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Castle Gothicstein - RtCW mod released!

Published in RtCW Mods

Castle Gothicstein - Return To Castle Wolfenstein mod released! Original mod and idea by Duchovicius aka VVitchaven.

The Third Reich we know never existed. In 1936 Adolf Hitler faced huge riot in his country. Germany was divided into two parts: Nazis and Teutons. After two years of civil war Teutonic Legions led by Erhard Schreck managed to reach union with nazi Germany...
hide detail - Castle Gothicstein is the updated version of vanilla Castle Gothicstein. This is the hardcore trip into the dark sence of alternative world war 2. Prepare to the biggest challenge sinse your first play of RtCW.

This is the not final version, later we planned to add more stuff to this. Please don't use any other texture mod mixing with that. If you have the texture bug (it's not non-colored for example), you may use the WinRAR program to open the zzzz_gothic.pk3 file and search for needed texture. When you found it, make .tga copy of texture and put copy to same folder. If do everything right, all will be okay. We really sorry with artefacts in escape1 and escape2 levels. But this is only one way to make right lighting. Perhaps we'll make fixed versions of this levels compiled in Q3map. We hope on your feedback and let us know if something wrong.

Key developers:
- Yo$hik - levels, lighting, scripting, design, shaders, AI, idea
- AidenDemon - level design, AI, music directon, textures, idea
- HellBaron89 - weapon shaders

Known features:
New textures and shaders,    New models and skins,    New sounds and music,     New story,     Adwanced AI

Thanks to:    Eugeny,    Erwin0859,    Jakob,    Vicpas,    RonBoy,    Semwolf,    Titeuf-85,    Giancarlo Schiano,     OSJC,     Alexandre

Source: moddb.com/castle-gothicstein

Author Duchovicius Date 05.05.2015 Filesize 639 MB Download 898

RtCW SP Update Vendetta 1.30

Published in RtCW Maps

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer - Update Vendetta 1.30

Great news for all 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' singleplayer fans, as Yo$hik releases news of an update for his classic mission, 'RtCW Vendetta'. The entire project has been upgraded, with a new, over-all design, including new character voices, models, textures, artwork, German shepherd dogs and chocolate bar energy boosts and sound quality.
This new version will be based on the modern 'ioRtCW' engine and will also contain the 'RealRtCW' weapons mod.

Source: Yo$hik@moddb.com/vendetta | wolffiles.de

VENDETTA Version:1.25
Author Yo$hik Date 24.01.2015 Filesize 389.52 MB Download 1869

RtCW Venom Mod Gold v4.8.5

Published in RtCW Mods

New Version of Rtcw Venom Mod Released - Version 4.8.5!

HellBaron89 has released a new version of his mod called Rtcw Venom Mod! This new version fixes some bugs and adds new features.
All changes in description, instructions for installation and further informations in readme file.

Released Venom mod 4.8.5, includes:
- New HQ console.
- General revision and some improved textures.
- Green visor for Snooper rifle.
- Fixed glasses and water surfaces.
- Added unused textures from beta RTCW.

That's all for this update. Thanks for your interest.

Source: ronboyproductions | moddb.com/rtcw-venom-mod

Author HEllBaron89 Date 25.09.2016 Filesize 588.97 MB Download 663

The Dark Army: Uprising - Patch 1.1

Published in RtCW Mods

This is a new patch from TITEUF85 for the English version of his superb Return to Castle Wolfenstein modification, "The Dark Army"

A new version (1.1) of The Dark Army: Uprising's English (US) edition was released as a Christmas gift to all fans of both the modification and the original game. If you already own the previous version of the mod, no need to worry, just click on the left button to download the patch to upgrade it.

Une nouvelle version (1.1) de l'édition en Anglais (US) de The Dark Army: Uprising est arrivée telle un cadeau de Noël à tous les fans du mod mais aussi du jeu original. Si vous possédez déjà la version précédente du mod, nul besoin de paniquer, cliquez juste sur le bouton gauche pour télécharger le patch afin de procéder à la mise à niveau.

Source: Titeuf-85 / Wolfenstein France via FB | moddb.com/tda | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de


Author Titeuf-85 Date 31.12.2016 Filesize 202.64 MB Download 748

RtCW Christmas SP-Mod

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein - SatanClaus Coop Christmas Mod

This is a super-fun Christmas Mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein and RtCW Cooperative Mod, created by Yo$hik. Lopers in antlers, smoking snowmen, Santa hats, Christmas present health packs and lots of Christmas trees, all adding to the festive fun :) .

Source - Yo$hik | wolffiles.de

Author Yo$hik Date 17.12.2017 Filesize 40,19 MB Download 470

The Dark Army: Uprising

Published in RtCW Mods

Titeuf-85 released his great Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ single-player standalone modification - The Dark Army: Uprising after 3 years of hard work!
This release has been created in conjunction with the "RealRTCW 2.0" engine.

Fruit of the work of more than three years of labor, and one year after its useless initial release, this single-player standalone Return to Castle Wolfenstein™ mod, now powered by RealRTCW 2.0, is completed, stable and playable. You can download the English (US) version by clicking the button below.

Fruit du travail de plus de trois ans de labeur, et un an après sa sortie initiale et inutile, ce mod solo indépendant de Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, maintenant roulant sur RealRTCW 2.0, est terminé, stable et jouable. Vous pouvez télécharger la version anglaise (US) en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Source: Titeuf-85 / Wolfenstein France via FB | moddb.com/tda | ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de

Author Titeuf-85 Date 06.12.2016 Filesize 1,125 GB Download 1588

RtCW SP Venom Mod v2.0

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Singleplayer Venom Mod 2.0 by HEllBaron89

Born for be a compilation of the best stuff for Return to Castle Wolfenstein in first release, this mod improve graphic, gameplay and AI of enemies with all possibility of the old Id Tech 3, keeping the original game elements.

Mod 2.0 include:
    widescreen patch 1.42 by Knightmare.
    better skins for 90% NPCs.
    new skins for all weapons, by OSJC and AidenDemon.
    Improved shader effects for weapons, Npcs and environment.
    new mg42 model (ported from Wolfenstein: ET).
    Revisited and correct AI system.
    HD crosshairs and icons.
    upscaled original textures and HD textures from Eugeny pack 0.4 modified.

Copy all the content of the package like it's on your RTCW installation folder. The cfg. file is facoltative, but increase the graphic quality to max possible for the engine. (is necessary the game patched to 1.41 to apply the wide patch and extreme quality cfg file!!)

Source: moddb.com/rtcw-venom | etpro.de | HEllBaron89

Author HEllBaron89 Date 08.03.2015 Filesize 192.74 MB Download 425

RtCW Venom Mod Gold (v4.6)

Published in RtCW Mods


HEllBaron89 (author of the Rtcw Venom Mod) released a new version of his Venom mod. This is the latest release of Hellbaron's excellent Venom Mod for Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

Latest Updates:
# Updated HD crosshairs.
# New effects and detailed textures.
# Some more improved textures.

Please support HEllBaron89 by giving this new version of the Venom mod a try. Thanks for your interest.

More information: http://www.moddb.com/mods/rtcw-venom-mod/

Source: ronboyproductions | wolffiles.de


Author HEllBaron89 Date 28.02.2016 Filesize 604.77 MB Download 1087

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate

Published in RtCW Mods

RtCW Cooperative - Timegate

This is Yo$hik's release of the classic "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" singleplayer mission, "RtCW Timegate", that he's converted for "Return to Castle Wolfenstein Cooperative Mod". Fighting your way through this mission you'll come up against many familiar foes, but this time you're not alone. Here's what Yo$hik had to say about his new "RtCW Cooperative" adventure:
"You can play with the RtCW Coop autosave spawn option or with the flag zones, (recommended), spawn option.  All trap-doors are removed, all moving platforms will return and they move in a  loop. The cable-car and lifts have a delayed start time, this provides some extra time for players with different pings to connect to the server and not spawn in air :) . Cutscenes are rebuilt and now playable. I've added new, small areas, new secret places, models, music, etc. too. The locomotive now has a longer journey for more fun. I hope you all enjoy this new mission and have a lot of fun playing it. Cheers!" - Yo$hik

Yo$hik would like to thank the following people.
# The creators of the original "RtCW Timegate" mission, Priv and Pbald.
# Tatiana Provorova for all her map testing and help for this release.

Source: wolffiles.de | Yo$hik on Youtube: youtube.com/Yo$hik

Author Priv, Pbald Date 15.07.2018 Filesize 205 MB Download 604

Stalingrad & Iron Cross Weapons Patch

Published in RtCW Mods

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single Player Weapons Patch - Stalingrad & Iron Cross

This is a weapons patch, which has been created by Vicpas, for Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP missions, "Stalingrad" & "Iron Cross". The weapons patch includes three weapons, the Russian PPSH and the German-made MP44 and Gewehr 43 rifle.
The weapons were originally meant to be included in the final release of both mods, but were not ready in time. Thanks to Vicpas, this is no longer an issue and all these weapons can now be enjoyed in both the "Stalingrad SP" and "Iron Cross SP" adventures.

Source: wolffiles.de | rtcw.gamebanana.com


Author Vicpas Date 29.03.2015 Filesize 10,64 MB Download 1109






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