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bTc ET-Halloween Fightnight

Published in ET Scene

Image Der |bTc| Clan läd alle herzlichst ein, zur Enemy Territory Halloween Fightnight.

Das Event Ticket to Hell - The |bTc| Halloween Nights startet am Halloweentag den 31.10. um 0.00 Uhr und Endet am 1.11 um 0.00 Uhr.

Es erwarten euch gespenstische Maps, Skins & Sounds. Lasst euch überraschen und seid dabei!

Server IP:

Quelle: ClawFire via PM | |bTc|Clan

TeamMuppet Domination

Published in ET Scene

Hey guys heres the announcement of our next event: TeamMuppet Domination !!!

Event will take place Saturday the 26th July (this weekend) at a time of 19:00 GMT

Server IP is

Domination mod is where u have to collect the ball and score into ur apponant they will be deffending !! (Demo by MrMuppet)

Link: teammuppet.eu/teammuppet-domination-event

Source: wolffiles.de | teammuppet.eu

Wolfenstein.pl Easter Event

Published in ET Scene

Wolfenstein.pl Wielkanoc Wydarzenie

Mamy przyjemność zaprosić wszystkich graczy na wielkanocny event!
Nasz zapracowany zając TimOOn pogubił wszystkie swoje jajka. Prosi nas o pomoc w odnalezieniu swojej zguby!
Jak to się mogło stać, zapytacie. Otóż Wielki Cygan przedziurawił wiklinowy koszyczek naszego zajączka! Podczas wędrówki przez miejsca naszego serwera TimOOn nieświadomie rozrzucił je przez wyżej wspomnianą dziurę.

Były to mapy: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, Supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.

Do odnalezienia jest 35 jaj. Będziemy wdzięczni za każdą pomoc! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Wydarzenie trwa od 18 do 24 kwietnia (do godziny 00:00).

Po tym czasie wyłonimy najlepszych poszukiwaczy. Na trzech, którzy zbiorą największą ilość jaj, czekają specjalne levele, które otrzymają dożywotnio.
Aby ułatwić Wam proces szukania, stworzymy 4 magiczne komendy (widoczne pod !help), które pokażą ile odnaleźliście jaj, postępy innych poszukiwaczy, zasady wydarzenia, a także pomocne rady, gdzie można odnaleźć jaja.


Wolfenstein.pl Easter Event

All players are welcome to the Enemy Territory Easter Event!
Our hardworking rabbit has hidden all the eggs. He asks us for help in finding! To find the 35 eggs.
On the Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
We are grateful for any help! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
The event lasts from April 18 to 24 (until 00:00 clock).

After this time, we will chose the best hunters. Three, the highest number of eggs, waiting for special levels.


Wolfenstein.pl Osterevent

Alle Spieler sind herzlich zu der Enemy Territory Ostern Event eingeladen!
Unser fleißiges Kaninchen hat alle Eier versteckt. Er bittet uns um Hilfe bei der Suche! Um die 35 Eier zu finden.
Auf den Maps: Goldrush, Oasis, Caen2, supply, Venice, Snatch3, Special Delivery i Streets Of Italy.
Wir sind dankbar für jede Hilfe! |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT|
Die Veranstaltung dauert von April 18-24 (bis 00:00 Uhr).

Nach dieser Zeit werden die besten Jäger gewählt. Drei, welche die höchste Anzahl von Eiern haben, erwarten spezielle Levels.


Source: Adrian via FB | wolfenstein.pl

Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 beendet

Published in RtCW Scene
Die große LAN ist beendet. Doch was ist das Fazit? Schaut man sich das Siegertreppchen an, dann sieht man Team Dignitas nicht auf den ersten Platz. Durch eine Veränderung im Lineup für diese LAN, hat es Team Dignitas nicht geschafft ihr volles Potential auszureizen. Höchstwahrscheinlich kam diese Niederlage zustande weil Night nicht spielen konnte und dafür der Gamer Sol eingesetzt worden ist. Durch diese Niederlage von ex Iddle gibt es nun natürlich Hoffnung auf einen interessanten Eurocup der vielleicht nicht zwangsläufig Dignitas als Sieger voraussetzt. Doch die Zeit wird zeigen, ob der Höhenflug vorbei ist oder ob das Team wirklich durch diesen einen Gamer nur den dritten Platz erreicht hat.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Turnier: Return to Castle: Wolfenstein Turnier:
1.   TLR - 1500 Euros
2.   Impact Gaming - 1000 Euros
3.   Dignitas - 500 Euros

1.   One Soldier
2.   Verdiend
3.   KiH


TGS-Clan - Special Fun Night

Published in ET Scene
Image TGS Special Fun Night - Summer is coming to an end, but the guys of The German Server Clan - also known as TGS - are warmly welcoming you for their ET Special Fun Night.
Are you a player with a high sense for fun play ? - Be sure to play, the event starts at: 15.10.2011 on 20 o'clock (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) server:

Image TGS Spezial Fun Nacht - Der Sommer kommt zum Ende, aber die Member vom The German Server Clan (TGS) laden euch alle wärmstens zu einer ET Spezial Fun Night ein.
Alle Spieler, mit Sinn für viel Spaß am Spielen, sind herzlich willkommen. Das Event startet am: 15.10.2011 um 20.00 Uhr (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) Server:
Link: tgs-clan

ETF Easter Weekend Gaming Event

Published in ET Scene

We're having another gaming event @ ETF during Easter Weekend!

Please join us this Easter Weekend for a frag event. We will be rounding up a lot of regulars and and ET gamers from different clans and gaming communities.

Connect from console via domain name or IP:
/connect etforever.com

Map Listing for this event is posted on the main page of our forums: www.etforever.com
Teamspeak will be live and cranking @ ts3.etforever.com
We hope to see you there!

Source: etforever.com | wolffiles.de

Fearless Assassins Solstice Spree Event

Published in ET Scene

The 21st of June. Summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. Yes, the sun will rise very early in the north. Who the hell cares? We’ll all sleep till dawn anyway.
Sharpen your Thompsons, reload your knives, talk a walk on the moon and fix your headsets. It’s Gameday time!

Event: =F|A= Solstice Spree
Wars: panzerwar, sniperwar, crazy gravity and of course normal fights.
Date and time: noon, Saturday 20th of June until 7.00 A.M., Sunday 21st of June (GMT)
Server Name: F|A #2 XPSAVE FOREVER
Server IP: jay2.clan-fa.com
Teamspeak IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Source : fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de

-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Published in ET Scene

-|D|- Desperados Halloween Event

Hello ET lovers!

I'm proud to announce that Desperados-ET have a Halloween event. But you can drop in at anytime. Don't forget that we are searching for members so this can be your chance.

The event is at: 31st Oct 18:00 Central European Time

We´re having a Halloween Night on our silEnT server with special skins and sounds.

- Resurrection
- Warbell
- Transylvania b2
- Haunted Mansion
- Tarket Spooky Beta 2
- Halloween beta2
- Die ! (Special Halloween Edition)
- King of the Hell v1.0* (CTF map)
- (UM) Dracula final
- Necrology final
- Grave robbery

Everyone is welcomed and have a fun evening with us. Welcome to our FORUM

Source: Macchute via SL | www.desperadoset.enjin.com | www.wolffiles.de

Clanbase - Game Over

Published in General News

Clanbase - Game Over
For those unfamiliar with the name: ClanBase once was a cool site to visit if you were an online gamer. With cups and ladders hosted for games such as the RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and Call of Duty series, a teenager really had quite some options for multiplayer entertainment. Heck, we even had LAN finals for our renowned EuroCups.

Those days are far behind us and as it stands today, the company that owns the ClanBase site - GGL - is unable to cover the costs required to run the website. Moreover, lately the owners of the site do not wish to cooperate with the voluntary crew, keeping everybody in the dark and thus showing complete disrespect to people who spend many hours a day trying to make our tournaments a success.

The website has now been offline for more than three weeks due to an unpaid bill. No action is being taken by the owner to get the website back online. Having no vision for the future, we - the ClanBase Crew - have lost our last hopes about ClanBase ever coming back online, and unfortunately we announce the end of a great era.

The history and the truth as the ClanBase Crew sees it

A US-based company called Global Gaming League (Professional Interactive Entertainment, Inc.) noticed the success of the site and bought it from the original owners in December of 2004. They had financial backing for server hosting and our tournaments. Things were going well until in 2007 CB suffered its first heart attack when GGL couldn’t deliver the prize money they put up for the EuroCup. This can be marked as the start of our downfall.

The CB Crew has always been made up of volunteers with the majority being just teenagers. There was no possibility for us to come up with the money on our own that was promised, yet we were always the ones getting blamed. After all, it was our cup season and our name. It is no surprise that after this blow there was no way for us to host another season with the promise of any kind of prize until the debt was settled with the previous winners.

To this day, GGL owes around €24,000 in prize money which will never be settled. The other sites who were in the same gaming business of course had no problems hosting their tournaments however they wanted. ClanBase, however, lost a great deal of its reputation along with some top teams who never got their winnings.

As time went by the site also started to decay. After the takeover we had paid developers who tried to put the code in shape. There were some noteworthy developments such as the seasonal and invitational ladders, but after the first test run we couldn’t get the necessary changes implemented - because GGL stopped paying the developers.

Money. The source of all evil.

GGL started moving the servers between hosts (RackSpace, Amazon, GreenQloud) to save costs, and to avoid further missed payments. This appeared in the news a few times when providers came out with how they were lied to. We also lost the ability to upload files anything other than demos. Fortunately, a Crew member had the means to help out.

Funding continued to dry up. After the first wave of cuts where we lost the two developers and a head admin, things cooled down for a while. Recently, a general system administrator was cut off which got interesting at one point when CB suffered a denial of service attack to which the host (GreenQloud) responded with moving the servers to a different IP address. However, the domain name had to be updated as well to point to the new address. Since our sysadmin was not getting paid, he refused to perform this, essentially holding the site hostage for a while.

So how do we get money? The site had ads for a while which obviously was not enough. We may have been naive thinking that upping the quality of the site would be a good move, which was promised more times we bother to count. GGL thought otherwise. In fact, many of the cool features our gamers would have loved to see on the website were never implemented - because "CBv2” was supposedly just around the corner.

Their first bold move was trying to get adult banners on CB - a website that was home for thousands of teenagers. The Crew was shocked and appalled by this. Fortunately, we managed to get our voice through (by threatening to go on strike) - but we also lost several valuable crew members who had enough of the poor conditions and bad decisionmaking.

Next to adult material, gambling can also be a good source of income. The Poker and Betting ladders were introduced. It is doubtful that much money was ever made of this, at least nobody said otherwise. The only thing certain is that these projects never got off the ground.

A poor attempt was also made to gather money in the form of offering VIP membership. Nobody took this very seriously and as expected, nobody bothered to opt in after a while. The only benefit to having VIP was the ability to get rid of some of the ads. Perhaps a regular donation system would’ve been more useful.

By the end of August 2013, yet another problem surfaced: the money ran out for the hosting. This is when CB started to go down every month when the time came to pay for the next 30 days.

Of course we tried contacting GGL through our manager who was in charge of handling communications. As you may have guessed by now, he also failed to receive his payment for a while and a company owing money to you, and who knows how many others, is not in a hurry to get back to you.

The ClanBase management tried to directly contact the GGL founder and president Ted Owen (since everyone else left), with very little success. Whenever we got a response it usually consisted of no more than a few words.

The last we heard from him, he stated that "GGL will move on without ClanBase, and besides, why did the Crew never put any money in it?”

Mr. Owen, the Crew put time in it. A lot of time... for free. Every day. And to clarify, nobody has ever reached out to us to ask for any kind of financial aid. Not that we would’ve ever agreed to anything if the money had to go through GGL as that would’ve resulted in the money never reaching its intended destination.

Ultimately, we understand that our users would have expected us to come out with the truth sooner. It has taken us three weeks to make a public statement - but the only reason it took so long is that we were trying to not lose the hope and to reach out to mr. Owen. Unfortunately, our last request (or offer) to him - to release the ClanBase site to the crew for us to be able to continue running it on our own, without the GGL - was not welcomed.

It is thus our sad duty to inform you that ClanBase is gone. We would like to sincerely thank over a thousand admins working on the website over the past 15 years of ClanBase’s existence. And an even bigger thanks goes out to all the players who supported us over the years and who did not lose faith no matter what.

This writing has not come easily because ClanBase has been a big part of our lives, and we definitely did not want to see it end like this.

Clanbase - Game Over
Die Clanbase war einmal eine sehr coole Website für Online- Gamer, mit Cups und Ligen für Spiele wie RtCW, ET, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike und der Call of Duty-Serie.

Diese glorreichen Tage sind nun hinter uns, und heute steht es um die Clanbase Website sehr schlecht - wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, die erforderlichen kosten der Website zu decken.

Die Website war offline für mehr als drei Wochen, wegen einer unbezahlten Rechnung. Keine Aktion wird vom Eigentümer übernommen, um die Website wieder online zu bekommen. Da sie keine Vision für die Zukunft mehr hat. Wir - die Clanbase Crew - haben unsere letzten Hoffnungen die Clanbase jemals wieder online kommen jetzt endgültig verloren, und müssen leider das Ende einer großen Clanbase-Ära verkünden.

Source: etpro.declanbase.org

HD'R Clan Tournament

Published in ET Scene

Image From HD’R clan we present the “Christmas tournament 2011”. The tournament will be in our new server:, Start day : 15/01/2012.
Teams will be formed by 5 players and 2 reseves at most, so 7 players in total.

1. The mod used will be nq, with pb activated in the private server + TS with channels with password determined before the game.

2. Maps to play are chosen between following ones in this way:
Will be played 3 maps and both teams will play in both sides, 6 games in total. Every teams will chose their “favorite map”, and the third will be a random one from the server between this:

Special delivery, Bremen, Braundorf, Warbell, ET Beach Invasion Final 1.1, Gold Rush, Siwa oasis, Adlernest, Caen, Frostbite Final, Supply Depot

Prices: 1º Classified, 2º Classified, 3º Classified

More infos about this: www.forum.splatterladder.com
You can register here: www.clanhdr.com/forosmf

Thanks and regards! Happy New Year!!

Quelle: ehiron (Aaron) via Mail






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