ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

Can You Row This? - Jump Movies by Th0sy

Published in ET Movies

Can You Row This? - Enemy Territory Jump Movies by Th0sy

ET Jump Movies | Can You Row This? NoDown and Can You Row This? Airwaves_B1.
Two nice trickjump movies in excellent quality with relaxed music. Both Movies created by Th0sy, Jumps from Skepty.


Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 109 MB Download 177

Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 158.16 MB Download 176

Apex Trickjump Movie

Published in ET Movies

New Enemy Territory Movie called Apex - 999aciz and 999sungi present a new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This is a video showcasing release of a new strafe/gamma jump map Apex. It contains 27 strafejumps, all optimized for fullbeat style!

Video: Finland999aciz
Jumping: Finland999sungi
TJ-Map: apex_v2

Thanks to NetherlandseT|Robotic, Sweden999wing, Finland999hazz, Finland999aciz and IcelandUseMe&vallz for their help with the map.

You can try it out at 999 Trickjump server, /connect


Full HD movie ONLY via download!! (1,25 GB)

Author 999aciz and 999sungi Date 25.03.2017 Filesize 1,24 GB Download 240

APEX Version:v2
Author 999aciz and 999sungi Date 25.03.2017 Filesize 24,20 MB Download 237

ETJump 2.0.6 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.0.6 is ready!

ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero.

    Fixed !listmaps listing all maps whether they're on the server or not.
    Added @name@ tagging in chat. (Replaces the @tag@ with matching names)
    Added a message key for trigger_flagonly_multiple
    The entity prints the message when an objective is capture. Adding [n] in the message prints the name of the player that captured the objective.
    Added etj_drawConnectionIssues. Disables the "Connection interrupted" text and image.
    This is mainly for people with constantly high pings (e.g. from Australia)
    Added spawnflag 512 for trigger_multiple
    Multiple players are able to trigger the same trigger_multiple at the same time
    Multiple bugfixes
    Players can no longer callvote map <current map>
    /callvote map mapname matches partial map names
    token collection mode:
    Admins can define locations for easy, medium and hard tokens that can be collected by players. Once you've collected all of them, the total time it took to collect them is printed.
    Improved /records
    Added highlighting for @tags@
    etj_noclipScale now supports decimal values and is limited to values between 1-20
    Fixed fireteam savelimit
    Removed nonading
    Weapons are now correctly removed on start timer

Source: |


ETJUMP 2.0.6 Version:2.0.6
Author Zero Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 6.6 MB Download 203

ETJump 2.0.5 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.0.5 released

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

ETJump 2.0.5 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.

Source: - Zero |


ETJUMP 2.0.5 Version:2.0.5
Author Zero Date 13.09.2015 Filesize 6,755 MB Download 189

Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: |

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 194

999 Units Per Second

Published in ET Movies

999 Units Per Second - Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie - Acizco presents his new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This movie shows clearly that Enemy Terriotry is much more than just an egoshooter.

Quote: The end is finally here. After months and months of jumping, here is one last final original trickjump movie. I'm fairly confident saying there will never ever be a movie with better jumps anymore.
Thank you, the community, for the endless hours spent on this game.
Thank you Splash Damage for giving us this amazing game.
Thank you for watching.
Good bye.

Starring:  Sungi, Aciz, Wrath, BlaZe, Skepty, Hazz, Madman

Note: Some of the maps were redone for visual purposes, the jumps are performed in the original map. The maps are following:
Adlernest, Battery, Erdenberg (B3 & T1), Fueldump, Goldrush, Oasis, Radar, Railgun


Full movie quality ONLY via download!! (1,5 GB)


999 UNITS PER SECOND Version:final
Author Acizco, Sungi, Wrath, BlaZe, Skepty, Hazz, Madman Date 16.12.2016 Filesize 1,534 GB Download 236

ETJump Mod 2.0.3

Published in ET Mods

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

I decided today would be a good day to finally release ETJump 2.0.3! It took way longer than I expected and it doesn't have all the features I wanted to implement. I decided it was time to release it anyway as people have been waiting for way too long.

Short changelog:
    New admin system (no more usernames and passwords that are hard to deal with)
    Mapping features
    Minor enhancements to gameplay
    Bug fixes

What's next?
My future plan is to release new versions more frequently. Due to some mistakes I couldn't really do that for version 2.0.2.

Source: | Zero

ETJUMP 2.0.3 Version:2.0.3
Author Zero & Feengur Date 08.01.2015 Filesize 6.53 MB Download 212

Why Frag In A Trickjump Game

Published in ET Movies

Why Frag In A Trickjump Game - very cool Trickjump movie by Acizco

STARRING: madman - BlaZe - hazz - TheLDer - Spectator - Niick - ,=- - Wrath - Skepty
An original trickjump movie starring some of the best jumpers (mostly madman) out there. This was a really long project that took me way too much time to finish, but I hope everyone enjoys it. Let's keep trickjumping alive :)
Technical stuff: Project Size: 201GB, Source FPS: 300, Final Render Size: 1.85GB, Codec: x264/AAC, Render Time: 4:48:51


Author Acizco Date 01.06.2015 Filesize 731 MB Download 185

Veil Jump Movie

Published in Wolfenstein Movies

Stonecutter zeigt uns, in seinem Video, Trickjumps im Multiplayer von Wolfenstein. Die Trickjumps wurden, mit Hilfe der Veil-Fähigkeit, auf WolfPro 0.1 gemacht. Es ist erstaunlich was für große Sprünge damit möglich sind.


Quelle: PalaceWolfenstein

ETJump 2.0.4 released!

Published in ET Mods

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

ETJump 2.0.4 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.

    Fixed a bug that caused vote_limit to be ignored.
    Support for timeruns
    Fixed some database bugs
    Added slick detector
    Added alternative scoreboard
    Added another alternative scoreboard
    Fixed a bug that caused axis engineers to spawn with rifle nades when noexplosives was active.
    cg_viewplayerportals value 2: you only see other players' portals when you're speccing them
    Added target_scale_velocity
        lower_limit: if velocity is under lower_limit, nothing will be activated
        upper_limit: if velocity is over upper_limit, nothing will be activated
        if either limit is 0, it will be ignored
        1: only horizontal velocity
        2: only vertical velocity
        Example usage of target_activate_if_velocity
    Added target_activate_if_velocity
        scale: multiplier that velocity will be scaled with
        Example usage of target_scale_velocity
    Added random map mode (g_randomMapMode where the server automatically changes map every X minutes (defined in g_randomMapModeInterval).
    Voting for the mode can be toggled with vote_randomMapMode cvar.
    Fixed a rare bug that crashed the server on random map vote.
    Added player_logJumpCoordinates for mapping purposes. As the cvar name says, logs the jump coordinates every time you jump. (or fall)
    Fixed a bug that teleported players to random locations on load after map change.
    Added player_drawMessageTime cvar for logging time when the chat message was sent. Setting the cvar to 1 will print [hour:minute] ETPlayer: hello, world! and setting the cvar to 2 will print [hour:minute:second] ETPlayer: hello, world!
    Slick detector now detects slickly slopes aswell.

Source: | Zero

ETJUMP 2.0.4 Version:2.0.4
Author Zero Date 31.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 221






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