A+ A A-



Published in ET Mods

Dieses Soundpack von =TBK=(Zain) beinhaltet 70 extra Sounds, die garantiert für Spass auf euren Server sorgen werden. Es sind nur Funsounds die mit dem Vsay Menü aufgerufen werden.

Entpacke die .zip Datei und lade die .pk3 auf dein Gameserver und in dein Downloadordner hoch. Nun starte den Server neu und die Sounds sind aktiv.
Zum Deinstallieren einfach die .pk3 löschen und den Server neustarten.

Link: =TBK=

Quelle: RtCW Files

Author =TKB=(ZAIN) Date 18.06.2008 Filesize 6,9 Mb Download 443

American Civil War Mod v2 (Update)

Published in ET Mods

Enemy Territory American Civil War Mod - Version 2

This is the new and improved total conversion of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory to an American Civil War theme. It has been created by PAV, who is also the creator of BOBOT.
There are now 30 maps to play, in 3 ten-map campaigns. The maplist is as follows:

This brand new version has many improvements on the original release. Check the "changelog", please, for all the latest details.

Changelog :
1  : The ranks are now different, in respects to the Confederate and Union armies. Please refer to the "ACW_Ranks.png"
2  : Added a civilian, a Mexican, an Indian bot (Confederacy and Union).
3  : Fixed some maps.
4  : Code : Fixed more warnings. (Windows & Linux).
5  : Code : Added extra chat messages to the bots in the game, there's 295 messages in total. (You can edit messages or add new messages via editing the "bots-chat.txt" contained in the "acw.pk3").
6  : Code : There's a total of 60 new bot voices added. (43 English, 10 Mexican, 7 voices for French : Fun answers from the movie “the 7th company”).
7  : Modified the main menu of the background picture.
8  : Modified the movie in the "etintro.roq" file.
9  : Modified the in-game menus. Pictures have been added to the hud, for standing, crouching, prone and dead positions.
10 : Changed both the "Hud Bobot" and the "Hud ET". (HUD EDITOR menu in-game).
11 : Modified the  "XPSave" for all players and bots, especially for Windows security.
12 : Automatic settings, full screen display available for portable computers. (seta r_mode “-1” unsafe, default.cfg into acw.pk3.).
13 : Menu, listen to all the music contained in the maps or simply select the individual tracks you'd like to listen to.

North American Campaign: # Killdeer Mountain # Fort Abercrombie # Storm Point # Once Upon a Time in the West # Factory #The Wild Wild West # Farm # Hang'Em High

Central American Campaign: # Fort Laramie # Church # Union pacific # Burlington # Home Sweet Home # Hacienda # Warlock # Durango

South American Campaign: # Dodge City # Colorado River # Santa Fe # El Paso # Tombstone # Tijuana, Yuma # Tucson # Mexican # Oasis # The Alamo.

Please note that some of the maps have "night" versions that can be played too.

Source: wolffiles.de | bobots.e-monsite.com

Website BOBOT and PAV Date 16.07.2017 Filesize 798.11 MB Download 392

Infected Mod (A13)

Published in ET Mods

Micha! released a new version on his ET mod "Infected" - Infected Mod is a survival gameplay mod. It changes Allies to Humans/Swat and Axis to Infected/Zombies.

Micha! veröffentlicht eine neue Version von seinem ET-Mod "Infected" - Infected Mod ist ein Überlebens Gameplaymod, diese Mod verwandelt die Alliierten in Menschen und macht Achsenmächte zu Zombies.

* Humans: You need to survive till the timelimit is over !
-> Get ammo on kills
* Infected: Kill all humans to win the round (starts with 1 player)
-> Kill a human to infect him

Some features:
- Random Map vote
- "Infect a random player" vote
- Removes Mg42 and objectives out of maps
- Heartbeat sound on lower healthpoints
- World sounds for better atmosphere
- Player punishment for "spec -> human team" to avoid dead (empty weapons on respawn).
- Get ammo for kills (infected players get another throwing knife, humans get bullets)
- Thirdperson mode ( /tp 1 or /tp 2)
- More shrubbot commands
- Infected Team has special spawnpoints on some maps
- Edited mapscripts
- Tripmines
- Water breath bar

Server: 2.55, 2.6b, et300

server: windows, linux
client: windows, linux


Author Micha! Date 01.05.2013 Filesize 21,11 MB Download 399

Reloaded 1.1.0

Published in ET Mods

ETMOD Reloaded 1.1.0 - The mod is built on ETpub featuring its own Admin and Member skins, also the standard Wolf-ET skins have been updated to better ones. Later on we will try to implement an officer's cap and a beret for the admins, covert ops will receive a field cap as admin. And maybe, just maybe, upgrade the weapons with new and better looking ones. Lastly, we will attempt to make both male and female players.

This excellent Wolfenstein Enemy Territory modification has been created by The-Wolf-Team. More information on MODdb.com

Source - splashdamage.com/thunder | wolffiles.de

Author thunder Date 14.09.2014 Filesize 58,486 MB Download 259

Soundpaket |D6F| Janine

Published in ET Mods

|D6F| präsentiert sein neues 50 MB schweres Weapon/War Soundspack 1.0.

Die Waffensounds hören sich realistisch an und wirken nicht blechern, wie sonst so oft. Desweiteren bietet das Soundpack neue Fahrzeug- und Panzer(fahr)geräusche. Auch neue Explosionsgeräsche aller Art, Schritte, Türen, Maschinen, Radios, Vögel, Wind und sämtliche andere Geräusche sind überarbeitet worden.
Kurz gesagt: Dieses Soundpack ändert so ziemlich alles an Geräuschen die es in ET überhaupt gibt!

Zwecks weiterer Informationen besuche einfach die |D6F|Website www.d6f.de.ms

Nach Absprache mit Janine, können wir euch jetzt auch eine kleinere Version (38 MB) des Weapon/War Soundspack anbieten. Danke an |D6F| Janine. 

Quelle: Wolfmap.de

D6F WEAPON/WAR SOUNDS 1.0 Version:1.0
Author |D6F| Janine Date 07.08.2007 Filesize 51,79 MB Download 398

ETJump 2.0.6 released

Published in ET Mods

ETJump 2.0.6 is ready!

ETJump is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump modification. It is being actively developed by Zero.

    Fixed !listmaps listing all maps whether they're on the server or not.
    Added @name@ tagging in chat. (Replaces the @tag@ with matching names)
    Added a message key for trigger_flagonly_multiple
    The entity prints the message when an objective is capture. Adding [n] in the message prints the name of the player that captured the objective.
    Added etj_drawConnectionIssues. Disables the "Connection interrupted" text and image.
    This is mainly for people with constantly high pings (e.g. from Australia)
    Added spawnflag 512 for trigger_multiple
    Multiple players are able to trigger the same trigger_multiple at the same time
    Multiple bugfixes
    Players can no longer callvote map <current map>
    /callvote map mapname matches partial map names
    token collection mode:
    Admins can define locations for easy, medium and hard tokens that can be collected by players. Once you've collected all of them, the total time it took to collect them is printed.
    Improved /records
    Added highlighting for @tags@
    etj_noclipScale now supports decimal values and is limited to values between 1-20
    Fixed fireteam savelimit
    Removed nonading
    Weapons are now correctly removed on start timer

Source: etjump.com | etpro.de


ETJUMP 2.0.6 Version:2.0.6
Author Zero Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 6.6 MB Download 190

ET silEnT mod version 0.9.0 is out!

Published in ET Mods

The Team from mygamingtalk released ET-Mod silEnT 0.9.0.

Change log 0.9.0:
Added: Server customizable menu that is opened in addition to the silEnT mod menu.
Added: Possibility for admins to modify the loading screen of their server. As opposed to modifying the loading screen of every server.
Added: New client command mem_report. This command prints diagnostics of the client memory pooling.
Added: New client cvars: cg_numPopups, cg_popupStayTime and cg_popupFadeTime for controlling popup behaviour.
Added: Server checks the setup and refuses to start if problems are found. This includes checks that official menus are not modified.
Added: New option g_forceLimboHealth 2, which matches the ETPro gib damage (125).The option 1 remains as the original ETPub gib health (150).
Added: Rate setting is incresed automatically step by step if fragmented snapshots are received from the server. This improves the playability and removes the need to force this setting to players.
Added: Server extension modules. With this technology, server functionality can be expanded to various tasks without bloating the qagame library or forcing every admin to use same extension.
Added: Statistics module. This module collects various game play data into a relational database. Current choices are SQLit3 and PostgreSQL.
Added: Censor module. This module can be configured to censor names and chat with real regular expressions.
Added: new fun wars: !knifewar, !stenwar, !riflenadewar, !rifleshootwar, !pistolwar (added g_headshot bitmask value 4 to control instagib of headshot for pistolwar).
Added: New server cvar: g_incognitoCountryFlag to control the country flag displayed for the incognito admin.
Added: If g_dmg is set server side, body hitsounds have different volumes depending of the damage. This can be disabled by the players.
Added: Forcing some cvars is now restricted. These include the client side hitsound selection and theme.
Added: Player screenshots. Now admins can take player screenshots which works same as PB screenshots. 2.6b clients supported. Screenshot will have Server name, IP, Player Name, silEnT GUID, PB GUID and Player IP in it.

>>> full change log

Source: mygamingtalk.com

SILENT MOD Version:0.9.0
Author TheSilencerPL Date 19.11.2015 Filesize 12.91 MB Download 476

ETJump Mod 2.0.3

Published in ET Mods

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

I decided today would be a good day to finally release ETJump 2.0.3! It took way longer than I expected and it doesn't have all the features I wanted to implement. I decided it was time to release it anyway as people have been waiting for way too long.

Short changelog:
    New admin system (no more usernames and passwords that are hard to deal with)
    Mapping features
    Minor enhancements to gameplay
    Bug fixes

What's next?
My future plan is to release new versions more frequently. Due to some mistakes I couldn't really do that for version 2.0.2.

Source: etpro.de | Zero

ETJUMP 2.0.3 Version:2.0.3
Author Zero & Feengur Date 08.01.2015 Filesize 6.53 MB Download 202

Navy SEALs: Covert Operations ET mod

Published in ET Mods

Navy SEALs: Covert Operations ET - A Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory mod by mod_porter

This is an Enemy Territory port of Navy Seals: Covert Operations - NSCO ETL mod alpha 6 (see Moddb.com)
Navy SEALs: Covert Operations is a realism total conversion mod for ID Software's Quake3 engine. NS:CO pits players in realistic combat missions such as:
-Retrieve Information in a suitcase and return it to a capture point
-Defend Fortified Area's from Capture
-Assassinate VIP Player (distinct model for VIP)
-Capture Specific Points on the map for your team to win.

Navy Seals has one of the most realistic damage effects you will ever see in a Mod. You won't see anyone taking one-hundred bullets and surviving here. It's all based on reality and how bullets really effect someone when hit by them.

NS:CO Feature Highlights:

Weapons, Weapon Handling & Equipment
* 22 scale real worked weapons
* sophisticated weapon attachment system
* scopes, flashlights, bayonettes, laser sights, silencer etc.
* 5L-SD, sophisticated location specific damage system
* projectile code system - realistic per projectile ballistic physics
* original bomb defusing tool system

Original Top-Code Features & Technology
* TASS, a configurable player skill and attribute system
* original player physics top-code
* easy to use radio command system
* modular HUD with two configurable displays to choose from
* feature complete menu system
* PE Engine proprietary state-of-the-art particle effects
* enhanced lighting with full support for q3map2
* IGLE advanced lighting lens flare, and dazzle effects

Player Models
* 3 original player models featuring rich original animations
* 16 very high detail headskins per team
* Head Stuff System? offing customizable player "looks"
* bindable hand signal animations
* seasonal & terrain specific auto-camouflage skin system

Game Play Features
* NSSL? sophisticated multi-threading scripting language
* plug-n-play-drag-n-drop scripting automation system
* enhanced camera view
* dynamic help system
* GPS & team telemetry system

Levels & Missions
* stunning level design technology
* assault objective missions
* VIP-R and VIP-S objective missions
* CTB objective
* bomb & defuse mission objective

For Level Designers
* CSGR (client side geometry render)
* rich objective system /w prefab mission tools
* PE Engine?, NS-CO's proprietary particle system
* custom, entities and shader attributes
* rich suite of original high-quality textures
* environment effect system for rain and snow
* full support for all q3map2 compiler features
* IGLE advanced lighting effects engine
* NS-CO DL-TK our in house (only) level designers tool kit

Support for all major Operating Systems such as:
Windows95/98/ME/2000/XP, Macintosh/OSX, Linux

Source: www.etpro.de | www.moddb.com/nsco-et

Author mod_porter Date 04.10.2015 Filesize 377 MB Download 329

Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6

Published in ET Mods

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Splatterladder Wolf:ET HD Pack 2.6
This is the updated version of my HD Pack for 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. There are now two files in the download, however, the larger file is not downloaded by the players joining the server, only the small 14MB file is downloaded directly. - Wolf Enstein

Mod Installation for Server-Admins:
Put the '.pk3' files into the 'etmain' folder only and the small file will be downloaded by players joining your server. They'll have to go to Wolffiles.de in order to download and use the main HD texture pack.

To uninstall this mod just delete the file.

Installation for Players:
Put the '.pk3' files into your 'etmain' folder. If it's also in the 'etmain' folder of a gameserver you join you will see the HD-textures, weapons and uniforms in-game.

Source: forum.splatterladder | wolffiles.de

Author Wolf Enstein Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 667 MB Download 828






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