Scene, Cup and Leagues
DaNe on Extasy beta
DaNe the trickjump legend jumps on [Extasy beta]
Movie made by DaNe, be patient i'm no movie maker, I just gave me a try. Prog´s used :Image-ET / Virtual-dub / Sony-vegas 12 Pro / MeGui
Music used : Machine Gun Kelly - Sail / Machine Gun Kelly - Halo
Special Thanks to gungh0 for help
Also good TJ channel:
Keep Trickjump Alive!!
DANE ON EXTASY BETA DaNe 01.09.2014 149 MB 188 |
Veil Jump Movie
Stonecutter zeigt uns, in seinem Video, Trickjumps im Multiplayer von Wolfenstein. Die Trickjumps wurden, mit Hilfe der Veil-Fähigkeit, auf WolfPro 0.1 gemacht. Es ist erstaunlich was für große Sprünge damit möglich sind.
Download |
Quelle: PalaceWolfenstein
Movie DefragArea (Update)
DEFRAGAREA (TRJ) quaky 27.03.2011 289 MB 457 |
One Thousand and One Loads
ET Trickjump Movie - One Thousand and One Loads
One Thousand and One Loads (Original TJ) by Sungi.
A community effort of original trickjumps from frag maps. The name is a pun on the amount of attempts some of these jumps took. Even though they may look easy on video, some of these tricks require insane precision to perform. All jumps done with normal Pmove_Msec 8 physics. No cheats were used while performing the jumps.
Editing by Finlandsungi, Special thanks to 999|BlaZe| and UseMe&Aciz. This movie would not have been finished if not for them.
Starring (ordered by # of jumps):
Finland sungi, Finland Aciz, Finland Wrath, Finland TheLDer, Finland BlaZe, Finland hazz, United Kingdom Madman, Finland skepty, France Omega, Finland ,=- , Germany FLoPJEHZ, Australia cUfffs, Finland huPo, Belgium morda, Netherlands Spectator, Austria ShuTTeR, Estonia Tr!cK, Finland Tuomas, Canada sageone.
Includes jumps from the following maps:
Adlernest, Battery, Beach, Braundorf, Caen, Coast, Erdenberg, Fueldump, Goldrush, Industry, Italy, Karsiah, Marrakech Streets, Missile, Navarone, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Snatch, Special Delivery, Supply, Tram, Transmitter, Warbell, Venice
ONE THOUSAND AND ONE LOADS Sungi 11.06.2015 604 MB 206 |
Push n Jump
Push n Jump - A little less typical Enemy Territory trickjump movie
Most of the jumps seen in the movie are meant to be useful in normal (or competitive) play and therefore are recorded with competition settings (nofatigue = 0, b_fixedphysics = 1, etc.). All of the co-jumps are achieved with etpro's push feature. The demos used to make this movie are from 2008-2009.
Contains jumps in following maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, bremen, frostbite, fueldump, goldrush, karsiah, radar, sp_delivery, supply depot, sw_oasis_te
PUSH N JUMP - 16.08.2015 185 MB 191 |
Why Frag In A Trickjump Game
Why Frag In A Trickjump Game - very cool Trickjump movie by Acizco
STARRING: madman - BlaZe - hazz - TheLDer - Spectator - Niick - ,=- - Wrath - Skepty
An original trickjump movie starring some of the best jumpers (mostly madman) out there. This was a really long project that took me way too much time to finish, but I hope everyone enjoys it. Let's keep trickjumping alive :)
Technical stuff: Project Size: 201GB, Source FPS: 300, Final Render Size: 1.85GB, Codec: x264/AAC, Render Time: 4:48:51
WHY FRAG IN A TRICKJUMP GAME Acizco 01.06.2015 731 MB 183 |
PS Trickjump Introduction V
Prime Squadron Trickjump Introduction V - Everyone who is interested into trickjumping is invited to the TJ Introduction V. No matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced trickjumper, everyone is welcome! We're having a few instructors around to help you out and answer your questions
Date: Sunday, 10th of August 2014
Time: 18:00 GMT+1
Server: PS #7 - IP:
If you are already a experienced trickjumper, you can also apply as instructor to help beginners out. In case you want to be an instructor, just reply here as well, so I can add you to the list:
Instructors: icy, ckey, lawek, kowi, kalle, tbc.
I hope to see many of you guys around!
Apex Trickjump Movie
New Enemy Territory Movie called Apex - 999aciz and 999sungi present a new Trickjump movie with excellent editing and graphics.
This is a video showcasing release of a new strafe/gamma jump map Apex. It contains 27 strafejumps, all optimized for fullbeat style!
Video: Finland999aciz
Jumping: Finland999sungi
TJ-Map: apex_v2
Thanks to NetherlandseT|Robotic, Sweden999wing, Finland999hazz, Finland999aciz and IcelandUseMe&vallz for their help with the map.
You can try it out at 999 Trickjump server, /connect
Full HD movie ONLY via download!! (1,25 GB)
APEX TJ MOVIE 999aciz and 999sungi 25.03.2017 1,24 GB 237 |
APEX Version:v2 999aciz and 999sungi 25.03.2017 24,20 MB 235 |
Trickjump Movie Oldriginals
Trickjump movie made by Stuns and performed by himself - This is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory trickjump video. You will see recordings I collected over the years accompanied by music mixed together by myself.
I do not claim that any original in this movie is new, thus the title "Oldriginals".
This is my last trickjump movie, please enjoy.
Dies ist meine letzter Trickjump Film, genieße ihn!
Enasni 1.3 - Hardest trickjump map
Two Movies of the hardest trickjump map Enasni - done by 999 Jorge and Evo
Movie 1: Hardest trickjump map done by 999 Jorge. Video by Th0sy
Movie 2: Enasni 1.3 by Evo / sunBurn. Video by IceQ.
Thanks to all the trickjumpers that keep it alive!
HD Movie Downloads + Map Download
ENASNI 1.3 MOVIE Evo / sunBurn 12.05.2014 192 MB 174 |
JORGE ON ENASNI 1.3 999 Jorge 12.05.2014 57 MB 174 |
ENASNI Version:1.3 12.05.2014 1,613 MB 155 |
Download News
REMINISCENCE Final | 05-01-20 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.5 | 21-07-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD 6.3 | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 14-04-19 |
IORtCW 1.51C 1.51c | 14-04-19 |
RTCW SP VENOM MOD NVIDIA... | 27-01-19 |
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