ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

ET Forever Thanksgiving Fragfest

Published in ET Scene


ETF is hosting a party @ the ETF server Thanksgiving Weekend (November 27 - 30th)
Feel free to visit our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info. We hope to see you there!!!
Server: /connect or /connect
Silent mod
64 Slot server | Location: North America
Prizes for top players!
Live music from local rock legend, Vampy!
Open Bar & Good Times!

What better way to recover from overeating, than to burn some calories playing ET!
Source: |

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on ->

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu ->

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden ->
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox

HFC-Clan Fun Night 3

Published in ET Scene
Der ET-Clan, Himmel-Fahrts-Commando, läd herzlich ein zur Fun Night 3.
Am 12.12.2009, 20.00 Uhr / IP:
Quelle: hfc-et-clan

Sniper War

Published in ET Scene

ET Sniper War - Get your sniper rifle ready, hide your wife, along with alot of beer or if you prefer milk.
Cause, we're gonna have a Sniper Evening on Saints and Sinners Server.


Everybody is welcomed!


Halloween Pumpkin Hunt Event

Published in ET Scene

I (Adrian) have the honor to invite you to the next event dedicated to finding hidden objects on a map: PUMPKIN HUNT

Guardian of our server Farmer Vladek always dreamed to grow pumpkins. He put it on your server so unfortunately bad luck would have it, that day was awash in a corpse. Now, when it's time to harvest, Farmer Vladek for nothing in the world can not remember where seeds sowed. Help him find all 100 pumpkins that planted!

Farmer Vladek medal will honor the best pickers in the forum and lvl on the server.
Fun will begin October 31 and November 9 we will summarize harvest.

Information about the maps on which Farmer Vladek probably planted pumpkins, will appear on the server on the start date. Gameserver: No Name -
(translate by google)

Mam zaszczyt zaprosić wszystkich na kolejny event poświęcony poszukiwaniu ukrytych na mapach przedmiotów: PUMPKIN HUNT

Opiekun naszego serwera Farmer Władek zawsze marzył, żeby hodować dynie. Posadził je więc na swoim serwerze, niestety pech chciał, że tego dnia był zalany w trupa. Teraz, gdy nadszedł czas zbiorów, Farmer Władek za nic w świecie nie może sobie przypomnieć, gdzie porozrzucał nasiona. Pomóżcie mu odnaleźć wszystkie 100 dyń, które zasadził!

Farmer Władek odznaczy najlepszych zbieraczy medalem na forum i lvlem na serwerze.
Zabawa rozpocznie się 31. października, a 9. listopada zrobimy podsumowanie zbiorów.

Informacje o mapach na których Farmer Władek prawdopodobnie zasadził dynie, pojawią się na serwerze w dniu rozpoczęcia.

More infos:
Source: Adrian via FB |

NT und DSK ET-Public Funwar

Published in ET Scene


NT und DSK Public Funwar - The challange held at the following dates (Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC):

Start: Saturday, October 1st 2011, 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 2011, 8:00 pm
Monday, October 3rd 2011, 08:00 pm

This event is for everybody. Enjoy! To register yourself, contact somebody at the NT Teamspeak 3Adresse: or at the DSK Public Forum

Playing ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server : *NT* War Server
To watch the show, we will provide an ET TV Server / *NT* ET TV Server

Enjoy Everybody!

NT und DSK Public Funwar - Der Wettkampf findet an folgenden Tagen statt:

Beginn: Samstag der 01.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Zweiter Spieltag: Sonntag der 02.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Letzter Spieltag: Montag der 03.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr

Es kann jeder Teilnehmen der Lust und Zeit hat. Hier spielen nicht die Clans gegeneinander sondern Teams die erst noch zusammengestellt bzw. Ausgelost werden
Ameldung erfolgt entweder mündlich im NT-Teamspeak 3 Adresse: oder im DSK Public Forum

Gespielt wird ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server: *NT* War Server
Und für alle die gerne zuschauen wollen wird ein ET TV Server bereitgestellt/ *NT* ET TV Server

Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern Zuschauern und Gästen viel Spaß!

Quelle: dsk-eg | nt-gaming

=TM= Teammuppet Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

=TM= Teammuppet Halloween Event

Hello friends and visitors! It’s time for another event. Halloween is coming and we are ready for it! This event will take place on the Teammuppet Infected server!


Server IP -
Date - Saturday 31st October
Time - 19:00GMT (UK time)

Please don’t forget to join us on Teamspeak as well for an even more fun night.

Teamspeak IP -
Hope to see You all there on the night!
Trick or Treat!

Source: |

-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Hello ET lovers!

I'm proud to announce that Desperados-ET have a Halloween event. But you can drop in at anytime. Don't forget that we are searching for members so this can be your chance.

The event is at: 31st Oct 18:00 Central European Time

We´re having a Halloween Night on our silEnT server with special skins and sounds.

- Resurrection
- Warbell
- Transylvania b2
- Haunted Mansion
- Tarket Spooky Beta 2
- Halloween beta2
- Die ! (Special Halloween Edition)
- King of the Hell v1.0* (CTF map)
- (UM) Dracula final
- Necrology final
- Grave robbery

Everyone is welcomed and have a fun evening with us. Welcome to our FORUM

Source: Macchute via SL | |

10 years Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene

10 years Dark Alchemy

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy is the place to be! It was 10 years ago Old-Owl decided to start a server of his own. A server where everyone feels welcome and all have fun.

Now, 10 years later, Dark Alchemy is still alive. Still we are here to have fun and make players feel welcome.
Come and visit us on Dark Alchemy#1:

 We will have some celebrations gifts for you waiting...


Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday

Published in ET Scene
This event is hosted by Fearless Assassins, for information or questions visit: Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday | 21 - 22 June

Time: 12:00 (noon) to at least 07:00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0) which means 19 hours of gaming !

Server Name: Jaymod 2 XPSAVE FOREVER 
Server IP:


Come and enjoy a fun and crazy day with us, playing crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar. It will be a memorable day! Do not forget invite your friends.

Teamspeak: Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak - Server IP:

Source: |






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