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Scene, Cup and Leagues

Italy Remake by TNT

Published in ET Maps

TNT|*Cinco has released a new version of the map Streets of Italy.

TNT|*Cinco hat eine neue Version der Map Streets of Italy veröffentlicht.

- He has created a new spawn Allie, they will no longer spawn outside.
- He opened new access to the flag of the market square.
- Changed some ladder and access to different locations.
- The comandost has moved just below, and we made a new exit that leads to the rooftops and the MG
- He has set up a new area to the left of the Axis spawn that reaches the market place through the entrance of the tower where the gold is.
- We have changed the end of the tour the Jeep enabling a new zone. The map is no longer just the spawn Allie.
- Files have been modified Omnibot adapted to the changes.

Image Image Image Image

Quelle: wolffiles.de | clantnt.com

Author Cinco (orignial by IndyJones, Pazur, Isbowhten) Date 03.01.2013 Filesize 24,06 MB Download 301

Bramburg Dam - Revenge

Published in ET Maps

Tardis released a nice converted map of the RTcW - Singleplayer map Bramburg Dam.

Allied - "Prevent the Axis forces to destroy the Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Axis - "Steal The Tank to Gain access to the Allied Dam and Steal The Important Documents."
Neutral - "Axis forces are attempting to re-capture the Bramburg Dam . Axis forces have to make there way through the Allied Defences, blow up the main doors and repair the Generator and Escape with the Documents, Allies must prevent this from happening!"

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stolen in order to blow open the doors of the Dam to get to the Allied Documents secured within."
2 "Primary Objective:**Blow Dam door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Blow Big door."
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Repair the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Blow Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**The Tank must be stopped from reaching the Dam and allowing the Axis to gain entry to the Dam."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Dam doors"
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from using the Tank to blow open the Big doors"
4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Stealing The Documents."
5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator"
6 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis Escaping with the Documents."
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from Destroying Pressure Pipes."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build Command post."

 Click here for more information

Source: wolffiles.de | splashdamage.com

Author Tardis Date 02.08.2015 Filesize 37,68 MB Download 455

UJE Snowy Sniper b3

Published in ET Maps

New Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper beta 3 made by [UJE] Niek - It's winter again ,cold weeks with snow ,it's the best time to sniper a bit that's why this map is set in a snowy atmosphere. It's a crossable map but most entrances of the houses are safe.
Hope you have fun in this map and have some nice holidays with you're family.

Neue Snipermap UJE Snowy Sniper Beta 3 erstellt von [UJE] Niek - Es ist wieder Winter, kalte Wochen mit Schnee, die beste Zeit um ein wenig zu snipern, weshalb diese Map eine verschneite Atmosphäre hat. Es ist eine überkreutzbare Map, aber die meisten Eingänge der Häuser sind sicher.
Wünsche euch viel Spaß auf dieser Map, und habt ein paar erholsame Feiertage mit euren Familien.


Quelle: Thx to [UJE] Niek via Shoutbox | ujeclan.com

SNOWY SNIPER B3 (UJE) Version:beta 3
Author [UJE] Niek Date 29.12.2012 Filesize 10,08 MB Download 281

The Bad Place4 Beta8

Published in ET Maps
We are proud to present the new duel map for ET (also possible to play 2on2) - Badplace4_beta8!

Originally, The Bad Place was DM4 from Quake1 - "One of the three id Software maps included in the "big five" for 1on1 play, created by American McGee" - the version most known to us all is the RtCW remake badplace3 used to create the ET multi_huntplace.
This modified version of The Bad Place is brought to you by  MaTeJ, who has worked on maps such as tjwar_a1_fixed and crypt_final_fixed - his remake of the multi_huntplace map is a better, more complex version with some minor bug fixes and generally attempted to make the map more fun to play and tactical.
Wir sind stolz darauf euch die neue Duell Map für ET (auch für 2on2) zu präsentieren - Badplace4_beta8!
Ursprünglich war Bad Place DM4 von Quake1 - "Eine der drei id-Software Maps in dem mitgelieferten "big five" für 1on1 Spiele, erstellt von American McGee" - Die meist bekannteste Map ist das RtCW-Remake Bad Place 3, welche für ET multi_huntplace verwendet wurde.
Check the readme.nfo inside the pk3 map file for more information. Recommended to use DAMN NFO Viewer
Original Author (RtCW): Refuse
Remade Author (ET): MaTeJ
Version Idea (ET): LoCk
Quelle: wolffiles.de

BAD PLACE 4 BETA 8 Version:Beta 8
Author MaTeJ Date 18.11.2012 Filesize 5,711 MB Download 237

[UJE] City Patrol beta 1

Published in ET Maps

New map City patrol made by [UJE] Niek

Axis objective map. The Axis have one big objective this Time,
First they have to escort the tank that will be followed by alot of trucks to the factory.
On theire way to the Factory they will have to go through a river and through a Town.
Allies have to try and stop them.

Axis objective:
* Escort the trucks to the factory
* Blow up 3 baricades
* Sachel the side door
* Fix commandpost

Allied objective
* stop the trucks
* Build baricades
* Build the side door
* Build commandpost

Source: ujeclan.com

Author [UJE] Niek Date 31.07.2013 Filesize 11,32 MB Download 283

Supply (Winter Edition)

Published in ET Maps

Mateos released his winter version of Supply


* Winter Theme, but only in exteriors and using default materials as much as possible (To compare with Supply Depot 3).
* Moved the Crane Controls like in Supply Depot 3, to avoid putting solid invisible stuff everywhere and prevent the satchel exploit.
* Various script fixes incorporated: Spawn/Gold bugs, annoying alarm/radios muted, SK protections, Grenade/Mortar stairwell glitch, ...
* Several options incorporated, but disabled by default; Admins can easily enable them by commenting/uncommenting certain lines!
- Truck may stop earlier on one/both Gates.
- Ammo Cabinet @ Farm Spawn (Model, Command Map icon, Hint).
- Radio musics can be enabled, the audio files and entities are included.
- Allied CP Health & Ammo cabinets; To Compare with SD3, there's no "broken model":
they appear when CP is built, so nasty people can stay there to stop Allies...
When you start to build CP, models will appear as underconstruction to prevent people to die...

Source: Mateos via Shoutbox | Splashdamage

Author Mateos Date 16.07.2013 Filesize 4,308 MB Download 484

Syphonfilter Beta 1

Published in ET Maps

This is the first release of Wolf ET map - Syphonfilter, created by Devils Right Hand.

Storyline: It's the year 1999 and international terrorist Erich Rhoemer is running his drug cartel in Costa Rica, which he uses to finance his notorious terrorist activity. Deep in his private compound he has created his own bioweapons laboratory, where his team of evil scientists have produced a virus called "syphonfilter".
This is a genetic-specific bioweapon which has the ability to target and destroy individual Races. Rhoemer has sent a ransom demand of 100 million dollars to the American Whitehouse, warning them that if his demands are not met he will fire his first missile at the city, which will cause an estimated 100.000 deaths.
However, Rhoemer's missile is not located in Costa Rica, where the virus was developed. Satellite surveillance has revealed that he has constructed the missile in a old Soviet base in Rozovka in Kazahkhstan. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, destroy the missile, all computer equipment and escape with the "syphonfilter" documents.

Source: wolffiles.de | thewolfteam.org

SYPHONFILTER Version:beta 1
Author Devils Right Hand Date 21.09.2016 Filesize 43,52 MB Download 235

Western Beta 2

Published in ET Maps

Sage released his Enemy Territory map Western Beta 2

Story: Sheriff has put some Sabio Gang members in Jail after a long night of committing hostile deeds. The Gang in dark coats is up to free their Fellows.
If you decide your Fellows deserve their nights in Jail you can find multiple other ways to entertain yourself in the lovely Western town of Pegaso Pass.

1] Destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Steal two packs of Dynamite
3] Steal a Detonator
4] Prepare the Detonator!
5] Activate and defend the Detonator for 30 seconds!

1] Don't let them destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Don't let them steal two packs of Dynamite!
3] Don't let them steal a Detonator!
4] Don't let them prepare the Detonator!
5] Disable the detonator before the 30 second timer runs out!

Changelog Beta 2:
  -More cover to cut straight paths and better spawn exits
  -Two new rows of houses added to stop camping
  -More routes to objectives
  -Removed and widened Church doors
  -Limit trickjump area access during objective play
  -Fix crash bug on detonator
  -Removed detonating by jump
  -Only axis can arm and allies disarm the detonator
  -Added routes etc. features for Omnibot
  -Detonation time 30secs->35secs

Source: wolffiles.de | Sage via Splatterladder

WESTERN Version:Beta 2
Author Sage Date 31.12.2016 Filesize 12.57 MB Download 331

[UJE] The Beast b3

Published in ET Maps

Map UJE_the_beast b3 made by  [UJE]Niek modelling of the beast by  [UJE]ischbinz.

Axis objective map - The war is almost lost for axis ,this will be one of the last tries to win the war. The axis will try to get access to the main base of the allied forces and try to free the zombies that helped the axis in the war against the allies.

Axis got the help of the Beast this time to get access to the base. If they make it to escort the beast to the gate ,then the beast will destroy it. Axis have to blow up two generators to free the zombies. Allies have to stop the beast en defend the generators.

Map UJE_the_beast b3 erstellt von  [UJE]Niek, das Biest modellierte [UJE]ischbinz.

Achsenmächte Objektiv-Map - Der Krieg ist der Achsenmächte ist fast verloren, dies wird einer der letzten Versuche sein, um den Krieg zu gewinnen. Die Achsen versuchen Zugang zur Hauptbasis der Alliierten zu bekommen und müssen die Zombies befreien, die den Achsenmächten im Krieg gegen die Alliierten helfen werden.

Die Achsenmächte erreichten durch Hilfe der Bestie Zugang zur Basis. Wenn sie das Tier zum Tor zu begleiten zerstört es die Bestie. Dann müssen die Achsenmächte zwei Generatoren zerstören, um die Zombies zu befreien. Die Alliierten müssen das Biest stoppen und die Generatoren verteidigen.
Quelle: ujeclan

THE BEAST (UJE) B3 Version:beta 3
Author [UJE]Niek & [UJE]ischbinz Date 30.09.2012 Filesize 32,23 MB Download 261

ES Alamo Sniper

Published in ET Maps

New Map |ES|Alamo Sniper made by |ES|LoRenz - If any of you know the real story about Alamo, I think you already guess, this must be a circular map. And, it is. I do not remember seen a circular sniper map before. This is a total new concept.
Allies are located in center of map, (Church of Alamo) surrounded by Axis on all sides. Axis have cannons on their side, wich can shot against Allies.. and you can partly shot down Allies building (Church of Alamo). But ofcource, you need to find the cannon, wich can fire. Good luck.

For both teams, repeated rifle fire will partly destroy buildings too. Axis side of map is of course bigger than allies side, becouse its a circular map. But |ES|LoRenz took care of that too. On each side of Axis side, you will find transporters, wich will move you to any side of the map.

The concept of circular snipermap is brand new. But I think, its no trouble after a few minutes, to find your way around map. Its not harder, than playing one of the old fashion ET maps.

Neue Map |ES|Alamo Sniper erstellt von |ES|LoRenz - Falls einer von euch die wahre Geschichte über Alamo kennt, weiß es bestimmt schon, das diese Map kreisförmig ist.
Dies ist eine völlig neues Konzept, einer kreisförmigen Scharfschützen Map. Die Alliierten sind in der Mitte der Karte (Church of Alamo) und von allen Seiten von Achsenmächten umgeben.

Das Konzept der kreisrunden Snipermap ist zwar neu, aber nach ein paar Minuten Einspielzeit findet man sich recht schnell auf der Map zurecht. Es ist nicht schwieriger, als das Spielen anderer ET-Maps.

Author |ES|LoRenz Date 17.05.2013 Filesize 12,86 MB Download 293






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