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Scene, Cup and Leagues

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Horror Heist

Published in ET Scene

=F|A= Fearless Assassins Halloween Heist Event

Beware peeps. Because well. The event staff will release the creeps. And give you hell.
Fearless Assassins clan is organising a Halloween Gameday and we're gathering all our troops to attend!

Event: =F|A= Halloween Horror Heist
Date and time: 30th of october - at least 5pm to 1am BST
Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com
Teamspeak IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

 If you don't do it for halloween, you still don't want to miss seeing an ugly-dressed sis!

Source: www.fearless-assassins.com | www.wolffiles.de

=Waff= Domination cup/event

Published in ET Scene
Image Hello dear community - here want to we announce that we want to start at the weekend a small cup (event) the 26.05.2012.To 17 clock.
We have opted for the final version of ET domination (Powerball)
Here it comes one to find ball to move him in the tar of opponent in the middle of the map. Where to keep in mind is that you in the time where her the ball have not defecating can because her the ball otherwise away throws.
More infos on -> forum.splatterladder.com

User friendly greeting with the-=Waff= - team
The data you can all with us on the clan page find -> et.splatterladder.com 

Image Hallo liebe Community - Hier mit möchten wir bekannt geben das wir einen kleinen Cup (Event) am wochenende dem 26.05.2012 starten wollen. Um 17 uhr.
Wir haben uns für die final version von ET-Domination entschieden (PowerBall)
Hier geht es darum einen Ball in der Mitte der Map zu finden um ihn dann in das Tar des gegner zu befördern. Wobei zu beachten ist das ihr in der Zeit wo ihr den Ball habt nicht schissen könnt, da ihr den Ball sonst weg schmeisst.
Mehr Infos dazu -> forum.splatterladder.com

Mit freundlichem Gruß, das -=Waff=- Team
Die Daten könnt ihr bei uns auf der Clanpage finden -> et.splatterladder.com
Quelle: =Waff=Shadow via Shoutbox

Dark Alchemy 8th birthday!

Published in ET Scene

At the 3rd of august Dark Alchemy celebrates its 8th birthday.
After all those years we still can manage a beautiful server with a nice atmosphere.
Players feel welcome and the objective play is highly present.

We invite all players to come and join at our part on A1.
This saturday A1 will be a party server where everyone gets suprised.
So, join us and see what is happening.

The place to be:

Source: dark-alchemy.com | wolffiles.de

ET Forever Thanksgiving Fragfest

Published in ET Scene


ETF is hosting a party @ the ETF server Thanksgiving Weekend (November 27 - 30th)
Feel free to visit our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info. We hope to see you there!!!
Server: /connect et.etforever.com or /connect
Silent mod
64 Slot server | Location: North America
Prizes for top players!
Live music from local rock legend, Vampy!
Open Bar & Good Times!

What better way to recover from overeating, than to burn some calories playing ET!
Source: wolffiles.de | etforever.com

AoS ET Day

Published in ET Scene

AoS Enemy Territory Day - Saturday, April 30th

Now... it is time for a new funny day on AoS, we will try to make some fun at Saturday 30th April.
It starts around 19.00 CET, maybe we are earlier on our server so just try log on.

Also we updated our facebook site , you can also have a look at: www.facebook.com/groups/armyofsociety/

As always we will be on our teamspeak...
Feel free and connect to : ts.aos-et.com or

Amadeus Chief of Staff

 Source: AoS-Clan

Prime Squadron Crazy Days

Published in ET Scene

We, Prime Squadron, invite everyone to visit us during our upcoming 3 day event. The 26, 27 and 28th of July we organize sniper and panzer wars in the evening hours.

Server: Prime Squadron #1

- Friday 26 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30.
- Saturday 27 July: SNIPERWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT+1 till 22:30
- Sunday 28 July: PANZAWAR! Start from 20:00 GMT +1 till 23:00

All matches will be played on the NQ 1.2.9 mod.

For the map rotation and further information check:

Don't hesitate to visit, everyone is welcome!

Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Wolfenstein.pl invites you!

Published in ET Misc

We want to revive our server. Please help us, visit us and play with us. Thanks!

ET Server: |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT| IP:

Facebook: facebook/WolfensteinPL
Website: wolfenstein.pl

=F|A= Halloween Birthday Bash

Published in ET Scene

We all know Halloween, trick-or-treat and grab some candy, pumpkins scary little kids. This year we celebrate Halloween even more special, together with the amazing 6th b-day of our FA-community!

We decided for this special occasion we host an Fearless Assassins HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY BASH like you've never seen before.

This is what awaits u in the horror of Fun !?
- Halloween maps
- Crazy gravity
- panzer-, rifle- and sniperwars

Date: 25-26th October 2014
Time: Time: 12.00 (noon) to at least 7.00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0)
Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com:27960

Teamspeak 3 server:
Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak
Server IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Don't miss it, or no candy for you!

Sources : fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de

Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday

Published in ET Scene
This event is hosted by Fearless Assassins, for information or questions visit: Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday | 21 - 22 June

Time: 12:00 (noon) to at least 07:00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0) which means 19 hours of gaming !

Server Name: Jaymod 2 XPSAVE FOREVER 
Server IP: jay2.clan-fa.com:27960


Come and enjoy a fun and crazy day with us, playing crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar. It will be a memorable day! Do not forget invite your friends.

Teamspeak: Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak - Server IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Source: wolffiles.de | fearless-assassins.com

Dark Alchemy Gaming Community closed soon

Published in ET Scene

Dark Alchemy 2005 ~ 2017 - 12 Years of Gaming

Dear Regulars, Members and Followers, unfortunately we have to announce that on 31 March 2017 Dark Alchemy will be closed permanently.

This difficult decision was taken after a long period of observation, which led us to the conclusion that nowadays the Enemy Territory community is increasingly shrinking, and that for a community like ours, this reduction generates an activity equal or less than 20 % compared to a few years ago, when to enter the server you had to wait a few free slot.

Since 2005 we have been pioneers and have set an excellent base that allowed us to have fun and entertain many players for over 10 years.

Today we are able to decide to close with pride, avoiding to let the time and the lack of players to force us to do so.

For all the work done over the years, and all the players, the members, the former members and donors, who have honoured us with their presence, I express best thanks, hoping that all these years alongside Dark Alchemy, have left in you something pleasant and positive.

Quote: Old-Owl

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DA-Website: dark-alchemy.com

DA-Forum: dark-alchemy.com/forum






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