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Sniper From Mars Final

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz released his new ET Map - Sniper From Mars

This map is about an horror sci-fi movie, and also a tribute to Star Trek.

Two Vulcan starships, Shran class, after a space battle, fall on Mars.
The hull is broken, corrosion begins, but we must continue the fight.
The snipers come into play!

Crossing is possible, easy on terrain, but hard to go into enemy starship. Atmosphere is set to 320.

Source: LoRenz | [UJE]Niek via FB

Author LoRenz Date 24.01.2014 Filesize 6,658 MB Download 226

ES Alamo Sniper

Published in ET Maps

New Map |ES|Alamo Sniper made by |ES|LoRenz - If any of you know the real story about Alamo, I think you already guess, this must be a circular map. And, it is. I do not remember seen a circular sniper map before. This is a total new concept.
Allies are located in center of map, (Church of Alamo) surrounded by Axis on all sides. Axis have cannons on their side, wich can shot against Allies.. and you can partly shot down Allies building (Church of Alamo). But ofcource, you need to find the cannon, wich can fire. Good luck.

For both teams, repeated rifle fire will partly destroy buildings too. Axis side of map is of course bigger than allies side, becouse its a circular map. But |ES|LoRenz took care of that too. On each side of Axis side, you will find transporters, wich will move you to any side of the map.

The concept of circular snipermap is brand new. But I think, its no trouble after a few minutes, to find your way around map. Its not harder, than playing one of the old fashion ET maps.

Neue Map |ES|Alamo Sniper erstellt von |ES|LoRenz - Falls einer von euch die wahre Geschichte über Alamo kennt, weiß es bestimmt schon, das diese Map kreisförmig ist.
Dies ist eine völlig neues Konzept, einer kreisförmigen Scharfschützen Map. Die Alliierten sind in der Mitte der Karte (Church of Alamo) und von allen Seiten von Achsenmächten umgeben.

Das Konzept der kreisrunden Snipermap ist zwar neu, aber nach ein paar Minuten Einspielzeit findet man sich recht schnell auf der Map zurecht. Es ist nicht schwieriger, als das Spielen anderer ET-Maps.

Author |ES|LoRenz Date 17.05.2013 Filesize 12,86 MB Download 290

Xmas Bol Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Xmas Bol Sniper made by LoRenz - Due to a shipping error, the Allies have received gifts of axis, and vice versa, what can we do now? We are locked in a bubble!!! Check your gift and Snipe!

I hope you have fun to play this map. Thanks to [UJE]Niek for his help and suggestion.

Source: Thx to [UJE] Niek via FB

Author LoRenz Date 24.12.2013 Filesize 10,76 MB Download 198

Dingenskirchen Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Dingenskirchen Beta 1 - Custom map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

This map is a collaboration between Phisherman and KeMoN and the result of more than a year of more or less continuous development. It was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW and was originally intended to be released for the 10th birthday of WolfET. We didn't make it on time but we still hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers amongst you. Since this is the first public release, any feedback (ranging from bad texture-alignment to glitches) is welcome.

The .map source-file is planned to be released some day, but please understand that we would like to improve the map before any conversions based on an old version are created. So please, if you find a bug, do NOT release any unofficial scriptfixes etc, as this will only cause confusion. If you find a bug, please post HERE or write me an eMail/PM, and I will release an official fix or a new map version.


December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany. In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, German high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders. Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.

This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match. This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.

Allied mission:

  • Repair and steal the axis tank located in the village.
  • Capture the village spawn and escort the tank past all obstacles and use it to blow open the Castle Gate.
  • Map Objective 1/3: Steal an ancient treasure which the Axis have hidden inside the castle wine cellar.
  • Map Objective 2/3: Blow up the axis high command conference room to sabotage the coordination of the axis troops.
  • Map Objective 3/3: Retrieve a microfilm containing axis war secrets which an OSA agent managed to get hold of and swallow before being killed by the German forces.

Source: wolffiles.de | Splashdamage - KeMoN

Author KeMoN Date 28.02.2014 Filesize 76,01 MB Download 272

IceAge B1 (Trickjump)

Published in ET Maps
Pray-N-Spray hat seine neue Map IcqAge_B1 rausgebracht. Diese Trickjump Map ist sowohl für fortgeschrittene und Profis geignet. Und wie immer ein Augenschmaus.
Links: ->SFM ->equtj

Großes Danke an Pray für diese Info | Big thanks to Pray

ICEAGE B1 (TRJ) Version:Beta 1
Author Pray-N-Spray Date 19.10.2008 Filesize 5,09 mb Download 221

Capuzzo Airport Final

Published in ET Maps

The final release of Capuzzo Airport, created by -SSF- Sage and Pegazus.

Storyline: January 1943 - The war in Africa is finally coming to an end. Allied Intelligence has discovered a group of Axis engineers planning a new super plane in Capuzzo Airport. The Allies are attempting to break into the airport, steal the blueprints and escape with a Supermarine Seafire.

Most important changes:
- Great gameplay
- Improved FPS
- More players with stability
- Better looks
- Fly away with the plane

Source: Sage@splashdamage.com | wolffiles.de

Author Sage & Pegazus Date 27.04.2015 Filesize 16,414 MB Download 553

The Bad Place4 Beta8

Published in ET Maps
We are proud to present the new duel map for ET (also possible to play 2on2) - Badplace4_beta8!

Originally, The Bad Place was DM4 from Quake1 - "One of the three id Software maps included in the "big five" for 1on1 play, created by American McGee" - the version most known to us all is the RtCW remake badplace3 used to create the ET multi_huntplace.
This modified version of The Bad Place is brought to you by  MaTeJ, who has worked on maps such as tjwar_a1_fixed and crypt_final_fixed - his remake of the multi_huntplace map is a better, more complex version with some minor bug fixes and generally attempted to make the map more fun to play and tactical.
Wir sind stolz darauf euch die neue Duell Map für ET (auch für 2on2) zu präsentieren - Badplace4_beta8!
Ursprünglich war Bad Place DM4 von Quake1 - "Eine der drei id-Software Maps in dem mitgelieferten "big five" für 1on1 Spiele, erstellt von American McGee" - Die meist bekannteste Map ist das RtCW-Remake Bad Place 3, welche für ET multi_huntplace verwendet wurde.
Check the readme.nfo inside the pk3 map file for more information. Recommended to use DAMN NFO Viewer
Original Author (RtCW): Refuse
Remade Author (ET): MaTeJ
Version Idea (ET): LoCk
Quelle: wolffiles.de

BAD PLACE 4 BETA 8 Version:Beta 8
Author MaTeJ Date 18.11.2012 Filesize 5,711 MB Download 235

The Shrine Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

This is a new ET Axis-attack map created by Thunder.

~~~The Storyline~~~
Allied command has intercepted some secret radio transmissions sent between Axis forces, where there has been talk of an ancient Egyptian shrine which is located deep inside a pyramid. This ancient artifact is said to possess great powers, so the Allied forces hurry to try and to defend the pyramid in order to make the shrine safe. Unfortunately for the Allies, an Axis attack force is already closing in on them.

Source: wolffiles.de | splashdamage.com | Thunder

THE SHRINE Version:Beta 2
Author Thunder Date 17.03.2014 Filesize 8,536 MB Download 220

Syphonfilter Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first release of Wolf ET map - Syphonfilter, created by Devils Right Hand.

Storyline: It's the year 1999 and international terrorist Erich Rhoemer is running his drug cartel in Costa Rica, which he uses to finance his notorious terrorist activity. Deep in his private compound he has created his own bioweapons laboratory, where his team of evil scientists have produced a virus called "syphonfilter".
This is a genetic-specific bioweapon which has the ability to target and destroy individual Races. Rhoemer has sent a ransom demand of 100 million dollars to the American Whitehouse, warning them that if his demands are not met he will fire his first missile at the city, which will cause an estimated 100.000 deaths.
However, Rhoemer's missile is not located in Costa Rica, where the virus was developed. Satellite surveillance has revealed that he has constructed the missile in a old Soviet base in Rozovka in Kazahkhstan. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, destroy the missile, all computer equipment and escape with the "syphonfilter" documents.

Source: wolffiles.de | thewolfteam.org

SYPHONFILTER Version:beta 1
Author Devils Right Hand Date 21.09.2016 Filesize 43,52 MB Download 233

[UJE] The Beast b5

Published in ET Maps

Map UJE_the_beast b5 made by  [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by  [UJE]ischbinz.

Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.

Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.

Changed stuff:
* Trigger for the beast in front of the gate that prevents the door bug
* Axis last spawn changed for gameplay
* The beast get's cought in a prison
* zombies models and sound are gone when objective is done
* and some minor things

Map UJE_the_beast b5 erstellt von  [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.

Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map - Der Krieg ist der Achsenmächte ist fast verloren, dies wird einer der letzten Versuche sein, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Achsen versuchen Zugang zur Hauptbasis der Alliierten zu bekommen und müssen die Zombies befreien, die den Achsenmächten im Krieg gegen die Alliierten helfen werden.

Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.


THE BEAST (UJE) B5 Version:beta 5
Author [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz Date 26.02.2013 Filesize 32,91 MB Download 289






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