ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

Syphonfilter Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first release of Wolf ET map - Syphonfilter, created by Devils Right Hand.

Storyline: It's the year 1999 and international terrorist Erich Rhoemer is running his drug cartel in Costa Rica, which he uses to finance his notorious terrorist activity. Deep in his private compound he has created his own bioweapons laboratory, where his team of evil scientists have produced a virus called "syphonfilter".
This is a genetic-specific bioweapon which has the ability to target and destroy individual Races. Rhoemer has sent a ransom demand of 100 million dollars to the American Whitehouse, warning them that if his demands are not met he will fire his first missile at the city, which will cause an estimated 100.000 deaths.
However, Rhoemer's missile is not located in Costa Rica, where the virus was developed. Satellite surveillance has revealed that he has constructed the missile in a old Soviet base in Rozovka in Kazahkhstan. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, destroy the missile, all computer equipment and escape with the "syphonfilter" documents.

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SYPHONFILTER Version:beta 1
Author Devils Right Hand Date 21.09.2016 Filesize 43,52 MB Download 227

Stiglitz Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Stiglitz Beta 1

This is an awesome new map for "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory", created by Kemon and Phisherman.

Storyline - July 1943:
Local resistance reported a branch of Deathshead’s X-Labs in a small remote village. Stiglitz, an OSA agent, has been sent to infiltrate the facility and gather intel of Deathshead’s activities. Communication went dead some days ago and Stiglitz is suspected to have been spotted and is soon to be executed. The Allies are trying to make their way through the village, free Stiglitz and escort him back to safety, so he can be debriefed at the OSA headquarters.

Source: |


STIGLITZ Version:beta 1
Author Kemon and Phisherman Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 33 MB Download 495






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