ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb
UJE Knight Sniper (b3)
Snipermap UJE knight sniper (beta 3) made by [UJE] Niek
Both sides are alot of casstles. Sniperplaces enough on this map but....
The scene is split by a river ,and every 2 minutes the gate will open to let players pass to the other side but.....
BEWARE ,the place is filled with traps and a beast is guarding the passage.
So this map is a bit for both snipers and crossers.
* Alot of funny and scary sounds in it
* Alot of effects made by Sage (Thanks for that)
* Knights falling down
* Monster moving
* And some scary stuff for the crossers
KNIGHT SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 3 [UJE]Niek 28.02.2016 19.89 MB 269 |
LRS Waterfall Sniper
LoRenz presents his traditional Waterfall Sniper Map for a good start to the new year!
This is a time warp for us. This time, we pretend to be in the Middle Ages. I made this map thinking about Escher paintings, thanks to Mo0n for that.
If you want see, there is a neverending waterfall inside that you can see only by a certain angulation, in effects, the waterfall do not exist, is a visual effects.
There is even a secret room with medkit inside. Map incl. waypoints.
Have fun :)
Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail and FB
LRS WATERFALL SNIPER Version:2015 LoRenz 08.01.2016 17 MB 212 |
Xmas Bol Sniper
Xmas Bol Sniper made by LoRenz - Due to a shipping error, the Allies have received gifts of axis, and vice versa, what can we do now? We are locked in a bubble!!! Check your gift and Snipe!
I hope you have fun to play this map. Thanks to [UJE]Niek for his help and suggestion.
Source: Thx to [UJE] Niek via FB
XMAS BOL SNIPER LoRenz 24.12.2013 10,76 MB 198 |
Sniper From Mars Final
LoRenz released his new ET Map - Sniper From Mars
This map is about an horror sci-fi movie, and also a tribute to Star Trek.
Two Vulcan starships, Shran class, after a space battle, fall on Mars.
The hull is broken, corrosion begins, but we must continue the fight.
The snipers come into play!
Crossing is possible, easy on terrain, but hard to go into enemy starship. Atmosphere is set to 320.
Source: LoRenz | [UJE]Niek via FB
LoRenz 24.01.2014 6,658 MB 226
[UJE] Gondola Sniper (Beta 1)
Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (beta 1) made by [UJE] Niek. Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes Wolfenstein ET is still alive after so many years, Congratulations with this great game :-) So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot.
Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear
* at the start of the map there is almost no snow and after
20 minutes it's loaded with snow
* passing availeble with the gondels and by foot
* 2 points medic each side
* It has a xmas scene
Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (Beta 1) erstellt von [UJE] Niek. Wollte noch eine Snipermap für Weihnachten 2013 machen,
Wolfenstein ET lebt auch Heute noch, nach so vielen Jahren! Wir gratulieren diesem großen Spiel :) Also ... es gibt Schnee und Gondeln in dieser Karte für alle Menschen die Schnee nicht kennen. Mapcrossing ist in doppelt - mit der Gondelbahn - und zu Fuß - möglich.
Viel Spaß mit dieser Map und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr!
GONDOLA SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
[UJE] Niek 10.12.2013 9,84 MB 296
LRS Drydock Sniper B1
LoRenz presents his Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Drydock Sniper Beta 1
Quote: Hello to all. This time, we are in a dry dock. Allies and Axis ships, need repair. There are many spots inside and cranes on the move.
There is also a puzzle to solve, to earn aprofitable snipe spot for a few minutes.
Thanks to Elite for his music. Thanks to Mo0n for the environment idea.
Have fun.
Source: Big thx to LoRenz via FB and Mail
LRS DRYDOCK SNIPER Version:beta 1 LoRenz 11.09.2016 12.91 MB 264 |
Black Forty Four Sniper
LoRenz have made this sniper map to remind that ET is a war game and I have fun to do this. I have to thanks Patrizia for his help in texture for buildings and thanks who helped me to continue this map with his suggestion.
In Central Europe, they did a final bombing of the city Berlin, there are a few survivors but .....only snipers ,its a Black Forty Four, we have to win.
Source: Thx to [UJE]Niek via FB
LoRenz 22.11.2013 23,493 MB 198
UJE Toyshop Sniper b1
New Enemy Territory sniper map - UJE Toyshop Sniper Beta 1 made by [UJE] Niek
Pretend yourself in a toyshop but this time you may use
the guns for real.
The only thing is that you are very little like a mouse.
There is a way to cross but it's not easy ,you have to use the stairs.
Have alot of fun.
Source: | Niek via FB
TOYSHOP SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1 [UJE] Niek 06.03.2017 14.77 MB 285 |
North Italy Sniper
LoRenz published his ET Sniper map North Italy Sniper. Its a copy of his own house and garden. Even details like location of furniture in the house should match. Ofcourse, things has been added or removed to the map, to make it more playable. It's a crosseble map and terrain, sky and spawns is adjusted.
I guess we can say, this map is an invitation to visit the home of LoRenz on a hot someday in the North of Italy.
Enjoy the visit, and remember, when you visit someone, be polite, and only shot in direction of neighbour :)
Source: Thx to [UJE]Niek
NORTH ITALY SNIPER LoRenz 03.09.2013 12,08 MB 186 |
UJE Snowy Sniper b3
New Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper beta 3 made by [UJE] Niek - It's winter again ,cold weeks with snow ,it's the best time to sniper a bit that's why this map is set in a snowy atmosphere. It's a crossable map but most entrances of the houses are safe.
Hope you have fun in this map and have some nice holidays with you're family.
Neue Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper Beta 3 erstellt von [UJE] Niek - Es ist wieder Winter, kalte Wochen mit Schnee, die beste Zeit um ein wenig zu snipern, weshalb diese Map eine verschneite Atmosphäre hat. Es ist eine überkreutzbare Map, aber die meisten Eingänge der Häuser sind sicher.
Wünsche euch viel Spaß auf dieser Map, und habt ein paar erholsame Feiertage mit euren Familien.
Quelle: Thx to [UJE] Niek via Shoutbox |
SNOWY SNIPER B3 (UJE) Version:beta 3 [UJE] Niek 29.12.2012 10,08 MB 278 |
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