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IceAge B1 (Trickjump)

Published in ET Maps
Pray-N-Spray hat seine neue Map IcqAge_B1 rausgebracht. Diese Trickjump Map ist sowohl für fortgeschrittene und Profis geignet. Und wie immer ein Augenschmaus.
Links: ->SFM ->equtj

Großes Danke an Pray für diese Info | Big thanks to Pray

ICEAGE B1 (TRJ) Version:Beta 1
Author Pray-N-Spray Date 19.10.2008 Filesize 5,09 mb Download 220

River Port Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

SM-Mapping aka Sage and Pegazus have released the new version River Port B1

"After over a year of testing and balancing the map it is time to release this exciting map! The map download includes advanced omnibot waypoints. This map is released as first beta to hear wider feedback, but it feels like final. Enjoy!"

Allied intelligence have found out about Axis testing V2 missile in one of their Submarines. While the missile could be launched underwater it would be devastating to New York, London and other Allied Capitals. A group of Allies special forces are sent to sabotage the mission and use the Axis weapon against theirselves.

Objective for Allies attacking team:
1] Escort the M8 Greyhound to the road facing their Headquarter
2] Destroy their Anti-Tank Gun
3] Destroy their Tank Barrier
4] Breach the Headquarter Entrace with the M8 Greyhound
5] Send a false command for the Axis U-boat to come to port
6] Steal the V2 Launch Code and secure it into the U-boat Controls
7] Construct a V2 launch hack at the U-boat Controls
8] Launch the V2 missile from the U-boat Controls

Source: splatterladder.eu | ujeclan.com


RIVER PORT Version:beta 1
Author Sage and Pegazus Date 28.11.2016 Filesize 20,193 MB Download 418

[UJE] Mall Beta 6

Published in ET Maps

New Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Map UJE Mall Beta 6 made by [UJE] Niek.

In the city of UJE are some very important documents hidden by some Allied troops , Axis are trying to get those documents back.
They invaded the UJE Mall with a tank to blow up the solid door of the building where the documents are hidden. It will not be easy because the Allied forced know they are coming and they are trying to prevent this with all the sources they have.

Axis objective:
*Escort the tank
*Blow up 2 baricades
*Fix commandpost
*Fix generator to close the gate
*Blow up the safe
*steal the secret documents
*Transmit the documents

Allied objective:
*stop the axis tank
*Build baricades
*Defend the generator
*Build commandpost
*Prevent the axis from stealing the secret documents

Source: ujeclan.com | thx to [UJE] Niek via FB

MALL (UJE) Version:beta 6
Author [UJE] Niek Date 19.11.2015 Filesize 27,32 MB Download 292

ES Garden Sniper

Published in ET Maps

Map ES Garden Sniper made by |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek - 2 neighbors had a disagreement during a coffee and quickly became the big sniper battle in their garden. This Map is a no crossing version.

Map ES Garden Sniper, erstellt von |ES|hardstyler und [UJE]Niek - 2 Nachbarn hatten eine Meinungsverschiedenheit bei einem Kaffee, welche schnell zu einer Scharfschützen Schlacht in ihrem Garten ausartete. Es ist eine nicht überkreutzbare Map.

Quelle: Thx to |ES|Grandad via Shoutbox | esclan

Author |ES|hardstyler and [UJE]Niek Date 12.02.2013 Filesize 6,652 MB Download 203

Blackmoon Raid Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first "beta" release of "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" map, "Blackmoon Raid", created by WuTangH.

The Allied squad must escort their tank to the Axis Depot, through the heavily-defended town, in order to reach and destroy the Axis power generator located there. The Axis squad must do all in their power to stop them.
Botfiles, created by Mateos, included in the map download file.

Source: -|D|-Ray on forum.splatterladder.com | wolffiles.de

Author WuTangH and -|D|-Ray Date 05.02.2018 Filesize 27.7 MB Download 354

Enasni 1.3 - Hardest trickjump map

Published in ET Movies

Two Movies of the hardest trickjump map Enasni - done by 999 Jorge and Evo

Movie 1: Hardest trickjump map done by 999 Jorge. Video by Th0sy
Movie 2: Enasni 1.3 by Evo / sunBurn. Video by IceQ.

Thanks to all the trickjumpers that keep it alive!
HD Movie Downloads + Map Download

Source: crossfire.nu

Author Evo / sunBurn Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 192 MB Download 174

Author 999 Jorge Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 57 MB Download 174

ENASNI Version:1.3
Date 12.05.2014 Filesize 1,613 MB Download 155

Norwegian Battery Beta 5

Published in ET Maps

Allied-attack map Norwegian Battery beta 5 from TWT.

The Axis forces have built an anti-ship battery on the coast of Norway, the allies must destroy it in order to guarantee safe passage for all Allied shipping.

~~~New section of the map!~~~
A totally new barack-section is maded to give the map better flow
The new section got 4 enter-able houses.

The allies can acces it eighter by cvops (dressed)(disguised) or by jumps or by destroying the gate.(new)
2h/a cabinets. both on tactical places

+ the very special target (default used for mortars) that shows the place where the keycard is located, (when the keycard is stolen it shows where it should be secured

A lot of bugs has been fixed since b4: *construct the commandpost x2 -fixed *3x z-fighting places (flickering shadows)

Great thanks to quarkclan and thunder.

Source: thewolfteam.org

Author ove Date 29.04.2014 Filesize 5.67 MB Download 225



Dingenskirchen Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

Dingenskirchen Beta 2 - Custom map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

This map is a collaboration between Phisherman and me and the result of, in total, more than 4 years of more or less continuous development. It was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW. We hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers amongst you. Since this is the second public release, any feedback, (ranging from bad texture-alignment to glitches), is welcome.


December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany. In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, German high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders. Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.

This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match. This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.

Allied mission:

  • Repair and steal the axis tank located in the village.
  • Capture the village spawn and escort the tank past all obstacles and use it to blow open the Castle Gate.
  • Map Objective 1/3: Steal an ancient treasure which the Axis have hidden inside the castle wine cellar.
  • Map Objective 2/3: Blow up the axis high command conference room to sabotage the coordination of the axis troops.
  • Map Objective 3/3: Retrieve a microfilm containing axis war secrets which an OSA agent managed to get hold of and swallow before being killed by the German forces.

Source: wolffiles.de | Splashdamage - KeMoN

Author KeMoN and Phisherman Date 05.02.2017 Filesize 68.65 MB Download 553

War Missile Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first beta release of the "Wolf: ET" map, "War Missile", created by ETc|gouki, Nico$ and ETc|#.Jay.#

The Axis Forces have begun to manufacture the deadliest V2 missiles ever created. They are producing these mega weapons at a heavily-guarded secret factory and the first of these new V2 missiles is ready to be launched against the Allied attackers in Europe.
Allied HQ has discovered the secret location of the V2 factory and despatched one of their elite Commando Units to destroy the factory, before the first of these missiles can be launched against them.

Allied Objectives
**Capture the forward flag and defend it.
**Destroy the factory generator.
**Repair the Allied Command Post and defend it.
**Destroy the Axis Command Post.
**Destroy the main generator, thus preventing the V2 missile from being launched.
** Steal the keycard.

- Command map fixed. Added the "cmarker" at the place where the objective has to be, in order to end the map.
- Fixed the direction icons to keycard.
- Improved the map "fps", detailed again, a lot. Added hint brushes.
- Created a new way to the first Allied spawn, i hope it's a little bit easier now. Let's see.
- Filled the map with stuff, e.g., plants, boxes... still decent.

Source: clan-etc.de | wolffiles.de


WAR MISSILE Version:Beta 1
Author ETc|gouki, Nico$ and ETc|#.Jay.# Date 10.06.2017 Filesize 7,61 MB Download 300

Villa Gun Alpha 2b

Published in ET Maps

Villa Gun Alpha 2b is an Allies objective map created by -)A(-islander - The Axis are holding the massive Anti-Aircraft gun in front of the Villa preventing Allied aircrafts from bombing the city.
Allies must gain access to the Villa and dynamite the Gun.

Villa Gun Alpha 2b ist eine Alliierten Objektiv-Map erstellt von -)A(-islander - Die Achsenmächte müssen das massive Anti-Aircraft Geschütz vor der Villa beschützen, um zu verhindern das Flugzeuge der Alliierten die Stadt bombardieren.
Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zu der Villa bekommen und das Geschütz zerstören.

Allied objectives:
Destroy the Side Warehouse Entrance to gain a new way to the Villa Gun!
Destroy the Villa Gate and reach the Villa Gun area!
Destroy the Villa Gun to let our aircrafts start bombing the city!

Axis Objectives:

Don't let them dynamite the Side Warehouse Entrance!
Don't let them destroy the Villa Gate and rebuild it as fast as it's possible!
Defend the Villa Gun at all costs!

VILLA GUN Version:alpha 2b
Author islander Date 11.03.2013 Filesize 6,684 MB Download 252






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