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Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #1

Published in RtCW Movies

Homie and bully present the first video from the RtCW Fall Cup 2012 with impressive moments. Special Thanks: bully - for helping me with all technical issues to record in rtcw with blur etc & for making the intro  banner Feedback is really appreciated. PS: the next video will be made by bully!

Starring:  MerlinatoR  syL  ramzi  zerom  juncie  homie  haste  ironic  crabje  osiris  bully  lelle  brandon  fro  idlaw  xPERiA

Homie und bully präsentieren das erste Video aus dem RtCW Fall Cup 2012 mit beeindruckenden Momentaufnahmen.
Special Thanks: bully - für seine Hilfe mit allen technischen Fragen, in RTCW mit Unschärfe etc. und für die Herstellung der Intro-Banner. Feedback wird sehr geschätzt. PS: Das nächste Video wird von bully erstellt!

Image Image Image

Quelle: crossfire.nu

Author Homie + bully Date 22.11.2012 Filesize 251.17 MB Download 255

RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2. Hooray! I still decided to publish an updated version of its retexture. It includes the texture of the first version of the pack, most of which are updated by the second version of the pack. The new pack contains 147 textures.


Eugeny's website

Source: Eugeny via FB

Author Eugeny Date 01.08.2013 Filesize 222 MB Download 3988

one.more Cup #6 RtCW 3on3

Published in RtCW Scene

one.more Cup #5 took place just yesterday and there are requests from the NA portion of the RTCW scene for a cup of their own - calm down, we have what you need! Introducing one.more Cup #6 RTCW 3on3, NA Edition!

Date: Sunday 4th August, 2013
Start Time: 14:00 EST / 20:00 CET (Earliest)
Minimum Teams: 4 (probably a maximum of 8, first come first serve.)
Tournament Structure: Double Elimination Bracket
Maplist: TBA

This tournament is aimed mainly at the NA RTCW scene so players and teams from NA will get first priority, you must have at least 3 players on your roster and a maximum of 4. Players can only be signed up for one team and all info on who has signed up to the cup so far can be found here: LINK

Some Special Rules
All games will be played on NA servers, so if EU players do get the chance to play, they 100% will NOT play on EU servers, at all.

The cups later rounds will also be casted by Warwitch himself over at WarwitchTV as well as the mg42 crew. Please show your love and give a like to his facebook page HERE



Source: etpro.de

RtCW Coop 0.9.5 Patch 1

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCWCoOp 0.9.5 Patch 1 - small update for latest version

- fixes some spectator issues
- and fixes the bug where you couldnt drown or fall to your death

Just unzip and overwrite the existing files.

rtcwcoop patch095

 Source: rtcwcoop.com

Author team bzzwolfsp Date 27.07.2013 Filesize 1,315 MB Download 376

RtCW Singleplayer Mission Vendetta 2

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Misssion - Vendetta 2 - Demo Version

Yo$hik has released a demo version of his "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer addon mission, "Vendetta 2". This 3-map adventure, although still a work in progress, has made superb progress already and it has been a real pleasure to test it.
Hopefully, after this successful demo version, Yo$hik will continue his work on this superb project and our "RtCW" Community will get to play this singleplayer mission in its entirety. In the meantime, download and enjoy these excellent maps.

Yo$hik on ModDB: www.moddb.com/yohik

Source: ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de


VENDETTA Version:2
Author Yo$hik Date 22.10.2017 Filesize 1020 B Download 1078

Overpressured RTCW

Published in RtCW Movies

New RtCW Movie Overpressured - Kris newest rtcw project. Mostly frags from No Pressure and Overpowered.
Have fun watching!


Neues RtCW Movie Overpressured - Kris neustes RtCW Projekt. Größtenteils Frags von No Pressure und Overpowered.
Viel Spass beim anschauen!

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Kris Date 06.08.2013 Filesize 498 MB Download 324

ET Dark PHX b2

Published in ET Maps

This is a Wolf ET remake of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer classic map, "Dark", which has been created by Pheonix and R3b3L.

The Allied troops must steal a Jadgpanther tank and fight their way through the long dark road that leads to Wolfenstein. The Allies will use their stolen tank to blast open an access route that will take them to the tomb of the war god, Heinrich, who the Axis forces are determined to resurrect in order to change the course of the war.

Once the access route to Heinrich's tomb is opened, the Allies must plant and detonate dynamite inside the underground tomb in order to rid the world of the threat of Heinrich once and for all. The Axis forces will do all in their power to prevent this from happening.

"I'm sure that this map, regardless of the objectives, will be appreciated by most of the veteran RtCW and Wolf ET players and I hope that it revives many beautiful and nostalgic moments from Return to Castle Wolfenstein." - Pheonix

Source: wolffiles.de

DARK PHX Version:beta 2
Author Pheonix + R3b3L Date 18.05.2016 Filesize 8,992 MB Download 216

Dignitas nimmt den europäischen Thron ein

Published in RtCW Scene
Die Prognosen standen auf Sieg für das ehemalige Team idle, jetzt bekannt als Team Dignitas. Die Prognosen trafen ein, ein weiterer Sieg in Folge, zeroPoint! war ohne butchji nicht einmal im Stande den Sieg zu schnuppern, leider. Es hat für sie nur für den zweiten Platz, nach der 0:4 Niederlage, gereicht. Bei der shgOpen Lan in Dänemark wird die Revange auf einer LAN folgen, doch wieder ohne Butchji.

Team Dignitas

Wir gratulieren allen Clans, die es auf das Siegertreppchen geschafft haben. 
Quelle:   The New RtCW2-Prison

Fall Cup 2012 - Moments Of The Week #6

Published in RtCW Movies

Image RtCW Fall Cup Moments of the week #6 by Playaaa - Here's the video you all have been waiting for. I hope you guys like it. I was gonna make it even better but lost motivation a bit yesterday.

Starring: Belgium Homie, Netherlands Mirage, Netherlands Playa, Netherlands Local, United Kingdom Crumbs, Germany Fro, Poland h2o, United Kingdom DtS, Netherlands Juncie, Germany souX, New Zealand bloxzin, United Kingdom MerlinatoR

Thx to Netherlands Bully for advising me this song choice and big ups to my fellow shoutcasters United Kingdom DtS and Netherlands voice.

Image RtCW Herbst Cup, Momente der Woche #6 von Playaaa - Hier ist das Video auf das ihr alle gewartet habt. Ich hoffe, es gefällt euch. Ich wollte es noch besser machen, aber ich verlor gestern ein wenig die Motivation.

Download HD

Quelle: crossfire.nu

RtCW Singleplayer Mission Vendetta

Published in RtCW Misc

Yo$hik has now released his RtCW SP Mission, Vendetta. This excellent release contains new weapons, a new soundpack, new models, great graphics and much more. This is a "must have" for all Return to Castle Wolfenstein fans, old and new.

You do NOT need a copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein in order to play Vendetta, it is a "stand alone" game with it's own installer, so download and enjoy this epic adventure.

(The Mission)

Allied Intelligence has learned that the German military are developing a revolutionary new aircraft, "Helicopter" combat prototypes, which can destroy armored vehicles and infantry. You are a resistance fighter who has the task of eliminating all important personnel of the Third Reich who are connected with this new project. Your mission becomes even more difficult and more important,  as you must also find real evidence and documentation of the project before these military prototypes are able to take to the battlefield.

 Yo$hik hat seine Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP-Mission Vendetta veröffentlicht. Diese ausgezeichnete RtCW SP-Mission enthält neue Waffen, ein neues Soundpack, neue Modelle, tolle Grafik und vieles mehr. Dies ist für alle alten und neuen RtCW-Fans ein "must have".

Der Clou dabei, du brauchst KEIN Return to Castle Wolfenstein, um Vendetta spielen!  es ist ein "Stand Alone-Spiel" mit eigenem Installer. Also einfach downloaden, installieren und epische Abenteuer erleben!

Yo$hik's website > devilyoshik

Source: wolffiles.de

VENDETTA Version:1.1
Author Yo$hik Date 05.12.2013 Filesize 845 MB Download 1543






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