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Map Beach - RtCW SP

Published in RtCW Maps

Image Vicpas makes a single player map of the probably most popular multiplayer map BEACH - This work is dedicated for the creators of the map mp_beach and all RTCW's fans. Cool
Please read the readme for install.

Image Vicpas erstellt von der wohl beliebtesten Multiplayer Map BEACH eine Singleplayer Map! - Dieses Werk wurde mit Leib und Seele erstellt und ist für die Schöpfer der Map Beach und alle RtCW Fans gedacht. Cool

Bitte lese die readme für die Installation.

Quelle: Thx to vicpas via mail 

SP-Mission Devil Manor 1-3

Published in RtCW Maps

Yo$hik hat für RtCW, in nur einem Monat Arbeit, eine kleine Singleplayer-Mission erstellt. Die Mission hat 3 Map-Levels, sowie überarbeitete Texturen, Skins und Sound.
Spielen solltet ihr die Mission Devil Manor mit der RtCW Version 1.0, da unter der Version 1.4 die Speicherstände nicht geladen werden bzw. die Levels nicht korekt abschliessen.

Viel Spass.


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Quelle: Wolfmap

DEVIL MANOR 1-3 (SP) Version:1.0
Author Yo$hik Date 02.01.2010 Filesize 33,54 MB Download 1123

KT G-Rush v1

Published in RtCW Maps

Es gibt viele schöne RtCW-Maps die für ET "umgebaut" sind und sich in der ET-Gamerszene etabliert haben. =KT=k][iLLjOy, bekannt auch für erfolgreiche Maps wie: Killafornia oder Killzone, nahm sich dieses wohl zum Anlass den Spieß mal umzudrehen. KT-G-Rush ist nichts anderes als die Original ET-Map Goldrush.
Damit ist es die erste Original ET-Map für RtCW.

KT-G-Rush sieht auf den ersten Blick fast identisch zur ET-Goldrush aus, nur fehlen natürlich Panzer, Ammostände und CommandPost. Dafür hat die RtCW-Map aber einige Gänge und Wege mehr zu bieten als das Original bei ET. Die Map läuft in der neuen Version 1 fehlerfrei und macht einen sehr guten Eindruck!

Allied forces are attemping to obtain the Gold Bars from the Axis Bank.

Primary Objective:
1. Breech the back wall behind the Bank
2. Blow the Bank´s front doors
3. Obtain the Gold Bars and get to the get away truck
Secondary Objective:
1. Capture the forward flag



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Mappics sind aus der Beta, alle sichbaren Fehler und Bugs sind in der v1 behoben.

Quelle: =KT=Clan

G-RUSH - GOLDRUSH (KT) Version:Final
Author Killjoy Date 21.10.2007 Filesize 29,46 MB Download 313

RTCW (SP) Beach Defend

Published in RtCW Maps

RTCW Beach Defend - Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission

A new Return to Castle Wolfenstein singleplayer mission, created by Ronboy and Vicpas. This level was initially created for the addon, "Operation Deathshead", but it was not included in that project and was instead completed as a singleplayer level.

Storyline: You and your Axis Storm Troopers, who are defending the beaches, ports and harbours of Europe, find yourselves under attack from a heavily-armed Allied attack force, who are trying to establish a beach-head in your area.  You must repel these Allied invaders, eliminate their entire force and also destroy their submarine, which is located just offshore from your base.

Installation information and how to play:
1] Unzip to your C:Program FilesReturn to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
2] Play using the shortcut called "beach2" and when the main menu appears, click on the play button and choose your favorite skill.

Please Note: If you have RtCW installed in another directory, you must edit the shortcut.

Source: wolffiles.de | mikebwolf/ronboyproductions | Vicpas

Author Ronboy and Vicpas Date 30.07.2016 Filesize 22,448 MB Download 1368

Dark Matters SP Map Mission - Update v1.32

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Single player 5 level Map mission "Dark Matters" created by Yo$hik

For correct work the game need to be patched at least version 1.32

Your target: find and rescue the captive agent, and if there is no chance to save - to eliminate in order to avoid information leaks. According to the intelligence of his holding in the chamber beneath the cathedral, located in a small village in the mountains.
For better operation sent two agents: one that used to hold outfit and you to do the job and not get caught on the road to the village. You have no right to make mistakes, people's lives depend on you.

Gametypes supported:  
Single Player - New Textures - New Sounds - New Models - New Skins

Alienka - Laborator - Laborator 2 - Cathedral - Depot

1) Place DarkMatters folder in your Return to Castle Wolfenstein/... directory
2) Start "DarkMatter's" in  your Return to Castle Wolfenstein/... directory from the DarkMatters.bat file or select in Mod menu.

Source: etpro.de | devilyoshik.wix.com


DARK MATTERS Version:1.32
Author Yo$hik Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 1125

Completing ALL RtCW Trickjump Maps

Published in RtCW Movies

Homie presents his huge trickjump movie and plays on ALL trickjumpmaps in chronological order!
Good movie with over 8 hours of playtime for just watch or learn ;-)

Completing all RTCW Trickjump maps with some nice drum & bass on the background from dj's of my hometown :-)!

Trickjump maps played (100 in total), in order of release date:
00:03 - dzm_trickjump
02:19 - {AM}trickjump_2
05:18 - tj3_final
09:52 - mp_kolotrickjump
12:26 - brickjump_final
17:28 - pp_brickjump
20:33 - usf_jump
24:21 - experimental
25:37 - tj5
27:05 - strayjump1
32:20 - usf_jump2
40:14 - strayjump2
46:40 - testjump1a
48:17 - test_r01
52:50 - viojump1_exp4
57:17 - tj_combat_1beta
1:00:33 - tj_xp3_funpak
1:05:08 - homiejump1
1:12:12 - strayjump3
1:19:33 - nctrickjump
1:24:30 - strayjump4
1:30:14 - strayjump5
1:38:05 - tj_combat_2beta3
1:44:08 - homiejump2
1:51:32 - strayjump_rld
1:59:31 - trickmaster1_beta2
2:03:32 - trickmaster2_beta1
2:10:17 - forsakenjump2
2:14:11 - rg_jumptown
2:19:39 - fanxjump1
2:23:05 - monojump
2:27:01 - forsakenjump3_test
2:31:59 - mp_godyjump
2:36:26 - jump-city
2:40:54 - jump-duell
2:44:27 - xp3_city
2:48:39 - ezjumpz1
2:55:31 - ezjumpz2
3:02:05 - ezjumpz3
3:08:07 - $25,000
3:09:10 - $100,000
3:09:54 - $50,000
3:10:40 - animaljump_test
3:11:32 - hkjumpz_beta1
3:16:25 - avp-jump_b
3:21:23 - slickmaster1_beta1
3:33:00 - xjump_beta3
3:40:05 - zero_k
3:50:50 - xp3_testmap19
3:55:29 - winnijump1
4:00:08 - tj_dingo
4:02:55 - tj_dingo2
4:08:20 - homiejump3_beta
4:15:51 - winnijump2
4:20:40 - zerojumps1_b1
4:21:55 - tomikjumpik
4:24:00 - winnijump3
4:29:42 - tomikjumpik2
4:31:55 - tomikjumpik3
4:33:58 - winnijump4
4:40:50 - lego_jumps
4:43:35 - applejump1
4:45:42 - Torrejumps_beta1
4:50:26 - tj_dingo3
4:58:18 - tj_dingo4
5:01:03 - tj_dingo5
5:06:00 - tj_dingo6
5:12:36 - AOD_JumP
5:16:36 - tj_dingo7
5:21:45 - WinniJump5
5:25:23 - AOD_JumP2
5:29:06 - CricleJumpBeta2
5:41:54 - airmaXXXjumps
5:45:05 - BrokenDreamsRTCW
5:47:23 - clockwork_orange
5:48:25 - tj_dingo8
5:52:48 - din_beta
5:56:33 - wroom101
5:58:37 - random_FMJ
5:59:16 - ocean_t18
6:02:03 - tj_dingo9
6:06:14 - rtcw_1000jumpEX
6:21:54 - rtcw_trickjump1
6:30:08 - rtcw_trickjump2
6:39:04 - funmap_beta8
6:56:53 - winniglassjumps
7:02:07 - vertigo_beta8
7:03:15 - ZenoFunJumps
7:06:15 - jumpenstein
7:08:25 - tmf_beta1
7:14:56 - rtcw_fall_beta8
7:16:28 - piyo-FunJumps_rtcw_beta2
7:26:27 - flzjumps_beta
7:28:24 - rtcw_trickjump3_v2
8:02:29 - rtcw_trickjump4_v3
8:14:11 - rtcw_trickjump5
8:23:53 - rtcw_stretchjump
8:24:57 - rtcw_dzm_beta1
8:25:21 - tj_dingo10
8:33:40 - tj_dingo11

Maps not played because they are similar/duplicates to the ones above, or just unplayable:
rtcw_trickjump3_mirrored, tj_dingo6r, rtcw_trickjump5_EX, rtcw_1000jumpDH, rtcw_1000jumpEZ, cc_trickjump2/1, dzm_distancejump, Depot-Roof, tomikejumps (testroom), rtcw_testjump_beta2, nihjump3

Played on following trickjump servers: - Trickjump (1.4 shrub tj server by cassette) - AoD TJ (1.0 server with some tj mod with higher speed settings)

Source: crossfire.nu

Coop Wolfkrieg Castle SP Map Misssion

Published in RtCW Maps

This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player, two-map mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade Clan.

Storyline Part One
You must attack and gain entry into the formidable Wolfkrieg Castle. It is a heavily defended Wehrmacht communication center where the German High Command have drawn up their battle plans to repel the Allied advance.
They intend to transmit those plans to the German front lines as soon as possible but, fortunately for Allied Command, poor weather conditions are hampering their efforts.

Your Mission:
# Destroy all alarm systems to prevent German reinforcements being alerted.
# Kill all German officers that you find there.
# Steal the first copy of their battle plans
# Find any secret areas
# Make your way to the next part of Wolfkrieg Castle

Storyline Part Two
You are now deep inside Wolfkrieg Castle, elements of Helga Von Bulow's Elite Guard are searching for you, as is a detachment of the deadly Blackguard paratroopers. Be alert at all times, they will not stop hunting for you.
Be warned, there are civilians in this part of the castle, if you kill them your mission is doomed to failure.

Your Mission:
# Find the second copy of the battle plans
# Kill all German officers
# Find any secret areas
# Destroy as many of the enemy forces as you can and escape

Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"I never made any part of these maps, I merely converted them to RtCW Cooperative Mod. All I could find out about the maps' origins is that they are about 10 years old and had several names, such as, "Enemy Castle", "Nightmare Castle" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2".
The maps were created by Vladimir and Andrey, again, that's all I know about them, their emails do not feature in the map "read me" file. These maps are marvelous and deserve to be played far more often than they are as RtCW SP missions. Hopefully my conversion of them will achieve that very thing." - {WeB}*GANG$TA*

Thanks to
{WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Vladimir and Andrey for creating these excellent maps
# Fretn and his very talented RtCW Cooperative Crew
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# Masahari, {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty* and {WeB}*DOG* for all their help, encouragement and testing of the maps and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod

Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki

Author {WeB}*GANG$TA* Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 11,37 MB Download 986

RtCW SP Beach Invasion

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - SP Beach Version 1.1.1

This new release, which has been created by Vicpas, is a remake of the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" multiplayer map, "Beach Invasion", this time as a singleplayer mission. It's an updated version that has eliminated the bugs from his original remake.

Source: wolffiles.de | ronboyproductions | Vicpas on Youtube: youtube.com/vicpas

BEACH Version:1.1.1
Author Vicpas Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 26,21 MB Download 859

Addon Project Uran + Widescreen Patch

Published in RtCW Maps

Project Uran is a Rtcw sp addon consisting of 2 levels. You must check the readme file for important information, otherwise this addon will not work properly!

This is a re-upload of Project Uran, because I forgot to include the 2 DLL files with the previous release. These 2 DLL files are necessary for the additional weapons to work correctly.

This is a patch that includes a fix to the problems that arise with using the Rtcw Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon together with Project Uran by Ronboy. Obviously, you will not need the Widescreen patch if you don't have or use the Widescreen Mod by Aidendemon.
First, extract the contents of the .zip file to anywhere on your computer. Then, to install the patch, simply double click the file "BatchCreator4RTCW_ProjectUran.exe"

Next, follow the instuctions once the .exe file loads. Remember, you do not need this .exe file if you don't have or use Aidendemon's Widescreen Mod for Rtcw.

If you followed the instructions correctly, then you should have a batch file for Project Uran on your hard drive. Simply place the batch file inside the Project_Uran folder, and double click it. The first level of Project Uran, greenbrier3, should then launch without any problems.
More infos > rtcw.gamebanana.com

Source: moddb.com/ronboy | thx to ronboy via FB


Author ronboy Date 30.07.2014 Filesize 49,77 MB Download 1522


Published in RtCW Maps

KatsBits has released a nice new RTcW Singleplayer Map.

A single player 'mini' MOD add-on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also includes various re-usable assets that can be used in other modifications. Download and extract contents to a folder called "spkat5" in the primary game directory - it should contain several files including a *.bat file and two pk3 archive. To start the mod double-click the BAT file. (For more information visit the Generator micro-site).

Source: wolffiles.deKatsBits

Author KatsBits Date 04.04.2014 Filesize 18,38 MB Download 1585






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