ET: Quake Wars / DirtyBomb

RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW HD Retexture Pack v0.4 Alpha 2. Hooray! I still decided to publish an updated version of its retexture. It includes the texture of the first version of the pack, most of which are updated by the second version of the pack. The new pack contains 147 textures.


Eugeny's website

Source: Eugeny via FB

Author Eugeny Date 01.08.2013 Filesize 222 MB Download 3956

eZbash 6v6 CUP #1

Published in RtCW Scene

Image RTCW eZbash 6v6 CUP #1 - Hi all, after a pretty good onedaycup in february, i'm back to present you yet another cup, but this time in 6v6 format.

Image RTCW eZbash 6v6 CUP #1 - Hallo an alle, nach einem ziemlich guten OneDayCup im Februar, bin ich zurück und präsentiere euch noch einen anderen Cup aber dieses Mal im 6on6 Format.

Some Info

NO real CD-Key required! • osp with pb - relaxed cvar settings • cupservers where you can both connect from 1.0 or 1.4 client • 6v6 format • wtv will be provided (aswell for shoutcasting!) • 8 teams max • first 2 groups with each 4 teams • later on 2 first teams on each group play each other in brackets • mappool: adlernest, assault, base, beach, escape2, ice, village, frostbite • team captains will have to schedule their games • starts at early/mid april

Signup & Teams

NOTE: all teams will have to play a seeding match (to know for groups & to see if they would actually play in the cup)
signup won't be open for long so sign your team up!

Interested Teams So Far

eZbash, Fixed, No Pressure, Cave, Circle Of Haste, Chile ....


Because in my opinion, it's still the best game around :) Watch this1 & this2 video if you don't believe me. And also Sipperi's new video is incoming which will be pure awesomeness!

This 1 This 2

ET Players!

You don't need a real CD-Key to play in the RtCWcup and this might be maybe your last chance to play this epic game in competition. Be quick and download rtcw (pack with everything in it) HERE!

Contact & Feedback

Feedback is always useful to me so i can see what the players actually want. Because i'm doing this for you all rtcwfans!
You can contact me at: crossfire (pm me or write here below), #rtcw.wars @ quakenet,
let's make this a good cup or this will be my last effort for sure.
ps: visit our sponsor, because without them this cup wouldn't be possible!

Greetings, homie & the eZbash squad

The RtCW4ever team wish everyone involved HF & GL!

Neues Movie Superstar Panzerfaust

Published in RtCW Movies

Bruder Talon der uns in vergangenen Jahren schon zahlreiche RtCW-Movies bescherhrt hat, verfiel wieder seinem Drang einen Movie zu erstellen und präsentiert uns jetzt sein neues RtCW-Meisterwerk "Superstar Panzerfaust"

Zitat: Zwei Jahre hatte ich Adobe Premiere & Co. nicht verwendet. Doch im November 2006 bin ich dann rückfällig geworden, habe Software installiert und Tutorials gewälzt. Und warum? Ich hatte ein paar Demos, einige Ideen und ein Ziel, an dem ich seit Januar 2006 arbeite. Das Aussterben der Wolfenstein-Community kann ich nicht verhindern, die RtCW-Videos möchte ich jedoch retten und hiermit auf die RtCW-Abteilung von aufmerksam machen.
Da ich im Clan ausschließlich die Rolle des Panzerfaust-Soldaten spiele, zeigt dieses Video eben nur solche Szenen. Dass beim Handling mit dieser vernichtenden Waffe auch einmal etwas schief geht, wollte ich nicht ausklammern. Somit habe ich hoffentlich einen ganz unterhaltsamen Mix aus 'Multikills' und 'Missgeschicken' erstellt.

RtCW Cup 4 erreicht Playoffs

Published in RtCW Scene

Nach zweieinhalb Wochen RtCW Cup 4 sind bereits alle Spiele abgeschlossen worden. Die meisten Austragungen verliefen ohne Probleme. Durch den grossen Erfolg wurden die Organisatoren motiviert,  auch in Zukunft weitere Cups durchzuführen!

Final Group Standings
Group 1

Group 2
super kawaii kids

Damage Inc
Group 3
Circle of Haste

Group 4

Super Fighters


Die beiden besten Teams je Gruppe kommen weiter. Wir gratulieren allen Teams die sich für die Playoffs qualifiziert haben! Es gibt Pläne, um ein Bracket für die 3. und 4. Platzierten zu erstellen. Die Admins werden kontaktiert, sofern Interesse besteht.

Die erste Runde der Gewinner-Spiele wird noch diese Woche starten. So sehen sie aus:

Rockit vs. Circle of Haste
cave vs. thundercats

KiH vs. Indomitus
noPressure vs. super kawaii kids

Viel Spass weiterhin beim Verfolgen der Wettkämpfe!

Quelle: RtCW-Cup | GamingPalace

one.more Cup #5 RtCW 3on3

Published in RtCW Scene

On Sunday the 28th on July there will be another 3on3 cup for the RTCW scene hosted by Team one.soldier and casted by the main man himself, Warwitch over at WarwitchTV. We will keep to the same sort of format as the last RTCW Cup we organised as well which reduced the time time the cup went on for considerably.

Date: 28th July 2013
Start Time: 18:00CET (Earliest)
Minimum Teams: 4 (probably a maximum of 8, first come first serve.)
Tournament Structure: Based on sign ups
Maplist: adlernest, frost, sub, beach, ice and escape

Tournament is free for all to signup, you must have at least 3 players on your roster and a maximum of 4. Players can only be signed up for one team and all info on who has signed up to the cup so far can be found here: LINK

The cups later rounds will also be casted by Warwitch himself over at WarwitchTV as well as the mg42 crew. Please show your love and give a like to his facebook page HERE




Evo-Wolf-MP 2013

Published in RtCW Mods

Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, bringing RTCW Multiplayer up to date ! - Mod by =KT= SuperRetardo.

What's evo-wolf-mp do?
- Better Graphics (Bloom lighting, lens flares)
- Fixed Graphics (Bad bug in 1.41b, left maps looking like junk)
- No more "Too Many Shaders" Error Bug
- HTTP Downloads - If the server is setup for it, just like ET (only be supported)
- Replacement GUID system. Since PB no longer supports RTCW.
- A couple of other bug fixes.
- Fully 100% 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b compatible including ALL Mods.

MP3 and OpenAL support removed. Sounded like crap with server-side mods. Just install vcredist_x86.exe first.  It's a Run-time file from Microsoft. Then copy and paste the WolfMPGPL.exe file to your RTCW directory.



Evo-Wolf-MP 2013, Bringe deinen RTCW-Multiplayer auf den neusten Stand ! - Mod von =KT= SuperRetardo.

Was bewirkt Evo-Wolf-MP?
- Bessere Grafik (Bloom-Beleuchtung, Streuung der Fackeln)
- Bereinigte Grafik-Fehler in 1.41b, behebt schlecht aussehende Maps)
- Nie mehr die "Too Many Shaders" Fehlermeldung
- HTTP-Download - wenn der Server entsprechend eingestellt ist, wie bei ET (nur mit Support).
- Austausch des GUID-Systems. Da RTCW den PB nicht mehr unterstützt.
- Ein paar andere Fehlerbeseitigungen.
- 100% kompatibel zu 1.4, 1.41, 1.41b inkl. aller Mods.

Link: evo-wolf-mp

Author =KT=SuperRetardo Date 25.02.2013 Filesize 4,984 MB Download 368

Arkot Castlekeep 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 made by Arkot 24 and Vicpas.
Enjoy and thank you.

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 erstellt von Arkot 24 und Vicpas.

ARKOT CASTLEKEEP 1.1 (SP) Version:1.1
Author Arkot 24 and Vicpas Date 05.03.2013 Filesize 9,983 MB Download 1105

RtCW Coop 0.9.3

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer CoOp 0.9.3 - The list looks small, but the amount of change code is huge. I hope this makes it more stable than before, have fun!

Download the files. Extract them somewhere (NOT in the rtcw folder). Copy the RTCW pk3's (mp, sp and pak0) into the rtcwcoop main folder and start the rtcwcoop executable.

New features:
- Total new client/server network code, its a straight port from rtcwmp which is proven to be a lot more stable than what we currently had
- Working pk3 autodownloading, thanks to the rtcwmp client server code
- Knife throwing (yay!)
- New sound code
- added a new alias for the mp_quickmessage cmd: voicechat

- 'attempts' in end level stats now shows the number of deaths of all players
- if no more lives left wait a few seconds before restarting the map
- new votesounds
- tomb and escape1 one have fixed mapscripts, bugs should be gone
- cvar security fixes, same for autodownload exploits

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer CoOp 0.9.3 - Die Änderungsliste sieht zwar klein aus, aber das Ausmaß an Codeänderungen ist sehr groß. Ich hoffe, das macht es stabiler als zuvor. Viel Spaß!

Downloade die Dateien. Entpacke es irgendwo hin (NICHT in den RTCW Ordner). Kopiere deine RTCW-pk3´s (mp, sp und pak0) in den rtcwcoop Hauptordner und starte die rtcwcoop.exe

Image Image Image Image

RtCW CoOp 0.9.3 Downloadlink

Quelle: Thx to =KT=555 via Shoutbox

RtCW Cup 4 startet

Published in RtCW Scene
Der Cup geht nun in die erste Runde, und alle Teams stehen fest, woei die Gruppen in der sie spielen werden. Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmer viel Erfolg und möge das beste Team gewinnen.

Hier die Teams in den jeweiligen Gruppen:

Group 1
Group 2
super kawaii kids
Damage Inc
Group 3
Circle of Haste
Group 4
Super Fighters

Quelle: crossfire | rtcw-cup

Alternative RtCW Master Server List patches

Published in RtCW Misc

Image Alternative RtCW Master Server List by, with patches for RtCW versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.41 and 1.41b ! - To access the new master server, you need to use a new WolfMP.exe file.

Clients needs to do:
Download your type RtCW versions file, rename your original wolfmp.exe (to .old) and insert your new WolfMP.exe.

Server owners need to set the following lines:
seta sv_master5 ""

Image Alternative RtCW Masterserver Liste von, mit Patche für die RtCW Versionen 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.41 und 1.41b ! - Für Zugriff auf den neuen Masterserver, wird die neue WolfMP.exe Datei benötigt.

Downloade die Versiondatei für dein RtCW, benenne die Original WolfMP.exe um (zB. auf .old) und füge die neue WolfMP.exe ein.

Serververwalter benötigen folgenden Eintrag (für die cfg):
seta sv_master5 ""

RtCW 1.0 List Patch RtCW 1.3 List Patch RtCW 1.4 List Patch
RtCW 1.1 List Patch RtCW 1.41 List Patch RtCW 1.41b List Patch

Quelle: |






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