Scene, Cup and Leagues
silEnT mod 0.8.0 is out!
The Team from released ET-Mod silEnT 0.8.0.
Before you read below, we would like to inform you that there's been a 0.8.0 server patch created for 0.8.0 version.
It fixes 1 defect that somehow slept into the release version, that is classes other than soldier could receive Improvised Demolition with the ammo pack.
All of you who downloaded 0.8.0 before this information are advised to use this patch or download the full package again - it has been fixed already.
We apologize for this small inconvenience.
Click HERE for the changelog
SILENT MOD SERVER PATCH Version:0.8.0 TheSilencerPL 07.10.2013 2.55 MB 210 |
SILENT MOD Version:0.8.0 TheSilencerPL 07.10.2013 6.62 MB 274 |
[UJE] The Beast b5
Map UJE_the_beast b5 made by [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by [UJE]ischbinz.
Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.
Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.
Changed stuff:
* Trigger for the beast in front of the gate that prevents the door bug
* Axis last spawn changed for gameplay
* The beast get's cought in a prison
* zombies models and sound are gone when objective is done
* and some minor things
Map UJE_the_beast b5 erstellt von [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.
Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.
THE BEAST (UJE) B5 Version:beta 5 [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz 26.02.2013 32,91 MB 288 |
Finally end of TZAC
TZAC news by chaplja - Quote: This is an update to the latest news post where I said there's a chance TZAC may stay online. The news are the negotiations have failed and thus on 1 December it'll be shut down. Please don't ask me to give you the project so you can continue working - it won't happen.
TZAC News von chaplja - Zitat: Dies ist ein Update auf die neuesten Nachrichten wo ich sagte es besteht noch eine Chance TZAC aufrechtzuerhalten. Die Verhandlungen sind aber gescheitert, somit wird am 1. Dezember TZAC endgültig heruntergefahren. Bitte keine Fragen und Überredungen deswegen - das Projekt wird definitiv nicht an andere Personen abgegeben.
Quelle: TZAC
HFC-Clan Fun Night 3
Villa Gun Alpha 2b
Villa Gun Alpha 2b is an Allies objective map created by -)A(-islander - The Axis are holding the massive Anti-Aircraft gun in front of the Villa preventing Allied aircrafts from bombing the city.
Allies must gain access to the Villa and dynamite the Gun.
Villa Gun Alpha 2b ist eine Alliierten Objektiv-Map erstellt von -)A(-islander - Die Achsenmächte müssen das massive Anti-Aircraft Geschütz vor der Villa beschützen, um zu verhindern das Flugzeuge der Alliierten die Stadt bombardieren.
Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zu der Villa bekommen und das Geschütz zerstören.
Allied objectives:
Destroy the Side Warehouse Entrance to gain a new way to the Villa Gun!
Destroy the Villa Gate and reach the Villa Gun area!
Destroy the Villa Gun to let our aircrafts start bombing the city!
Axis Objectives:
Don't let them dynamite the Side Warehouse Entrance!
Don't let them destroy the Villa Gate and rebuild it as fast as it's possible!
Defend the Villa Gun at all costs!
VILLA GUN Version:alpha 2b islander 11.03.2013 6,684 MB 252 |
ES Garden Sniper
Map ES Garden Sniper made by |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek - 2 neighbors had a disagreement during a coffee and quickly became the big sniper battle in their garden. This Map is a no crossing version.
Map ES Garden Sniper, erstellt von |ES|hardstyler und [UJE]Niek - 2 Nachbarn hatten eine Meinungsverschiedenheit bei einem Kaffee, welche schnell zu einer Scharfschützen Schlacht in ihrem Garten ausartete. Es ist eine nicht überkreutzbare Map.
Quelle: Thx to |ES|Grandad via Shoutbox | esclan
|ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek 12.02.2013 6,652 MB 203
Dark Alchemy - Panzer Knife Sniper Event
Classic Wars Reunited: Panzer - Knife - Sniper. It's time to take your classic weapon, Soldiers!
Our supplies are low. We cannot equip you with Light Weapon. Ammo stocks are running out. All you can do is to take a knife, panzer or sniper rifle from the magazine and shoot your enemy.
We will play 9 maps - all of each with different weapon. This time it will all be shuffled so you never know what is given to your hands on the next map.
Let's meet at A2: on Sunday 6th October at 20:00 CEST!
Activities event by Dark Alchemy
After last month we noticed that the players on our Server A1 are in better shape. Therefor we continue our sports event.
This month we have set up some activities to play - For example: Tennis, Golden Dunk, Chess, Poker.
All maps are dual objective. So no need to sit on the bench. We will see you on 24th of March at 20:00 CET on A2 (
Nachdem wir im letzten Monat bemerkt haben, dass die Spieler auf unserem Server A1 besser in Form sind, setzen wir unsere sportliches Event (auf dem A2) fort.
Diesen Monat haben wir auf folgende Aktivitäten gesetzt - zum Beispiel: Tennis, Golden Dunk, Chess, Poker.
Es sind alles Dual-Objektiv-Maps. Also es besteht keine Notwendigkeit auf der Bank zu sitzen oder zu Campen. Wir sehen uns am 24. März um 20:00 Uhr MEZ auf dem Server A2 (
Australian Allied Flag Skin (NQ1.2.9)
Australian Allied Flag Skin (Developed for NQ1.2.9) - This skin will change ALL Allied/USA flags in game to the Australian Flag! Made by |*BS*|Jemstar.
Including: Chat, Command Post, Construction Crates, Win Flag and Spawn Flag.
Australischer Alliierten-Flaggen-Skin (Entwickelt für NQ1.2.9) - Diese Modifizierung ändert ALLE Alliierten / USA-Flaggen im Spiel! Erstellt von |*BS*|Jemstar.
Inklusive: Chat, Kommando-Posten, Konstruktionskisten, Sieger- und Spawn-Flagge.
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UJE Oil beta 4
[UJE] Oil b4 by [UJE] Niek - An Axis objective map. Oil oil oil ! The prices these days are too high that's why axis have to do something about it.
Axis attack an oilrig and they have to destroy 2 helicopters. Allied Forces have to prevent this.
[UJE] Oil b4 von [UJE] Niek - Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map . Öl Öl Öl ! Die Preise sind sehr hoch heutzutage und das ist der Grund, warum die Achsenmächte dagegen etwas unternehmen wollen.
Die Achsenmächte greifen eine Bohrinsel an und müssen 2 Hubschrauber zerstören. Die Alliierten müssen dies verhindern.
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REMINISCENCE Final | 05-01-20 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.5 | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.3 | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 14-04-19 |
IORtCW 1.51C 1.51c | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 27-01-19 |
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