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16th anniversary of RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is 16 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Movie in memory of the great time on the RtCW KT-Clan server


4 Jahre RtCW4ever

Published in General News


Die Zeit rennt und rennt und ehe man sich versieht ist es wieder soweit.
4 Jahre ! ist RtCW4ever nun schon für euch da. Unser kleines bescheidenes 3-Mann-Team möchte sich für die Treue bei euch allen herzlichst bedanken!

Auch in diesem Jahr werden wir euch weiterhin mit News, Infos und Downloads zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Enemy Territory und Wolfenstein versorgen. Desweiteren gibt es, wie gehabt, aktuelle News aus der Szene, zu PC-Hard- & Software und diversen neuen Games.

An dieser Stelle möchten wir auch nochmal auf unser Wolfenstein-Hauptquartier Forum hinweisen. Dort bekommt Ihr nützliche Tips und Hilfe bei Problemen, rund um die Wolfenstein-Games.

Danke nochmal an alle und weiterhin viel Spaß (mit uns) ! 

Euer RtCW4ever-Team
Egal, Michael und Dexi

Happy 14th Birthday RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc

The first game ever where Splash Damage ever officially contributed by: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is proud 14 years old. RtCW, developed by ID Software, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Das erste Spiel, wo SplashDamage jemals offiziell mit beitrug: Return to Castle Wolfenstein wird stolze 14 Jahre alt. RtCW wurde von ID Software entwickelt, herausgegeben von Activision und zuerst im nordamerikanischen Markt am 19. November 2001 freigegeben.

Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Geniesse die verbleibende RtCW Zeit!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein WIKI

Happy 11th Birthday RtCW

Published in RtCW Misc
Sorry, we had almost forgotten! The first game Splash Damage ever officially contributed to: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is 11 years old. RtCW, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Sorry, wir hättens fast vergessen! Das erste Spiel, wo SplashDamage jemals offiziell mit beitrug: Return to Castle Wolfenstein ist 11 Jahre alt. RtCW, herausgegeben von Activision, wurde im nordamerikanischen Markt am 19. November 2001 freigegeben.
Release date(s)
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001 / GER: Dezember 05, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Congratulations! - 10 Years Enemy Territory

Published in ET Misc

Congratulations! - 10 years Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory! Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly TEN YEARS ago.

Splash Damage's Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003. The game was originally planned as a buyable addon for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, but the singleplayer was not ready in time. Thus, the community one of the best free multiplayer first person shooter of all time received, which still has many active players from around the world.
Despite its age
, the game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is still in the top 10 of the most popular game downloads.

We wish all fanboys and newcomers continue to enjoy, with this "young at heart" teamplay shooter.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! - 10 Jahre Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory! Splash Damage 's erstes Spiel - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - wurde genau vor ZEHN JAHREN freigegeben.

Am 29.05.2003 wurde Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory von Splash Damage geboren. Zuerst war das Spiel als kostenpflichtiges Addon zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein geplant,  doch der Singleplayer wurde nicht rechtzeitig fertig. Dadurch hat die Community eines der Besten kostenlosen Multiplayer-Egoshooter aller Zeiten erhalten, welcher auch heute noch viele aktive Spieler aus aller Welt hat.
Trotz des hohen Alters, gehört das Spiel Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory immer noch zu den 10 beliebtesten Game-Downloads.

Wir wünschen allen Fanboys und Neulingen weiterhin viel Spass, mit diesem "jungebliebenen" Teamplay-Shooter.

Author Harlekin Date 26.11.2011 Filesize 265 MB Download 3716

Happy 11th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly ELEVEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003. The game was originally planned as a buyable addon for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, but the singleplayer was not ready in time. Thus, the community one of the best free multiplayer first person shooter of all time received.

We wish all ET players continue to enjoy with this "young at heart" teamplay shooter.


Alles Gute zum 11. Geburtstag - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage 's erstes Spiel - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - wurde genau vor ELF JAHREN freigegeben. Am 29.05.2003 wurde Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory von Splash Damage geboren. Zuerst war das Spiel als kostenpflichtiges Addon zu Return to Castle Wolfenstein geplant,  doch der Singleplayer wurde nicht rechtzeitig fertig. Dadurch hat die Community eines der Besten kostenlosen Multiplayer-Egoshooter aller Zeiten erhalten.

Wir wünschen allen ET Spielern weiterhin viel Spass, mit diesem "jungebliebenen" Teamplay-Shooter.

Source: splashdamage.com

ET ULTIMATE INSTALLER 1.6 Version:1.6 Final
Author Kashu Date 29.05.2010 Filesize 346 MB Download 6741

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2472

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 743

Happy Birthday id / Open GPL Games on github

Published in General News

Image Happy Birthday id Software / id Open GPL Games now on github.com - id Software celebrates his 21st birthday! And have provided all her Open GPL Game datas (with downloads) on github.com.
GPL-Games: RtCW SP and MP, ET, DOOM 1-3, Quake 1-3 and more.


Image Herzlichen Glückwunsch id Software / id Open GPL Games jetzt auf Github.com - id Software feiert ihren 21. Geburtstag! Undstellt sämtliche Open GPL Source Daten (mit Download) auf Github.com bereit.
GPL-Spiele: RtCW SP und MP, ET, DOOM 1-3, Quake 1-3 und einiges mehr.

id@twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/idSoftware
id@github: https://github.com/id-Software

10 years Dark Alchemy

Published in ET Scene

10 years Dark Alchemy

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy is the place to be! It was 10 years ago Old-Owl decided to start a server of his own. A server where everyone feels welcome and all have fun.

Now, 10 years later, Dark Alchemy is still alive. Still we are here to have fun and make players feel welcome.
Come and visit us on Dark Alchemy#1:

 We will have some celebrations gifts for you waiting...

Link: dark-alchemy.com/10-years-birhtday
Source: dark-alchemy.com

Happy 12th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly TWELVE YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was originally planned to be released as a commercial expansion pack to the popular FPS Return to Castle Wolfenstein and later as a standalone game.

Splashdamage team

However, due to problems with the single-player aspect, the multiplayer portion was released on 29 May 2003 as a freeware standalone game.
In January 2004, the source code for the game logic (not the game engine) was released to the benefit of its modding community.
The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

As of the first day of the 2010 QuakeCon, 12 August the entire source code was released under the GNU General Public License v3.Multiple source ports have been started.

While the attempts made by OpenWolf and ET:Xreal concentrate on innovating the renderer, the most active community project ET: Legacy focuses on fixing issues by backporting improvements from ioquake3 while staying binary compatible to the original game client, server and its mods.

Source: splashdamage.com | twitter/splashdamage | etpro.de

ET ULTIMATE INSTALLER 1.6 Version:1.6 Final
Author Kashu Date 29.05.2010 Filesize 346 MB Download 6741

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2472

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 743

Happy 12th Birthday RtCW!

Published in RtCW Misc

The first game ever where Splash Damage ever officially contributed by: Return to Castle Wolfenstein, is proud 12 years old! RtCW, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001.

Many happy years has given us the revolutionize teamplay shooter. Although the ravages of time relentlessly gnaws and gradually RTCW seems tired, but there are still fighting for flags and documents.

Release date(s):
Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001 / GER: Dezember 5, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Enjoy remaining RtCW time!

Das erste Spiel, wo SplashDamage jemals offiziell mit beitrug: Return to Castle Wolfenstein wird jetzt stolze 12 Jahre alt! RtCW, herausgegeben von Activision, wurde im nordamerikanischen Markt am 19. November 2001 freigegeben.

Viele schöne Jahre hat uns der Shooter-Meilenstein, der das Teamplay revolutioniert hat, bis jetzt beschert.
Auch wenn der Zahn der Zeit unaufhaltsam nagt, und RtCW allmählich müde wirkt, werden auch heute noch heiße Schlachten um Dokumente und Flaggen ausgetragen.

Microsoft Windows: NA - November 19, 2001 / EU: November 30, 2001 / GER: Dezember 5, 2001
Linux: March 16, 2002
Mac: OS X April, 2002

Geniesse die verbleibende RtCW Zeit!






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