ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

Teuthonia Final

Published in ET Maps

ET Map Teuthonia Final released by Teuthis.

=== New Map Features ===
-  A second bank entrance has now been created
- There are more obstacles to provide cover at both axis spawns
- There's a new tunnel system
- A new balcony near axis the spawn to allow sniping (but just a bit)
- Texture and script errors have been fixed
- Lots of new models added too
"I do not plan to come up with another version as I wanna close this chapter in order to move on with some new map projects. Nevertheless, I appreciate feedback, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter." - Teuthis

=== Special thanks ===
- Thunder (TWT) for the great models
- Mateos (TWT) and TomTom for help with script problems
- Micha (TWT) for the waypoints
- the Clans of Dark Alchemy and WF-Gaming for testing the Beta version.

=== TWT News ===
In order to keep Wolf-ET alive, the Community requires new mappers. TheWolfTeam (TWT) is in the process of coming up with an initiative to attract interested newcomers to the art of mapping. As many websites for mappers are now dead we will try to revive the Mapping Community by providing tons of tutorials, awesome models and ready to use prefabs.
Most importantly , experienced personnel to help with everything related to making maps, (e.g., scripting, brushwork, everything). Long story, short version. Those people who are interested should sign up at TWT and start learning how to make their very own awesome, new maps. Your Wolfenstein Community needs you.

Source: | |

TEUTHONIA Version:Final 1.2
Author Teuthis Date 01.09.2014 Filesize 8,695 MB Download 275

Siwa Teuthonia

Published in ET Maps

Teuthis from TWT released his new map Siwa Teuthonia.

 Map background: Siwa_Teuthonia is directly connected to the already released map Teuthonia and plays right before Teuthonia. The Teuthonia maps are finally supposed to be a trilogy with Siwa_teuthonia being the first map, Teuthonia the second map and the third map will be called Port_Teuthonia. So one big story going over three maps.


Author Teuthis Date 15.04.2015 Filesize 21,829 MB Download 340

[UJE] The Beast b5

Published in ET Maps

Map UJE_the_beast b5 made by  [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by  [UJE]ischbinz.

Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.

Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.

Changed stuff:
* Trigger for the beast in front of the gate that prevents the door bug
* Axis last spawn changed for gameplay
* The beast get's cought in a prison
* zombies models and sound are gone when objective is done
* and some minor things

Map UJE_the_beast b5 erstellt von  [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.

Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map - Der Krieg ist der Achsenmächte ist fast verloren, dies wird einer der letzten Versuche sein, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Achsen versuchen Zugang zur Hauptbasis der Alliierten zu bekommen und müssen die Zombies befreien, die den Achsenmächten im Krieg gegen die Alliierten helfen werden.

Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.


THE BEAST (UJE) B5 Version:beta 5
Author [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz Date 26.02.2013 Filesize 32,91 MB Download 282

Raid Beta 4

Published in ET Maps

Magic has released his new Allied-attack map, Raid B4. It's a beautiful looking map, with excellent sound effects and gameplay.

Axis forces are holding the town library as their HQ and the Allies have made plans to make a raid there for the secret stash of gold that the Axis have hidden in a secure vault.  The Allies must escort their truck and fight their way through the town to the library main doors.

Once there, they must find the keycard that opens the vault and then over-power the Axis forces defending the town library HQ. The Allies must then steal the gold and make their escape by truck and escort it all the way to the barge that will ferry them to safety.

Magic would like to thank  Neil, Ailmanki, KeMon , Sage, Loffy, Niek, Dude, Mongo and Avoc for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Source: | Splashdamage - Magic

RAID Version:Beta 4
Author Magic Date 19.04.2014 Filesize 36,83 MB Download 221

Trenches v1.2

Published in ET Maps

This is the latest version of "Trenches", created by Thunder and Macchute of The Wolf Team Modding & Mapping Community. Trenches is primarily a map made for use in ETNam Mod, but is readily usable in standard Wolf ET too.

Storyline: After breaching the infamous China Beach defences, the Allied forces have made their way through the jungle and located the enemy's defensive trenches. They must now find and destroy the sewer entrance, located in this area, in order to further their advance into Enemy Territory.

Changelog 1.1 to 1.2
- Fixed caulked surface
- "Dirty-fixed" a tga in shader that is jpg in Wolf ET source
- Fixed missing sandbags texture
- Moved templespawn into the temple with 2 exits
- Rocks added to cover Allied bunkerspawn
- Forward spawn is now in the different huts
- Forward spawn is default Axis, but needs to be hit first
- Added spawnpoints so now there is 32 spawn for both teams (for 64slots servers)
- Flying leaves should be taken care of, I hope
- "Flying" tree fixed
- Tunnel fixed so you don't get stuck
- Clipped the map all over so it shouldn't be possible to get outside
- Clipped the sewer opening so you can't get through it
- Added intermission sound wav

Source: |

TRENCHES Version:1.2
Author Thunder and Macchute Date 13.03.2016 Filesize 6,114 MB Download 220

Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Lays of Schwarzwald Beta 1

This is another fantastic map for the Wolfenstein Community to enjoy, created by WuTangH.

It's the summer of 1940, in a European forest village, situated in the famous Schwarzwald forest. The Axis Forces are operating a secret weapons facility at this location, where they are developing the next generation of V Rockets.
The Allied troops must take control of the village, steal a Jagdpanther tank and use it to secure the tunnel route through the mountains. Once that objective is completed the Allies must then assault the Axis V Rocket factory and completely destroy it.

Source: |


Author WuTangH Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 19,86 MB Download 529

Mountain Pass beta 4

Published in ET Maps

ET Map Mountain Pass Beta 4 created by Devils Right Hand

The Axis forces have hidden an enormous stash of gold and priceless artwork in old, abandoned mines, somewhere in the mountains.
The Allies have been unable to locate this stash, however, Allied HQ has received intel that secret documents, pertaining to the whereabouts of this stash, are located in a nearby mountain village.
The Allied squad must locate and infiltrate this village, steal the top secret documents, steal a truck and make their escape back to Allied HQ.

SplashDamage - Devils Right Hand

Source: |


Author Devils Right Hand Date 25.11.2017 Filesize 49.44 MB Download 596

LRS Stadium Sniper b1

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Stadium Sniper beta 1.
Quote: Hi all, this time, we are inside a soccer stadium. We have only to snipe the other supporters.
Crossing is not possible.

***Thanks to Elite for his music***
***Thanks to Oldboy for the nice billboards***

Have fun.

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via Mail

Author LoRenz Date 29.05.2016 Filesize 11,65 MB Download 278

LRS Xmas Sniper 2016

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz presents his small and colorful Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Xmas Sniper 2016 - suitable for the Christmas season.
This sniper map includes waypoints and is a nocrossing map.

In this sense, have fun and Merry Christmas!

Source: Big thx to LoRenz via FB and Mail


LRS XMAS SNIPER Version:2016
Author Lorenz Date 18.12.2016 Filesize 12.15 MB Download 242

Sniper From Mars Final

Published in ET Maps

LoRenz released his new ET Map - Sniper From Mars

This map is about an horror sci-fi movie, and also a tribute to Star Trek.

Two Vulcan starships, Shran class, after a space battle, fall on Mars.
The hull is broken, corrosion begins, but we must continue the fight.
The snipers come into play!

Crossing is possible, easy on terrain, but hard to go into enemy starship. Atmosphere is set to 320.

Source: LoRenz | [UJE]Niek via FB

Author LoRenz Date 24.01.2014 Filesize 6,658 MB Download 218






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