Return To Castle Wolfenstein Coop
After 2 years of work and more than 850 svn revisions it is finally ready. The first public playable version of return to castle wolfenstine mod makes cooperative play possible - All single player levels are modified for cooperative play (up to 8 players). We added extra enemies, updated the skill levels so that its still a challenge to play this game.
There are three gametypes:
- Coop: Normal rtcw but in cooperative mode, very fun with friends. - Battle : sort of 1vs1 but still in coop. The point of this mode is that at the end of the map you have the best statistics (out of three). The recorded statistics are: damage given / damage received ratio, deaths and points. The player who scores the highest on at least 2 of the three wins. Important to know, you start the game with only one gun and you have to buy weapons, ammo and health. Buying something costs points. Your points can be below zero, but if you are at below zero at the end of the map you can't win - Speedrun: Play a level as fast as possible, fastest time is saved on the server
Download the files. Extract them somewhere (NOT in the rtcw folder). Copy the RTCW pk3's (mp, sp and pak0) into the rtcwcoop main folder and start the rtcwcoop executable.
Nach 2 Jahren Arbeit und mehr als 850 svn Änderungen ist es endlich fertig. Die erste öffentliche spielbare Version von der Return to Castle Wolfenstein Mod macht jetzt kooperatives Spielen möglich - Alle Einzelspieler-Level sind für kooperatives Spielen (bis zu 8 Spieler) modifiziert. Wir haben zusätzliche Gegner und den Schwierigkeitsgrad erhöht, so dass es immer noch eine Herausforderung ist dieses Spiel (erneut) zu spielen.
Downloade die Dateien. Entpacke es irgendwo hin (NICHT in den RTCW Ordner). Kopiere deine RTCW-pk3´s (mp, sp und pak0) in den rtcwcoop Hauptordner und starte die rtcwcoop.exe
Quelle: wolffiles.de
RtCW Venom Mod Gold (v4.6)
HEllBaron89 (author of the Rtcw Venom Mod) released a new version of his Venom mod. This is the latest release of Hellbaron's excellent Venom Mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Latest Updates:
# Updated HD crosshairs.
# New effects and detailed textures.
# Some more improved textures.
Please support HEllBaron89 by giving this new version of the Venom mod a try. Thanks for your interest.
More information: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rtcw-venom-mod/
Source: ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de
RTCW SP VENOM MOD GOLD Version:4.6 HEllBaron89 28.02.2016 604.77 MB 1085 |
Coop Castle Wotan SP Map Mission
This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade.
The German Paranormal Division have discovered the location of Castle Wotan, which hasn't been entered by men since ancient times. Wotan is said to be the god of storm, will and possession, the force behind human movement and activity.
The Paranormal Division believes him to be the main reason for German success and they plan to evoke him through a ceremony at Castle Wotan. You must locate Castle Wotan, eliminate all enemy forces, stop the ceremony and dynamite the altar to prevent further attempts to evoke Wotan.
What's New
# New and improved textures
# New Axis AI added
# New respawning weapons and ammo in 3 locations
Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"We never made any part of this map, we merely converted it to RtCW Cooperative Mod. The original Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player mission was created by Flipmode over 12 years ago, once again, we have no way of contacting him.
The map is superb and way ahead of its time. It already had respawning dynamite, which we've only ever seen before when it was specifically created by the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod Devteam for the "Escape2" map. We hope that our conversion of this excellent map means that it's enjoyed by many more Wolfenstein fans, old and new." - {WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA*
Thanks to
{WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Flipmode for creating the excellent RtCW SP mission
# The RtCW Cooperative Devteam
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty*, {WeB}*Brotz*, {WeB}*Reaper*and {WeB}*B0bby* for all their help, in testing of the map and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod
Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki
COOP CASTLE WOTAN Version:1.0 {WeB}*GANG$TA* {WeB}*DOG* 08.03.2015 1.01 KB 592 |
RtCW Venom Mod Gold (v4.5)
HEllBaron89 (author of the Rtcw Venom Mod) released a new version of his Venom mod.
Please support HEllBaron89 by giving this new version of the Venom mod a try. Thanks for your interest.
More information: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rtcw-venom-mod/
Source: ronboyproductions | ModDB link: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod
RTCW SP VENOM MOD GOLD Version:4.5 HEllBaron89 11.01.2016 610 MB 513 |
RtCW Coop 0.9.5
Link: rtcwcoop.com
RtCW SP Venom Mod v3.5
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Venom Mod Version 3.5
HellBaron89 has released version 3.5 of his awesome Venom mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Born to be a compilation of the best stuff for Return to Castle Wolfenstein in first release, this mod improve graphic, gameplay and AI of enemies with all possibility of the old Id Tech 3, keeping the original game elements.
New features
# Revised all previous mod files
# More stable gameplay
# Some fixes and optimization
# Better quality release with less space required
# A lot of new effects
# New shaders and detailed textures for characters and levels
Source: www.moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod - Ronboy | www.wolffiles.de
RTCW SP VENOM MOD (HD TEXTURES) Version:3.5 HEllBaron89 13.09.2015 426 MB 962 |
RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2
RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2. Hooray! I still decided to publish an updated version of its retexture. It includes the texture of the first version of the pack, most of which are updated by the second version of the pack. The new pack contains 147 textures.
Eugeny's website
Source: Eugeny via FB
RtCW HD RETEXTURE PACK Version:ALPHA 0.4 Eugeny 01.08.2013 222 MB 3983 |
Axis Skin mod - Redux Return to Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2.0) by SidneyReilly1925
With "Wolfenstein: The Old Blood" to be unleashed in May, it's time to return to Castle Wolfenstein once again with the "Redux Return To Return To Castle Wolfenstein."
"Redux Return To Return To Castle Wolfenstein" is a new version of "Return To Return To Castle Wolfenstein" which now includes younger versions of B.J. Blazkowicz and General "Deathshead" Strasse from "Wolfenstein: The New Order" as well as improvements (and some complete changes) to my NPC renderings in the original mod.
These uniforms are as historically accurate as possible according to Osprey Publishing's military history books and feature accurate designs based on uniforms of the Heer, Kriegsmarines, Luftwaffe, Afika Corps, and the SS.
Source: rtcwfiles.com
REDUX RETURN TO RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN Version:2.0 SidneyReilly1925 16.04.2015 67,466 1382 |
RETURN TO RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN - SKINS Version:1.0 SidneyReilly1925 24.05.2014 69,43 MB 2606 |
Evo-Wolf-MP 2013
Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, bringing RTCW Multiplayer up to date ! - Mod by =KT= SuperRetardo.
What's evo-wolf-mp do?
- Better Graphics (Bloom lighting, lens flares)
- Fixed Graphics (Bad bug in 1.41b, left maps looking like junk)
- No more "Too Many Shaders" Error Bug
- HTTP Downloads - If the server is setup for it, just like ET (only be supported)
- Replacement GUID system. Since PB no longer supports RTCW.
- A couple of other bug fixes.
- Fully 100% 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b compatible including ALL Mods.
MP3 and OpenAL support removed. Sounded like crap with server-side mods. Just install vcredist_x86.exe first. It's a Run-time file from Microsoft. Then copy and paste the WolfMPGPL.exe file to your RTCW directory.
Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, Bringe deinen RTCW-Multiplayer auf den neusten Stand ! - Mod von =KT= SuperRetardo.
Was bewirkt Evo-Wolf-MP?
- Bessere Grafik (Bloom-Beleuchtung, Streuung der Fackeln)
- Bereinigte Grafik-Fehler in 1.41b, behebt schlecht aussehende Maps)
- Nie mehr die "Too Many Shaders" Fehlermeldung
- HTTP-Download - wenn der Server entsprechend eingestellt ist, wie bei ET (nur mit Support).
- Austausch des GUID-Systems. Da RTCW den PB nicht mehr unterstützt.
- Ein paar andere Fehlerbeseitigungen.
- 100% kompatibel zu 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b inkl. aller Mods.
Link: evo-wolf-mp
=KT=SuperRetardo 25.02.2013 4,984 MB 377
RtCW Venom Mod 6.3
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Venom Mod version 6.3
This is Hellbaron's latest update for "RtCW Venom Mod" which has many new and improved features. As always, two versions of the mod have been released so that Nvidia graphics card users can also enjoy all the benefits of this excellent "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" modification.
What's new in this 6th series? :
- Fixed the weapons shaders for WolfMP.
- Better textures for the mauser rifle and flamethrower.
- Fixed A.I. of the map level, "Dig".
- Fixed the colors for flame textures.
- New shader for characters on fire.
- Merged and fixed a new HD texture pack, (SP/MP) .
- Fixed and balanced A.I. for all levels
- Revised all character textures
Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | wolffiles.de
RTCW SP VENOM MOD Version:6.3 HEllBaron89 14.04.2019 617 MB 579 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA Version:6.3 HEllBaron89 14.04.2019 617 MB 467 |
Download News
REMINISCENCE Final | 05-01-20 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.5 | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.3 | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 14-04-19 |
IORtCW 1.51C 1.51c | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 27-01-19 |
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