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~ World IPv6 Day Is June 8. Should You Care? ~

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Image Image World IPv6 Day - Is June 8. Should You Care?

Image Welt-IPv6-Tag - Chaos im Internet am 8. Juni?
Image Most web workers have probably heard that “the Internet is running out of addresses.” In response, The Internet Society, together with such major players as Facebook, has announced World IPv6 Day. What will this mean for web workers, businesses and individuals?
A website address like gigaom.com is actually an easy-to-remember alias or nickname for a numeric address like (GigaOM actually has several, to deal with the traffic that the website receives.) These addresses can be in the range to Because some of the possible numbers are reserved, there are theoretically somewhat over 4 billion internet addresses available under this system, which is known as IPv4.

GAMES: Rage The Shrouded gameplay Trailer

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Image Image Five minutes of action from id Software's shooter as the player goes on a mission to destroy The Shrouded's bomb caches in a bunker.
This time, we see the player venturing into a bunker of the Shrouded clan to destroy its bomb caches. The sentry turret and spider bot get a lot of screen time too. While we can all agree that spiders are the worst thing imaginable, that gadget's pretty cute.

Image Bethesda SoftWorks und id Software haben einen weiteren Trailer mit rund fünfeinhalb Minuten Spielszenen aus ids neuem Shooter RAGE veröffentlicht. Darin zu sehen ist der Shrouded-Bunker (engl. The Shrouded), in dem das Sprengstofflager zerstört werden muss.
Die Insassen des Bunkers lassen dies natürlich nicht einfach zu und leisten in bester Shooter-Manier kräftig Widerstand. Dem Spieler stehen dabei neben verschiedenen Waffen auch Werkzeuge und kleine Roboter zur Verfügung, die ihn bei der Ausführung seiner Mission unterstützen.

GAMES: Rage to ship with full level editor

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Image Image Rage to ship with full level editor, id studio.
Image Rage - Mod-Tools zum Verkaufsstart mit dabei.

Image Want to mod Rage? Good. Speaking to PC Gamer at a recent press event, Id Creative Director Tim Willits revealed that the PC version of Rage will support modding and level design right out of the box. All you need to do, says Tim, is “Pull down the console, type ‘id studio’, then press enter. Then, bam, there’s all the tools we use.”
As for what you’ll be creating, that’s a little trickier; Id’s technology has moved on since you could fit 100′s of Doom levels on a CD. “Building levels from scratch is more difficult,” says Tim, “because we have a layer system in some of the levels. I can foresee somebody modding up Wellspring (a town in-game) and adding different characters, giving them different voice-over.” But if you’ve got the development skills to use it, the level editor will be there. “It’s built into the engine,” says Tim.
Will you be creating levels for Rage? Do let us know. We’ll try and feature the best mods when Rage launches in September.

Image Auch wenn der Großteil der Käufer von Rage damit hoffnungslos überfordert sein wird, dürfen sich Mod-Profis freuen: id Software wird zum Verkaufsstart von Rage auch die »id Studio« genannte Sammlung von Entwicklungs-Tools veröffentlichen.






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