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Battle Chess Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Lorenz presents his new sniper map, with a realy nice design of a complete chessboard with figures!

"This time the battle takes place on an ancient chessboard, the game was stopped because there was something wrong. As usual, the matter will be settled by the snipers."

Source:  [UJE] Niek via FB | Lorenz

Author Lorenz Date 17.03.2014 Filesize 7,423 MB Download 248

LRS Xmas Sniper 2016

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his small and colorful Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Xmas Sniper 2016 - suitable for the Christmas season.
This sniper map includes waypoints and is a nocrossing map.

In this sense, have fun and Merry Christmas!

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via FB and Mail


LRS XMAS SNIPER Version:2016
Author Lorenz Date 18.12.2016 Filesize 12.15 MB Download 254

LRS Stadium Sniper b1

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Stadium Sniper beta 1.
Quote: Hi all, this time, we are inside a soccer stadium. We have only to snipe the other supporters.
Crossing is not possible.

***Thanks to Elite for his music***
***Thanks to Oldboy for the nice billboards***

Have fun.

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail

Author LoRenz Date 29.05.2016 Filesize 11,65 MB Download 286

ES Garden Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Map ES Garden Sniper made by |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek - 2 neighbors had a disagreement during a coffee and quickly became the big sniper battle in their garden. This Map is a no crossing version.

Map ES Garden Sniper, erstellt von |ES|hardstyler und [UJE]Niek - 2 Nachbarn hatten eine Meinungsverschiedenheit bei einem Kaffee, welche schnell zu einer Scharfschützen Schlacht in ihrem Garten ausartete. Es ist eine nicht überkreutzbare Map.

Quelle: Thx to |ES|Grandad via Shoutbox | esclan

Author |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek Date 12.02.2013 Filesize 6,652 MB Download 205

UJE Knight Sniper (b3)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE knight sniper (beta 3) made by [UJE] Niek

Both sides are alot of casstles. Sniperplaces enough on this map but....
The scene is split by a river ,and every 2 minutes the gate will open to let players pass to the other side but.....
BEWARE ,the place is filled with traps and a beast is guarding the passage.
So this map is a bit for both snipers and crossers.

* Alot of funny and scary sounds in it
* Alot of effects made by Sage (Thanks for that)
* Knights falling down
* Monster moving
* And some scary stuff for the crossers

Source: ujeclan.com


KNIGHT SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 3
Author [UJE]Niek Date 28.02.2016 Filesize 19.89 MB Download 272

Xmas Bol Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Xmas Bol Sniper made by LoRenz - Due to a shipping error, the Allies have received gifts of axis, and vice versa, what can we do now? We are locked in a bubble!!! Check your gift and Snipe!

I hope you have fun to play this map. Thanks to [UJE]Niek for his help and suggestion.

Source: Thx to [UJE] Niek via FB

Author LoRenz Date 24.12.2013 Filesize 10,76 MB Download 201

North Italy Sniper

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz published his ET Sniper map North Italy Sniper. Its a copy of his own house and garden. Even details like location of furniture in the house should match. Ofcourse, things has been added or removed to the map, to make it more playable. It's a crosseble map and terrain, sky and spawns is adjusted.
I guess we can say, this map is an invitation to visit the home of LoRenz on a hot someday in the North of Italy.

Enjoy the visit, and remember, when you visit someone, be polite, and only shot in direction of neighbour :)

Source: Thx to [UJE]Niek

Author LoRenz Date 03.09.2013 Filesize 12,08 MB Download 188

LRS Dwarfs Sniper

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory sniper map - LRS Dwarfs Sniper - with a cool fanasy look.

"Hi all, this map is about the kingdom of Erebor. The dwarfs are gone, leaving treasures.
But that does not interest us, we play for fun. Take your place and snipe.
Have fun!!! LoRenz"

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail and FB

Author LoRenz Date 13.03.2016 Filesize 13.89 MB Download 216

LRS Animal Sniper Reload

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory sniper map - LRS Animal Sniper Reload - with a cool London arts style.

Hi all, this map is my tribute to my favorite band. The map take place into the Animals CD box where i have put the Battersea Power Station. I have made this reload of Animals sniper for have more easy kills.
There is a secret room, you can find it only if you Learn to fly :)

Have fun!!!

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail and FB


Author LoRenz Date 22.02.2016 Filesize 15.63 MB Download 200

|ES|1944 Sniper

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz have made this sniper map, ideas by |ES|Grandad. (The map is almost identical with Black Forty Four Sniper)

In Central Europe, they did a final bombing of the city Berlin, there are a few survivors but .....only snipers, its a Black Forty Four, we have to win.

Source: esclan

1944 SNIPER (ES)
Author LoRenz / |ES|Grandad Date 22.11.2013 Filesize 17,03 MB Download 217






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