stretchjump
8:24:57 - rtcw_dzm_beta1
8:25:21 - tj_dingo10
8:33:40 - tj_dingo11
Maps not played because they are similar/duplicates to the ones above, or just unplayable:
rtcw_trickjump3_mirrored, tj_dingo6r, rtcw_trickjump5_EX, rtcw_1000jumpDH, rtcw_1000jumpEZ, cc_trickjump2/1, dzm_distancejump, Depot-Roof, tomikejumps (testroom), rtcw_testjump_beta2, nihjump3
Played on following trickjump servers: - Trickjump (1.4 shrub tj server by cassette) - AoD TJ (1.0 server with some tj mod with higher speed settings)
Source: crossfire.nu
ETJump 2.0.5 released
ETJump 2.0.5 released
What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.
ETJump 2.0.5 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.
Source: etjump.com - Zero | www.etpro.de
ETJUMP 2.0.5 Version:2.0.5 Zero 13.09.2015 6,755 MB 187 |
ETJump 2.1.0 released
ETJump 2.1.0 is ready!
ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero, XIS, Vallz and Ryven.
New devs
We have 3 new developers that are working on various things for the mod. XIS joined the ETJump development team last year and has been working on trickjump lines (a feature from ETPro that allows players to record routes for jumps and display them later). Vallz joined in March and has been working on features to get more statistics on player performance. Ryven also joined in April and is working on client / UI enhancements...
More important ETJump innovations and information here... forum.etjump.com
Extended target_relay:
spawnflags 8: only fires targets if the activating player is currently timerunning
spawnflags 16: only fires targets if the activating player is currently NOT timerunning
Added speed_limit key to target_starttimer.
Timer will not be started if player's speed is higher than the value. Default value is 700.
Added etj_drawTokens.
Added etj_enableTimeruns.
Fixed issues with timerun timer.
Added trigger_tracker and target_tracker.
A replacement for target_activate that's easier to use and allows more complex designs.
Fixed lines ending with a ^ breaking newlines.
g_banners to enable/disable banners altogether.
Client side autoexec for map specific configs. (autoexec_mapname.cfg).
Added spawnflags 1 to target_remove_portals to disable the text print.
Added target_interrupt_timerunto stop any timerun without setting a record.
Added target_set_health.
Set's activator's health to the value specified by the health key.
Spawnflags 1 to set once per life.
Fixed a likely crash on linux client.
Added cvars to control ghost player's transparency:
etj_ghostPlayersOpacity controls ghostplayer's transparency.
etj_ghostPlayersFadeRange controls distance when ghostplayer starts to fade.
Custom vsays: /vsay <variation> <id> <custom text> e.g. /vsay 4 hi Good evening!.
UI enhancements:
optional shadows for runtimer and speed
runtimer user experience improved
added cvar to auto hide the timer when it isn't used etj_runTimerAutoHide
popup message grouping (avoid duplicates) etj_popupGrouped
teamchat height increased up to 14 lines (from 8)
Added cvar to control explosives shake etj_explosivesShake
0 disables shaking, 1 disables shaking from own explosives, 2 disables shaking from other player's explosives, 3 default behaviour
Widescreen support
etj_chatFlags toggles team flags next to chat messages.
Improved callvote:
Specs can no longer vote.
Votes will stay for full 30 seconds unless the percentage needed out of number of connected clients has exceeded for either yes or no votes.
For example: 51% => 2 players are in team, 2 in spec => 3 votes are needed. If both players in team vote yes it will wait for 30 seconds and pass. If one of the specs join team vote yes, it will pass instantly. If one of the specs join team and vote no, it will wait for the vote to expire and pass.
Fixed a bug in listbans.
Fixed weird coordinates in the chat causing undesired mouse movements
Bullets and explosives go through ghost players
vsay correctly displays timestamp
Added cvar to disable lean when holding +activate key along with strafe keys etj_noActivateLean
Chat improvements:
Increased chat messages up to 200 chars
New multiline chat textbox with character counter
Source: etjump.com | etpro.de
ETJUMP 2.1.0 Version:2.1.0 Zero, XIS, Vallz and Ryven 07.11.2016 7.8 MB 189 |
Push n Jump
Push n Jump - A little less typical Enemy Territory trickjump movie
Most of the jumps seen in the movie are meant to be useful in normal (or competitive) play and therefore are recorded with competition settings (nofatigue = 0, b_fixedphysics = 1, etc.). All of the co-jumps are achieved with etpro's push feature. The demos used to make this movie are from 2008-2009.
Contains jumps in following maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen, frostbite, fueldump, goldrush, karsiah, radar, sp_delivery, supply depot, sw_oasis_te
Source: crossfire.nu
PUSH N JUMP - 16.08.2015 185 MB 191 |
Apex Trickjump Movie
New Enemy Territory Movie called Apex - 999aciz and 999sungi present a new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This is a video showcasing release of a new strafe/gamma jump map Apex. It contains 27 strafejumps, all optimized for fullbeat style!
Video: Finland999aciz
Jumping: Finland999sungi
TJ-Map: apex_v2
Thanks to NetherlandseT|Robotic, Sweden999wing, Finland999hazz, Finland999aciz and IcelandUseMe&vallz for their help with the map.
You can try it out at 999 Trickjump server, /connect trickjump.net
Source: crossfire.nu
Full HD movie ONLY via download!! (1,25 GB)
APEX TJ MOVIE 999aciz and 999sungi 25.03.2017 1,24 GB 237 |
APEX Version:v2 999aciz and 999sungi 25.03.2017 24,20 MB 235 |
One Thousand and One Loads
ET Trickjump Movie - One Thousand and One Loads
One Thousand and One Loads (Original TJ) by Sungi.
A community effort of original trickjumps from frag maps. The name is a pun on the amount of attempts some of these jumps took. Even though they may look easy on video, some of these tricks require insane precision to perform. All jumps done with normal Pmove_Msec 8 physics. No cheats were used while performing the jumps.
Editing by Finlandsungi, Special thanks to 999|BlaZe| and UseMe&Aciz. This movie would not have been finished if not for them.
Starring (ordered by # of jumps):
Finland sungi, Finland Aciz, Finland Wrath, Finland TheLDer, Finland BlaZe, Finland hazz, United Kingdom Madman, Finland skepty, France Omega, Finland ,=- , Germany FLoPJEHZ, Australia cUfffs, Finland huPo, Belgium morda, Netherlands Spectator, Austria ShuTTeR, Estonia Tr!cK, Finland Tuomas, Canada sageone.
Includes jumps from the following maps:
Adlernest, Battery, Beach, Braundorf, Caen, Coast, Erdenberg, Fueldump, Goldrush, Industry, Italy, Karsiah, Marrakech Streets, Missile, Navarone, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Snatch, Special Delivery, Supply, Tram, Transmitter, Warbell, Venice
Source: crossfire.nu
ONE THOUSAND AND ONE LOADS Sungi 11.06.2015 604 MB 206 |
ETJump 2.0.6 released
ETJump 2.0.6 is ready!
ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero.
Fixed !listmaps listing all maps whether they're on the server or not.
Added @name@ tagging in chat. (Replaces the @tag@ with matching names)
Added a message key for trigger_flagonly_multiple
The entity prints the message when an objective is capture. Adding [n] in the message prints the name of the player that captured the objective.
Added etj_drawConnectionIssues. Disables the "Connection interrupted" text and image.
This is mainly for people with constantly high pings (e.g. from Australia)
Added spawnflag 512 for trigger_multiple
Multiple players are able to trigger the same trigger_multiple at the same time
Multiple bugfixes
Players can no longer callvote map <current map>
/callvote map mapname matches partial map names
token collection mode:
Admins can define locations for easy, medium and hard tokens that can be collected by players. Once you've collected all of them, the total time it took to collect them is printed.
Improved /records
Added highlighting for @tags@
etj_noclipScale now supports decimal values and is limited to values between 1-20
Fixed fireteam savelimit
Removed nonading
Weapons are now correctly removed on start timer
Source: etjump.com | etpro.de
ETJUMP 2.0.6 Version:2.0.6 Zero 22.02.2016 6.6 MB 200 |
Enasni 1.3 - Hardest trickjump map
Two Movies of the hardest trickjump map Enasni - done by 999 Jorge and Evo
Movie 1: Hardest trickjump map done by 999 Jorge. Video by Th0sy
Movie 2: Enasni 1.3 by Evo / sunBurn. Video by IceQ.
Thanks to all the trickjumpers that keep it alive!
HD Movie Downloads + Map Download
Source: crossfire.nu
ENASNI 1.3 MOVIE Evo / sunBurn 12.05.2014 192 MB 174 |
JORGE ON ENASNI 1.3 999 Jorge 12.05.2014 57 MB 174 |
ENASNI Version:1.3 12.05.2014 1,613 MB 155 |
Download News
REMINISCENCE Final | 05-01-20 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.5 | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.3 | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 14-04-19 |
IORtCW 1.51C 1.51c | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 27-01-19 |
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