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Happy 14th birthday, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory!

Splash Damage's first game - Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - was released exactly FOURTEEN YEARS ago. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was born on 29/05/2003. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was originally planned to be released as a commercial expansion pack to the popular FPS Return to Castle Wolfenstein and later as a standalone game.

However, due to problems with the single-player aspect, the multiplayer portion was released on 29 May 2003 as a freeware standalone game.
In January 2004, the source code for the game logic (not the game engine) was released to the benefit of its modding community.
The game uses a modified Return to Castle Wolfenstein engine, itself being a heavily modified Quake III: Team Arena engine (id Tech 3, which has been open-source since 2005).

As of the first day of the 2010 QuakeCon, 12 August the entire source code was released under the GNU General Public License v3.Multiple source ports have been started.

While the attempts made by OpenWolf and ET:Xreal concentrate on innovating the renderer, the most active community project ET: Legacy focuses on fixing issues by backporting improvements from ioquake3 while staying binary compatible to the original game client, server and its mods.

Source: splashdamage.com | twitter/splashdamage

ET ULTIMATE INSTALLER 1.6 Version:1.6 Final
Author Kashu Date 29.05.2010 Filesize 346 MB Download 6671

ET FULL VERSION 2.60 Version:2.60
Author SplashDamage Date 31.03.2009 Filesize 263 MB Download 2398

Author dexter Date 19.04.2009 Filesize 6,400 MB Download 724

Raid Beta 4

Published in ET Maps

Magic has released his new Allied-attack map, Raid B4. It's a beautiful looking map, with excellent sound effects and gameplay.

Axis forces are holding the town library as their HQ and the Allies have made plans to make a raid there for the secret stash of gold that the Axis have hidden in a secure vault.  The Allies must escort their truck and fight their way through the town to the library main doors.

Once there, they must find the keycard that opens the vault and then over-power the Axis forces defending the town library HQ. The Allies must then steal the gold and make their escape by truck and escort it all the way to the barge that will ferry them to safety.

Magic would like to thank  Neil, Ailmanki, KeMon , Sage, Loffy, Niek, Dude, Mongo and Avoc for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Source: wolffiles.de | Splashdamage - Magic

RAID Version:Beta 4
Author Magic Date 19.04.2014 Filesize 36,83 MB Download 219

Wolfenstein.pl invites you!

Published in ET Misc

We want to revive our server. Please help us, visit us and play with us. Thanks!

ET Server: |NO NAME SERVER|silEnT| IP:

Facebook: facebook/WolfensteinPL
Website: wolfenstein.pl

Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday

Published in ET Scene
This event is hosted by Fearless Assassins, for information or questions visit: Fearless Assassins Summer Gameday | 21 - 22 June

Time: 12:00 (noon) to at least 07:00 (12PM-7AM) London time zone (GMT +0) which means 19 hours of gaming !

Server Name: Jaymod 2 XPSAVE FOREVER 
Server IP: jay2.clan-fa.com:27960


Come and enjoy a fun and crazy day with us, playing crazygravity, panzerwar, sniperwar. It will be a memorable day! Do not forget invite your friends.

Teamspeak: Server Name: =F|A= Clan TeamSpeak - Server IP: ts.clan-fa.com:4666

Source: wolffiles.de | fearless-assassins.com

Movie DefragArea (Update)

Published in ET Movies
DeFragArea from quaky shows the trickjumper xeoxis on costum and original maps. Im afraid to say you that this was the last project from quaky. May it is the reason why it becomes so good, as goodby present. The jumps are mixed with new and old one. Than a nice cut with adapted effects and a nice background music.
DeFragArea von quaky zeigt xeoxis beim Trickjumpen auf Custom und Original Maps. Leider ist das quaky's letztes Projekt gewesen, vielleicht es auch deswegen so gut geworden. Sozusagen als Abschiedsgeschenk an die ET-Community. Die Jumps sind nicht gerade bekannt, obwohl das Video schon von 2009 ist! Gezeigt werden auch alte aber immer noch wunderschön anzuschauende Jumps. Abgerundet wird das ganze durch stimmige Schnitte und Effekte mit passende im Hintergrund laufende Musik.
UPDATE: Now on YouTube

Author quaky Date 27.03.2011 Filesize 289 MB Download 448

Source: crossfire.nu

The Shrine Beta 3

Published in ET Maps

ET Axis-attack map Shirne Beta 3 made by Thunder.

~~~The Storyline~~~
Allied command has intercepted some secret radio transmissions sent between Axis forces, where there has been talk of an ancient Egyptian shrine which is located deep inside a pyramid. This ancient artifact is said to possess great powers, so the Allied forces hurry to try and to defend the pyramid in order to make the shrine safe. Unfortunately for the Allies, an Axis attack force is already closing in on them.

Thunder: "I will not continue more on this map as I felt I have done what I can with it.
Will release source shortly if someone feel for taking it to a final version."

Source: thewolfteam.org | Thunder

THE SHRINE Version:Beta 3
Author Thunder Date 29.04.2014 Filesize 9.58 MB Download 214

PARAZIT-Clan FUN Evening

Published in ET Scene

Fun Event on PARAZIT-Clan at 19.00 on the 27 September - Server IP: parazit.ro:27960

Link: parazit.ro

Source: wolffiles.de

Merry Christmas everyone!

Published in General News






Vasel Koleda!
Glædelig Jul!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Merry Christmas!
Hyvää Joulua!
Joyeux Noël!
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Buon Natale!
Sretan Bozic!
Prieci'gus Ziemsve'tkus!
God Jul!
Wesolych Swiat!
Boas Festas!
Craciun fericit!
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva!
God Jul!
Vesele bozicne praznike!
Feliz Navidad!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce!
Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket!

Wolfenstein4ever - ET4ever - RtCW4ever
your d3Xter

Transmitter Spring

Published in ET Maps

Tardis has created a nice spring version of the map Transmitter.

Story of Transmitter Spring:
Civilians manipulated by the Volksempfänger's propaganda program are resisting the allied forces.
To break the resistance, Allies have to overtake a local Transmitter, which is amplifying the master-signal from Berlin for local receivers.
They have to manipulate the transmission-frequency by installing a radio Modification Kit on the Transmitter.
The Allies also have to rotate the Antenna towards their pirate sender.

// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter."
3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from rearranging the Antenna towards their pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Grate Door from the Allies."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Hut from the Allies."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Serpentine Barricade from allied sabotage attempts."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Bridge."
2 "Primary Objective:**Carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter-Station inside the Castle complex."
3 "Primary Objective:**Rearrange the Antenna towards our pirate sender."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Grate Door. Keep the attack rolling!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Hut from the Axis. Keep the attack rolling!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Serpentine Barricade to secure the Forward Hut."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.**Construct a Command Post!"

Objective's Not listed - Allied
Constuct The Cave Ladder
Destroy The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Destroy The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Objective's Not listed - Axis
Prevent the Allies from building The Cave Ladder
Defend the The Bunker Wall ( AmmoBunker Side )
Defend the The Tunnel Wall ( Grate Side Only distoyable from one side )

Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | wolffiles.de

Author Tardis Date 24.10.2014 Filesize 23, 324 MB Download 294

Enter the hunter

Published in ET Movies

Enter the hunter - Enemy Territory Movie

This ET Movie contains frag highlights from 2007 to 2015. Project started back in March 2014. I suggest download movie to enjoy highest quality.
Content by Poland hunter.
Edited by Poland requem.

Movie information: Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Length: 8:30 mins, Size: 1,14 GB, Framerate: 50 FPS

Source: crossfire.nu

Author requem Date 20.12.2015 Filesize 1,14 GB Download 217






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