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Scene, Cup and Leagues

RtCW Age of Horror

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Age of Horror

This fantastic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer adventure has been created by Vicpas and is one of the largest, if not the largest of all, missions ever created, containing 18 maps and a bonus mission too.This is a definite "must download" for all "RtCW SP" fans.

Thanks to:
Vicpas would like to thank the following people for all their help and support with the creation of this new release.

- Kim "The Pirate" for brush prefabs
- Zenith-Ply for animated tank models
- Depro777 for some models
- Shurr, Mek, Giskard, Kessler, Nexus and KoS for map prefabs, textures and scripts
- Horst for PAK 40 model and assistance
- Avoc and Kell for sky textures and scripts
- Ronboy for helping with English grammar & testing
- AlexDOK for motivation

Sadly, this is Vicpas', (Vicente Pasquino), last release for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer. We at "Wolffiles" and "Splatterladder" would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much, Vicente, for all your wonderful work that you've created for our Wolfenstein Community to enjoy over many years.

Your hard work and dedication will always be remember and very much appreciated.

Vicpas on Youtube: www.youtube.com/vicpas

Source: wolffiles.de

AGE OF HORROR Version:1.0
Author Vicpas Date 16.09.2018 Filesize 287 MB Download 2217

RtCW Coop Version 1.0.2 Russian Translation

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Cooperative 1.0.2 - Russian Translation

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod 1.0.2 - Russian Version x64.
SigmaTel71 has completed the Russian translation for RtCWCoop 1.0.2. It's a major update for the translation.

# Fixed the letter "я" from disappearing (font bug)
# Reduced the amount of mismatching phrases (they were written a bit differently, but had the same meaning). Now they are matching mostly everywhere.
# Shortened some words in order to prevent them from overlapping (Work in Progress)
# Translated the map names (see "Create Server" (Создать сервер) menu)
# Translated the HUD

Known Bug:
Unable to open the in-game "controls" menu. The English version of the game has the same problem.

Source: rtcwcoop.com/forum | www.wolffiles.de

RTCW COOP 1.01 WIN 64 RUSSIAN Version:1.02
Author SigmaTel71 Date 03.12.2017 Filesize 1.01 KB Download 354

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate v2

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate v2

Yo$hik has updated his release of "RtCW Timegate" for the "Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative" mod, which fixes many of the bugs found in the original version.

- The level of "labor2" has undergone decompilation and subsequent rebuild and optimization. The reason is that the number of entiny-objects exceeded the limit of the cooperative engine, which led to the drop of dedicated servers.
- The train on "ber" now passes the entire railway, from the beginning to the end.
- A new room and secret have been added to the  "vil01" map.
- Also added, "some little thing xD"

Source: wolffiles.de | Yo$hik on Youtube: youtube.com/Yo$hik

Author Priv, Pbald Date 05.08.2018 Filesize 120.71 MB Download 833

The Dark Army (preview)

Published in RtCW Mods

Preview of Return To Castle Wolfenstein mod by TITEUF-85 | Coming Q4 2014

Story: One of the O.S.A. spies reports that Wilhelm Strasse develops a new type of Uber Soldat. Blazkowicz is send to finish him once and for all. Following recent information, he is in a secret research center, in German mountains.

The Dark Army is a Single-Player Add-On Mod for the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein on PC (Windows, Mac and Linux) coming Q4 2014.

New pictures of The Dark Army mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein appeared (about 30 pictures in high-definition), giving you a look on the impressive results of my recent work on the maps, in order to update these to their final version.

TDA Wallpapers: moddb.com/wallpapers
Source + Trailer: moddb.com/the-dark-army


RtCW Cooperative Mod - Brabant

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod Brabant

These are Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single-player missions that have been converted for Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod by {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* of the Wolfenstein European Brigade.

Mission 1 - Brabant Forest:
Parachuted behind enemy lines in Holland, you must fight your way through Brabant Forest, in order to assault the heavily-guarded German compound situated there. It is rumoured that top secret plans of all German troop placements are kept in this secure facility, therefore, you must locate and steal these plans, eliminating all enemy resistence along the way. Be warned, the forest is patrolled by elite Waffen SS troops, supported by elements of Heinrich Himmler's deadly Blackguard Paratroopers, so hit the ground running or you will never leave Brabant Forest.

Mission 2 - Brabant Village:
Your mission is to hold the bridge at Arnhem until you are relieved by Allied ground forces. Allied troops need to cross the south of the Netherlands before they can reach and support the paratroopers. Along the way you will encounter heavy German resistance, nevertheless, you must launch an assault and liberate the Dutch village of Brabant. To fully accomplish your mission you must locate and assassinate the German Wehrmacht officer who has taken residence somewhere in the village.

What's New:
# New Axis A.I. added
# New notebooks in English added for both missions
# New respawning weapons and ammo

This is what {WeB}*DOG* and {WeB}*GANG$TA* had to say about the maps:
"We never made any part of these maps, we merely converted them to RtCW Cooperative Mod. The original Return to Castle Wolfenstein single-player missions were created by Dialog and Arno Ansems.
We hope that our conversion of these excellent RtCW SP maps means that they will be enjoyed by many more Wolfenstein fans, old and new." - {WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA*

{WeB}*DOG* & {WeB}*GANG$TA* would like to thank the following people:
# Dialog and Arno Ansems for the original RtCW SP missions
# {WeB}*Coisty*, {WeB}*Nikki* - map testing
# SSF Sage for his superb RtCW Coop conversion tutorial
# Fretn and his RtCW Cooperative Devteam

Sage's RtCW tutorial HERE
RtCW Cooperative website HERE
Wolf Euro Brigade Clan website HERE
Source: www.wolffiles.de

Date 18.11.2015 Filesize 19,27 MB Download 988

RtCW Venom Mod 6.5 - Specular Shader

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - RtCW Venom 6.5 - Specular Shader
Hellbaron has released a video that highlights his excellent specular shader feature in 'RtCW Venom Mod 6.5' . This is a feature you won't truly get to appreciate by merely looking at in-game screenshots, so watch the video and enjoy the superb visual 'eye candy'.

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | wolffiles.de

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.58 MB Download 2343

Author HEllBaron89 Date 21.07.2019 Filesize 602.57 MB Download 1422

RtCW Venom Mod 5.5

Published in RtCW Mods

Another new update of Hellbaron's superb "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" modification, RtCW Venom 5.5 is now available for download.

# New textures and effects for both singleplayer and multiplayer.
# Some texture issues on weapons, walls and windows have now been fixed.
# Added the optional Thompson submachine gun model from E3 2001.
# Many other new improvements and optimisations.

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

Author HEllBaron89 Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 550.93 MB Download 490

Author HEllBaron89 Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 550.83 MB Download 423

RtCW Venom Mod v4.8

Published in RtCW Mods

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8!

Hello everyone. HellBaron89 has released a new version of the Rtcw Venom Mod, version 4.8! I would like to thank HellBaron89 for his remarkable support towards Rtcw.

Based on Knghtmare patch 1.42d, includes:
# Fixed the AI in the maps, Escape 1-2, Crypt 2 and Forest levels!
# Better glass surfaces and reworked shaders.
# Reflective decals.
# Better textures for grenades,Tesla and MP40.
# New effects for Warrior zombies.
# New texture for the Snooper rifle created by Schiff, now with reflections.
# Less hard drive space required than previous versions 4.6.
# Added "autoexec" files for classic/tweaked advanced settings.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.

Source: ronboyproductions | moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod-v48

Author HEllBaron89 Date 26.08.2016 Filesize 588.31 MB Download 338

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon

Published in RtCW Maps

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP addon final, created by ronboy (Mike)

After a total of more than 3 years, Operation Deathshead is finally finished. This Rtcw Sp addon is 2 levels long, and includes many new techniques that I have learned as a mapper. Please read the readme file for instructions and other information. In order to fully enjoy Operation Deathshead, you must follow the instructions on the readme file carefully. Enjoy!

Operation Deathshead RtcW SP-Addon Final, erstellt von ronboy (Mike)

Nach insgesamt mehr als 3 Jahren ist Operation Deathshead endlich fertig. Dieses RtCW SP-Addon ist zwei Ebenen lang und enthält viele neue Techniken, die ich als Mapper gelernt habe. Lese sorgfältig die Anweisungen in der Readme-Datei, um Operation Deathshead voll und ganz genießen zu können. Viel Spass dabei!

Source: Thx to ronboy via FB | ronboymaps.webs.com | moddb.com

Author ronboy (Mike) Date 16.01.2014 Filesize 56,12 MB Download 2504

RtCW Remake Mod Beta 1.0

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Remake Mod Beta 1.0 by Grego & C.Z.R
The long-awaited beta release of Return to Castle Wolfenstein Remake Mod, created by Grzegorz Mirtyński & Cezary Szydlik, is finally here. This Mod utilises the creative improvements that can be achieved when using the new Berserker engine, thus giving this version of Return to Castle Wolfenstein a more modern appearance in regards to all aspects of the game, e.g., textures, lighting, gameplay.

+++ UPDATE +++
Wolfenstein4ever download (4,8 GB!!) is available now!


remake mod cover

You have problem or question with the performance
please sent to forum: quakegate.ru

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-remake-mod | wolfflies.de

RTCW REMAKE MOD - PART 1 OF 2 Version:Beta 1
Author Grego & C.Z.R Date 12.03.2015 Filesize 2,8 GB Download 22038

RTCW REMAKE MOD - PART 2 OF 2 Version:Beta 1
Author Grego & C.Z.R Date 12.03.2015 Filesize 2 GB Download 18668






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