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Dark Matters SP Map Mission - Update v1.32

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Single player 5 level Map mission "Dark Matters" created by Yo$hik

For correct work the game need to be patched at least version 1.32

Your target: find and rescue the captive agent, and if there is no chance to save - to eliminate in order to avoid information leaks. According to the intelligence of his holding in the chamber beneath the cathedral, located in a small village in the mountains.
For better operation sent two agents: one that used to hold outfit and you to do the job and not get caught on the road to the village. You have no right to make mistakes, people's lives depend on you.

Gametypes supported:  
Single Player - New Textures - New Sounds - New Models - New Skins

Alienka - Laborator - Laborator 2 - Cathedral - Depot

1) Place DarkMatters folder in your Return to Castle Wolfenstein/... directory
2) Start "DarkMatter's" in  your Return to Castle Wolfenstein/... directory from the DarkMatters.bat file or select in Mod menu.

Source: etpro.de | devilyoshik.wix.com


DARK MATTERS Version:1.32
Author Yo$hik Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 1125

Coop Castle Wotan SP Map Mission

Published in RtCW Maps

This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade.

The German Paranormal Division have discovered the location of Castle Wotan, which hasn't been entered by men since ancient times. Wotan is said to be the god of storm, will and possession, the force behind human movement and activity.
The Paranormal Division believes him to be the main reason for German success and they plan to evoke him through a ceremony at Castle Wotan. You must locate Castle Wotan, eliminate all enemy forces, stop the ceremony and dynamite the altar to prevent further attempts to evoke Wotan.

What's New
# New and improved textures
# New Axis AI added
# New respawning weapons and ammo in 3 locations

Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"We never made any part of this map, we merely converted it to RtCW Cooperative Mod. The original Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player mission was created by Flipmode over 12 years ago, once again, we have no way of contacting him.
The map is superb and way ahead of its time. It already had respawning dynamite, which we've only ever seen before when it was specifically created by the Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod Devteam for the "Escape2" map. We hope that our conversion of this excellent map means that it's enjoyed by many more Wolfenstein fans, old and new." - {WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA*

Thanks to
{WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Flipmode for creating the excellent RtCW SP mission
# The RtCW Cooperative Devteam
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty*, {WeB}*Brotz*, {WeB}*Reaper*and {WeB}*B0bby* for all their help, in testing of the map and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod

Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki

Author {WeB}*GANG$TA* {WeB}*DOG* Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 597

Dark Matters - English Version

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission - Dark Matters English Version

This is version 1.1 of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP Addon, Dark Matters, created by Yo$hik, Shurr and Vicpas. This version is in English and contains the following map missions: Depot, Cathedral, Laborator, Laborator2 and Cutscene, (Alienka).

You must find and rescue, if possible, the captive Allied agent and complete the following objectives:
1] Eliminate all Axis resistance in order to prevent information being leaked to enemy forces.
2] Infiltrate the cathedral located in a small village in the mountains.
3] Locate and rescue the Allied agent being held prisoner there.
4] Avoid capture on the road to the village, failure is not an option, lives are depending on you.

Thanks to
David Parízek for briefing texts translated from Russian to English. Ronboy for grammar corrections in briefings and texts. Yo$hik for dialogues translated from Russian to English. Shurr for converted models.

Source: wolffiles.de

DARK MATTERS - ENGLISH Version:1.1 engl
Author Yo$hik, Shurr and Vicpas Date 02.08.2015 Filesize 270 MB Download 3631

Coop Wolfkrieg Castle SP Map Misssion

Published in RtCW Maps

This is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player, two-map mission that has been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade Clan.

Storyline Part One
You must attack and gain entry into the formidable Wolfkrieg Castle. It is a heavily defended Wehrmacht communication center where the German High Command have drawn up their battle plans to repel the Allied advance.
They intend to transmit those plans to the German front lines as soon as possible but, fortunately for Allied Command, poor weather conditions are hampering their efforts.

Your Mission:
# Destroy all alarm systems to prevent German reinforcements being alerted.
# Kill all German officers that you find there.
# Steal the first copy of their battle plans
# Find any secret areas
# Make your way to the next part of Wolfkrieg Castle

Storyline Part Two
You are now deep inside Wolfkrieg Castle, elements of Helga Von Bulow's Elite Guard are searching for you, as is a detachment of the deadly Blackguard paratroopers. Be alert at all times, they will not stop hunting for you.
Be warned, there are civilians in this part of the castle, if you kill them your mission is doomed to failure.

Your Mission:
# Find the second copy of the battle plans
# Kill all German officers
# Find any secret areas
# Destroy as many of the enemy forces as you can and escape

Map Convertion Story
This is what {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the map:
"I never made any part of these maps, I merely converted them to RtCW Cooperative Mod. All I could find out about the maps' origins is that they are about 10 years old and had several names, such as, "Enemy Castle", "Nightmare Castle" and "Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2".
The maps were created by Vladimir and Andrey, again, that's all I know about them, their emails do not feature in the map "read me" file. These maps are marvelous and deserve to be played far more often than they are as RtCW SP missions. Hopefully my conversion of them will achieve that very thing." - {WeB}*GANG$TA*

Thanks to
{WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Vladimir and Andrey for creating these excellent maps
# Fretn and his very talented RtCW Cooperative Crew
# SSF Sage for his excellent RtCW Coop Conversion tutorial
# Masahari, {WeB}*Kariboe*, {WeB}*Coisty* and {WeB}*DOG* for all their help, encouragement and testing of the maps and also for all their support of the superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod

Source: rtcwcoop.com | webclan.freeforums.org | wolffiles.de
SSF Sage's RtCW Cooperative conversion tutorial: bzzwolfsp/wiki

Author {WeB}*GANG$TA* Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 11,37 MB Download 986

SP-Map Wolfenstein 3D (E1M1)

Published in RtCW Maps

Diese Singleplayer-Map ist ein Remake von dem bekannten Level E1M1. Die Map ist genau so wie aus dem Original Level von Wolfenstein 3D.

Image Zitat Pirate: Was soll ein Mapper machen, wenn er gelangweilt ist und ihm die Ideen ausgehen? Normalerweise ein Singleplayer-Remake des original Levels Doom E1M1. Aber... was begann noch vor Doom im FPS-Genre?? Natürlich Wolfenstein 3D! Und dies ist mein bescheidener Tribut zu Wofenstein 3D und all die glücklichen Stunden, die ich damit verbracht habe.


Quelle: Wolfmap | The Pirate's Website

WOLFENSTEIN 3D E1M1 (SP) Version:1.0
Author The_Pirate Date 22.12.2008 Filesize 23,05 MB Download 1874

Augsburg - Fegelein + Oli Map

Published in RtCW Maps
[DW]Fegelein & [DW]Oli veröffentlichen ihr neues RtCW-Mapwerk.
Augsburg - so der Name der Map - ist eine frei erfundene Burg mit hügeligem Terrain.
Die Alliierten müssen die Burg mittels Seilbahn stürmen oder alternativ das Burgtor sprengen, um sich Zugang zu dem geheimen Dokumenten zu verschaffen.
Optisches Highlight der Map ist zweifellos der sehr große kathedralenähnliche Raum in der Burg. Dieser ist mit sehr hübschen Säulen, detaillierten Deckenbögen und einem bitzblank polierten Mamorboden ausgestattet! Für RtCW-Verhältnisse wirklich ein wahrer Augenschmaus. 
Primary Objecive:
- Detroy the Office Door
- Steal the top secret Axis war documents 
- Get to the Truck and transmit the war documents
Secondary Ojbective:
- Destroy the Castle Door
- Capture the forward Castle Flag

Quelle: drinkingwolfers

AUGSBURG (MP) Version:1.0
Author [DW]Fegelein & Oli Date 28.02.2008 Filesize 7,150 MB Download 386


Patches for RtCW SP-Maps

Published in RtCW Maps

  Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - For some addons and maps single player created for RTCW game. These patches add some missing textures and models.

Patches for maps RTCW SP (1.0) by Vicpas - Eine Patch-Sammlung für den RtCW Singleplayer. Die Patche fügen einigen SP-Maps fehlende Texturen und Models hinzu.




Quelle: RtCWfiles


Author Vicpas Date 23.01.2011 Filesize 4,669 MB Download 869

Arkot Castlekeep 1.1

Published in RtCW Maps

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 made by Arkot 24 and Vicpas.
Enjoy and thank you.

RtCW Singleplayer Map Arkot Castlekeep 1.1 erstellt von Arkot 24 und Vicpas.

ARKOT CASTLEKEEP 1.1 (SP) Version:1.1
Author Arkot 24 and Vicpas Date 05.03.2013 Filesize 9,983 MB Download 1126

RtCW .BSP to .MAP Converter

Published in RtCW Misc

RtCW .BSP to .MAP Converter - A very handy map-making tool for Return to Castle Wolfenstein mappers, either new or experienced. The "comdlg32.ocx" file is also included in the download, with instructions on how to install it.

Usage Information
# Run DeBSP.EXE and [Browse] for the BSP file you wish to decompile, (It can decompile any quake engine map except SOF maps). Once you have picked the file you wish to decompile press the [Decompile] button and a MAP file will be created in the same folder as the BSP and with the same name.

# Please do not use this tool to rip other people's maps off. Just use it to gain more knowledge about map making. Always give credit to original map-makers.

Source: wolffiles.de

Author TiCaL Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 0,3 MB Download 1122

RtCW SP Mission Pack Vendetta 1.25

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Mission Pack Vendetta 1.25

This mission pack is an improved version of the Vendetta 1.1, with more levels.

Storyline: The Allied Intelligence Agency has learned that the German Armed Forces are developing a new air apparatus,
known as the  "Helicopter" combat prototype, which can destroy armored vehicles and infantry.

You are an agent of the resistance who has the task of locating and assassinating all important persons of the Third Reich involved in this top secret project. However, your mission becomes even more difficult as you strive to find as much evidence and documentation of the project as possible, before these deadly military prototypes take to the battlefield.

Installation Information and how to play: Unzip to your C:\Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein folder.
Play using the shortcut called "Vendetta_v1_2" and when the main menu appears, click in play button and after choose your favorite skill.
If you have RTCW installed in another directory, you must to edit shortcut.

Source: wolffiles.de | rtcw.gamebanana.com | devilyoshik.com

VENDETTA Version:1.25
Author Yo$hik Date 24.01.2015 Filesize 389.52 MB Download 1869






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