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John Carmack officially leaves id Software

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John Carmack, the programmer responsible for Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein and more, has left id Software completely.

“John Carmack, who has become interested in focusing on things other than game development at id, has resigned from the studio," id's studio director Tim Willits told IGN. "John’s work on id Tech 5 and the technology for the current development work at id is complete, and his departure will not affect any current projects. We are fortunate to have a brilliant group of programmers at id who worked with John and will carry on id’s tradition of making great games with cutting-edge technology. As colleagues of John for many years, we wish him well.”

Carmack, a co-founder of id, recently joined Oculus as CTO, but remained at id Software in some capacity. "Happy to say [John Carmack] is not leaving id & will continue to provide leadership for our games in development," id publisher Bethesda stated at the time.

Oculus recently revealed it was close to solving the motion sickness problem with its Rift device, which will achieve 4K resolution sooner than expected. Earlier this year, id president Todd Hollenshead departed id as well.

Oculus was unavailable for comment.

John Carmack ist Spielern vor allem aufgrund der Erfindung von Serien wie Doom oder Quake bekannt, in letzter Zeit strebte der Entwickler jedoch anderen Projekten entgegen. Aufgrund dessen hat er nun sein Studio id Software verlassen.

John Carmack, Gründer und Technical Director bei id Software, hat das Studio verlassen, um sich in Zukunft vollkommen auf seine Arbeit als CTO bei Oculus zu konzentrieren, wie Bethesda mittlerweile offiziell bestätigte. Carmack trat im August dem Oculus-Team bei - damals hieß es noch, dass er sein Amt bei id weiter ausüben möchte.

"John Carmack, der sich mittlerweile an anderen Dingen als der Spieleentwicklung bei id interessiert zeigt, hat das Studio verlassen. Johns Arbeit an der id Tech 5-Engine und der Technologie für derzeitige Projekte bei id Software ist vollendet, weswegen sein Abgang keine aktuellen Entwicklungen beeinflussen wird. Wir sind glücklich darüber, dass wir über eine solch brilliante Gruppe an Programmierern bei id verfügen, die mit John zusammengearbeitet haben und id's Tradition, gute Spiele mit Spitzentechnologie zu entwickeln, fortführen werden. Wir wünschen ihm als langjährige Kollegen alles Gute."

John Carmack gründete id Software im Jahr 1991 und schuf damit das Fundament für die Entwicklung mehrerer bekannter Spieleserien wie Doom, Quake oder Wolfenstein. In diesem Jahr hat bereits ein anderer ranghoher Mitarbeiter des Studios das Team verlassen. Der Präsident und frühere CEO Todd Hollenshead verließ den Entwickler nach fast 17 Jahren.

Source: etpro.de | gamestar.de | ign.com



IGN Names W:ET, RtCW and W3D in the Top 100 Shooters list

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IGN have undertaken the mammoth task of compiling the Top 100 First Person Shooters of all time from all of the shooters released in the past 20 or so years. It’s great to see Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory make the list a full decade after its release, deploying in the #84 spot.

Back in the dark age of the FPS, multiplayer was nothing but a bunch of people running in every direction at once with their triggers held down like savages. Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory wasn't the first game to feature objective-focused, class-based competitive play, but its free, open-sourced nature exposed a massive amount of new players to the concept, opening the door for what eventually grow into a much larger trend in multiplayer design.


As a reboot of the franchise that started the genre, Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a lot to live up to. And though it didn't constitute the wheel re-inventing some had hoped it would be, it was still an excellent take on the space between fighting soldiers and fighting hellspawn. In many ways it was just a natural extension of Wolfenstein 3D's controversial final boss, taking historical myths about the Nazis dabbling in the occult and swinging for the fences with them. But it would be the multiplayer that would be remembered most fondly, keeping scads of frag-heads tethered to their gaming rigs until the wee hours for months and years to come.


The great-granddaddy of first-person shooters, Wolfenstein 3D launched the genre we take for granted today. It was inspired by Castle Wolfenstein and its sequel, a pair of relatively crude 2D stealth shooters that pit you against Nazi guards. The metamorphosis into 3D (well, pseudo 3D) was like sorcery in 1992. Gone were the stealth elements; the golden age of run-and-gun shooters erupted with the roar of a chaingun as you blasted through three glorious episodes filled with Nazis and even Adolf Hitler himself as a boss. Id's breakout achievement directly (and indirectly) gave birth to Doom, Rise of the Triad, and every other shooter that followed.

You can check out the rest of the list over at IGN.

Source: ign.com | etpro.de | splashdamage.com

Wolfenstein4ever is back

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Wolfenstein4ever is back, but now on wolfenstein4ever.de (and not more rtcwmap.de)
It has changed a lot on Wolfenstein4ever and is yet some not complete. But all the posts, downloads and forum are functional.

It can happen, the "old" news download links dont work. Broken links will be soon gradually corrected.

Main changes:
- Modern design in 3 colors
- Larger and faster download area
- Social networking integration (FB Login in progress)
- Mobile mini Website (in progress)
- Comment, vote and forum function
- User News Block (in progress)
- User file upload (in progress)

A big thanks to Michael who has migrated my DB.
And a thank you to all those who have remained loyal to me ;-)


Wolfenstein4ever ist zurück, jetzt aber auf wolfenstein4ever.de (und nicht mehr rtcwmap.de)
Es hat sich vieles geändert auf Wolfenstein4ever und einiges ist noch nicht ganz fertig. Alle Beiträge, Downloads und auch das Forum sind aber funktionsfähig.

Es kann vorkommen, das "alte" News-Download-Links nicht funktionieren. Fehlerhafte Links werden nach und nach korrigiert.

Wichtigste Änderungen:
- modernes Design in 3 Farben
- größerer und schnellerer Downloadbereich
- soziale Netzwerkintegration (FB Login in Arbeit)
- Handyfähige Mini-Webseite (in Arbeit)
- Kommentar, Bewertung und Forum Funktion
- User News Block (in Arbeit)
- User Daten Upload (in Arbeit)

Ein großer Dank an Michael, der meine DBs migriert hat. Und ein Dankeschön an alle, die mir treu geblieben sind.

have fun ;-)
your d3Xter

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