ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

FAITH by Spankie

Published in ET Movies

Image Another ET montage from Spankie - I (spankie) always wanted to make an edit to this music. Here it is! A lot of work was put into this, as always I wanted to push the borders a little bit. Hope you like it.
Frags delivered by: sNi, cymky, fanatic, spankie, Grotz, subbi

Image Und noch eine ET-Filmmontage von Spankie - Ich (spankie) wollte schon immer dieses Musikstück für einen ET-Film editieren. Hier ist es! Ich habe recht viel Arbeit investiert und wollte ein wenig die Grenzen des Machbaren sprengen. Ich hoffe, du magst es.
Die Frags lieferten: sNi, cymky, Fanatiker spankie, Grotz, subbi

Push n Jump

Published in ET Movies

Push n Jump - A little less typical Enemy Territory trickjump movie

Most of the jumps seen in the movie are meant to be useful in normal (or competitive) play and therefore are recorded with competition settings (nofatigue = 0, b_fixedphysics = 1, etc.). All of the co-jumps are achieved with etpro's push feature. The demos used to make this movie are from 2008-2009.

Contains jumps in following maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen, frostbite, fueldump, goldrush, karsiah, radar, sp_delivery, supply depot, sw_oasis_te


Author - Date 16.08.2015 Filesize 185 MB Download 184

ETRun Movie - Another Timerun Video

Published in ET Movies

ImageAnother Timerun Video by khuZi_Ho-Su - Some timeruns in VET physics (ETRun-Mod). Purpose of the video is to show how easy timeruns are, or rather how beatable top times are. So come play it, give us some challenge!

ImageAnother Timerun Video - erstellt von khuZi_Ho-Su. Einige Timeruns (ETRun-Mod) mit der VET Physik. Zweck des Videos ist, um zu zeigen, wie einfach Timeruns sind, unddas Timerun-Zeiten auch schlagbar sind. Also, Spiele es und fordere uns etwas heraus! Für deutsche Fans haben wir einen HD Download.

Author khuZi_Ho-Su Date 27.05.2013 Filesize 462 MB Download 233

Enter the hunter

Published in ET Movies

Enter the hunter - Enemy Territory Movie

This ET Movie contains frag highlights from 2007 to 2015. Project started back in March 2014. I suggest download movie to enjoy highest quality.
Content by Poland hunter.
Edited by Poland requem.

Movie information: Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Length: 8:30 mins, Size: 1,14 GB, Framerate: 50 FPS


Author requem Date 20.12.2015 Filesize 1,14 GB Download 219

UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping

Published in ET Movies

HUU? You can read this news? Cool! Then the Maya calendar is probably still wrong. Because you can now continue to enjoy your life, we have for you a cool ET trickjump movie, called "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ" to watch.
RtCW4ever wishes still much fun in real life. 

HUU? Du kannst diese News lesen? Cool! Dann ist der Maya-Kalender wohl doch verkehrt. Weil du jetzt weiterhin dein Leben geniessen kannst, haben wir für dich einen coolen ET Trickjump-Film, Namens "UseMe Movie II - Orgyanal Dickhumping by AciZ", zum angucken.
RtCW4ever wünscht weiterhin viel Spaß, im "normalen" Leben. 

Author AciZ Date 20.12.2012 Filesize 135 MB Download 271


Can You Row This? - Jump Movies by Th0sy

Published in ET Movies

Can You Row This? - Enemy Territory Jump Movies by Th0sy

ET Jump Movies | Can You Row This? NoDown and Can You Row This? Airwaves_B1.
Two nice trickjump movies in excellent quality with relaxed music. Both Movies created by Th0sy, Jumps from Skepty.


Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 109 MB Download 168

Author Th0sy and Skepty Date 16.03.2015 Filesize 158.16 MB Download 167

Lazio & Griim - Can´t Stop

Published in ET Movies
Image Lazio & Griim - Can´t Stop is made by Spankie which fragscenes of Lazio and Griim. The Movie convinced with nice frags in high X-real film quality and an excellent editing. A real eye-catcher!

Spankie: It's really hard to write something from the top of my head. Well, first of all, I'd really like to thank ag0n, samAel and drj3w for feedback and help with some things that I just couldn't figure out myself.
I wanted to go a little bit further with this one - bring some of the CoD/CSS editing atmosphere here. Did I succeed? I'll let you decide yourself.
Huge thanks for Lazio & Griim for providing me with such outstanding frags. 
Image Lazio & Griim - Can't Stop ist von Spankie erstellt, die Fragsszenen sind von Lazio und Griim. Das Movie überzeugt mit tollen Frags in hoher X-Real-Filmqualität und einer hervorragenden Filmbearbeitung. Ein echter Augenschmauß!

Spankie: Es fällt mir schwer einen Text aus dem Hut zu zaubern. Nun, zuallererst möchte ich ag0n, samAel und drj3w danken, für das Feedback und deren Hilfe bei einigen Dingen, die ich einfach nicht begreifen konnte.
Ich wollte dem Ganzen etwas mehr Atmosphäre geben und habe den Film ein kleines Bisschen wie CoD/CSS editiert. Hatte ich Erfolg? Entscheide dich selbst.
Riesiger Dank gilt an Lazio & Griim, daß sie mir diese hervorragenden Frags lieferten. 

Image Image Image



Ultraviolet Vol.1 - Principium

Published in ET Movies

Since the release of my previous movie - Requiem - back in January 2010, I have been focusing on graduating, which I did last June, and starting my career. Recently, I decided to dust off my old editing skills and try a little project that would not require me to spend nearly as much time on as my former movies back in the day.

It seems that there is no longer a vibrant ET moviemaking community, so I thought I would work on some videos to try and reignite some interest, since Enemy Territory is a game with great moviemaking capabilities. This time around, rather than use Sony Vegas, I decided to edit the footage solely in Adobe After Effects in an effort to try and become more familiar with the software, and I am pleased with the results.
Principium is the first of three retrospective short films, and is generally made up of footage from the very early days of Enemy Territory. In this volume, there are no in-eye frags whatsoever, although there will be in-eye frags in at least one other volume. It is not an ‘aiming’ movie, instead showing some spam frags from ET’s early days.

I have tried to improve and build upon my Camtrace3D skills and make something worth watching for everyone. Each film will be short and sweet and as they are all being worked on at the same time, so hopefully there won’t be too long between the releases of each volume.
Visually I have gone for a grittier, less saturated look in order to make it a little more 'filmic' with relation to World War II, rather than the more glossy and colourful style of some of my previous work.
Sadly, with the loss of ClanBase, there are a lot of demos with great material that will never again see the light of day.


Author -mAx- Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 266 MB Download 250

Author UltraViolet Date 24.01.2010 Filesize 621 mb Download 444

Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: |

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 184

DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3

Published in ET Movies

DaNe & Mys0x on Justjump 3 - Welcome to my second Movie feat Mys0x!

Shoutout eT|Clan,Th|Clan,|999|Clan and all others who know us
Map used - Justjump 3
Music - Ruben de Ronde & Aelyn - What About You
Prog´s used - Sony Vegas pro 12 | Virtual-dub | Handbreak

Watch in HD enjoy!


Author DaNe + Mys0x Date 09.09.2014 Filesize 133 MB Download 168






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