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Scene, Cup and Leagues

PS Trickjump Introduction V

Published in ET Scene

Prime Squadron Trickjump Introduction V - Everyone who is interested into trickjumping is invited to the TJ Introduction V. No matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced trickjumper, everyone is welcome! We're having a few instructors around to help you out and answer your questions :)


Date: Sunday, 10th of August 2014
Time: 18:00 GMT+1
Server: PS #7 - IP:

If you are already a experienced trickjumper, you can also apply as instructor to help beginners out. In case you want to be an instructor, just reply here as well, so I can add you to the list:

Instructors: icy, ckey, lawek, kowi, kalle, tbc.

I hope to see many of you guys around!

Source: prime-squadron.com


TGS-Clan - Special Fun Night

Published in ET Scene
Image TGS Special Fun Night - Summer is coming to an end, but the guys of The German Server Clan - also known as TGS - are warmly welcoming you for their ET Special Fun Night.
Are you a player with a high sense for fun play ? - Be sure to play, the event starts at: 15.10.2011 on 20 o'clock (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) server:

Image TGS Spezial Fun Nacht - Der Sommer kommt zum Ende, aber die Member vom The German Server Clan (TGS) laden euch alle wärmstens zu einer ET Spezial Fun Night ein.
Alle Spieler, mit Sinn für viel Spaß am Spielen, sind herzlich willkommen. Das Event startet am: 15.10.2011 um 20.00 Uhr (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) Server:
Link: tgs-clan

TeamMuppet Panzer War Night

Published in ET Scene

New TeamMuppet Event on 5 October. Not long after the recovery from last event, TeamMuppet announces its upcoming event: An all out panzerwar boozenight!! Join us on this server and on our TS3 to have a wonderful and unforgettable Saturday night. It will be a blast!

No entrance fee and consumption mandatory!

Source: TeamMuppet.eu | wolffiles.de

*WF*Clan Special Event

Published in ET Scene

The *WF*Clan invites all players to their NQ 123 Mod, (NQ Revmod), test event. The action started this weekend and will carry on to include next weekend too.

So grab your MP40/Thompson and join in the frag fun as the *WF*Clan test out the excellent new features of the NQ 123 Mod.

IP: - this week end | IP:!27977 - test new nq 123 features this week

NQ Revmod info >> wf-gaming.net/nqrevmod

Source - wolffiles.de | wf-gaming.net

ETF/WcB Clan Event - Friday Night Frag

Published in ET Scene

Friday Night Frag Event on 16th of January 2015. Fraggin' starts at 7:30pm GMT, ServerIP:

Silent Mod Anti-cheat will be running for this event

Cool Squad Clan server details can be found HERE
Cool Squad website HERE

Source: wolffiles.de

=F|A= Halloween Birthday Bash

Published in ET Scene

We all know Halloween, trick-or-treat and grab some candy, pumpkins scary little kids. This year we celebrate Halloween even more special, together with the amazing 6th b-day of our FA-community!

We decided for this special occasion we host an Fearless Assassins HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY BASH like you've never seen before.

This is what awaits u in the horror of Fun !?
- Halloween maps
- Crazy gravity
- panzer-, rifle- and sniperwars

Date: 25-26th October 2014
Time: Time: 12.00 (noon) to at least 7.00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0)
Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com:27960

Teamspeak 3 server:
Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak
Server IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Don't miss it, or no candy for you!

Sources : fearless-assassins.com | wolffiles.de

Fun evening at [EsV] Clan

Published in ET Scene
Fun evening at [EsV] Clan
The [EsV] Clan is inviting you to our fun evening on
13th July at 6 p.m. On our [EsV] „Beat Host“.
Our server ip is
You are heartly welcome to our teamspeak
Hopefully you all appear numerously.
Happy fragging!!!
Der [EsV] Clan lädt herzlich zum Funabend
am 13.07 um 18.00 Uhr, auf unserem [EsV]Beta Host ein.
unsere Serverip :
Ihr seid auch herzlich in unseremTeamspeak willkommen.
Wir hoffen ihr erscheind alle zahlreich und wünschen allen
Happy Fragging auf unserem Server !!!
Quelle: Wolffiles.de

Intake Gaming Cup

Published in ET Scene

Hello and welcome to our FIRST Cup Series! as by request from quite a few people, we have a new cup.
This series is by s1LENT mod, and will be nothing else.

Date: Saturday/Sunday 3rd/4th, August
Time: First match start 13:00 EST, teams check in at 12:30 @ #intake-gaming
Participants: 16 teams
Format: 6on6, double elimination brackets
Mod: s1lent

- Supply
- Sp_delivery_te
- Frostbite
- Et_beach
- Sw_goldrush_te
- Braundorf_b4
- Et_ice
- Erdenberg_t3
- Adlernest

Before you are able to sign up, you need to go through the following steps:

1. Make an account on intake-gaming.com
2. Create a forum post (with team name) HERE
3. Post players country, name & silent guide

Sign up here!

Remember - all players need to be registered and added to your team on this website.

Source: wolffiles.de

Sniper War

Published in ET Scene

ET Sniper War - Get your sniper rifle ready, hide your wife, along with alot of beer or if you prefer milk.
Cause, we're gonna have a Sniper Evening on Saints and Sinners Server.


Everybody is welcomed!

Source: wolffiles.de

NT und DSK ET-Public Funwar

Published in ET Scene


NT und DSK Public Funwar - The challange held at the following dates (Central European Summer Time (CEST) +0200 UTC):

Start: Saturday, October 1st 2011, 8:00 pm
Sunday, October 2nd 2011, 8:00 pm
Monday, October 3rd 2011, 08:00 pm

This event is for everybody. Enjoy! To register yourself, contact somebody at the NT Teamspeak 3Adresse: voice1.ts3hosting.de:7015 or at the DSK Public Forum

Playing ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server : *NT* War Server
To watch the show, we will provide an ET TV Server / *NT* ET TV Server

Enjoy Everybody!

NT und DSK Public Funwar - Der Wettkampf findet an folgenden Tagen statt:

Beginn: Samstag der 01.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Zweiter Spieltag: Sonntag der 02.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr
Letzter Spieltag: Montag der 03.10.2011 ab 20.00 Uhr

Es kann jeder Teilnehmen der Lust und Zeit hat. Hier spielen nicht die Clans gegeneinander sondern Teams die erst noch zusammengestellt bzw. Ausgelost werden
Ameldung erfolgt entweder mündlich im NT-Teamspeak 3 Adresse: voice1.ts3hosting.de:7015 oder im DSK Public Forum

Gespielt wird ET Pro 3.2.6 / Server: *NT* War Server
Und für alle die gerne zuschauen wollen wird ein ET TV Server bereitgestellt/ *NT* ET TV Server

Wir wünschen allen Teilnehmern Zuschauern und Gästen viel Spaß!

Quelle: dsk-eg | nt-gaming






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