A+ A A-


Fueldump-Z (Beta 1)

Published in ET Maps

-)A(-Old-Owl from Dark Alchemy gaming community released the first playable version (Beta 1) of his map Fueldump-Z.

He edited the well known original map Fueldump to a very nice summer version and reached an improved gameplay.

Just take a look on those beautiful screenshots.

Source : Dark Alchemy | Wolffiles.de

FUELDUMP Z Version:beta 1
Author -)A(-Old-Owl Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 19,03 MB Download 415

UJE Rotterdam Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap - UJE Rotterdam Sniper - made by [UJE] Niek

This is an adjusted version of the objective map Rotterdam.

Always wanted to snipe in the harbours of Rotterdam? This is you're chance.
Both sides are filled with lot's of sniperspots. So take a look and have fun sniping.
Rotterdam sniper is a No Crossing map so you can lean back and relax and enjoy the view.

Source: ujeclan.com | ujeclan via FB

Author [UJE]Niek Date 24.01.2016 Filesize 20,55 MB Download 238

[UJE] Gondola Sniper (Beta 1)

Published in ET Maps

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (beta 1) made by [UJE] Niek. Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes Wolfenstein ET is still alive after so many years, Congratulations with this great game :-) So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot.

Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear

* at the start of the map there is almost no snow and after
  20 minutes it's loaded with snow
* passing availeble with the gondels and by foot
* 2 points medic each side
* It has a xmas scene

Snipermap UJE Gondola Sniper (Beta 1) erstellt von [UJE] Niek. Wollte noch eine Snipermap für Weihnachten 2013 machen,
Wolfenstein ET lebt auch Heute noch, nach so vielen Jahren! Wir gratulieren diesem großen Spiel :) Also ... es gibt Schnee und Gondeln in dieser Karte für alle Menschen die Schnee nicht kennen. Mapcrossing ist in doppelt - mit der Gondelbahn - und zu Fuß - möglich.

Viel Spaß mit dieser Map und fröhliche Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

Source: ujeclan.com

GONDOLA SNIPER (UJE) Version:beta 1
Author [UJE] Niek Date 10.12.2013 Filesize 9,84 MB Download 296

Ho chi minh trail

Published in ET Maps

HO CHI MINH TRAIL created by Thunder

*********THIS IS AN ETNAM MOD MAP**********

Story: Allies attempt to get a truck thru the trail with supplies, Charlie wil do anything to stop them

credits to:
SD- for their prefabs ripped from original maps
2bit- for tutorial and prefabs
all other who have prefabs in this map that I cant remember
kic-for his trees (wonderful job kic)

And special credits goes to:

Source: thewolfteam.org

Author Thunder Date 05.01.2014 Filesize 37,05 MB Download 213

Bramburg Dam - Revenge

Published in ET Maps

Tardis released a nice converted map of the RTcW - Singleplayer map Bramburg Dam.

Allied - "Prevent the Axis forces to destroy the Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Axis - "Steal The Tank to Gain access to the Allied Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Neutral - "Axis forces are attempting to re-capture the Bramburg Dam . Axis forces have to make there way through the Allied Defences, blow up the main doors and repair the Generator and Escape with the Documents, Allies must prevent this from happening!"

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stolen in order to blow open the doors of the Dam to get to the Allied Documents secured within."
2 "Primary Objective:**Blow Dam door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Blow Big door."
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Repair the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Blow Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stopped from reaching the Dam and allowing the Axis to gain entry to the Dam."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Dam doors"
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Big doors"
4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Stealing The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Escaping with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from Destroying Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."

 Click here for more information

Source: wolffiles.de | splashdamage.com

Author Tardis Date 02.08.2015 Filesize 37,68 MB Download 453

Canyon Lake (Final)

Published in ET Maps

Axis must protect the book from being telegraphed by the Allied forces.

Quelle: Wolfmap.deEnemy Territory Stuff

CANYON LAKE Version:Final
Author - Date 12.05.2007 Filesize 9,399 MB Download 238

Villa Gun Alpha 2b

Published in ET Maps

Villa Gun Alpha 2b is an Allies objective map created by -)A(-islander - The Axis are holding the massive Anti-Aircraft gun in front of the Villa preventing Allied aircrafts from bombing the city.
Allies must gain access to the Villa and dynamite the Gun.

Villa Gun Alpha 2b ist eine Alliierten Objektiv-Map erstellt von -)A(-islander - Die Achsenmächte müssen das massive Anti-Aircraft Geschütz vor der Villa beschützen, um zu verhindern das Flugzeuge der Alliierten die Stadt bombardieren.
Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zu der Villa bekommen und das Geschütz zerstören.

Allied objectives:
Destroy the Side Warehouse Entrance to gain a new way to the Villa Gun!
Destroy the Villa Gate and reach the Villa Gun area!
Destroy the Villa Gun to let our aircrafts start bombing the city!

Axis Objectives:

Don't let them dynamite the Side Warehouse Entrance!
Don't let them destroy the Villa Gate and rebuild it as fast as it's possible!
Defend the Villa Gun at all costs!

VILLA GUN Version:alpha 2b
Author islander Date 11.03.2013 Filesize 6,684 MB Download 252

Black Forty Four Sniper

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz have made this sniper map to remind that ET is a war game and I have fun to do this. I have to thanks Patrizia for his help in texture for buildings and thanks who helped me to continue this map with his suggestion.

In Central Europe, they did a final bombing of the city Berlin, there are a few survivors but .....only snipers ,its a Black Forty Four, we have to win.

Source: Thx to [UJE]Niek via FB

Author LoRenz Date 22.11.2013 Filesize 23,493 MB Download 198

Western Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

Sage released his Enemy Territory map Western Beta 2

Story: Sheriff has put some Sabio Gang members in Jail after a long night of committing hostile deeds. The Gang in dark coats is up to free their Fellows.
If you decide your Fellows deserve their nights in Jail you can find multiple other ways to entertain yourself in the lovely Western town of Pegaso Pass.

1] Destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Steal two packs of Dynamite
3] Steal a Detonator
4] Prepare the Detonator!
5] Activate and defend the Detonator for 30 seconds!

1] Don't let them destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Don't let them steal two packs of Dynamite!
3] Don't let them steal a Detonator!
4] Don't let them prepare the Detonator!
5] Disable the detonator before the 30 second timer runs out!

Changelog Beta 2:
  -More cover to cut straight paths and better spawn exits
  -Two new rows of houses added to stop camping
  -More routes to objectives
  -Removed and widened Church doors
  -Limit trickjump area access during objective play
  -Fix crash bug on detonator
  -Removed detonating by jump
  -Only axis can arm and allies disarm the detonator
  -Added routes etc. features for Omnibot
  -Detonation time 30secs->35secs

Source: wolffiles.de | Sage via Splatterladder

WESTERN Version:Beta 2
Author Sage Date 31.12.2016 Filesize 12.57 MB Download 328

LRS WW1 Sniper

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory sniper map - LRS WW1 Sniper - with a very nicely World War 1 style.

This map is about the first mondial war. There is a secret little museum, with some pics about animals used in the WW1.

Have fun :)

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail and FB

LRS WW1 SNIPER Version:2016
Author LoRenz Date 24.01.2016 Filesize 11,6 MB Download 226






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