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The Dark Army (preview)

Published in RtCW Mods

Preview of Return To Castle Wolfenstein mod by TITEUF-85 | Coming Q4 2014

Story: One of the O.S.A. spies reports that Wilhelm Strasse develops a new type of Uber Soldat. Blazkowicz is send to finish him once and for all. Following recent information, he is in a secret research center, in German mountains.

The Dark Army is a Single-Player Add-On Mod for the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein on PC (Windows, Mac and Linux) coming Q4 2014.

New pictures of The Dark Army mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein appeared (about 30 pictures in high-definition), giving you a look on the impressive results of my recent work on the maps, in order to update these to their final version.

TDA Wallpapers: moddb.com/wallpapers
Source + Trailer: moddb.com/the-dark-army


RealRtCW 2.21 released

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein RealRtCW version 2.21

WolfETPlayer's "RealRtCW" modification for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" is far more than just a basic improvement on the original game, it is, in fact, a total overhaul of everything. From textures to weapons, to the combat abilities of the A.I., it has all been very much improved. Having a quick read of the mod's features list only serves to emphasise that fact.

Features list:
    Based on ioRTCW engine, which provides widescreen support, better sounds and x64 support
    New weapons: TT33, MP34, PPSH, Mosin Nagant, M1 Garand, BAR, MP44, MG42, G43, M97, Revolver
    New models for the vanilla weapons, including world models
    Rebalanced weapons characteristics
    Rebalanced AI
    Overhauled sounds
    New HUD and UI
    New difficulty system
    And more!

This new version has even more to enjoy too, with the superb "RtCW Vendetta" mission, created by Yo$hik, now included in the "RealRtCW" addons list.
New features:
cg_fixedaspectfov CVAR added
Various engine limits increased
Bug Fixes:
Flamethrower volume decreased
Luger silencer placement fixed
Player sprint duration doubled
Ammount of stamina taken by jumping decreased
Bunny hop value slightly increased to avoid silly first person effect
Pistols and SMGs spread decreased
Elite guards moving speed slightly increased
Undead enemies moving speed slightly increased
sv_cheats set to 0 by default
Weapon damage CVARS are now cheat protected
Various weapon screen position changed
No gloves hand skin removed due to its ugliness

Source: moddb.com/realrtcw | wolffiles.de

REALRTCW Version:2.21
Author WolfETPlayer Date 03.06.2018 Filesize 366 MB Download 1483


HD-PACK (REALRTCW) Version:2.2
Author  WolfETPlayer Date 27.12.2017 Filesize 830 MB Download 1835

RtCW Coop Version 1.0.2 Russian Translation

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Cooperative 1.0.2 - Russian Translation

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod 1.0.2 - Russian Version x64.
SigmaTel71 has completed the Russian translation for RtCWCoop 1.0.2. It's a major update for the translation.

# Fixed the letter "я" from disappearing (font bug)
# Reduced the amount of mismatching phrases (they were written a bit differently, but had the same meaning). Now they are matching mostly everywhere.
# Shortened some words in order to prevent them from overlapping (Work in Progress)
# Translated the map names (see "Create Server" (Создать сервер) menu)
# Translated the HUD

Known Bug:
Unable to open the in-game "controls" menu. The English version of the game has the same problem.

Source: rtcwcoop.com/forum | www.wolffiles.de

RTCW COOP 1.01 WIN 64 RUSSIAN Version:1.02
Author SigmaTel71 Date 03.12.2017 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 357

RtCW Coop 0.9.5

Published in RtCW Mods
This is the first release Fretn considers stable of RtCW CoOp Mod. In the last two months we fixed a lot of bugs and now it feels a bit polished. I don’t consider it ready, so the version number isnt 1.x yet.
Dies ist die erste "stabile" Release-Version vom RtCW CoOp Mod. In den letzten zwei Monaten haben wir eine Reihe von Fehlern gefixt und jetzt fühlt sich die Coop-Version wie aufpoliert an. Ich halte diese Version aber noch nicht für ganz und gar fertig, ein Tick fehlt zur Final fehlt noch.

Link: rtcwcoop.com

RtCW Venom Mod 5.4 (2018)

Published in RtCW Mods

This is Hellbaron's releaese of his superb "Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Venom Mod Version 5.4" 2018

Fixed the fonts for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" multiplayer.
Fixed some more textures.
Added a new shield effect for both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Venom mod 5.4, includes:
Full compatibility with Rtcw 1.41, Knightmare and ioRTCW engines.
More optimizations, better effects on weapons.
Revisited AI and cutscenes of levels.
Lens effect on 3d binocular model.
Added 3rd person model fg42 from Wolfenstein ET.
Ported pre-release thompson gun model (from E3 2001).
Better textures for helmets.
Added specular for blood decals.
New HD textures for MP/SP mode.
New effects for flamethrower, candles, fire and torches ( and human torches..).

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

RTCW SP VENOM MOD 2018 Version:5.4
Author HEllBaron89 Date 11.03.2018 Filesize 560.83 MB Download 950

Author HEllBaron89 Date 05.02.2018 Filesize 554.84 MB Download 377

RtCW Venom Mod 6.0

Published in RtCW Mods

This is the latest release from Hellbaron of his superb "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" modification, "RtCW Venom Mod".
This version is also fully compatible with "RtCW 1.41", "Kinightmare's Unofficial Patch" and "ioRtCW".

What's New? :
- Merged and fixed a new HD texture pack, for both singleplayer and multiplayer.
- Re-ordered files for better compatibility between singleplayer and multiplayer assets.
- Revisioned all character textures.
- New effects and shaders.
- Fixed and balanced A.I. for all levels.

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

Author HEllBaron89 Date 27.01.2019 Filesize 607.2 MB Download 439

Author HEllBaron89 Date 27.01.2019 Filesize 607.31 MB Download 352

RtCW Christmas SP-Mod

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - SatanClaus Coop Christmas Mod

This is a super-fun Christmas Mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and RtCW Cooperative Mod, created by Yo$hik. Lopers in antlers, smoking snowmen, Santa hats, Christmas present health packs and lots of Christmas trees, all adding to the festive fun :) .

Source - Yo$hik | wolffiles.de

Author Yo$hik Date 17.12.2017 Filesize 40,19 MB Download 470

RealHiddenWolf SP Misson

Published in RtCW Mods

This is a new and very modern release of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission, "Hidden Wolf", originally created by SWEFighter and now adapted for "RealRTCW 2.1" by WolfETPlayer.

Your Mission:
You have been dropped close to an Axis military facility which Allied intelligence believes contains a secret entrance to a new submarine base. There are rumours of a new type of Uboat being moored there which could cause havoc to Allied naval forces, you must therefore locate and destroy this deadly new prototype, before it is too late.

Installation Instructions:
1) Make sure you have "RealRTCW 2.1" installed. # If not, download it !
2) Unzip the "RealHiddenWolf" folder into your "RealRTCW" root directory.
3) Launch "RealRTCW 2.1".
4) Click on "mods" and select "RealHiddenWolf".

Additional Information:
This new version also includes:
# Rebalanced A.I.
# New weapons
# The texture fix for all switch covers, created by Vicpas

Source: ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de


Author WolfETPlayer Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 1,06 GB Download 1296


Author SWEFighter Date 10.09.2017 Filesize 12,21 MB Download 1552

RtCW SP Venom Mod v3.0

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Venom Mod 3.0 by HEllBaron89

Born for be a compilation of the best stuff for Return to Castle Wolfenstein in first release, this mod improve graphic, gameplay and AI of enemies with all possibility of the old Id Tech 3, keeping the original game elements.

This is the latest release of the superb and very popular RtCW Venom Mod.

This new version includes:
    Widescreen patch 1.42c by Knightmare.
    QeffectsGL 1.2 (required directx 9.0 videocard).
    HD skins, reflective leather uniforms and traslucent armors, HD helmets, some improved vehicles.
    HD textures for all weapons by OSJC, TehSnake, AidenDemon, modified for shader support.
    Enhanced shader effects for all weapons and environment (metal surfaces, armor, floors, etc).
    New mg42 model (ported from Wolfenstein: ET).
    Radical revision of AI for all levels.
    Implemented detail textures on materials (required r_detailtextures 1).
    Corrected some default shaders on characters, improved environment.
    New HD effects, blood and muzzleflashes.
    HD crosshairs and autoexec.cfg file for max graphic quality with better colors.
    Upscaled original textures with shader effects and HD textures from Eugeny pack 0.4 and HD RTCW 0.2 by AidenDemon modified, now 65 % game textures replaced.
    All effects made for original game engine Id Tech 3.
    Full compatibility with other mods and iortcw.

Copy all the content of the package like it's on your RTCW installation folder. The cfg. file is facoltative, but increase the graphic quality to max possible for the engine. (is necessary the game patched to 1.41 to apply the wide patch and extreme quality cfg file!!)

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom | wolffiles.de | HEllBaron89

Author HEllBaron89 Date 20.05.2015 Filesize 469 MB Download 1792

Coop Castle Wotan SP Map Mission

Published in RtCW Maps

This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade.

The German Paranormal Division have discovered the location of Castle Wotan, which hasn't been entered by men since ancient times. Wotan is said to be the god of storm, will and possession, the force behind human movement and activity.
The Paranormal Division believes him to be the main reason for German success and they plan to evoke him through a ceremony at Castle Wotan. You must locate Castle Wotan, eliminate all enemy forces, stop the ceremony and dynamite the altar to prevent further attempts to evoke Wotan.

What's New
# New and improved textures
# New Axis AI added
# New respawning weapons and ammo in 3 locations

Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"We never made any part of this map, we merely converted it to RtCW Cooperative Mod. The original Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player mission was created by Flipmode over 12 years ago, once again, we have no way of contacting him.
The map is superb and way ahead of its time. It already had respawning dynamite, which we've only ever seen before when it was specifically created by the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod Devteam for the "Escape2" map. We hope that our conversion of this excellent map means that it's enjoyed by many more Wolfenstein fans, old and new." - {WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA*

Thanks to
{WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Flipmode for creating the excellent RtCW SP mission
# The RtCW Cooperative Devteam
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty*, {WeB}*Brotz*, {WeB}*Reaper*and {WeB}*B0bby* for all their help, in testing of the map and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod

Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki

Author {WeB}*GANG$TA* {WeB}*DOG* Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 596






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