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Big Movietime! - Part 7

Published in RtCW Movies

Endlich ist es soweit, unser mittlerweile recht beliebtes Big Movie-Update ist da! Wir präsentieren euch zum Siebten mal ein paar schöne RtCW- und ET-Movies.
Ausgesucht haben wir dieses mal, 6 RtCW und 6 ET Movies bunt gemsicht mit Frag- Trickjump- und Panza-Highlights als Retro- oder Newstyle.

Diese "Wiederbelebung" der Gesamten alten und neueren RtCW- und ET-Movies ist ein gemeinsames Projekt von:

Planet-Videos | RtCW4ever



Cant Be Touched

Dome Spittage

Gigalo The Movie


Kritos Movie

Tigerclaw 2

TWK Unmasks

Enemy Is A Noobie

True Destination
Walk In The Air 1
A Casual Movie

Zum Download wie immer auf "Bild" klicken. Viel Spass !

PS: Das Achte Movieupdate ist in Arbeit 

Lazio & Griim - Can´t Stop

Published in ET Movies
Image Lazio & Griim - Can´t Stop is made by Spankie which fragscenes of Lazio and Griim. The Movie convinced with nice frags in high X-real film quality and an excellent editing. A real eye-catcher!

Spankie: It's really hard to write something from the top of my head. Well, first of all, I'd really like to thank ag0n, samAel and drj3w for feedback and help with some things that I just couldn't figure out myself.
I wanted to go a little bit further with this one - bring some of the CoD/CSS editing atmosphere here. Did I succeed? I'll let you decide yourself.
Huge thanks for Lazio & Griim for providing me with such outstanding frags. 
Image Lazio & Griim - Can't Stop ist von Spankie erstellt, die Fragsszenen sind von Lazio und Griim. Das Movie überzeugt mit tollen Frags in hoher X-Real-Filmqualität und einer hervorragenden Filmbearbeitung. Ein echter Augenschmauß!

Spankie: Es fällt mir schwer einen Text aus dem Hut zu zaubern. Nun, zuallererst möchte ich ag0n, samAel und drj3w danken, für das Feedback und deren Hilfe bei einigen Dingen, die ich einfach nicht begreifen konnte.
Ich wollte dem Ganzen etwas mehr Atmosphäre geben und habe den Film ein kleines Bisschen wie CoD/CSS editiert. Hatte ich Erfolg? Entscheide dich selbst.
Riesiger Dank gilt an Lazio & Griim, daß sie mir diese hervorragenden Frags lieferten. 

Image Image Image


Quelle: crossfire.nu

Ceres Minimovie

Published in ET Movies

Ceres Minimovie - Enemy Territory Fragmovie with good frags and music

After two years of waiting for Tomun (Canada) to make it, I finally decided to throw together a demo+mp3 minimovie for Ceres (United States of America). Frags by Ceres from 2006-2014

Production Time: 3 days (two of which were spent failing to encode -_-)

1920x1080 50FPS, Original Movie Size: 80.4 GB, Compressed Movie Size: 275 MB, Compression Time: 7 hours and 43 minutes

Music Used: Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling

Software Used: Image-ET,  uvMovieMod, VirtualDub, Sony Vegas 13, Handbrake

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Tomun + Ceres Date 16.08.2015 Filesize 156 MB Download 175

Mr. Kresti #2

Published in ET Movies

Kresti his new ET Fragsmovie, made by Testi with frags from lans & EC's.

Kresti his new movie is out after only 7 days of making & recording. I didnt put to much time in it, due to his request that it could be simple demo & mp3, but nevertheless I tried to make it somewhat better than demo & mp3, so it is (i.m.o.) insane quality combined with some decent editing.

If you want to see it in full quality, you should download the movie.

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kresti / Testi Date 05.06.2014 Filesize 371 MB Download 199

Trickjump Movie Oldriginals

Published in ET Movies

ImageTrickjump movie made by Stuns and performed by himself - This is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump video. You will see recordings I collected over the years accompanied by music mixed together by myself.
I do not claim that any original in this movie is new, thus the title "Oldriginals".
This is my last trickjump movie, please enjoy.

ImageEin Trickjump Film, erstellt und gespielt von Stuns - Dies ist ein Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Trickjump Video. Du siehst Aufnahmen von mir, die ich im Laufe der Jahre gesammelt und mit Musik gemischt habe. Ich behaupte nicht dass alle Originale in diesem Film neu sind, deswegen der Titel "Oldriginals".

Dies ist meine letzter Trickjump Film, genieße ihn!


HD Download

RTCW/ET Movies incl. Fall Cup 3/4

Published in RtCW Movies

We have two new RtCW and two new ET movies our file repository added.All movies are of good quality and show frag highlights.

Wir haben zwei neue RtCW und zwei neue ET-Movies unserer Download-Datenbank hinzugefügt. Alle Filme haben eine gute Qualität und zeigen Frag-Highlights.

Image Image
RtCW Moments - Week 3+4 The Last RtCW Movie 2
Image Image
ET: Ratte-The Mini Movie ET: baq - forever low 2

Quelle: crossfire.nu

999 Units Per Second

Published in ET Movies

999 Units Per Second - Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie - Acizco presents his new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This movie shows clearly that Enemy Terriotry is much more than just an egoshooter.

Quote: The end is finally here. After months and months of jumping, here is one last final original trickjump movie. I'm fairly confident saying there will never ever be a movie with better jumps anymore.
Thank you, the community, for the endless hours spent on this game.
Thank you Splash Damage for giving us this amazing game.
Thank you for watching.
Good bye.

Starring:  Sungi, Aciz, Wrath, BlaZe, Skepty, Hazz, Madman

Note: Some of the maps were redone for visual purposes, the jumps are performed in the original map. The maps are following:
Adlernest, Battery, Erdenberg (B3 & T1), Fueldump, Goldrush, Oasis, Radar, Railgun

Source: crossfire.nu

Full movie quality ONLY via download!! (1,5 GB)


999 UNITS PER SECOND Version:final
Author Acizco, Sungi, Wrath, BlaZe, Skepty, Hazz, Madman Date 16.12.2016 Filesize 1,534 GB Download 236

SAEVUS (Unfinished)

Published in ET Movies

Ein Enemy Territory Fragmovie über den bekannten ET-Clan Saevus mit ihrem ersten Line-up. Regie und Bearbeitung von c-drik.

It's a Enemy Territory frags movie about the well known ET clan Saevus featuring their first line-up. Directed and edited by c-drik.

Everything is synchronized with the music (frags, cams, some moves...) to give a good flow to the movie.
Certains members have less parts than others because they never record demos.

I found this movie saved on a DVD, it's unfinished that's why there's no intro (black screen the first 36 sec.) and you will see some colored screens sometimes. I could not finish it because I lost everythings in a HDD crashed, hopefully I have rendered and saved this version.
PS: If you wanna see my first fragmovie, search for "Lamattitude" (RTCW movie)

Source: crossfire.nu

Author c-drik/SAEVUS Date 10.11.2013 Filesize 337 MB Download 216


Published in ET Movies

ET Fragmovie by HIRVI

Finally managed to put this together. Frags from 2012 to early 2013. This will most likely be my last ET movie.

Legal/Bloodspawn guys
and all the guys/girls that I've had the pleasure to play with! :)

Special shoutouts: toMi, t0psu and LORDI

Source: crossfire.nu

Author HIRVI MOOZE Date 11.05.2015 Filesize 378 MB Download 179

Juissi TJ movie

Published in ET Movies

Juissi presents his new Enemy Territory Trickjump Movie with nice jumps on many TJ maps.

Maps: Airwaves_b1, Bounce_b1, Eatme, Insane 1_8, Mrmen_gamma_final, OldTjJumps_Final, Still_b1

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Resolution: 1600x900
Rendering Time: 2h 15min

Source: crossfire.nu | dropbox.com/juissiTJmovie

Author Juissi Date 12.06.2016 Filesize 201 MB Download 195






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