ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

Less Snow & Rain v3

Published in ET Mods
Nach überarbeiteten Maps und Mapscripten kommt von rockstar eine überarbeitete Version von "Less Snow". Zusätzlich gibt es noch einen kleinen Mapmod der auf Radar mehr als nur das Gras und den Regen deaktiviert.

Download:--> ET » Mini-Mods » Less Snow and Rain v3

The file contains:
  • Less snow Fueldump
  • Less snow Railgun
  • Less rain Radar

In the Fueldump and Railgun files:

  • wintertrunk01.tga was removed
  • added roofs without snow
  • edited shader files: the map/pack use jpg instead of tga if it was possible
  • added new converted (tga >> jpg) textures
  • smaller file size (form 6 MB down to 5 MB (2,7 MB + 2,3 MB))
  • if you make one pk3 with these files, the file size will be around 4 MB
  • you can use the files separately

Less rain Radar:

  • rain disabled (no matter you have on or off the atm. effect)
  • rain sound also disabled
  • grass foliage was disabled
  • the main gate was changed with a none-snow-version texture
  • the map use textures via jpg instead of tga if it was possible
  • edited shader file included

LESS SNOW & RAIN v3 Version:v3
Author rockstar Date 17.03.2007 Filesize 6,62 MB Download 215

ET:Revaluation v1

Published in ET Mods
The first final of ET:Revaluation is now officially released to the public. It's more than a skinpack to make the game more realistic, it comes along with a lot of fixes and weights only 5 MB.

For all changes and fixes with an short explanation visit the website of this mod.

Die erste Final von ET:Revaluation (=Aufwertung) wurde nun offiziell veröffentlicht. Es ist mehr als ein Skinpack das das Spiel realistischer macht, es beinhaltet in seiner geringen größe von nur 5 MB auch viele Fixe.
Besuchen Sie die Webseite dieses Mods um sich alle Änderungen und Fixe mit einer kurzen englischen Erklärung ansehen zu können.

Download & Info:

--> ET:Revaluation v1
--> ET:Revaluation Website


  • Specific Weaponskins
  • Changes for more realism and an better look
  • Fixes for stock ET and custom maps
  • 5 MB filesize


Author Berzerkr (GER) Date 08.12.2010 Filesize 5,016 MB Download 194

ETJump 2.0.6 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.0.6 is ready!

ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero.

    Fixed !listmaps listing all maps whether they're on the server or not.
    Added @name@ tagging in chat. (Replaces the @tag@ with matching names)
    Added a message key for trigger_flagonly_multiple
    The entity prints the message when an objective is capture. Adding [n] in the message prints the name of the player that captured the objective.
    Added etj_drawConnectionIssues. Disables the "Connection interrupted" text and image.
    This is mainly for people with constantly high pings (e.g. from Australia)
    Added spawnflag 512 for trigger_multiple
    Multiple players are able to trigger the same trigger_multiple at the same time
    Multiple bugfixes
    Players can no longer callvote map <current map>
    /callvote map mapname matches partial map names
    token collection mode:
    Admins can define locations for easy, medium and hard tokens that can be collected by players. Once you've collected all of them, the total time it took to collect them is printed.
    Improved /records
    Added highlighting for @tags@
    etj_noclipScale now supports decimal values and is limited to values between 1-20
    Fixed fireteam savelimit
    Removed nonading
    Weapons are now correctly removed on start timer

Source: |


ETJUMP 2.0.6 Version:2.0.6
Author Zero Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 6.6 MB Download 194

Silent Mod 0.6.3 released

Published in ET Mods

The Team from releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.6.3. - Fixed Incompatibility with ET Legacy binaries introduced in 0.6.2.

ImageDas Team von veröffentlicht ET-Mod silEnT 0.6.3. - Repariert die Inkompatibilität der ET Legacy-Binärdateien von Version 0.6.2.


Quelle: mygamingtalk

PzKpfw VI Tiger

Published in ET Mods

Tiger tank was a fearsome killing machine during World war 2. It first felt the sands of North Africa in late 1942.
It was at first a successful response to the uprising Allied superiority but due to mechanical problems it was not long until only a few active Tigers were on the African battlefields.
The model does not have any animations but has a 360 degree turnable turret to fit your needs on the battlefield. Whoever wishes to add animations to the model is free to do so. 

Tigertank war eine furchterregende mörderische Maschine während des zweiten Weltkriegs. Er fühlte den Sand von Nordafrika im Spätem 1942. Es war zunächst eine erfolgreiche Antwort zum Aufstand der überlegenen Alliierten, aber durch mechanische Probleme verursacht dauerte es nicht lange, bis nur noch einige wenige aktive Tiger auf den afrikanischen Schlachtfeldern waren.
Das Modell hat keine Animationen, hat aber ein 360 Grad drehbares Türmchen um deine Verwendung für das Schlachtfeld anzupassen. Wer immer wünscht dem Modell Animationen hinzuzufügen, kann dies gerne tun.

Image Image

Quelle: SplashDamage 

Author {SSF}Sage Date 13.03.2011 Filesize 1,476 MB Download 198

ET Headquarters 0.9.127

Published in ET Mods

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Mod ET Headquarters 0.9.127 released

ET Headquarters adds a flexible character customization system to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. It also adds gameplay changes and rebalances class mechanics. Its core gameplay remains close to vanilla ET. Features: - Omnibot Support - ETpro Mapscripting Support - Lua 5.1 Support - Sqlite3 Database Backend - Xpsave and Moditemsave Support - Game Coins - Character Customization - Flexible Character Customization Backend - Barracks Menu to Visually Unlock Character Items - New Command Post Gameplay - Blue Adrenaline - Covert Ops Weapon Specialist

Mod Features
Amongst the many which stand out:
- Omnibot Support
- ETpro Mapscripting Support
- Lua 5.1 Support
- Sqlite3 Database Backend
- Xpsave and Moditemsave Support
- Game Coins
- Character Customization
- Flexible Character Customization Backend
- Barracks Menu to Visually Unlock Character Items
- New Command Post Gameplay
- Blue Adrenaline
- Covert Ops Weapon Specialist

The Team
acQu - Code, Game Design
Floreio - Models
Jenkins - Logo, 2D gfx
Thunder - Skins, Models

Bug reports go to:

Not all media assets shown in the pictures, videos, etc, were done by us alone. We hereby thank everyone in the community who made these assets available. We do not take credit for those.


ET HEADQUARTERS Version:0.9.127
Author acQu - Floreio - Jenkins - Thunder Date 30.07.2014 Filesize 7,019 MB Download 301

X-Labs - Goldrush

Published in ET Mods

A new mod for ET has found his way to life - X-Labs.

Mod Discription Goldrush:
- All teams use carabine weapon
- Instagib mod - one shot kills you!
- If enemy dies he loses a goldbar
- Collect the gold and redeem this on the (any) flag
- More gold makes you sluggish / slow - but gives more points!
- Team with the most points wins

Tip for more points (requires teamplay)
A team player - called the cow - remains hidden in the background of the map (near a flag). His team collects gold and bring it to him, with selfkill. The cow collects all the gold on (and waiting for more from the team). Near the end of rounds, his team push the cow to the flag (because the cow is very slow with so much gold!).
So points in the six-digit are possible!

Eine neue Mod für ET hat seinen Weg ins Leben gefunden - X-Labs.

Mod Beschreibung Goldrush:
- Alle Teams benutzen die Karabiner Waffe
- Instagib Mod - ein einziger Schusstreffer ist tötlich
- Wenn ein Feind stirbt verliert er einen Goldbarren
- Sammele das Gold auf und löse es an einer (beliebigen) Flagge ein
- Mehr Gold macht dich träger/langsamer - aber es gibt mehr Punkte!
- Das Team mit den meisten Punkten gewinnt

Tip für mehr Punkte (benötigt Teamplay)
Ein Team Spieler - genannt die Kuh - bleibt im Hintergrund auf der Map versteckt (nähe einer Flagge). Sein Team sammelt das Gold und bringt es ihm, mit Selbstkill. Die Kuh sammelt das Gold (und wartet auf mehr Gold vom Team). Kurz vor dem Rundenende, schubst sein Team die Kuh zur Flagge (weil die Kuh zu langsam ist mit so viel Gold!)
Punkte im sechsstelligen Bereich sind so möglich!

Supported Maps / unterstützte Maps
Goldrush, Railgun, Battery, Fueldump, Oasis, Radar, tc_base, et_beach, mp_sub_rc1


Author X-Labs Date 22.05.2013 Filesize 10,37 MB Download 342

Omni-Bot ET 0.83 Released

Published in ET Mods

Omni-Bot 0.83 for Enemy Territory has been released.

We are pleased to announce the latest version of Omni-bot for ET has been released. Palota has been very busy this past year fixing bugs, adding features, and adding support for newer mods. The waypoint team has also been busy adding support for new maps and improving on existing waypoints.

Das Omnibot Team verkündet die Freigabe von Omnibot 0.83 für Enemy Territory als Linux und Windows Version inkl Waypoints. Diese neue Version umschließt Bugfixes, neue Features und diverse Optimierungen.

Release Highlights

    ETBlight and Bastard mods are supported
    Fixed memory leak caused by GameMonkey threads
    Fixed crash in AddBot if bot is kicked in ClientUserinfoChanged
    Added cvar omnibot_logsize (maximal file size in KB), -1 will disable logs, 0 will overwrite file every match
Source: |

OMNI BOT - WINDOWS Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 19.99 MB Download 1549

OMNI BOT - LINUX Version:0.83
Author omnibot Date 24.11.2013 Filesize 20,47 MB Download 403

Omni-Bot 0.84 for ET released

Published in ET Mods

Omni-Bot 0.84 for Enemy Territory has been released.

We are pleased to announce new version of Omni-Bot for ET. The most important change is that goal_save command does not save all goal properties. The benefit is smaller file size and faster initialization. The drawback is that new goals gm files cannot be opened by previous Omni-Bot versions. If you want to use the latest waypoints, you must update to 0.84. If you use NoQuarter 1.2.7, you should update too, because 0.71 interface is included in Omni-Bot 0.84.

There are also new features in the omnibot mod:
Spectator can edit waypoints and can see all players on the map.
Rendering is more reliable and uses less resources because it does not need the boost interprocess library anymore.
New cvar cg_obituary can disable "killing" messages in the console, so that important messages will not scroll out of the window.
Warm-up time can be set to 1 second. You don't have to wait 10 seconds anymore.

Changes in Omni-Bot Enemy Territory 0.84
    infected mod is supported
    === BOT ===
    Added 0.71 interface (NoQuarter 1.2.7)
    Added trigger Flag dropped
    Added new functions IsCarryingFlag, CanGrabItem, GetNearestDestination, GetAllEnemy, GetAllAlly
    Added TraceLine returns contents and surface
    Added DistanceBetween and DistanceTo parameters can be MapGoals
    Added GetGoals and QueryGoals have parameter Sort (values are none,priority,name,random)
    Added GetWaypointByGUID and GetAllWaypoints return waypoint name in result table
    Added Goto parameter can be a table of vectors
    Added HasAmmo can have 2 parameters (ammotype, amount)
    Added GetNearest,GetNearestEnemy,GetNearestAlly can search for multiple classes
    Added constants SURFACE.SLICK and SURFACE.LADDER
    Added file names in gm script error messages
    Added is executed after
    Added SetAvailableMapGoals 3rd parameter can be a table of goal expressions
    Changed MaxUsers trackers are separate for each team
    Changed QueryGoals and GetGoals delete all items from table before writing result
    Changed GetGoals does not sort goals by priority
    Changed console commands are sent to goals even if they are handled by global Commands table
    Changed BlackboardDelay,MarkInProgress,MarkInUse do not require mapgoal parameter
    Changed blocked waypoint connections are visible, color is dark grey
    Changed errors from SetAvailableMapGoals are printed by Util.MapDebugPrint
    Fixed crash if dlclose fails (if Jaymod is used without LD_PRELOAD)
    Fixed Finished did not work inside Enter callback
    Fixed condition if(vector) failed if vector.x was zero
    Fixed GetUsePoint
    Fixed ConfigGet with 2 parameters saved null to config file
    Optimized region triggers
    Optimized initialization of file system and weapons
    Removed options [Script]/Debug, [Script]/EnableRemoteDebugger, [Debug Render]/EnableInterProcess, [Downloader]
    Removed empty lines in error messages
    === MOD ===
    Added killing messages can be disabled by cvar cg_obituary
    Added cvar omnibot_render_distance to limit waypoint drawing distance from the player
    Added spectator position on the map
    Changed InitialDelayTime can be less than 10 seconds on dedicated servers
    Changed drawing does not use boost interprocess library
    Changed spectator can see all players on the map
    Changed warmup can be less than 10 seconds
    Changed message "Omni-bot Loaded Successfully" is printed only after successful initialization
    Fixed spectator position was wrong and spectator could not edit waypoints
    Fixed GetEntityOwner sometimes returned invalid entity
    Fixed crash if print parameter was too long
    Fixed UpdateGoalEntity was called even if omnibot_enable was changed from 1 to 0
    Optimized drawing of waypoint radius
    Added version info to DLL files
    === GOALS ===
    Disabled waiting for medic in NoQuarter mod because of weapon spread bug
    Removed many useless properties from goals gm file in nav folder
    Changed high level goals were moved from library to gm scripts
    Changed ROAMING goal chooses any goal available to bot's team, ignoring class and MaxUsers
    Changed DEFUSE goal prefers dynamite which has been planted sooner if there are 2 dynamites at the same objective
    Changed FLAGRETURN goal has limited range
    Changed REVIVE is disabled on ice
    Changed Covertops don't steal uniform when mounting mg42
    Changed resetxp is used only in Jaymod, NoQuarter, Bastardmod, ETBlight
    Improved MOUNTMG42 can be used concurrently by both teams (neutral mg42 in goldrush)
    Improved soldier does not shoot MORTAR if stupid fieldops stands in front of him to deliver ammo
    Added timedout message in CHECKPOINT, REVIVE, MOUNT, MOUNTMG42, REPAIRMG42
    Fixed priority was not reset to zero after map goal became unavailable
    Fixed new ARTILLERY_S or ARTILLERY_D goals were sometimes created in ground
    Fixed disguised covertops was shooting and lost disguise
    Fixed error if test bot was kicked during Goto
    Fixed GRENADE did not work in NoQuarter mod if goal had Count=1
    === SCRIPTS ===
    Improved server manager to balance number of humans and bots
    Added Util.ChangeCrucialClassForRole
    Added Util.QueryGoal, Util.InvalidGoal, Util.RouteTo
    Added region type in debug messages when entering/exiting re-usable region trigger
    Changed debug messages in disablepush,disablecm,breakabledist regions are printed only for bots
    Changed Util.UpdateSwitchData is called automatically by paththrough switch
    === WEAPONS ===
    Added throwable knives in etpub mod
    Added WeaponType "item"
    Added BAZOOKA in Legacy mod
    Changed rifle grenades have limited range
    Changed SetDesirabilityRange can be less than DefaultDesirability
    Changed sniper weapons have smaller AimError
    Fixed flamethrower was used at long distances (bug in 0.83)
    === COMMANDS ===
    Added cleargoalflags command to delete obsolete 0.71 goal flags
    Improved sag command (ShowActiveGoals) prints priorities and roles
    Improved sei command (ShowEntityInfo) prints entity categories
    Improved rollcall command prints roles, goal, weapon, ammo, health, difficulty, view distance, reaction time
    Improved tracearty command renders pink line to point of collision if trace fails
    Fixed difficulty, resetxp and maxxp commands are listed in help and they don't need connected bots
    Fixed kickbot command worked only for ID, but not bot's name (bug in 0.83)
    Removed TestMap conditions and ShowMovers from makemapgm command
    Removed commands showscriptgoals, console, tbr, aim_debug, fixoffsets, fixnext
    === WAYPOINTS ===

Source: |

Author omnibot Date 15.12.2014 Filesize 35.12 MB Download 506

silEnT mod 0.8.1

Published in ET Mods

The Team from releasedET-Mod silEnT 0.8.1.

Added: Flag 32 to g_disableComplaints to disable complaints completely.
Added: ETPro style g_proneDelay.
Added: Custom, admin defined, votes.
Added: 3rd UI theme that resembles the original ET look.
Added: MorphOS support.
Improved: engineer work progress bar (construct/arm/disarm) and covert ops progress bar (mines spotting, uniform stealing) - added background to display the amount of work to do.
Fixed: Some text bugs related to g_recognition cvar.
Fixed: ETTV clients were kicked for not having silEnT GUIDs.
Fixed: Admin log was missing some data with g_logOption 16384. Also, new format with admin log when using this option.
Fixed: Client exploit affecting various mods which caused the server to stall until the engine watchdog triggered.
Fixed: The shrubbot.cfg configuration file is cleaned automatically from expired bans and warnings on each map start. Instead of waiting for it to be written as a result of an admin command.
Fixed: Memory leak with subnet bans.
Fixed: Axis covertop couldn't select pistols through weapon banks.
Fixed: UI; tooltip text color theming.
Fixed: Improvised Demolition not showing up in final map stats.
Fixed: mines spotting progress bar not always displayed.

Source: mygamingtalk

SILENT MOD Version:0.8.1
Author TheSilencerPL Date 21.11.2013 Filesize 6,798 MB Download 235






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