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Scene, Cup and Leagues

Fun evening at [EsV] Clan

Published in ET Scene
Fun evening at [EsV] Clan
The [EsV] Clan is inviting you to our fun evening on
13th July at 6 p.m. On our [EsV] „Beat Host“.
Our server ip is
You are heartly welcome to our teamspeak
Hopefully you all appear numerously.
Happy fragging!!!
Der [EsV] Clan lädt herzlich zum Funabend
am 13.07 um 18.00 Uhr, auf unserem [EsV]Beta Host ein.
unsere Serverip :
Ihr seid auch herzlich in unseremTeamspeak willkommen.
Wir hoffen ihr erscheind alle zahlreich und wünschen allen
Happy Fragging auf unserem Server !!!
Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS

Published in ET Mods

Image New ET Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS by EgaL - HD and restylt Chargeimages and Commandmaps for Enemy Territory. Now you can see the path's a lot better.

Image Neuer ET Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS von EgaL - Auf alt und HD getrimmte Mapimages im Ladebildschirm und Commandmaps für Enemy Territorry. Wege sind trotz der Veränderung heraus gearbeitet und besser sichtbar.

- 25 Chargeimages and 24 Commandmaps

>> put it in your ETMAIN!!

MAPS: Adlernest, Battery, Braundorf B4, Bremen B2, Cean 2, ET Beach invasion, ET Ice, Fueldump, Goldrush, Karsiah TE, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Reactor Final, sp_devilvery, Supply, Supplydepot 2, SW Battery, SW Goldrush, SW Oasis, TC Base, Transmitter, Venice, Warbelle + Unknown map Image in the Loadingscreen

!!!Back 2 Roots!!! and play Wolfenstein and visist Wolfenstein4ever.de


Quelle: Big thx to EgaL@Wolfenstein4ever

FAITH by Spankie

Published in ET Movies

Image Another ET montage from Spankie - I (spankie) always wanted to make an edit to this music. Here it is! A lot of work was put into this, as always I wanted to push the borders a little bit. Hope you like it.
Frags delivered by: sNi, cymky, fanatic, spankie, Grotz, subbi

Image Und noch eine ET-Filmmontage von Spankie - Ich (spankie) wollte schon immer dieses Musikstück für einen ET-Film editieren. Hier ist es! Ich habe recht viel Arbeit investiert und wollte ein wenig die Grenzen des Machbaren sprengen. Ich hoffe, du magst es.
Die Frags lieferten: sNi, cymky, Fanatiker spankie, Grotz, subbi

TeamMuppet Panzer War Night

Published in ET Scene

New TeamMuppet Event on 5 October. Not long after the recovery from last event, TeamMuppet announces its upcoming event: An all out panzerwar boozenight!! Join us on this server and on our TS3 to have a wonderful and unforgettable Saturday night. It will be a blast!

No entrance fee and consumption mandatory!

Source: TeamMuppet.eu | wolffiles.de

ETRun Movie - Another Timerun Video

Published in ET Movies

ImageAnother Timerun Video by khuZi_Ho-Su - Some timeruns in VET physics (ETRun-Mod). Purpose of the video is to show how easy timeruns are, or rather how beatable top times are. So come play it, give us some challenge!

ImageAnother Timerun Video - erstellt von khuZi_Ho-Su. Einige Timeruns (ETRun-Mod) mit der VET Physik. Zweck des Videos ist, um zu zeigen, wie einfach Timeruns sind, unddas Timerun-Zeiten auch schlagbar sind. Also, Spiele es und fordere uns etwas heraus! Für deutsche Fans haben wir einen HD Download.

Author khuZi_Ho-Su Date 27.05.2013 Filesize 462 MB Download 242

FG Warzone

Published in ET Maps

A classic Axis-attack map by Marko Mytho, made specifically for the Flame Guards Clan.

Map features:

6 different spawn locations for Axis
5 different spawn locations for Allies
Time Extensions upon objective completion. This avoids having a long lasting round and ends the round quickly if the Axis team can't get past a specific objective.

1 Neutral command post
6 MG42 gun nests
6 dynamitable Axis objectives
A time bomb on the last map section. This has been highly inspired from the MLB Daybreak map. The layout in the last section of FG Warzone makes this objective much more interesting.

3 secret rooms. Note that they are in now way like the MLB secret rooms. You don't access them the same way, they don't give any specific bonuses and are located in map sections that aren't strategic.

The original release had a slight bug in the arena file, reported to the FG Clan by {WeB}*DOG*. Many thanks to VWOer for supplying the fix.

Quelle: wolffiles.de

Website {WeB}*DOG* Date 10.07.2013 Filesize 8,38 MB Download 272

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on -> forum.splatterladder.com

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> et.splatterladder.com 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu -> forum.splatterladder.com

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden -> et.splatterladder.com
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox

PARAZIT-Winamp-Skin 1.0

Published in ET Misc

Image parazit has made 7 ET-skins for the WinAmp-Player. The skins work also with the new WinAmp 5.6

Image parazit hat sieben ET-Skins für den WinAmp-Player erstellt. Die Skins funktionieren auch mit dem neuen WinAmp 5.6

Image Image Image



Quelle: SplashDamage | parazit.ro

Player: WinAmp

Wolffiles ET Campaign Creator V2

Published in ET Misc

With this service tool, you`ll be able to create ET-map campaigns with up to 100 Maps (max. 10 maps / cycle, max 10 cycles / campaignfile) in an easy way.
Changes from previous version:
Full integrated within the wolffiles-filebase. After you`ve edited your campaign, your also get a file with links to the concerning map-files on wolffiles.de.

Wolffiles, schnoog hat eine neue Version von seinem ET Kampagnen Creator erschaffen. Mit diesem Creator ist man in der Lage Kampagnen mit bis zu 100 Maps (max. 10 Maps pro Kampagne x max. 10 Kampagnen) zu erstellen.
Änderungen zur ersten Version: Voll integrierte Wolffiles-Filebase. Nach Erstellen der Kampagne, bekommt ihr von Wolffiles  auch eine Datei mit Links der betreffenden Maps.

Quelle: Wolffiles

Dark Alchemy - Panzer Knife Sniper Event

Published in ET Scene
Blood flies through the air, fists are hitting faces and bats smacking tables. That's an impression how we decide what event is next. We couldn't agree: Mobius wanted knife people, To Nie Ja wanted to play the panzer and Wutang loves to snipe. Then suddenly there was a light and Old-Owl walked in. With his wise words he proposed to do all.
This sunday (25 August) at 20:00 cest we play a Panzer-Knife-Sniper event. 3 Maps each and then the winner will be called.
Make sure you close the windows, lock the door and have enough food to enjoy our slaughter event.
See you at Dark Alchemy A2:
More info here






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