ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

Industrial Espionage Final - SP map for RtCW

Published in RtCW Maps

Image New SP map for RTCW - Industrial Espionage Final made by Wolfman - The year is 1943. Italy has just surrendered, but the rest of the world remains at war. The Office of Secret Actions orders that Agent B.J. Blazkowicz be sent on a spy mission to a German industrial facility.
Until recently, this facility was unknown to Allied forces, therefore you are being sent in to assess its purpose and threat level.

Image New SP map for RTCW - Industrial Espionage Final erstellt von Wolfman - Es ist das Jahr 1943. Italien hat kapituliert, aber der Rest der Welt bleibt im Krieg. Das Office of Secret Actions beauftragt, dass Agent BJ Blazkowicz in einer Spionagemission, auf eine deutsche Industrieanlage geschickt wird.
Bis vor kurzem war diese Anlage den alliierten Streitkräften unbekannt, deshalb wirst Du dort hin ausgesandt, um Zweck und Bedrohung der Lage zu bewerten.

Image Image


Quelle: Thx to Vicpas via Shoutbox | splashdamage/forum

RtCW Singleplayer Mission Vendetta 2

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Misssion - Vendetta 2 - Demo Version

Yo$hik has released a demo version of his "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer addon mission, "Vendetta 2". This 3-map adventure, although still a work in progress, has made superb progress already and it has been a real pleasure to test it.
Hopefully, after this successful demo version, Yo$hik will continue his work on this superb project and our "RtCW" Community will get to play this singleplayer mission in its entirety. In the meantime, download and enjoy these excellent maps.

Yo$hik on ModDB:

Source: ronboyproductions |


VENDETTA Version:2
Author Yo$hik Date 22.10.2017 Filesize 1020 B Download 1076

Clonewar 2044 v1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Singleplayer Mission Clonewar 2044 v1.1

This is Hellbaron's remake of the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission created by Flipmode.

Storyline: The Axis Forces were planning to build their own Timeportal and they have now succeeded in doing so. Appearently, they plan to travel to the future in order to use a new technology known as "cloning". Their main objective is the reproducing of human beings and as you can imagine their intention is not to create civilians.
If they succeed they could send back an enormous army of clones, created from their elite Armed Forces. The Allies need to steal this project, destroy all communications, kill all resistance and take over the control of the Timeportal.

Source: Hellbaron via moddb/rtcw-venom-mod | Ronboy via ronboyproductions |

CLONEWAR 2044 Version:v1.1
Author Hellbaron and Ronboy Date 14.08.2016 Filesize 4,481 MB Download 1077

RtCW Venom Mod 6.5 - Specular Shader

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Venom 6.5 - Specular Shader
Hellbaron has released a video that highlights his excellent specular shader feature in 'RtCW Venom Mod 6.5' . This is a feature you won't truly get to appreciate by merely looking at in-game screenshots, so watch the video and enjoy the superb visual 'eye candy'.

Source: |

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.58 MB Download 2353

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.57 MB Download 1438

Arkot Castlekeep 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 made by Arkot 24 and Vicpas.
Enjoy and thank you.

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 erstellt von Arkot 24 und Vicpas.

ARKOT CASTLEKEEP 1.1 (SP) Version:1.1
Author Arkot 24 and Vicpas Date 05.03.2013 Filesize 9,983 MB Download 1126

RealHiddenWolf SP Misson

Published in RtCW Mods

This is a new and very modern release of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission, "Hidden Wolf", originally created by SWEFighter and now adapted for "RealRTCW 2.1" by WolfETPlayer.

Your Mission:
You have been dropped close to an Axis military facility which Allied intelligence believes contains a secret entrance to a new submarine base. There are rumours of a new type of Uboat being moored there which could cause havoc to Allied naval forces, you must therefore locate and destroy this deadly new prototype, before it is too late.

Installation Instructions:
1) Make sure you have "RealRTCW 2.1" installed. # If not, download it !
2) Unzip the "RealHiddenWolf" folder into your "RealRTCW" root directory.
3) Launch "RealRTCW 2.1".
4) Click on "mods" and select "RealHiddenWolf".

Additional Information:
This new version also includes:
# Rebalanced A.I.
# New weapons
# The texture fix for all switch covers, created by Vicpas

Source: ronboyproductions |


Author WolfETPlayer Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 1,06 GB Download 1296


Author SWEFighter Date 10.09.2017 Filesize 12,21 MB Download 1552

New RtCW SP Texture Mods Released

Published in RtCW Mods

Hello everyone. A few days ago, OSJC and NightBerkut released some custom texture mods for Rtcw SP!

OSJCs rtcw sleeves/hands skins pack 2. 2015
to get working simply copy the desired uniform pattern .pk3 files into your 'main' folder and you're good to go.
some remixes of the 'arms' to include more than the standard 'ranger' uniform skin and to increase resolution...
this is an ammendment of my previous work to add in what was I felt was missing:
each uniform skin now includes a gloveless hand with the apprpriate matching sleeve (so the pistol reloads look less odd) also includes a fix of the sten model to include a sleeve on the arm. plus, each uniform has a matching armour pickup.
I have made some entrely new arm/leg and some new glove skins since and have included these too.

OSJCs rtcw mp40 skin. 2015
to get working simply copy the .pk3 file into your 'main' folder and you're good to go.
this is a combination of the defaiult model with the high res skin (original by teh snake) and the the newer mp40 arm and magazine models with teh snake's skin on the magazine (also sexed up the 9mm in the mag a bit too...)
no offence to any original authors but I felt this looked rather nice, so here it is to share...

Snow Textures by NightBerkut with higher quality. Drop the "z_snowtexture.pk3" file in your "Main" folder.

rtcw sp snow

Please support OSJC and NightBerkut by giving their texture mods a try.
That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.


Author OSJC Date 26.10.2015 Filesize 24,57 MB Download 926


Author NightBerkut Date 26.10.2015 Filesize 1,642 MB Download 867

Patches for RtCW SP-Maps

Published in RtCW Maps

  Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - For some addons and maps single player created for RTCW game. These patches add some missing textures and models.

Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - Eine Patch-Sammlung für den RtCW Singleplayer. Die Patche fügen einigen SP-Maps fehlende Texturen und Models hinzu.




Quelle: RtCWfiles


Author Vicpas Date 23.01.2011 Filesize 4,669 MB Download 869

SP-Maps Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness

Published in RtCW Maps

Yo$hik released a new SP Mission Pack for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness. It`s a 7 map mission pack, the following maps are included: manor2_1 - manor2_7

Yo$hik veröffentlicht ein neues SP-Missionspaket für Return to Castle Wolfenstein Devil`s Manor 2 - Edge of Darkness. Es ist eine 7-Map Mission mit folgenden Maps: manor2_1 - manor2_7

Image Image Image


Author Yo$hik Date 02.12.2012 Filesize 206 MB Download 1259

Castle Gothicstein (Rem.) v1.02

Published in RtCW Mods

Castle Gothicstein - Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mod. Original mod and idea by Duchovicius aka VVitchaven.

This is the latest version of Castle Gothicstein, created by AidenDemon. Take a hardcore trip into the dark sense of an alternative World War 2 and prepare for the biggest challenge you've had since your first play of Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Castle Gothicstein is no mere retexturing of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. A lot of work has also been done with Axis A.I. and now the game is real a challenge for every RtCW player, veterans included. Use your knowlege of levels to reach the exit, think before you take any step. No matter which difficulty you choose, your skill will be tested.

New features:
- New knife model and texture
- New props textures
- New sounds
- Nazi names in german dialogue sounds fixed
- Tesla effects fixed
- New hud (two versions for 4:3 and 16:9 monitores)
- New sounds of interaction
- New icons
- Casual version for those, who wanna play on Android
- Two types of german soldiers speech language
"This mod is still in slow development, hope i'll finish new levels and fix more stuff to bring more joy to RtCW fans." - AidenDemon

Source: |

Author Duchovicius Date 05.05.2015 Filesize 639 MB Download 896

Author AidenDemon Date 13.03.2016 Filesize 951.71 MB Download 1292






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